If the spending bill adds $0 to the debt, why does the debt ceiling need to be raised?

That’s what they do STUPID

Been that way for 100 years.

They pass the spending bills and then have to authorize the borrowing to pay for it.

That’s literally how it works.
If they are allowed to spend more than the debt ceiling allows, it isn’t a ceiling.

Perhaps the morons should pay for the bills before spending the money…..and while they are at it they can read them before voting in them.
There is no problem with servicing the debt if they do not raise the debt ceiling. Revenues for the feds average $320 billion a month and the average debt service per month is $46 billion.

So how would there be a default on the debt?

How did they spend money in excess of what the debt ceiling allowed, Stupid?

And if they could we wouldn’t need to raise it now…….just spend the money.
That is the way it works Skippy
Get yerself a Google
That is the way it works Skippy
Get yerself a Google
Then why do we need to raise it if we can obligate spending over and above the so called limit?

You are just too stupid to see how your position doesn’t work. Try not just regurgitating what Schumer tells you to think.
There is no problem with servicing the debt if they do not raise the debt ceiling. Revenues for the feds average $320 billion a month and the average debt service per month is $46 billion.

So how would there be a default on the debt?

What the hell?

You seriously need a special explanation on why $320 billion/mo of revenues does not cover $500 billion/mo of spending?
If there is $0 added to the debt…..YOU DO NOT NEED TO RAISE THE CEILING.

If it is going to add to the debt….


Just use your common sense. This is all a lie.

If you believe these $5 trillion of spending will add $0 to the debt, you are a special kind of dumb asshole.

Because of all the money Trump and the GOP added to the debt for 4 years.
Because of all the money Trump and the GOP added to the debt for 4 years.

I shit on every spending bill he signs.

We are in $28 trillion debt, about to be $33 trillion because of the bad orange man?

Circle that square for me, you Asher Special eating Gator.

If the spending bill adds $0 to the debt, why does the debt ceiling need to be raised?​


None of you republican whack-jobs knows how any of this works, do you. You just got yer keyboard, yer Bud Light, and yer list of talking points and yer just a-banging away, completely oblivious.


None of you republican whack-jobs knows how any of this works, do you. You just got yer keyboard, yer Bud Light, and yer list of talking points and yer just a-banging away, completely oblivious.

Tell us how it works. Be specific, and bring links that aren't from some dipshit libtard politician.
Tell us how it works. Be specific, and bring links that aren't from some dipshit libtard politician.
Look, genius, we're raising the borrowing limit to pay bills that are due now, for spending that already happened.

Did faux niwz try to tell you this was to pay for the Build It Back Better bill? If so they lied. (Not a shock). It's to pay for tRump's tax cuts and shit.
Look, genius, we're raising the borrowing limit to pay bills that are due now, for spending that already happened.

Did faux niwz try to tell you this was to pay for the Build It Back Better bill? If so they lied. (Not a shock). It's to pay for tRump's tax cuts and shit.
So you are saying we can obligate the US government for spending over and above the current debt limit.

So why do we ever need to raise the debt limit? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

I note you have no links to support your lies.
So you are saying we can obligate the US government for spending over and above the current debt limit.

So why do we ever need to raise the debt limit? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

I note you have no links to support your lies.
I notice you're too damn stupid to understand the difference between debt and spending.

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