If the corrupt candidate of the corruption party wins, do we become a corrupt country?

Find a third party and break the hold that the Republicrats and Democans have on our system.
Unless we change the Constitution to a parliamentary system, the political structure will always devolve to a two-party situation and we're right back where we started.
Find a third party and break the hold that the Republicrats and Democans have on our system.
Unless we change the Constitution to a parliamentary system, the political structure will always devolve to a two-party situation and we're right back where we started.
Plus there is nothing saying a third party would be any less on the take than the other two. A good start would be real lobbyist reform with teeth and we would not have to change the constitution to do it.
Find a third party and break the hold that the Republicrats and Democans have on our system.
Unless we change the Constitution to a parliamentary system, the political structure will always devolve to a two-party situation and we're right back where we started.


But our issue isn't the two party system, it is that our government is corrupt from top to bottom. Barack Obama selling federal commission seats to the highest bidder is the kind of corruption that I read about in central African republics back in the 70's. There is no way the level of corruption that defines Obama and Clinton could occur without the collusion of the Republicans,

Unfortunately we have hacks who only care about their party, and cover up for their party bosses. Hillary is stealing FROM THEM, but as long as their party wins, they're happy and think they are winners.

It's been two weeks since Assange released proof that the democratic party is running a "pay to play" racket. So why is Barack Obama not in jail awaiting trial, to be followed by life in prison? I haven't heard a peep from the so-called opposition. Why not? Why have the Republicans not dragged this criminal off in chains? Only one possible reason, they're in on it up to their necks. Why is the public not marching on the DNC with pitchforks and a noose? We have a 100% corrupt government because we allow it.
Find a third party and break the hold that the Republicrats and Democans have on our system.
Unless we change the Constitution to a parliamentary system, the political structure will always devolve to a two-party situation and we're right back where we started.


But our issue isn't the two party system, it is that our government is corrupt from top to bottom. Barack Obama selling federal commission seats to the highest bidder is the kind of corruption that I read about in central African republics back in the 70's. There is no way the level of corruption that defines Obama and Clinton could occur without the collusion of the Republicans,

Unfortunately we have hacks who only care about their party, and cover up for their party bosses. Hillary is stealing FROM THEM, but as long as their party wins, they're happy and think they are winners.

It's been two weeks since Assange released proof that the democratic party is running a "pay to play" racket. So why is Barack Obama not in jail awaiting trial, to be followed by life in prison? I haven't heard a peep from the so-called opposition. Why not? Why have the Republicans not dragged this criminal off in chains? Only one possible reason, they're in on it up to their necks. Why is the public not marching on the DNC with pitchforks and a noose? We have a 100% corrupt government because we allow it.
Still complaining about corruption but thinking the republicans hold the cure? Face it, you told them to be business friendly and kiss ass on the "job creators" and somehow they are not horribly corrupt? The billionaires know where to buy their influence and you can bet the left is not their first stop.
Still complaining about corruption but thinking the republicans hold the cure?

Oh, you could tell that by the way I said;

"Why have the Republicans not dragged this criminal off in chains? Only one possible reason, they're in on it up to their necks." :eusa_whistle:

Face it, you told them to be business friendly and kiss ass on the "job creators" and somehow they are not horribly corrupt? The billionaires know where to buy their influence and you can bet the left is not their first stop.

If you think providing special deals for the well connected is "business friendly," you truly have no concept about how legitimate and honest business runs.
Hillary is not only a corrupt, but she's a total bitch to people when the cameras aren't rolling. There are countless stories of how she treats people, especially military and secret service. Here's another example of what she is really like. Amazing that some believe the act she puts on when in public.

"An Air Force veteran, Eric Bonner, claims to have been disrespected by Hillary Clinton at Incirlik Air Base when she was Secretary of State in 2009. According to State Department records, Clinton visited Turkey in March of 2009. On July 28th, Bonner made the following Facebook post describing the incident:

"I’m not Voting for Clinton.

It has nothing to do with her views. It really doesn’t even matter about all the laws she broke.

It’s because She actually talked to me once. Almost a sentence. But first, some background.

Being a K9 handler in the Military I got to do a few details involving Distinguished Visitors. Mostly Generals, DOD Officials, and Secretaries of Defense. I was lucky enough to pull two awesome details. George W Bush, and Obama.

GW looked at me, said "Man, who’d you piss off" high fived me, and continued on. I was climbing down from a catwalk I stood on for 4 hours with nothing but Dust and a radio to keep me company. The radio died early on. It was pretty sweet.

Obama, as he was walking out to his plane in Turkey, said "What the hell kind of dog is that?!" In reference to Suli.

One of my Last details was for Hillary when she was Secretary of State. She was in Turkey for whatever reason. I helped with sweeps of her DV Quarters and staff vehicles. Her words to me? "Get that Fucking dog away from me." Then she turns to her Security Detail and berates them up and down about why that animal was in her quarters. For the next 20 minutes while I sit there waiting to be released she lays into her detail, slamming the door in their faces when she’s done. The Detail lead walks over apologizes and releases me. I apologize to him for getting him in trouble. His words "Happens every day, Brother""

We live in a plutocracy. Both parties helped make it that way but a special place is reserved in hell for all the political whores republican voters insisted be "business friendly". They seriously thought they should give big business everything they asked for. Did you republicans not mean they should be big business lapdogs? If not maybe you should have said something about thirty years ago instead of last week.

The people still have a little say in Plutocracy. It is more palatable than the morph into Corporate Fascism which will occur under the totally bought-an-paid-for Hill-Beast. Hell, her and her old man even have a Global Intiative structure in place to become billionaires..........
You do not even know what you are talking about, I will freely admit that Hillary is a big bank shill but so is every republican that ever held office. So what's your beef here? You used to like "business friendly" politicians. They gave away the store and stifled democracy years ago and republicans cheered. All the sudden you guys are trying to talk like economic justice liberals and I for one am not buying it.

At least the Repubs cut taxes for the middle class. In my later working years, I flourished under Bush due to that, after Clinton (the male one) squeezed my income nuts.
Find a third party and break the hold that the Republicrats and Democans have on our system.
Unless we change the Constitution to a parliamentary system, the political structure will always devolve to a two-party situation and we're right back where we started.
Plus there is nothing saying a third party would be any less on the take than the other two. A good start would be real lobbyist reform with teeth and we would not have to change the constitution to do it.

Then perhaps the best choice is to not identify so much with one or the other and choose the best candidate, no matter which Party he/she belongs to.
No we don't become a corrupt nation. We already are one
I can't believe the level of corruption the Left in this country exhibit, in allowing this corrupt woman to be their presidential candidate. With enough support that she was competitive with the best Democratic choice, she was able to use the machinery of the Democratic National Committee to win the nomination. . They give this person who has no qualms at all about lying and using corrupt means to achieve power over all her opponents.

She and her minions spit out hate in every direction and the media manipulate things to try to hide her faults while pretending each of her many failures are actually successes.. How sick can they be to gamble the future and values of this country to promote this corrupt, evil woman? I wish the primaries had been fair and Bernie had won the nomination. Since he did not, I think our only choice is to abandon the major parties and support a third party candidate. Don't let anyone say "A vote for _____ is really a vote for Trump." If you vote for the corrupt candidate, you condone her corruption and support the move of our nation toward becoming an oligarchy.

Even if Trump were (god forbid) elected, that still doesn't make the United States a 'corrupt country'

The fact that we elect people to office who spend their time enriching themselves rather than working for us shows that we drift toward corruption

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