If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Mandated 6 weeks?

You are looney

You think 6 weeks is alot?
Not enough for a mother to bond with her child.

Conservative mothers do not bond with their children

Kind of explains why they are so callous

Liberals treat children like puppets, no wonder they don't understand the meaning of bonding.
It is conservatives trying to break the mother/ child bond if it interferes with profit

No, liberals did that years ago with so-called women's lib.

I'm probably older than you are so I can tell you how it was when I was a kid.

All mothers were home with their children back then. They used to come outside to hang laundry or just have a cup of coffee with the other neighbor mothers. Moms worked all day cleaning the house and preparing meals. In fact, I remember how the neighborhood smelled on summer mornings with breakfast or evenings with dinner. Moms cooked seven days a week and seldom did you ever see fast food of any kind.

Eventually kids grew older and began school. Mom would pack you a lunch and off you went. If you got sick or otherwise found yourself in trouble at school, mom was only minutes away and you knew it.

Along came liberalism and broke up the family. The leaders of the movement encouraged women to burn their bras, get divorced, get a job and quit being a slave to a man. That's what many did.

Now kids are raised in child care centers and at school. So to the point did government take over parenting that schools had to provide free lunch....... then free dinner and free breakfast in some places.

During that time, it's the conservatives that expressed outrage at single-parent families and working moms. They were deeply concerned about the family unit which began to deteriorate.

Place the blame where it rightfully belongs.
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If thats the case, it needs to become part of your business model

What happens to most businesses in the summer when the whole workforce is rotating taking vacations?

Business can plan on that. Everything a business gives you they took from your base pay.

When your employer hires you, he has to deduct X amount for expected sick time, X amount for paid holidays, and X amount for vacation. This of course along with all the other expenses of an employee.

The only way this plan could work is if the employer paid women in child barring years less money per hour so they can afford to pay them maternity leave. Then the women would complain because they were making less per hour than their male counterparts. especially those women who had no intention of having children.
In the grand scope of things....maternity leave has little impact on the bottom line

A typical woman would take two maternity leaves over a 40 year working life. In a workforce of 100 employees that would be maybe three women taking maternity leave each year.

So really no need for it.

Plan and take the time off like generations did before this entitled generation appeared.

The women need it ....families need it

More importantly...it is the right thing to do

Then put the money away and take all the time you want. Gee, we did, so hubby works two jobs prior to and if needed, after and let wifey bond to her hearts content.

Ask a great man once said

As not what the country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.

Pretty simple.

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."
JFK 1963

"Ask not what you can do for your country, but what your country can do for you."
Liberals 2015
Again you are overstating the impact

Women will take, on average, two maternity leaves over a 40 year working period
It will not cause other employees to lose pay, businesses to go under or prices to rise

You own a business? You play by the rules
Those rules include a 40 hour week, overtime, OSHA, building codes, allowable hours of operation, non-discrimination against employees and customers

Your business can't survive by following the rules? Another business will take your place

So what happens if the majority of your employees are women and half take maternity leave around the same time?
Should the other employees should get a raise for picking up the slack of those on leave or do you hire new employees on a temp bases?

If thats the case, it needs to become part of your business model

What happens to most businesses in the summer when the whole workforce is rotating taking vacations?

Business can plan on that. Everything a business gives you they took from your base pay.

When your employer hires you, he has to deduct X amount for expected sick time, X amount for paid holidays, and X amount for vacation. This of course along with all the other expenses of an employee.

The only way this plan could work is if the employer paid women in child barring years less money per hour so they can afford to pay them maternity leave. Then the women would complain because they were making less per hour than their male counterparts. especially those women who had no intention of having children.
In the grand scope of things....maternity leave has little impact on the bottom line

A typical woman would take two maternity leaves over a 40 year working life. In a workforce of 100 employees that would be maybe three women taking maternity leave each year.

So what do you think it costs an employer to pay people wages and benefits for (using six weeks as you've been talking about) eighteen full weeks? On top of that, paying others to cover for their work that they are not doing by either hiring temporaries or having their other workers work overtime?

Yeah, that is a big chunk out of the bottom line. You people on the left never ask where money comes from. Everything is free to you. Free college, free healthcare, free maternity leave, free birth control, free, free, free. Somebody stand on their front porch and yell "FREE!" and liberals will be right there forming a crowd. :banana::banana::banana::banana:

No.....it's not a big chunk
It is an insignificant burden on the total workforce. Three workers out of 100 being on maternity leave for a short period of time
Business can plan on that. Everything a business gives you they took from your base pay.

When your employer hires you, he has to deduct X amount for expected sick time, X amount for paid holidays, and X amount for vacation. This of course along with all the other expenses of an employee.

The only way this plan could work is if the employer paid women in child barring years less money per hour so they can afford to pay them maternity leave. Then the women would complain because they were making less per hour than their male counterparts. especially those women who had no intention of having children.
In the grand scope of things....maternity leave has little impact on the bottom line

A typical woman would take two maternity leaves over a 40 year working life. In a workforce of 100 employees that would be maybe three women taking maternity leave each year.

So really no need for it.

Plan and take the time off like generations did before this entitled generation appeared.

The women need it ....families need it

More importantly...it is the right thing to do

Then put the money away and take all the time you want. Gee, we did, so hubby works two jobs prior to and if needed, after and let wifey bond to her hearts content.

Ask a great man once said

As not what the country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.

Pretty simple.

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."
JFK 1963

"Ask not what you can do for your country, but what your country can do for you."
Liberals 2015

You do realize that was a call for public service and not a condemnation of Social Services?
So what happens if the majority of your employees are women and half take maternity leave around the same time?
Should the other employees should get a raise for picking up the slack of those on leave or do you hire new employees on a temp bases?

If thats the case, it needs to become part of your business model

What happens to most businesses in the summer when the whole workforce is rotating taking vacations?

Business can plan on that. Everything a business gives you they took from your base pay.

When your employer hires you, he has to deduct X amount for expected sick time, X amount for paid holidays, and X amount for vacation. This of course along with all the other expenses of an employee.

The only way this plan could work is if the employer paid women in child barring years less money per hour so they can afford to pay them maternity leave. Then the women would complain because they were making less per hour than their male counterparts. especially those women who had no intention of having children.
In the grand scope of things....maternity leave has little impact on the bottom line

A typical woman would take two maternity leaves over a 40 year working life. In a workforce of 100 employees that would be maybe three women taking maternity leave each year.

So what do you think it costs an employer to pay people wages and benefits for (using six weeks as you've been talking about) eighteen full weeks? On top of that, paying others to cover for their work that they are not doing by either hiring temporaries or having their other workers work overtime?

Yeah, that is a big chunk out of the bottom line. You people on the left never ask where money comes from. Everything is free to you. Free college, free healthcare, free maternity leave, free birth control, free, free, free. Somebody stand on their front porch and yell "FREE!" and liberals will be right there forming a crowd. :banana::banana::banana::banana:

No.....it's not a big chunk
It is an insignificant burden on the total workforce. Three workers out of 100 being on maternity leave for a short period of time
Jesus looked at the single mother, and he said to her: "For what reason do you deserve worry free time with your child? Get a real job, you lazy deadbeat."
We have to stop coddling our poor
If we make it too easy....everyone will want to be poor
So what happens if the majority of your employees are women and half take maternity leave around the same time?
Should the other employees should get a raise for picking up the slack of those on leave or do you hire new employees on a temp bases?

If thats the case, it needs to become part of your business model

What happens to most businesses in the summer when the whole workforce is rotating taking vacations?

Business can plan on that. Everything a business gives you they took from your base pay.

When your employer hires you, he has to deduct X amount for expected sick time, X amount for paid holidays, and X amount for vacation. This of course along with all the other expenses of an employee.

The only way this plan could work is if the employer paid women in child barring years less money per hour so they can afford to pay them maternity leave. Then the women would complain because they were making less per hour than their male counterparts. especially those women who had no intention of having children.
In the grand scope of things....maternity leave has little impact on the bottom line

A typical woman would take two maternity leaves over a 40 year working life. In a workforce of 100 employees that would be maybe three women taking maternity leave each year.

So what do you think it costs an employer to pay people wages and benefits for (using six weeks as you've been talking about) eighteen full weeks? On top of that, paying others to cover for their work that they are not doing by either hiring temporaries or having their other workers work overtime?

Yeah, that is a big chunk out of the bottom line. You people on the left never ask where money comes from. Everything is free to you. Free college, free healthcare, free maternity leave, free birth control, free, free, free. Somebody stand on their front porch and yell "FREE!" and liberals will be right there forming a crowd. :banana::banana::banana::banana:

No.....it's not a big chunk
It is an insignificant burden on the total workforce. Three workers out of 100 being on maternity leave for a short period of time

Then do the math yourself: Three people a year taking six weeks off is 18 weeks of pay and benefits an employer must pay. And again, add the 18 weeks of replacements to do the work. Now we're talking 36 weeks of pay and benefits that an employer must payout. That's not a significant burden on an employer?

You should start your own company and see if you feel the same way then.
'If' being the key word here. They don't care. But on the bright side, greedy white Republican dude's numbers are dwindling. And more & more Americans are turning against them. Winning a Presidential Election will be incredibly difficult for the Republican Party for many years to come.

Boring troll ^^^^
If Dems believed in freedom and America, they'd stop demanding the government use tyranny to get their way.

but they don't, they hate, absolutely hate, freedom and America.
Paid leave is tyranny? I guess every other country is suffering then, OH GOD, THE PAID LEAVE, IT'S LITERALLY KILLING US. LOL.
It's over your head, I know, you're a leftist are are unable to think for yourself.

When the government passes a law, they force people to follow it. So when the government passes a law that forces businesses to pay people to not work, big business loses competition since the small biz is having a harder time competing.

That's as simple an explanation I can give you, I know you didn't understand though.
its always funny seeing rightwnigut sheeple say that liberals don't think for themselves.
hint... I know I think for myself. and the conclusion is that rightwingnuts are just that.... nuts
You only parrot things you overheard while working at your shoe-shine stand.

stop projecting, dear. it's as dishonest as everything else you post.
Congress started skimping on the VA after Vietnam.
They cut funding and allowed hospitals to close and doctors to leave. When Afghanistan and Iraq hit, soldiers started flooding the hospitals by the tens of thousands demanding care.

Congress then blamed the VA because waiting times are so long

Want to fix the VA? Give vouchers for private service until you have hired more doctors and built more hospitals

Agreed - the GOVERMENT screwed up the VA and veteran healthcare, caused the quality of care to DECREASE, not INCREASE! I completely agree, and I agree with your plan - allow vets to go get private health care!

Like anything else....You get what you pay for

Inadequate funding brings inadequate service

Like anything else, take away competition, you get complacence and inadequate service.
Bullshit, especially when looking at EVERY OTHER COUNTRY.
What's are life expectancy again?
The cost of drugs?
Then move there and leave my country alone commie

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*your* country, loony toon?first, 52% of the voting public thinks you're off the rails.

second, psssst.... *my* country, too, loon.

if that troubles you, i'd suggest *you* find someplace else to live.

and i don't see any "commies" here. but you're probably not smart enough to understand that, wackadoodle.
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Republican "family values" don't exist, unless it involves protecting zygotes.
If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave
Several participants at the Republican debate last week spoke fervently about putting Rosa Parks’ image on the $10 bill. They also spoke fervently in support of a decision by Congress to defund Planned Parenthood—an organization that counted Rosa Parks among the members of its national board.

The contradiction would have been obvious and painful to Ms. Parks. Like many of us, she’d have been bewildered by the priorities of candidates who have held vote after vote on shutting down vital health services for women, but won’t even schedule a hearing on the FAMILY Act, a bill to provide affordable family and medical leave. It’s impossible to care about families and leave communities bereft of services for contraception, mammograms and other cancer screenings, and dozens more critical health services for women. It’s also impossible to call yourself “pro-life” and oppose a badly-needed, common sense program to make family and medical leave affordable to care for a new child or a seriously ill family member.

In 1993, the Family and Medical Leave Act passed Congress with bipartisan support. The FMLA provided up to 12 weeks unpaid leave for care of a new child or a serious personal illness or that of a child, spouse or parent. Republicans as well as Democrats saw that valuing family meant making sure people could care for family members without losing their jobs or health insurance. Many of the state and local campaigns within Family Values @ Work’s national network have leaders from both parties—including the numerous Republicans leading the charge for the Family Care Act in Georgia.

So what’s the problem in the nation’s capital today?

The FMLA is now 22 years old. While it constituted a major breakthrough and established the principle that having a family shouldn’t cost you your job, the leave remains out of reach for millions—some because they’re not covered by its protections (two-fifths of the nation’s workforce), and many who are eligible because they cannot afford to take unpaid leave. According to a study done for the Department of Labor (DOL), nearly one in four employed mothers who are pregnant go back to work within two weeks of giving birth—with disastrous results for maternal and infant health. Others who take the time they need to heal and bond with a child often face financial hardship.

Government forcing companies to provide direct welfare and destroying jobs, yeah, that's caring about families
If thats the case, it needs to become part of your business model

What happens to most businesses in the summer when the whole workforce is rotating taking vacations?

Business can plan on that. Everything a business gives you they took from your base pay.

When your employer hires you, he has to deduct X amount for expected sick time, X amount for paid holidays, and X amount for vacation. This of course along with all the other expenses of an employee.

The only way this plan could work is if the employer paid women in child barring years less money per hour so they can afford to pay them maternity leave. Then the women would complain because they were making less per hour than their male counterparts. especially those women who had no intention of having children.
In the grand scope of things....maternity leave has little impact on the bottom line

A typical woman would take two maternity leaves over a 40 year working life. In a workforce of 100 employees that would be maybe three women taking maternity leave each year.

So what do you think it costs an employer to pay people wages and benefits for (using six weeks as you've been talking about) eighteen full weeks? On top of that, paying others to cover for their work that they are not doing by either hiring temporaries or having their other workers work overtime?

Yeah, that is a big chunk out of the bottom line. You people on the left never ask where money comes from. Everything is free to you. Free college, free healthcare, free maternity leave, free birth control, free, free, free. Somebody stand on their front porch and yell "FREE!" and liberals will be right there forming a crowd. :banana::banana::banana::banana:

No.....it's not a big chunk
It is an insignificant burden on the total workforce. Three workers out of 100 being on maternity leave for a short period of time

Then do the math yourself: Three people a year taking six weeks off is 18 weeks of pay and benefits an employer must pay. And again, add the 18 weeks of replacements to do the work. Now we're talking 36 weeks of pay and benefits that an employer must payout. That's not a significant burden on an employer?

You should start your own company and see if you feel the same way then.

Out of 100 people. That's 18 weeks out of 5200 weeks
Business can plan on that. Everything a business gives you they took from your base pay.

When your employer hires you, he has to deduct X amount for expected sick time, X amount for paid holidays, and X amount for vacation. This of course along with all the other expenses of an employee.

The only way this plan could work is if the employer paid women in child barring years less money per hour so they can afford to pay them maternity leave. Then the women would complain because they were making less per hour than their male counterparts. especially those women who had no intention of having children.
In the grand scope of things....maternity leave has little impact on the bottom line

A typical woman would take two maternity leaves over a 40 year working life. In a workforce of 100 employees that would be maybe three women taking maternity leave each year.

So what do you think it costs an employer to pay people wages and benefits for (using six weeks as you've been talking about) eighteen full weeks? On top of that, paying others to cover for their work that they are not doing by either hiring temporaries or having their other workers work overtime?

Yeah, that is a big chunk out of the bottom line. You people on the left never ask where money comes from. Everything is free to you. Free college, free healthcare, free maternity leave, free birth control, free, free, free. Somebody stand on their front porch and yell "FREE!" and liberals will be right there forming a crowd. :banana::banana::banana::banana:

No.....it's not a big chunk
It is an insignificant burden on the total workforce. Three workers out of 100 being on maternity leave for a short period of time

Then do the math yourself: Three people a year taking six weeks off is 18 weeks of pay and benefits an employer must pay. And again, add the 18 weeks of replacements to do the work. Now we're talking 36 weeks of pay and benefits that an employer must payout. That's not a significant burden on an employer?

You should start your own company and see if you feel the same way then.

Out of 100 people. That's 18 weeks out of 5200 weeks

Wow, you really aren't motivated by money, comrade big guy. No matter how much of other people's money you spend, it just doesn't bother you
Business can plan on that. Everything a business gives you they took from your base pay.

When your employer hires you, he has to deduct X amount for expected sick time, X amount for paid holidays, and X amount for vacation. This of course along with all the other expenses of an employee.

The only way this plan could work is if the employer paid women in child barring years less money per hour so they can afford to pay them maternity leave. Then the women would complain because they were making less per hour than their male counterparts. especially those women who had no intention of having children.
In the grand scope of things....maternity leave has little impact on the bottom line

A typical woman would take two maternity leaves over a 40 year working life. In a workforce of 100 employees that would be maybe three women taking maternity leave each year.

So what do you think it costs an employer to pay people wages and benefits for (using six weeks as you've been talking about) eighteen full weeks? On top of that, paying others to cover for their work that they are not doing by either hiring temporaries or having their other workers work overtime?

Yeah, that is a big chunk out of the bottom line. You people on the left never ask where money comes from. Everything is free to you. Free college, free healthcare, free maternity leave, free birth control, free, free, free. Somebody stand on their front porch and yell "FREE!" and liberals will be right there forming a crowd. :banana::banana::banana::banana:

No.....it's not a big chunk
It is an insignificant burden on the total workforce. Three workers out of 100 being on maternity leave for a short period of time

Then do the math yourself: Three people a year taking six weeks off is 18 weeks of pay and benefits an employer must pay. And again, add the 18 weeks of replacements to do the work. Now we're talking 36 weeks of pay and benefits that an employer must payout. That's not a significant burden on an employer?

You should start your own company and see if you feel the same way then.

Out of 100 people. That's 18 weeks out of 5200 weeks

5200 weeks? Is that like 57 states?
In the grand scope of things....maternity leave has little impact on the bottom line

A typical woman would take two maternity leaves over a 40 year working life. In a workforce of 100 employees that would be maybe three women taking maternity leave each year.

So what do you think it costs an employer to pay people wages and benefits for (using six weeks as you've been talking about) eighteen full weeks? On top of that, paying others to cover for their work that they are not doing by either hiring temporaries or having their other workers work overtime?

Yeah, that is a big chunk out of the bottom line. You people on the left never ask where money comes from. Everything is free to you. Free college, free healthcare, free maternity leave, free birth control, free, free, free. Somebody stand on their front porch and yell "FREE!" and liberals will be right there forming a crowd. :banana::banana::banana::banana:

No.....it's not a big chunk
It is an insignificant burden on the total workforce. Three workers out of 100 being on maternity leave for a short period of time

Then do the math yourself: Three people a year taking six weeks off is 18 weeks of pay and benefits an employer must pay. And again, add the 18 weeks of replacements to do the work. Now we're talking 36 weeks of pay and benefits that an employer must payout. That's not a significant burden on an employer?

You should start your own company and see if you feel the same way then.

Out of 100 people. That's 18 weeks out of 5200 weeks

Wow, you really aren't motivated by money, comrade big guy. No matter how much of other people's money you spend, it just doesn't bother you
Just putting things in perspective. No, maternity leave will not bring employers to their knees
What brought them to their knees is having to pay a minimum wage, 40 hour week, OSHA, fire codes, child labor laws

Yet, they managed to survive. Just like they do in every other civilized country that mandates maternity leave
In the grand scope of things....maternity leave has little impact on the bottom line

A typical woman would take two maternity leaves over a 40 year working life. In a workforce of 100 employees that would be maybe three women taking maternity leave each year.

So what do you think it costs an employer to pay people wages and benefits for (using six weeks as you've been talking about) eighteen full weeks? On top of that, paying others to cover for their work that they are not doing by either hiring temporaries or having their other workers work overtime?

Yeah, that is a big chunk out of the bottom line. You people on the left never ask where money comes from. Everything is free to you. Free college, free healthcare, free maternity leave, free birth control, free, free, free. Somebody stand on their front porch and yell "FREE!" and liberals will be right there forming a crowd. :banana::banana::banana::banana:

No.....it's not a big chunk
It is an insignificant burden on the total workforce. Three workers out of 100 being on maternity leave for a short period of time

Then do the math yourself: Three people a year taking six weeks off is 18 weeks of pay and benefits an employer must pay. And again, add the 18 weeks of replacements to do the work. Now we're talking 36 weeks of pay and benefits that an employer must payout. That's not a significant burden on an employer?

You should start your own company and see if you feel the same way then.

Out of 100 people. That's 18 weeks out of 5200 weeks

5200 weeks? Is that like 57 states?
Math and conservatives.......what ya gunna do?

52 weeks a year times 100 employees equal?
<now run and get your calculator>
So what do you think it costs an employer to pay people wages and benefits for (using six weeks as you've been talking about) eighteen full weeks? On top of that, paying others to cover for their work that they are not doing by either hiring temporaries or having their other workers work overtime?

Yeah, that is a big chunk out of the bottom line. You people on the left never ask where money comes from. Everything is free to you. Free college, free healthcare, free maternity leave, free birth control, free, free, free. Somebody stand on their front porch and yell "FREE!" and liberals will be right there forming a crowd. :banana::banana::banana::banana:

No.....it's not a big chunk
It is an insignificant burden on the total workforce. Three workers out of 100 being on maternity leave for a short period of time

Then do the math yourself: Three people a year taking six weeks off is 18 weeks of pay and benefits an employer must pay. And again, add the 18 weeks of replacements to do the work. Now we're talking 36 weeks of pay and benefits that an employer must payout. That's not a significant burden on an employer?

You should start your own company and see if you feel the same way then.

Out of 100 people. That's 18 weeks out of 5200 weeks

Wow, you really aren't motivated by money, comrade big guy. No matter how much of other people's money you spend, it just doesn't bother you
Just putting things in perspective. No, maternity leave will not bring employers to their knees
What brought them to their knees is having to pay a minimum wage, 40 hour week, OSHA, fire codes, child labor laws

Yet, they managed to survive. Just like they do in every other civilized country that mandates maternity leave

Just putting things in perspective. What you advocate's not your money, of course spending it is nothing to you. It is literally nothing to you
So what do you think it costs an employer to pay people wages and benefits for (using six weeks as you've been talking about) eighteen full weeks? On top of that, paying others to cover for their work that they are not doing by either hiring temporaries or having their other workers work overtime?

Yeah, that is a big chunk out of the bottom line. You people on the left never ask where money comes from. Everything is free to you. Free college, free healthcare, free maternity leave, free birth control, free, free, free. Somebody stand on their front porch and yell "FREE!" and liberals will be right there forming a crowd. :banana::banana::banana::banana:

No.....it's not a big chunk
It is an insignificant burden on the total workforce. Three workers out of 100 being on maternity leave for a short period of time

Then do the math yourself: Three people a year taking six weeks off is 18 weeks of pay and benefits an employer must pay. And again, add the 18 weeks of replacements to do the work. Now we're talking 36 weeks of pay and benefits that an employer must payout. That's not a significant burden on an employer?

You should start your own company and see if you feel the same way then.

Out of 100 people. That's 18 weeks out of 5200 weeks

5200 weeks? Is that like 57 states?
Math and conservatives.......what ya gunna do?

52 weeks a year times 100 employees equal?
<now run and get your calculator>

I see what you're trying to do, and that's water down facts.

Let's do the real math:

A girl working for $12.00 per hour each week gets paid $480.00. With benefits, we'll round that off to $550.00.

$550.00 per week times 6 weeks is $3,300 per employee. Three employees a year getting leave is nearly $10,000 per year.

Do you have $10,000 a year to waste? I don't. Furthermore, if I were an employer and such a law was instituted, I would simply avoid hiring younger women.
The government has absolutely no right interfering in the compensation package between an employer and employee.

Libtards hate the idea of freedom. They want the filthy government to dictate everything.

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