Zone1 If someone can answer me this one multiple choice question, then I will be convinced 1/6 was an insurrection

Please look at which forum you all are posting in.
Please post accordingly going forward, thanks in advance.
See i try and be a gentleman but some don't like it........usually i never respond once to my CDZ threads, but i felt i must in this instance.......usually my cdz threads go far if i keep my foogin mouth shut
It’s part of the transfer of power process that happens after elections. Yall aren’t too bright are ya?
Wrong, stupid. It is a ceremonial bit of Constitutional fluff and stuff. And it has nothing to do with the actual transfer.

Y’all are quite fucking retarded.
Pelosi and DC's mayor ……
  • #2 If someone can answer me this one multiple choice question, then I will be convinced 1/6 was an insurrection
Rambunctious #iscam00002: “Pelosi and DC's mayor refused to allow . . . . staffed that day... They are to blame not Trump....They wanted this to happen... and it did..”. •¥¥• rmbncts.24.01.12 #2

When you state as if you know Saint Rambunctious that it is a FACT that Pelosi and DC's mayor wanted J6 REPUBLICAN PARTY mob violence to happen... you must be able to explain that those two individuals also wanted Mike Pence to recognize that there were two slates of certified electors from seven states that Biden/Harris had officially won,

One of the two certified slates from seven of fifty states that were expected to be recognized by Pence was a forgery. The forgeries are actual signed fake official federal election documents produced for Trump’s election campaign by REPUBLUCAN party State officials and MAGA hacks,

That recognition by Pence and REPUBLICAN PARTY Congress Members who expected Pence to use the fake certificates was according to the EASTMAN MEMO the means for Pence to declare that Trump/Pence was the certified correct winner by 43 states instead of all fifty ,

SEE ALSO to learn more: nf.23.12.11 #12,026 to rtrdgysgt.23.12.11 #12,025

Do you have any evidence Saint Rambunctious that Pelosi and DC's mayor knew in advance that Mike Pence was supposed to declare Trump/Pence the winner of the 2020 Presidential Election, therefore Joe Biden would not be inaugurated on J20?

You are aware that Mike Pence refused to engage in the Eastman REPUBLUCAN PARTY election fraud SCHEME Saint Rambunctious or were you not?

nf.24.01.13 #68
to rmbncts.24.01.12 #2
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Washington was being warned for weeks

  • #1 If someone can answer me this one multiple choice question, then I will be convinced 1/6 was an insurrection
Hang on Sloopy #iscam00001: Washington was being warned for weeks from NYC and other credible law enforcement, that there was a high probability of violence and trouble on 1/6. •¥• What would a reasonable person do? •¥¥• hvngvnslvvpy.24.01.12 #1

Did DJT hear the same warnings?

If so, Saint Hangonsloopy why did DJT want Secret Service to take the magnetometers down so his armed supporters gathered on the Mall could join him on the Ellipse to march from there, weapons in hand, with him to the Capitol? DJT and his mob were still under the impression that Mike Pence was at the ready to declare that Trump/Pence have won the election?

Of course DJT beats Biden based on Pence counting only 43 states by eliminating states with big cities drenched in black vermin with all those unfit Americans who cannot be trusted to conduct an honest and fair presidential election.

nf.24.01.13 #69
to hvngvnslvvpy.24.01.12 #1
LOL. Why would you need the mob? If Pence wanted or intended to do that he could/would have done it without them.

If anything their presence would have fouled that up

Oh do you have any evidence of any of that silliness?
Since Pence didn't want to do it. Trump needed the mob to intimidate Pence. Erecting gallows and calling for his hanging for instance, or breaking in the Capitol. After which Trump berated him as he needed to be evacuated.

If a mob boss goes into a store and tells a person, "nice store would be a shame if something were to happen to it. We can protect it for you" And the store owner refuses to pay. So this mob boss has Joey two-fingers throw a stone through the front-window. Then he comes back and says. "You know, if you just would have payed that window would still be whole." Would you have any problem understanding the whole sequence of events?
Washington was being warned for weeks from NYC and other credible law enforcement, that there was a high probability of violence and trouble on 1/6.

What would a reasonable person do?

A- Have a very short staff when they knew 100s of thousands were coming to a rally, KNOWING the high probability of violence.

B- Make sure to heed the warnings of the high probability of violence and put up big fences and have a ton of extra security, especially around the capital

This is a very simple 1/6 quiz that reveals the obvious. But please change my mind.
Stupid. Every bank robber should blame insufficient security measures for his crime.
Y’all are quite fucking retarded.

Mitch McConnell is a Republican and I fault him for waging war against blue collar America for his entire life; but the old man is not retarded and he opposes the authoritarianism that has overwhelmed white grievance conservatism and the religious right; but he is not retarded.

ThisIsMe Sqaj6p00106: “How many times has any poitician given a rhetoric filled speech where they have said “you have to fight” and NONE of them said “do it peacefully”.” •¥• “The use of the phrase “fight like hell” was probably used in the same context as any other politician has used it.” •¥¥• thssm.24.01.12 #106

BlindBoo Vqaj6p00107 inserts MItchMcC J6 reality: "They did this because they had been fed wild falsehoods by the most powerful man on Earth – because he was angry he'd lost an election. Former President Trump's actions preceding the riot were a disgraceful dereliction of duty. •¥• ..... something I said weeks ago: There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day. •¥¥• The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president. •¥¥¥• And their having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories, and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth." •¥¥¥¥•
"The issue is not only the president's intemperate language on January 6th. •¥¥¥¥¥• It is not just his endorsement of remarks in which an associate urged "trial by combat." •¥¥¥¥¥¥• It was also the entire manufactured atmosphere of looming catastrophe; the increasingly wild myths about a reverse landslide election that was being stolen in some secret coup by our now-president. •¥¥¥¥¥¥¥• I defended the president's right to bring any complaints to our legal system. The legal system spoke. The Electoral College spoke. As I stood up and said clearly at the time, the election was settled. •¥8¥• But that reality just opened a new chapter of even wilder and more unfounded claims. •¥9¥• The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing our country and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things. •¥10¥• Sadly, many politicians sometimes make overheated comments or use metaphors that unhinged listeners might take literally. This was different." •¥11¥• blvndbvv.24.01.12 #107 to thssm.24.01.12 #106

nf.24.01.13 #72
to bckvgn.24.01.12 #67
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Trump did not have 10,000 troops ready to deploy on Jan. 6, his defense secretary says​

By Caroline Linton
July 26, 2022 / 9:02 PM EDT / CBS News
Christopher Miller, who served as acting Defense Secretary on Jan. 6, 2021, told the House committee investigating the attack on the Capitol that former President Donald Trump never gave an order to have 10,000 National Guard troops ready that day.
"Not from my perspective, I was never given any direction or order or knew of any plans of that nature," Miller said in the recorded deposition that the committee tweetedTuesday.

Rep. Liz Cheney, committee vice chair, said in the recording that former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said in February 2021 that 10,000 National Guard troops were told to be "on the ready" by Miller. Other Trump officials have repeated this claim since then.

Miller conceded, "a nonmilitary person probably could have some sort of weird interpretation, but no, the answer to your question is no," when asked if there were 10,000 troops at the ready.

When asked directly if there was a direct order from Trump, Miller said, "that's correct, there was no order from the president."
It was suppressed by the Fascists on the J6 Committee. That should make them accessories after the fact!
Wrong, stupid. It is a ceremonial bit of Constitutional fluff and stuff. And it has nothing to do with the actual transfer.

Y’all are quite fucking retarded.
Haha, really?? Then why did stop the steal and their idiot leader target and want to stop them??
Washington was being warned for weeks from NYC and other credible law enforcement, that there was a high probability of violence and trouble on 1/6.

What would a reasonable person do?

A- Have a very short staff when they knew 100s of thousands were be coming to a rally, KNOWING the high probability of violence.

B- Make sure to heed the warnings of the high probability of violence and put up big fences and have a ton of extra security, especially around the capital

This is a very simple 1/6 quiz that reveals the obvious. But please change my mind.
1. This is admission of a MAGA planned violent event.

2. Sloopy believes the Capitol Polmice and the NG should have machine gunned the rioters.
It was a violent uprising against our government… simple as that. The textbook definition of insurrection. The degree of which was absolutely on the lesser side of the spectrum. Doesn’t change what it was
It was a riot by a few hundred of the tens of thousands who were there that day. It quickly stopped being a riot and became quite peaceful once people got inside the Capitol. There was no intent to overthrow the government. And there was no vandalism once the initial surge was over--the Capitol police were accompanying or escorting people around the premises and everything was quite calm. All this is very obvious via the video tapes of what happened.

The gathering under Trump was authorized to be there and had a lawful permit for a gathering on the premises. It wasn't as if everyone didn't know it was going to happen. I don't know for sure what the trigger was to start the riot, but it was started by those who went to the Capitol while the rally was still blocks away. It is very possible it was instigated by people who were not Trump supporters at all.

The event was intended to be a demonstration of people exercising their constitutional right to peacefully assemble and petition their government for redress of grievances.

I am pretty sure operatives created a riot to make sure that didn't happen and all the focus would be on the violence Trump and the huge majority of Patriots never intended.

There was no insurrection. No intent to overthrow the government. No intent to physically harm anybody.
It was a riot by a few hundred of the tens of thousands who were there that day. It quickly stopped being a riot and became quite peaceful once people got inside the Capitol.
Wow, look at you using the peaceful protestor line that the left used the summer before… haha, that’s funny.

A riot at our state capital to stop a proceeding is the exact definition of insurrection. Get a dictionary and look it up.
I am pretty sure operatives created a riot to make sure that didn't happen and all the focus would be on the violence Trump and the huge majority of Patriots never intended.

There was no insurrection. No intent to overthrow the government. No intent to physically harm anybody.
You’re pretty sure? Based on what?! Were you there or just listening to what your media (commentators) are telling you.

Look, I have no doubt that a majority of those people were just there to attend a rally and show support and many did not participate in illegal activities. This is the case for most riots that break out during protests.

But the fact remains a riot did break out and it was violent and it was against our government, that’s just quite simply an insurrection. Doesn’t need to be armed with guns, doesn’t need to be to overthrow the entire government…. Look up the definition of the word… please
Wow, look at you using the peaceful protestor line that the left used the summer before… haha, that’s funny.

A riot at our state capital to stop a proceeding is the exact definition of insurrection. Get a dictionary and look it up.
I have looked it up. You apparently have not.
You’re pretty sure? Based on what?! Were you there or just listening to what your media (commentators) are telling you.

Look, I have no doubt that a majority of those people were just there to attend a rally and show support and many did not participate in illegal activities. This is the case for most riots that break out during protests.

But the fact remains a riot did break out and it was violent and it was against our government, that’s just quite simply an insurrection. Doesn’t need to be armed with guns, doesn’t need to be to overthrow the entire government…. Look up the definition of the word… please
And if operatives in our government did plan, organize, and cause that riot to happen, will you still call it an insurrection?

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