If There Was No Fraud, Why?

Were Trumps lawyers that inept that they didn't bother to bring any evidence to present to the court in their complaint?

I would think they would at least have filed a motion for summary judgement, or expediated judgement, and presented the evidence to back it up.

If they didn't present evidence, it's obvious, it's because they had none.
Were Trumps lawyers that inept that they didn't bother to bring any evidence to present to the court in their complaint?

I would think they would at least have filed a motion for summary judgement, or expediated judgement, and presented the evidence to back it up.

If they didn't present evidence, it's obvious, it's because they had none.

The cards were stacked.....OK....you took the stolen election......and now Karma is kicking you around the block:

Then present them to a judge.

Right now they're just wasting ink.

"Sen. Rand Paul Joins ABC's "This Week" - January 24, 2021 describing what we know of the election

SENATOR RAND PAUL, (R-KY): Well, what I would say is that the debate over whether or not there was fraud should occur, we never had any presentation in court where we actually looked at the evidence. Most of the cases were thrown out for lack of standing, which is a procedural way of not actually hearing the question.

There were several states in which the law was changed by the secretary of state and not the state legislature. To me, those are clearly unconstitutional…

Were there people who voted twice? Were there dead people who voted? Were there illegal aliens who voted? Yes, and we should get to the bottom of it.

I’ll give you an example. In my state, when we had a Democrat secretary of state, she refused, even under federal order, to purge the roles of illegal voters.

In Wisconsin, tens of thousands of absentee votes had only the name on them and no address. Historically those were thrown out, this time they weren't. They made special accommodations because they said, oh, it’s a pandemic and people forgot what their address was.

So they changed the law after the fact. That is wrong, that's unconstitutional…. I won’t be cowed by liberals in the media who say, there's no evidence here and you're a liar if you talk about election fraud.

I believe in Pennsylvania, they broke the law, and I believe if that ever will get a real hearing in the Supreme Court, it was denied for standing. It wasn’t actually taken up. If it were taken up, I do believe that the Supreme Court would overrule and say that they did break the law illegally.

It was never studied.

Should we investigate the fact that tens of thousands of absentee ballots did not have addresses on them and normally were disqualified, but this time, they were counted? Should we examine that?

I think there was great deal of evidence of fraud and changing of the election laws illegally. And I think a thorough investigation is warranted.”

I want to look at election fraud and I want to look at secretaries of state who illegally changed the voter laws without the permission of their state legislatures. That is incontrovertible, it happened.

And you can't just sweep it under the rug and say, oh, nothing to see here, and everybody is a liar and you're a fool if you bring this up.”

You idiots keep claiming there is no proof. There is just no proof your lying media and authorities want to recognize. That does not mean it is not there. Two states want to decertify results and more will be coming.
Magaturds hang on to conspiracies no one gives any fucks about any longer. Magaturds digest huge nothing burgers out of a hope of satiating their terminal cases of grievance and butthurt. Biden will be their President for at least four years. There's nothing they can do but whine and gnash teeth. It's past tense. A verifiable fact.

Spending time tilting at every political windmill you find because of some superficial perceived grievance used to be the left's specialty. Magaturds turned it up to 11.
Magaturds hang on to conspiracies no one gives any fucks about any longer. Magaturds digest huge nothing burgers out of a hope of satiating their terminal cases of grievance and butthurt. Biden will be their President for at least four years. There's nothing they can do but whine and gnash teeth. It's past tense. A verifiable fact.

Spending time tilting at every political windmill you find because of some superficial perceived grievance used to be the left's specialty. Magaturds turned it to 11.
Well, you said nothing. Why bother?
The people who insist there was no fraud keep acting like there was when they refuse to comply a subpoena.

HARRISBURG – Senate President Pro Tempore Jake Corman (R-Bellefonte) and Senate Intergovernmental Operations Committee Chair Cris Dush (R-Jefferson) issued the following statement today after filing a petition to compel the Department of State to comply with a subpoena for information relevant to the committee’s election investigation:

“Throughout the past several months since our investigation began, the Wolf Administration, Senate Democrats and Attorney General Shapiro have unfairly denied a co-equal branch of government the tools necessary to repair the vulnerabilities of our election system. Today’s legal action is intended to finally bring their needless delays and continued obstruction to an end.

“It is an embarrassment to our Commonwealth that the Department of State still refuses to comply with a legal, legitimate subpoena from a co-equal branch of government. The fact that the Department wouldn’t even turn over basic information included in the subpoena without pages upon pages of unexplained redactions shows they have no respect for the legislature or the courts. They should not be allowed to thumb their nose at the other two branches of government with impunity.

Not a conspiracy in anyway. Just a demand to help make elections more secure by looking at the information the SOS has no right to withhold.

Enough! Send in the police and Marshall's to take it by force if necessary
You are saying Trump is guilty of something.

I did not say that at all. I am asking you if you apply the same "logic" to Trump that you used in the OP

I am saying you can't judge him if you do not judge the states withholding information the same way. Dumbass.

And I am not, but you are indeed judging the states withholding information while giving Trump a free pass for doing the very same thing
I did not say that at all. I am asking you if you apply the same "logic" to Trump that you used in the OP

And I am not, but you are indeed judging the states withholding information while giving Trump a free pass for doing the very same thing
OK with me. Release the information investigators want in both instances. Trump will come out on top, and you know it.
OK with me. Release the information investigators want in both instances. Trump will come out on top, and you know it.

So, are you saying that Trump is guilty because he fought to keep his information secret? That is what you are saying about the election after all
So, are you saying that Trump is guilty because he fought to keep his information secret? That is what you are saying about the election after all
No, you said that. Do I think there was fraud? No doubt about it.

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