"If transferring wealth to the top 2% creates jobs, wouldn't we be swimming in jobs?"

Aug 7, 2012
When Mitt Romney asserted in a recent interview that his tax rate was fair and that it was necessary for job creation, I wish the interviewer would have followed up and asked him for some details and examples of how HE has created jobs in the US since he thinks his tax rate causes job creation. And then I would have asked for some specific examples from other people who are wealthy and get the same tax breaks.

In a report on Sensata (a Romney/Bain enterprise) laying off employees and outsourcing jobs, one person about to lose his job asks, "If transferring wealth to the top 2% creates jobs, wouldn't we be swimming in jobs?" (instead of outsourcing them which obviously creates more wealth due to much lower wages for the investors).

It doesn't impact the public with more jobs at all.

Only stupid people believe that. People who aren't "smart".

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfxVR78Pp48]Rick Santorum: We Will Never Have the Smart People On Our Side - YouTube[/ame]
Who says transferring wealth to the top 2% will create jobs?

Oh yeah, nobody says that.
Cutting taxes doesn't transfer wealth to anyone, nitwit.

When Mitt Romney asserted in a recent interview that his tax rate was fair and that it was necessary for job creation, I wish the interviewer would have followed up and asked him for some details and examples of how HE has created jobs in the US since he thinks his tax rate causes job creation. And then I would have asked for some specific examples from other people who are wealthy and get the same tax breaks.

In a report on Sensata (a Romney/Bain enterprise) laying off employees and outsourcing jobs, one person about to lose his job asks, "If transferring wealth to the top 2% creates jobs, wouldn't we be swimming in jobs?" (instead of outsourcing them which obviously creates more wealth due to much lower wages for the investors).

It doesn't impact the public with more jobs at all.

The government does not transfer wealth to the top. When taxes are at reasonable rates, they merely steal and redistribute a little less.

There have been many times in the past when lowered taxes resulted in higher revenue. Isn't that what government really wants? I guess not now since Obama is declaring war on the top earners. Actually, he won't since he needed those top earners to donate to his campaign. But, pouring fuel on the class wars has been beneficial and his supporters might still believe they will get their hands on some Obama cash from his stash.
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If taxing the rich more and massive government spending created a jobs and a strong economy the Greek economy would be booming wouldn't it ?
If taxing the rich more and massive government spending created a jobs and a strong economy the Greek economy would be booming wouldn't it ?

And so would the economies in Spain, Portugal, Iceland, France, England, and other countries in the European Union.
When Mitt Romney asserted in a recent interview that his tax rate was fair and that it was necessary for job creation, I wish the interviewer would have followed up and asked him for some details and examples of how HE has created jobs in the US since he thinks his tax rate causes job creation. And then I would have asked for some specific examples from other people who are wealthy and get the same tax breaks.

In a report on Sensata (a Romney/Bain enterprise) laying off employees and outsourcing jobs, one person about to lose his job asks, "If transferring wealth to the top 2% creates jobs, wouldn't we be swimming in jobs?" (instead of outsourcing them which obviously creates more wealth due to much lower wages for the investors).

It doesn't impact the public with more jobs at all.


What is this "transfer of wealth" that you are writing about?

Your whole premise is a FRAUD, because you are trying to draw a parallel between INCOME tax and CAPITAL GAINS tax, which is a GREAT "sleight of hand" trick that the leftists use successfully all the time.

The percentage of INCOME tax a person pays is based on how much income they make in a calendar year.

The percentage of CAPITAL GAINS TAX is the same for EVERYBODY, no matter what their income is.
So we had the Bush tax cuts, which are still in effect. Where the hell are the jobs? Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy, did we have an economic bust under Clinton like we did under Bush?
The reason that Barry didn't get rid of the Bush tax cuts was because some very intelligent economists told him that to do so would slow down an already anemic economy and probably slide us right back into a double dip recession.

So what has changed since then?

Nothing in the economy so it must be that the very smart economists aren't there giving Barry advice any more. Gee, that's right...Larry Summers and Christina Romer both left the Obama Administration two years ago. Ever since our intrepid President keeps pushing a plan to raise taxes on the wealthy even though some other rather smart people like Bill Clinton said that now wasn't the time to raise taxes on ANYONE. The truth is...Barack Obama understands economics about as well as you and I understand brain surgery. The difference between Barry and us is that we aren't picking up scalpels about to slice and dice while he is ready and willing to make major changes to our economy.
So we had the Bush tax cuts, which are still in effect. Where the hell are the jobs? Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy, did we have an economic bust under Clinton like we did under Bush?

Clinton was able to raise taxes because of the Dot Com Boom.

You see any Dot Com Boom on the horizon, Old Rocks? I don't. So you want to raise taxes in the middle of a down economy? Gee, that's a recipe for "instant recession"! How intelligent of you.

There are probably some wonderful books at your local public library that can educate you on economic "fundamentals". I would suggest you do yourself a favor and bone up on some of those.
When Mitt Romney asserted in a recent interview that his tax rate was fair and that it was necessary for job creation, I wish the interviewer would have followed up and asked him for some details and examples of how HE has created jobs in the US since he thinks his tax rate causes job creation. And then I would have asked for some specific examples from other people who are wealthy and get the same tax breaks.

In a report on Sensata (a Romney/Bain enterprise) laying off employees and outsourcing jobs, one person about to lose his job asks, "If transferring wealth to the top 2% creates jobs, wouldn't we be swimming in jobs?" (instead of outsourcing them which obviously creates more wealth due to much lower wages for the investors).

It doesn't impact the public with more jobs at all.


How exactly is taking less of their Money, Transferring wealth to them?

Oh I forgot, You libs think the Government owns everything and by their good graces let us keep a little.
So we had the Bush tax cuts, which are still in effect. Where the hell are the jobs? Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy, did we have an economic bust under Clinton like we did under Bush?
Wow. I knew you were a hack, but I didn't think you were a deliberate liar.

When were Bush's tax rates put into effect? And when were those jobs created? And how far removed from those tax rates are we now?
So we had the Bush tax cuts, which are still in effect. Where the hell are the jobs? Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy, did we have an economic bust under Clinton like we did under Bush?
Wow. I knew you were a hack, but I didn't think you were a deliberate liar.

When were Bush's tax rates put into effect? And when were those jobs created? And how far removed from those tax rates are we now?

The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits
And Bush's tax cuts were put into affect 2001, 2003. The results of an increase of 0.51% increase in his first term, and -0.84% during his second term. President Obama's rate has been 0.97% during his first term, in spite of the fact that the economy was shedding over 750,000 jobs a month when he took office.
So we had the Bush tax cuts, which are still in effect. Where the hell are the jobs? Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy, did we have an economic bust under Clinton like we did under Bush?

Clinton was able to raise taxes because of the Dot Com Boom.

You see any Dot Com Boom on the horizon, Old Rocks? I don't. So you want to raise taxes in the middle of a down economy? Gee, that's a recipe for "instant recession"! How intelligent of you.

There are probably some wonderful books at your local public library that can educate you on economic "fundamentals". I would suggest you do yourself a favor and bone up on some of those.

What people tend to forget is not only the dot com boom but companies like Enron. Tyco and worldcom who were expanding at record rates during the Clinton years while cooking there books at the same time. The bottom feel out of that shortly after Bush came into office along with the bursting of the dot com bubble.
When Mitt Romney asserted in a recent interview that his tax rate was fair and that it was necessary for job creation, I wish the interviewer would have followed up and asked him for some details and examples of how HE has created jobs in the US since he thinks his tax rate causes job creation. And then I would have asked for some specific examples from other people who are wealthy and get the same tax breaks.

In a report on Sensata (a Romney/Bain enterprise) laying off employees and outsourcing jobs, one person about to lose his job asks, "If transferring wealth to the top 2% creates jobs, wouldn't we be swimming in jobs?" (instead of outsourcing them which obviously creates more wealth due to much lower wages for the investors).

It doesn't impact the public with more jobs at all.


If the government spending trillions of dollars creates jobs, wouldn't we be swimming in jobs?


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