If the GOP is so good at ending poverty, then explain Appalachia. Or even Red States.

If the GOP is so good at ending poverty, then explain Appalachia. Or even Red States.

If the Democrats are so good at ending poverty then explain LA and San Francisco, troll.
It pisses me off how these liberals think and want to spread hateful propaganda.

More Capitalism >>> More Properity >>> Less Poor People

Last Tuesday marked the 25th anniversary of the United Nations’ International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. (snip)

To mark the occasion, Antonio Guterres, the United Nations Secretary-General, was featured in a short video assessing the current state of world poverty. Despite noting such issues as unemployment, inequality, and conflict continuing in some regions, Guterres correctly observed that since 1990 the world has made “remarkable progress in eradicating poverty.”

While it is valuable to acknowledge that problems remain, it is important to reflect on just how far we’ve come.

The speed of poverty alleviation in the last 25 years has been historically unprecedented. Not only is the proportion of people in poverty at a record low, but, in spite of adding 2 billion to the planet’s population, the overall number of people living in extreme poverty has fallen too.

As Johan Norberg writes in his book Progress, “if you had to choose a society to live in but did not know what your social or economic position would be, you would probably choose the society with the lowest proportion (not the lowest numbers) of poor, because this is the best judgement of the life of an average citizen.” Well, in 1820, 94 percent of the world’s population lived in extreme poverty (less than $1.90 per day adjusted for purchasing power). In 1990 this figure was 34.8 percent, and in 2015, just 9.6 percent.

In the last quarter century, more than 1.25 billion people escaped extreme poverty - that equates to over 138,000 people (i.e., 38,000 more than the Parisian crowd that greeted Father Wresinski in 1987) being lifted out of poverty every day. If it takes you five minutes to read this article, another 480 people will have escaped the shackles of extreme of poverty by the time you finish. Progress is awesome. In 1820, only 60 million people didn’t live in extreme poverty. In 2015, 6.6 billion did not....

Republicans, even at the USMB, constantly attack Democrats over poverty.

But look at where the bulk of the poor in the United States live. In Appalachia. The largest depressed area in the United States covering 13 Red States.

Study: Infant mortality up, life expectancy down in Appalachia

The Cycle of Poverty in Appalachia Continues

A View From Appalachia: Living Below The Poverty Line

It was Appalachia that put Trump over the top.
Ironically, it's been Democrats in Blue States who have actually benefited the most from Trump's policies.

If the Republican base is so lost in poverty, why do Republicans believe they know the way out of poverty?
No political party or legislation can end poverty.

Get that through your head.

Government cannot fix poverty. It never ever ever ever ever has and never will.

There is no silver bullet for poverty. The ONLY thing that has ever come close is a free-market society.
The silver bullet is education. Why does the Right want to stunt education?

I did side jobs at clemson university, they are getting huge on manufacturing technology..so that's another lie.

They work with Michelin , BMW and a host of others..

The clemson campus is getting huge .. they are knocking down dorms building huge research centers and class rooms

Btw Nikki Hailey went to clemson

Why Clemson?
Fucking Deshaun Watson Thats fucking why!!!!!
Go Texans!!!!!!!:texflag:................:5_1_12024:
I thought you “don’t care” so why are you asking for analysis after dodging the topic for 4 posts while trying to turn it into a partisan attack thread?

It’s legit to look at the historical cause and effect of policies to analyze their effectiveness. It is done all the time with gun laws in Chicago, why shouldn’t it be done for Appalachia?

Fine, then let him do it.

I am asking because it is the board moron, deanrd.

The one who posts bullshit about anything but can back up nothing.
Perfectly fine with challenging him to back up his claims, just wish people would be more direct with it instead of dodging the substance with petty partisan attacks that add nothing to the conversation. I don’t know much about Appalachia so I’m curious to dig in which is why I’m reading this thread

I have been every where in this country, like I said I know Chicago and the burbs like the back of my hand , lived in the upstate of south Carolina for 14 years my second wife was from spruce pines North Carolina, the OP just wants to deflect..
Deflect from what? It’s his thread

He is deflecting from his high tax runaway hell hole of Chicago ..he is ignoring the teacher unions , he is ignoring a guy making 400 grand a year running a school

He has never been anywhere except to mount prospect llinois where the book left behind started.. I have a great memory..

Left Behind (novel) - Wikipedia

View attachment 202691
I read that series... Good one!
Fine, then let him do it.

I am asking because it is the board moron, deanrd.

The one who posts bullshit about anything but can back up nothing.
Perfectly fine with challenging him to back up his claims, just wish people would be more direct with it instead of dodging the substance with petty partisan attacks that add nothing to the conversation. I don’t know much about Appalachia so I’m curious to dig in which is why I’m reading this thread

I have been every where in this country, like I said I know Chicago and the burbs like the back of my hand , lived in the upstate of south Carolina for 14 years my second wife was from spruce pines North Carolina, the OP just wants to deflect..
Deflect from what? It’s his thread

He is deflecting from his high tax runaway hell hole of Chicago ..he is ignoring the teacher unions , he is ignoring a guy making 400 grand a year running a school

He has never been anywhere except to mount prospect llinois where the book left behind started.. I have a great memory..

Left Behind (novel) - Wikipedia

View attachment 202691
I read that series... Good one!

Thank you, those books were insiteful ..adejetives (spl) I can't even describe..

I was at that hospital and won a gold fish , in a fair , latter when I read the first book..
it freaked me out...

The first one was so powerful, because I know the land..
Because that's worked so well in Appalachia?

Show us your analysis.

Please. You brought it up...show us.

Show us you know anything about finance.
Show us you know anything about poverty and it's causes.
Show us you know anything about science or math.

All you do is post bullshit and you can't stand behind it all.
I thought you “don’t care” so why are you asking for analysis after dodging the topic for 4 posts while trying to turn it into a partisan attack thread?

It’s legit to look at the historical cause and effect of policies to analyze their effectiveness. It is done all the time with gun laws in Chicago, why shouldn’t it be done for Appalachia?

Because the thread was started as a partisan attack thread?
The OP poses a perfectly valid question. Yes the poster has a political bias, but the appropriate response would be to explain why GOP policies did not contribute to poverty in Appalachia. Ya know make an intelligent counter argument to his point. Why don’t you just do that?
We know why Republican policies are the cause of poverty.

It's the anti education. That's a huge part.

Another part is the racism. People don't like to invest in Confederate communities.
I don’t think racism is a platform of the GOP. I think some racists people support conservative policies that want to limit welfare and affirmative action, but those policies aren’t rooted in racism, they are rooted in small government and fiscal conservatism which I believe can be fairly debated. I don’t like it when Cons define liberals by the actions of the wingnuts so I don’t think it’s fair to do the same to them.
Because that's worked so well in Appalachia?

Show us your analysis.

Please. You brought it up...show us.

Show us you know anything about finance.
Show us you know anything about poverty and it's causes.
Show us you know anything about science or math.

All you do is post bullshit and you can't stand behind it all.
I thought you “don’t care” so why are you asking for analysis after dodging the topic for 4 posts while trying to turn it into a partisan attack thread?

It’s legit to look at the historical cause and effect of policies to analyze their effectiveness. It is done all the time with gun laws in Chicago, why shouldn’t it be done for Appalachia?

Because the thread was started as a partisan attack thread?
The OP poses a perfectly valid question. Yes the poster has a political bias, but the appropriate response would be to explain why GOP policies did not contribute to poverty in Appalachia. Ya know make an intelligent counter argument to his point. Why don’t you just do that?
We know why Republican policies are the cause of poverty.

It's the anti education. That's a huge part.

Another part is the racism. People don't like to invest in Confederate communities.

Hey Derpy----------> I live right outside your glorious city, and see its news each and every day. Not so damn glorious, lol.

I also see people and cars from your great state every day, and guess what they are doing?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Shopping their asses off to avoid paying your outlandish taxes, lol. On the border of Indiana/Illinois, at least 3 out of every 4 cars in the gas station are from your side. Why is that Deanie/moehenie/banana manna/fofanna-) They are FLEEING YOUR JURISDICTION, same in the shopping centers.

And of course, we in the nice areas, won't even venture into your now ghetto city, for any reason!

Now you can lie to these nice people all you want, but me being so close and all, I see how badly Chicago is actually doing by just watching local news. They are EL BROKE-O, or living in the Democratic utopia as you would like to call it, lol.

And who has some of the STRICTEST gun laws in the country!?!?!?!?!?! Why YOU do; you and your el terrifico city, and yet, you have one of the HIGHEST rates of shootings in this country. Maybe you should explain that to all of us-)

Now then...…...we have to insure you people stay over there, and not come here. We don't want you ruining our state/cities like you did there by voting for dumbshits. Florida doesn't want ya, and neither does Texas. You just keep your happy a**es right there, and live in your ruin and leave the rest of us alone.

In fact, if I was you, I would spend your WHOLE DAY on here, exalting the greatness of your Socialist utopia. Try and be a magnet for more worthless pieces of human debris to join you there, so at least we know where most of you are. If you behave like a good little Marxist, we will keep shipping food in from the heartland like we always do, to you pointy headed good for nothings. You should really live like a Socialist for a while, and starve a little so you get to enjoy Socialisms full benefits-)

We can help if you like, lolololololol!
So far, nobody has explained yet why appalachia and other red states are so poverty stricken. They have God and the republicans in their corner and they're still poor.
Show us your analysis.

Please. You brought it up...show us.

Show us you know anything about finance.
Show us you know anything about poverty and it's causes.
Show us you know anything about science or math.

All you do is post bullshit and you can't stand behind it all.
I thought you “don’t care” so why are you asking for analysis after dodging the topic for 4 posts while trying to turn it into a partisan attack thread?

It’s legit to look at the historical cause and effect of policies to analyze their effectiveness. It is done all the time with gun laws in Chicago, why shouldn’t it be done for Appalachia?

Because the thread was started as a partisan attack thread?
The OP poses a perfectly valid question. Yes the poster has a political bias, but the appropriate response would be to explain why GOP policies did not contribute to poverty in Appalachia. Ya know make an intelligent counter argument to his point. Why don’t you just do that?
We know why Republican policies are the cause of poverty.

It's the anti education. That's a huge part.

Another part is the racism. People don't like to invest in Confederate communities.
I don’t think racism is a platform of the GOP. I think some racists people support conservative policies that want to limit welfare and affirmative action, but those policies aren’t rooted in racism, they are rooted in small government and fiscal conservatism which I believe can be fairly debated. I don’t like it when Cons define liberals by the actions of the wingnuts so I don’t think it’s fair to do the same to them.

Conservatives are mellow people and we will always help when we can, we are just individuals doing our own thing, we want to make money, love God our children ..we will do the right thing, I don't want to get racist here but I believe in my heart blacks, Mexicans , Asians, ect... ect.. all really want to do the right thing..

But we can't have everyone in the world in our country.. some slip in..

Like the little girl I met on a greyhound bus , I posted it before, the bus driver slammed on the brakes, she went flying, I picked her up and put on the seat..but she was scared of me thought I would report her

No I said " honey are you ok"?

She ran in back of the bus, came back and kept looking at me..she found out I was no threat are her snacks and ... calmed down..
Show us your analysis.

Please. You brought it up...show us.

Show us you know anything about finance.
Show us you know anything about poverty and it's causes.
Show us you know anything about science or math.

All you do is post bullshit and you can't stand behind it all.
I thought you “don’t care” so why are you asking for analysis after dodging the topic for 4 posts while trying to turn it into a partisan attack thread?

It’s legit to look at the historical cause and effect of policies to analyze their effectiveness. It is done all the time with gun laws in Chicago, why shouldn’t it be done for Appalachia?

Because the thread was started as a partisan attack thread?
The OP poses a perfectly valid question. Yes the poster has a political bias, but the appropriate response would be to explain why GOP policies did not contribute to poverty in Appalachia. Ya know make an intelligent counter argument to his point. Why don’t you just do that?
We know why Republican policies are the cause of poverty.

It's the anti education. That's a huge part.

Another part is the racism. People don't like to invest in Confederate communities.

Hey Derpy----------> I live right outside your glorious city, and see its news each and every day. Not so damn glorious, lol.

I also see people and cars from your great state every day, and guess what they are doing?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Shopping their asses off to avoid paying your outlandish taxes, lol. On the border of Indiana/Illinois, at least 3 out of every 4 cars in the gas station are from your side. Why is that Deanie/moehenie/banana manna/fofanna-) They are FLEEING YOUR JURISDICTION, same in the shopping centers.

And of course, we in the nice areas, won't even venture into your now ghetto city, for any reason!

Now you can lie to these nice people all you want, but me being so close and all, I see how badly Chicago is actually doing by just watching local news. They are EL BROKE-O, or living in the Democratic utopia as you would like to call it, lol.

And who has some of the STRICTEST gun laws in the country!?!?!?!?!?! Why YOU do; you and your el terrifico city, and yet, you have one of the HIGHEST rates of shootings in this country. Maybe you should explain that to all of us-)

Now then...…...we have to insure you people stay over there, and not come here. We don't want you ruining our state/cities like you did there by voting for dumbshits. Florida doesn't want ya, and neither does Texas. You just keep your happy a**es right there, and live in your ruin and leave the rest of us alone.

In fact, if I was you, I would spend your WHOLE DAY on here, exalting the greatness of your Socialist utopia. Try and be a magnet for more worthless pieces of human debris to join you there, so at least we know where most of you are. If you behave like a good little Marxist, we will keep shipping food in from the heartland like we always do, to you pointy headed good for nothings. You should really live like a Socialist for a while, and starve a little so you get to enjoy Socialisms full benefits-)

We can help if you like, lolololololol!

I saw Kenny Rodgers where you live..

I used to love it driving I 65 , I knew I was home when I saw that hotel and it went to three lanes.. then I started pushing it to the medal..all the way to wheeling Illinois..in and out of traffic.
No political party or legislation can end poverty.

Get that through your head.

Government cannot fix poverty. It never ever ever ever ever has and never will.

There is no silver bullet for poverty. The ONLY thing that has ever come close is a free-market society.
Because that's worked so well in Appalachia?

Show us your analysis.

Please. You brought it up...show us.

Show us you know anything about finance.
Show us you know anything about poverty and it's causes.
Show us you know anything about science or math.

All you do is post bullshit and you can't stand behind it all.
I thought you “don’t care” so why are you asking for analysis after dodging the topic for 4 posts while trying to turn it into a partisan attack thread?

It’s legit to look at the historical cause and effect of policies to analyze their effectiveness. It is done all the time with gun laws in Chicago, why shouldn’t it be done for Appalachia?

Because the thread was started as a partisan attack thread?
The OP poses a perfectly valid question. Yes the poster has a political bias, but the appropriate response would be to explain why GOP policies did not contribute to poverty in Appalachia. Ya know make an intelligent counter argument to his point. Why don’t you just do that?

Because the motherfucking OP has no interest in a counter argument. He is simply interested in posting flaming bullshit that helps reinforce what he needs to sleep at night in his mothers damp basement.

What he says might be true (not that he could ever prove it) and such a discussion might help move towards some reasonable solutions.

But when the board has to put up with the constant harping of a low I.Q. shithead like deanrd, it really takes away that potential
Chicago is Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama's adopted home town. He and his partner, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, administered an endowment fund that was dedicated to improving the education system in Chicago (how did that work out?). Unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers is still a mover and shaker in Chicago politics and the democrat who coined the phrase "never let a crisis go to waste" Rahm Emanuel is mayor and living in a freaking crisis.
Dylann Roof sentenced to death for killing 9 black church members in South Carolina

Isn't Dylann Roof one of your people? He totally represents the GOP. He's a hero in the Republican Party. Right?

How the fuck do you get off saying he represents the GOP. Where is your support for that piece of inflammatory bullshit ?
So far, nobody has explained yet why appalachia and other red states are so poverty stricken. They have God and the republicans in their corner and they're still poor.

I guess the first question is...so what ?

Poor by what standards ?

There are many left wingers in places like Seattle that live in communities with very small houses (some absent bathrooms) because they want to.

Great for them ?

Who am I to judge their choices ?
Republicans, even at the USMB, constantly attack Democrats over poverty.

But look at where the bulk of the poor in the United States live. In Appalachia. The largest depressed area in the United States covering 13 Red States.

Study: Infant mortality up, life expectancy down in Appalachia

The Cycle of Poverty in Appalachia Continues

A View From Appalachia: Living Below The Poverty Line

It was Appalachia that put Trump over the top.
Ironically, it's been Democrats in Blue States who have actually benefited the most from Trump's policies.

If the Republican base is so lost in poverty, why do Republicans believe they know the way out of poverty?
not this again.....slow day dean?....
Republicans on the USMB constantly attack Democrats.

It's important to get the truth out there. Let everyone see what disasters they are and how damaging their policies are.

If they can't help their own people, how can they be expected to help anyone?

Besides, aren't most of the businesses that have moved to the Appalachia area foreign?

Truth is great.

When you actually find some...feel free to post it.

But nobody will trust you for a while since you have a very very long history of posting nothing but bullshit.

Which you can never support.

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