If the Constitution were yours to change...

Return to the Greenback monetary system under Lincoln (an demanded by Andrew Jackson), this would include clauses that outlaw Central Private Banks (Federal Reserve) and the repeal the 16th Amendment. NO CHANGES TO OUR CONSTITUTION ARE MEANINGFUL UNTIL THE UNITED STATES CITIZENRY IS IN FULL COMMAND OF ITS OWN CURRENCY.

Restore Federalism by repealing the 17th Amendment (1913, same year as 16th Amendment and Federal Reserve Act).

Term Limits (see below for full detail).

Amend the Constitution to make Jury nullification the only form of judicial review (unless a jury cannot be summoned for the case).

Enumerate additional rights (such as privacy)

Repeal Citizens United (and adopt campaign finance reform)

To see all of my proposals:
12) Amend TERM LIMITS and use numerically coprime term limits (in years) for different Branches and Houses of government.
a)The ENTIRE House of Representatives is elected every 2 years. No Representaive may hold office more than two times.

b) Both Senators are (after repeal of 17th Amendment) SELECTED by the State Legislatures every 7 years and can be recalled and replaced at ANY TIME given time by 3/4 of the legislatures in between. No Senator may be selected more than ONCE. They are to be selected 180 days AFTER Election Day, and this Election day must be exactly 3 years AFTER the State Governor was elected.

c) The President may only serve a SINGLE 5 year term.

d) Federal Justices of the Supreme Court must retire after 11 years. No more than one judge may be affirmed per every 2 years.
e) All State Governors serve a single 7 year term.
f) All States must have a House of Reps elected every 2 years, may not serve more than three times.
e) All States must have a Senate elected every 3 years (on Election Day). May not serve more than two times.
---This descends down to the local level.
All bureaucrats must pass a civil service examination every two years to keep their job and can be subject to an independent evaluation (lottery style) at any time.

The Election time line (in years) would look like this (over 23 years), starting everyone (except federal Senators) on year 0. "Last term" assumes reelection.
0) State Reps, Fed Reps, State Senate, President (only term), State Gov (only term)
2) State Reps, Fed Reps (last term)
3) State Senate (last term)
3.5) Federal Senate (only term)
4) State Reps (last term), Fed Reps
5) President(only term)
6) State Reps, Fed Reps (last term), State Senate
7) State Governor
8) State Reps, Fed Reps
9) State Senate (last term)
10) State Reps (last term), Fed Reps (last term), President
10.5) Federal Senate
11) NO ELECTIONS (at least ONE Forced Supreme Court Retirement)
12) State Reps, Fed Reps, State Senate
14) State Reps, Fed Reps (last term), State Governor
15) State Senate (last term), President
16) State Reps (last term), Fed Reps
17.5) Federal Senate
18) State Reps, Fed Reps (last term), State Senate
20) State Reps, Fed Reps, President
21) State Senate (last term), State Governor
22) State Reps (last term), Fed Reps (last term)
23) NO ELECTION :::: EVERY SUPREME COURT JUSTICE MUST HAVE BEEN RECYCLED since years 0-12, there should be 5 Justices on the Court (not 9)
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What changes, if any, would you make to it?

The Constitution is fine the way it is.

Its case law could use some tweaking, however; particularly with regard to 4th and 5th Amendment privacy rights and due process. See, e.g., Kentucky v. King (2011), where I would have preferred the ruling by the Kentucky Supreme Court be upheld.
Return to the Greenback monetary system under Lincoln…

Just get a time machine and go back to the days of Lincoln, so the rest of us can get on with the 21st Century unhindered by your reactionary nonsense.

Actually, greenbacks were a form of counterfeiting. Free banking, the system we had prior to Lincoln, is the only monetary system fit for a free society. Fiat money is for serfs.
Scary stuff asking victims of the union based US education system how they would change the Constitution when most of them don't even know what the Bill of Rights stand for.
Repeal the 17th amendment. Restore the Senate to the States as a check on Federal Government power.
What changes, if any, would you make to it?

In general, I'd clarify equal protection.

Specifically, I'd amend it to abolish the practice of using discriminatory taxation as a means of manipulating behavior. Effectively, this means no more using the tax code to 'incent' or 'penalize'.

I'd rewrite the taxation power to withstand the sophistry and lawyering of ambitious leaders (Hamilton, et al). I'd make it clear that it is the power to tax - not the power to spend. The power to spend is covered in the necessary and proper clause. No 'implied' powers need be imagined.

I'd clarify, and limit, the commerce clause to apply to the proper federal role of resolving trade disputes between the states, and prohibit it as an excuse for the feds to interfere in all aspects of our lives.

I'd consider repealing all of the Bill of Rights. It was never necessary.
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Campaign Finance Amendment

This amendment would have language to accomplish the following:

No individual would be allowed to donate more than (approximately) the average amount that a middle income American donates to any presidential campaign. This upper limit would also apply to congressional campaigns.
No presidential or congressional campaign would be allowed to raise more than 150 times the amount above. Any excess goes to the treasury's debt reduction.
Advertising for or against any candidate for national office is forbidden.
All parties organized and registered with the Federal Elections Commission must have their candidates listed on the ballot.
Repeal the Electoral College in favor of popular votes for presidential races.

Naturally, this would not repeal the entire first amendment, but would be considered an exception to it.
I'd 86 the 14th Amendment. It's history is questionable. In reality, it's simply a catch-all to increase the power of the federal government.
I would scrap it entirely and name myself King. Now get back to building my monument, peasants.

I suppose I've rep'd you too recently because I can't right now but anyways...

Bulletproof the 2nd amendment (pun intended :razz:), save the tobacco industry by extending rights to marijuana, and set a maximum number of 30 amendments. I bet no one thought of that one.
First, I would change the 2nd Amendment - The right of the people to keep and bear arms, being necessary to the secure their liberties in a free state, shall not be infringed.

Eliminate the 16th, 17th, and 26th Amendments.
I would scrap it entirely and name myself King. Now get back to building my monument, peasants.

I suppose I've rep'd you too recently because I can't right now but anyways...

Bulletproof the 2nd amendment (pun intended :razz:), save the tobacco industry by extending rights to marijuana, and set a maximum number of 30 amendments. I bet no one thought of that one.

I just gave aaronlelend a rep. Hope that makes you feel better.
I would scrap it entirely and name myself King. Now get back to building my monument, peasants.

I suppose I've rep'd you too recently because I can't right now but anyways...

Bulletproof the 2nd amendment (pun intended :razz:), save the tobacco industry by extending rights to marijuana, and set a maximum number of 30 amendments. I bet no one thought of that one.

I just gave aaronlelend a rep. Hope that makes you feel better.

Thanks, but I'd prefer a little less rep and a little more monument building. :eusa_whistle:
Federal campaign Finance Amendment to disenfranchise unions and corporations, and to limit the amount of $$$ spent by candidates and parties.

Clarify the 14th Amendment to give all children born in the USA citizenship unless the parents are on diplomatic missions to our country.

Clarify Congress and SCOTUS power to regulate 2d Amendment ownership and to ban unusual and dangerous weapons.

Clarify Article III Section 2 to give SCOTUS judicial review.

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