If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

The BEST thing for American business would be for Government to take over healthcare entirely.

They want no part of having to provide insurance for their employees

Winner, winner 'FREE' chicken dinner! There it is, we have ourselves a Liberal Winner!

Yes, the answer is government take over, not only of health care...but of EVERYTHING...because they have done such a bang up job of improving EVERYTHING they touch. (WARNING: EXTREME SARCASM!)

1. Just because they want no part of doing it does NOT mean that the government can do it better or that it will/would turn out better by allowing the government to do it all. The task wouldn't be that big of a deal at all if the government would stop butting in and imposing its over-reaching edicts / regulations such as those imposed on them by Obamacare!

2. Liberals always think they are the smartest people in the room, know how to spend your money better than YOU do, can run your business better than YOU can, can reduce the cost of this or that, can create programs that cost nothing or pays for themselves....and time and time again that MASSIVE MYTH is proved to be absolute PROVEN BULL$I'ITE!

From a business standpoint, having the Governent take over healthcare would be a benefit

Business has to deal with excalating costs for insurance, employees who are irate because their benefits are cut, unions, people quitting to get better healthcare elsewhere

It is a HUGE headache that business does not need

So if you took a survey of our businesses and asked which one they would rather have: universal healthcare so that burden is lifted off of their shoulder, or tax regulations and the massive tax code destroyed, which one do you suppose they would choose?
If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Are the liberal fanatics still trying to pretend it's government's job to take care of families?

Is there any lie they won't try, in their quest to whine and bash Republicans?

Business benefits from government help....why shouldn't families?

They do already bonehead

So I ask again, should the employees that are NOT off on leave have a mandated pay raise for picking up the slack for those that are on leave?

Again you are overstating the impact

Women will take, on average, two maternity leaves over a 40 year working period
It will not cause other employees to lose pay, businesses to go under or prices to rise

You own a business? You play by the rules
Those rules include a 40 hour week, overtime, OSHA, building codes, allowable hours of operation, non-discrimination against employees and customers

Your business can't survive by following the rules? Another business will take your place

So what happens if the majority of your employees are women and half take maternity leave around the same time?
Should the other employees should get a raise for picking up the slack of those on leave or do you hire new employees on a temp bases?

If thats the case, it needs to become part of your business model

What happens to most businesses in the summer when the whole workforce is rotating taking vacations?

Business can plan on that. Everything a business gives you they took from your base pay.

When your employer hires you, he has to deduct X amount for expected sick time, X amount for paid holidays, and X amount for vacation. This of course along with all the other expenses of an employee.

The only way this plan could work is if the employer paid women in child barring years less money per hour so they can afford to pay them maternity leave. Then the women would complain because they were making less per hour than their male counterparts. especially those women who had no intention of having children.
Your Obamacare drunken screed has nothing to do with women taking maternity leave
It has everything to do with your comment about how businesses and Americans so greatly benefit from the government and its intervention....

The BEST thing for American business would be for Government to take over healthcare entirely.

They want no part of having to provide insurance for their employees

But having to provide maternity leave, they would be thrilled over?
No….unchecked government growth is why government grew. You keep giving politicians more money and power, and they keep increasing the size of government. Capitalism has nothing to do with that. And yes, the market, left alone by politicians will fix itself. It always has. When the politicians try to "fix" things, that is when we get the great depression that we can't get out of.

The Federal government has spent more money each and ever year since the late 1950's, even as population growth decreased. Its like my local school district, there are 500 fewer students in the district compared with 2 years ago yet they want a huge increase over the previous budget. Something fishy there.
Care to mention that reagan tripled the national debt and that bush invaded the wrong country?

Leave it to a loony leftist to blame Reagan for the growth of gov't since the late 1950s!

Gotta blame somebody. It's never the Democrats fault.
Ain't blaming anybody, just laying out the fact that CUNSERVATIVE hero Ronnie raised the debt 3X

And we have pointed out the fact that lying lowlife scum Democrats who promised Reagan they would cut spending broke their word and didn't.
Your Obamacare drunken screed has nothing to do with women taking maternity leave
It has everything to do with your comment about how businesses and Americans so greatly benefit from the government and its intervention....

The BEST thing for American business would be for Government to take over healthcare entirely.

They want no part of having to provide insurance for their employees

But having to provide maternity leave, they would be thrilled over?
What the hell is the Federal Government doing getting between an employer and employee. SOB
No….unchecked government growth is why government grew. You keep giving politicians more money and power, and they keep increasing the size of government. Capitalism has nothing to do with that. And yes, the market, left alone by politicians will fix itself. It always has. When the politicians try to "fix" things, that is when we get the great depression that we can't get out of.

The Federal government has spent more money each and ever year since the late 1950's, even as population growth decreased. Its like my local school district, there are 500 fewer students in the district compared with 2 years ago yet they want a huge increase over the previous budget. Something fishy there.
Care to mention that reagan tripled the national debt and that bush invaded the wrong country?

Leave it to a loony leftist to blame Reagan for the growth of gov't since the late 1950s!

Gotta blame somebody. It's never the Democrats fault.
Ain't blaming anybody, just laying out the fact that CUNSERVATIVE hero Ronnie raised the debt 3X

Really? How did Reagan do that when he had a Democrat Congress? You know, Congress.... the people that have our public check book?
'If' being the key word here. They don't care. But on the bright side, greedy white Republican dude's numbers are dwindling. And more & more Americans are turning against them. Winning a Presidential Election will be incredibly difficult for the Republican Party for many years to come.

Sorry to hear you were in a coma last mid-term elections, but it was historical. The Republicans gained seats in Congress and took leadership of the Senate. It didn't stop there. It was a Republican sweep across the country, states, and even city elections.
Tell me the congressional approve rating? :coffee::doubt:

Irrelevant to the claim that Republicans are dwindling in power.
Happens all the time in the workplace with temporary leave

Employees have to cover when someone is on vacation or someone is sick

This is no different

Mandated 6 weeks?

You are looney

You think 6 weeks is alot?
Not enough for a mother to bond with her child.

Conservative mothers do not bond with their children

Kind of explains why they are so callous

Liberals treat children like puppets, no wonder they don't understand the meaning of bonding.
It is conservatives trying to break the mother/ child bond if it interferes with profit
Mandated 6 weeks?

You are looney

You think 6 weeks is alot?
Not enough for a mother to bond with her child.

Conservative mothers do not bond with their children

Kind of explains why they are so callous

Liberals treat children like puppets, no wonder they don't understand the meaning of bonding.
It is conservatives trying to break the mother/ child bond if it interferes with profit

No mother child bonding has ever occurred prior to your panhandling?

How in the world did this world make it without you morons.

Oh, that's right, it did.........

Now go outside and play lil one.
The BEST thing for American business would be for Government to take over healthcare entirely.

They want no part of having to provide insurance for their employees

Winner, winner 'FREE' chicken dinner! There it is, we have ourselves a Liberal Winner!

Yes, the answer is government take over, not only of health care...but of EVERYTHING...because they have done such a bang up job of improving EVERYTHING they touch. (WARNING: EXTREME SARCASM!)

1. Just because they want no part of doing it does NOT mean that the government can do it better or that it will/would turn out better by allowing the government to do it all. The task wouldn't be that big of a deal at all if the government would stop butting in and imposing its over-reaching edicts / regulations such as those imposed on them by Obamacare!

2. Liberals always think they are the smartest people in the room, know how to spend your money better than YOU do, can run your business better than YOU can, can reduce the cost of this or that, can create programs that cost nothing or pays for themselves....and time and time again that MASSIVE MYTH is proved to be absolute PROVEN BULL$I'ITE!

From a business standpoint, having the Governent take over healthcare would be a benefit

Business has to deal with excalating costs for insurance, employees who are irate because their benefits are cut, unions, people quitting to get better healthcare elsewhere

It is a HUGE headache that business does not need

So if you took a survey of our businesses and asked which one they would rather have: universal healthcare so that burden is lifted off of their shoulder, or tax regulations and the massive tax code destroyed, which one do you suppose they would choose?
Why are they mutually exclusive?
One does not depend on the other
You think 6 weeks is alot?
Not enough for a mother to bond with her child.

Conservative mothers do not bond with their children

Kind of explains why they are so callous

Liberals treat children like puppets, no wonder they don't understand the meaning of bonding.
It is conservatives trying to break the mother/ child bond if it interferes with profit

No mother child bonding has ever occurred prior to your panhandling?

How in the world did this world make it without you morons.

Oh, that's right, it did.........

Now go outside and play lil one.

Sorry baby.......mamas got work to do
Business benefits from government help....why shouldn't families?

They do already bonehead

So I ask again, should the employees that are NOT off on leave have a mandated pay raise for picking up the slack for those that are on leave?

Again you are overstating the impact

Women will take, on average, two maternity leaves over a 40 year working period
It will not cause other employees to lose pay, businesses to go under or prices to rise

You own a business? You play by the rules
Those rules include a 40 hour week, overtime, OSHA, building codes, allowable hours of operation, non-discrimination against employees and customers

Your business can't survive by following the rules? Another business will take your place

So what happens if the majority of your employees are women and half take maternity leave around the same time?
Should the other employees should get a raise for picking up the slack of those on leave or do you hire new employees on a temp bases?

If thats the case, it needs to become part of your business model

What happens to most businesses in the summer when the whole workforce is rotating taking vacations?

Business can plan on that. Everything a business gives you they took from your base pay.

When your employer hires you, he has to deduct X amount for expected sick time, X amount for paid holidays, and X amount for vacation. This of course along with all the other expenses of an employee.

The only way this plan could work is if the employer paid women in child barring years less money per hour so they can afford to pay them maternity leave. Then the women would complain because they were making less per hour than their male counterparts. especially those women who had no intention of having children.
In the grand scope of things....maternity leave has little impact on the bottom line

A typical woman would take two maternity leaves over a 40 year working life. In a workforce of 100 employees that would be maybe three women taking maternity leave each year.
They do already bonehead

So I ask again, should the employees that are NOT off on leave have a mandated pay raise for picking up the slack for those that are on leave?

Again you are overstating the impact

Women will take, on average, two maternity leaves over a 40 year working period
It will not cause other employees to lose pay, businesses to go under or prices to rise

You own a business? You play by the rules
Those rules include a 40 hour week, overtime, OSHA, building codes, allowable hours of operation, non-discrimination against employees and customers

Your business can't survive by following the rules? Another business will take your place

So what happens if the majority of your employees are women and half take maternity leave around the same time?
Should the other employees should get a raise for picking up the slack of those on leave or do you hire new employees on a temp bases?

If thats the case, it needs to become part of your business model

What happens to most businesses in the summer when the whole workforce is rotating taking vacations?

Business can plan on that. Everything a business gives you they took from your base pay.

When your employer hires you, he has to deduct X amount for expected sick time, X amount for paid holidays, and X amount for vacation. This of course along with all the other expenses of an employee.

The only way this plan could work is if the employer paid women in child barring years less money per hour so they can afford to pay them maternity leave. Then the women would complain because they were making less per hour than their male counterparts. especially those women who had no intention of having children.
In the grand scope of things....maternity leave has little impact on the bottom line

A typical woman would take two maternity leaves over a 40 year working life. In a workforce of 100 employees that would be maybe three women taking maternity leave each year.

So really no need for it.

Plan and take the time off like generations did before this entitled generation appeared.
Not enough for a mother to bond with her child.

Conservative mothers do not bond with their children

Kind of explains why they are so callous

Liberals treat children like puppets, no wonder they don't understand the meaning of bonding.
It is conservatives trying to break the mother/ child bond if it interferes with profit

No mother child bonding has ever occurred prior to your panhandling?

How in the world did this world make it without you morons.

Oh, that's right, it did.........

Now go outside and play lil one.

Sorry baby.......mamas got work to do

Be happy baby......mamas going to teach you to grow up strong and independent.
Again you are overstating the impact

Women will take, on average, two maternity leaves over a 40 year working period
It will not cause other employees to lose pay, businesses to go under or prices to rise

You own a business? You play by the rules
Those rules include a 40 hour week, overtime, OSHA, building codes, allowable hours of operation, non-discrimination against employees and customers

Your business can't survive by following the rules? Another business will take your place

So what happens if the majority of your employees are women and half take maternity leave around the same time?
Should the other employees should get a raise for picking up the slack of those on leave or do you hire new employees on a temp bases?

If thats the case, it needs to become part of your business model

What happens to most businesses in the summer when the whole workforce is rotating taking vacations?

Business can plan on that. Everything a business gives you they took from your base pay.

When your employer hires you, he has to deduct X amount for expected sick time, X amount for paid holidays, and X amount for vacation. This of course along with all the other expenses of an employee.

The only way this plan could work is if the employer paid women in child barring years less money per hour so they can afford to pay them maternity leave. Then the women would complain because they were making less per hour than their male counterparts. especially those women who had no intention of having children.
In the grand scope of things....maternity leave has little impact on the bottom line

A typical woman would take two maternity leaves over a 40 year working life. In a workforce of 100 employees that would be maybe three women taking maternity leave each year.

So really no need for it.

Plan and take the time off like generations did before this entitled generation appeared.

The women need it ....families need it

More importantly...it is the right thing to do
They do already bonehead

So I ask again, should the employees that are NOT off on leave have a mandated pay raise for picking up the slack for those that are on leave?

Again you are overstating the impact

Women will take, on average, two maternity leaves over a 40 year working period
It will not cause other employees to lose pay, businesses to go under or prices to rise

You own a business? You play by the rules
Those rules include a 40 hour week, overtime, OSHA, building codes, allowable hours of operation, non-discrimination against employees and customers

Your business can't survive by following the rules? Another business will take your place

So what happens if the majority of your employees are women and half take maternity leave around the same time?
Should the other employees should get a raise for picking up the slack of those on leave or do you hire new employees on a temp bases?

If thats the case, it needs to become part of your business model

What happens to most businesses in the summer when the whole workforce is rotating taking vacations?

Business can plan on that. Everything a business gives you they took from your base pay.

When your employer hires you, he has to deduct X amount for expected sick time, X amount for paid holidays, and X amount for vacation. This of course along with all the other expenses of an employee.

The only way this plan could work is if the employer paid women in child barring years less money per hour so they can afford to pay them maternity leave. Then the women would complain because they were making less per hour than their male counterparts. especially those women who had no intention of having children.
In the grand scope of things....maternity leave has little impact on the bottom line

A typical woman would take two maternity leaves over a 40 year working life. In a workforce of 100 employees that would be maybe three women taking maternity leave each year.

So what do you think it costs an employer to pay people wages and benefits for (using six weeks as you've been talking about) eighteen full weeks? On top of that, paying others to cover for their work that they are not doing by either hiring temporaries or having their other workers work overtime?

Yeah, that is a big chunk out of the bottom line. You people on the left never ask where money comes from. Everything is free to you. Free college, free healthcare, free maternity leave, free birth control, free, free, free. Somebody stand on their front porch and yell "FREE!" and liberals will be right there forming a crowd. :banana::banana::banana::banana:
The BEST thing for American business would be for Government to take over healthcare entirely.

They want no part of having to provide insurance for their employees

Winner, winner 'FREE' chicken dinner! There it is, we have ourselves a Liberal Winner!

Yes, the answer is government take over, not only of health care...but of EVERYTHING...because they have done such a bang up job of improving EVERYTHING they touch. (WARNING: EXTREME SARCASM!)

1. Just because they want no part of doing it does NOT mean that the government can do it better or that it will/would turn out better by allowing the government to do it all. The task wouldn't be that big of a deal at all if the government would stop butting in and imposing its over-reaching edicts / regulations such as those imposed on them by Obamacare!

2. Liberals always think they are the smartest people in the room, know how to spend your money better than YOU do, can run your business better than YOU can, can reduce the cost of this or that, can create programs that cost nothing or pays for themselves....and time and time again that MASSIVE MYTH is proved to be absolute PROVEN BULL$I'ITE!

From a business standpoint, having the Governent take over healthcare would be a benefit

Business has to deal with excalating costs for insurance, employees who are irate because their benefits are cut, unions, people quitting to get better healthcare elsewhere

It is a HUGE headache that business does not need

So if you took a survey of our businesses and asked which one they would rather have: universal healthcare so that burden is lifted off of their shoulder, or tax regulations and the massive tax code destroyed, which one do you suppose they would choose?
Why are they mutually exclusive?
One does not depend on the other

Just pointing out that if you're so concerned about the burdens of business, why not give them something that's really costing them a lot of money and headaches like our tax code? Oh, that's right, it would only benefit them.
So what happens if the majority of your employees are women and half take maternity leave around the same time?
Should the other employees should get a raise for picking up the slack of those on leave or do you hire new employees on a temp bases?

If thats the case, it needs to become part of your business model

What happens to most businesses in the summer when the whole workforce is rotating taking vacations?

Business can plan on that. Everything a business gives you they took from your base pay.

When your employer hires you, he has to deduct X amount for expected sick time, X amount for paid holidays, and X amount for vacation. This of course along with all the other expenses of an employee.

The only way this plan could work is if the employer paid women in child barring years less money per hour so they can afford to pay them maternity leave. Then the women would complain because they were making less per hour than their male counterparts. especially those women who had no intention of having children.
In the grand scope of things....maternity leave has little impact on the bottom line

A typical woman would take two maternity leaves over a 40 year working life. In a workforce of 100 employees that would be maybe three women taking maternity leave each year.

So really no need for it.

Plan and take the time off like generations did before this entitled generation appeared.

The women need it ....families need it

More importantly...it is the right thing to do

Then put the money away and take all the time you want. Gee, we did, so hubby works two jobs prior to and if needed, after and let wifey bond to her hearts content.

Ask a great man once said

As not what the country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.

Pretty simple.

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