If True This Changes the World... Jong Un might be Dead

According to the Japanese media that is the case.

His brain is probably still in better state than Trumps.

Unlike you, they both have it.
According to the Japanese media that is the case.

According to the Japanese media that is the case.

This may be good news for the world. I believe he was the last in the family line and his eventual replacement might possibly finally be more open to moving the country into a more friendly progressive posture with the world.
/----/ His sister is next in line, but seeing how that culture treats women, the NK Army might move against her.

Yup. Saw that on the news. His sister doesn't look anything like him thank God. Wonder if she will slide in if he kicks the bucket??
The food producers have been warning that the meat supply chain is strained and in trouble.

Now Tyson says the food supply chain is breaking.

To the people who scream we don't need shutdowns. This is what happens when there is no shutdown. People get sick. They can't go to work. There is no one to replace them so the plant has to shut down. Countless animals have to be killed and not used for food.

It's impossible to social distance in these jobs so the virus is running freely to infect everyone in those plants. So the plants have to shutdown.

This is what would happen to all of our society if we had not shutdown.

You all are causing the shutdowns to have to last much longer with your rallies and forcing openings of states before it's safe.

Meanwhile, you all are going to have to pay a lot more money for your meat fix. I won't. I don't eat it.

Keep being stupid. You're going to destroy this nation.

So your solution was to have them shutdown in the beginning? In other words, create a crisis early.
By the way, he calls it a crisis yet only 15% shutdown has occurred.

Tell that to the owners of Tyson Foods and Smithfield Farms.

Tell that to the thousands of workers who are now sick from the virus with some of them eventually dying.

They know more about this than you do. I'm going to believe them over some far right radical conservative moron on a message board who has no idea what they're talking about.
I bet Pelosi sent a thank you card to Red China quicker than she addressed getting funds to our small business people who were hurt by the pandemic
I don’t know if we should be taking the word of a retired boxer on such an important matter.
The food producers have been warning that the meat supply chain is strained and in trouble.

Now Tyson says the food supply chain is breaking.

To the people who scream we don't need shutdowns. This is what happens when there is no shutdown. People get sick. They can't go to work. There is no one to replace them so the plant has to shut down. Countless animals have to be killed and not used for food.

It's impossible to social distance in these jobs so the virus is running freely to infect everyone in those plants. So the plants have to shutdown.

This is what would happen to all of our society if we had not shutdown.

You all are causing the shutdowns to have to last much longer with your rallies and forcing openings of states before it's safe.

Meanwhile, you all are going to have to pay a lot more money for your meat fix. I won't. I don't eat it.

Keep being stupid. You're going to destroy this nation.

Who would have guessed pressing worthless meat entities to stand shoulder-to-shoulder to process meat in the context of a pandemic might result in some difficulties?

No one, literally no one, could have seen that one coming.

Of course, now the owners whine in page-size whine fests how the food chain they put in grave danger might be, you know, in danger.

Perhaps, just maybe, the slave-like conditions under which those meat entities are slavering in meat processing plants will now come into focus.

Yeah, just kidding. Meat consumers' social conscience is about on par with a hyena's.
By the way, he calls it a crisis yet only 15% shutdown has occurred.

Tell that to the owners of Tyson Foods and Smithfield Farms.

Tell that to the thousands of workers who are now sick from the virus with some of them eventually dying.

They know more about this than you do. I'm going to believe them over some far right radical conservative moron on a message board who has no idea what they're talking about.
You really bloviate, dana. Eighty got sick at Smithfield out of 3800 employed at that location. That is 2.1%.
While there may be very little meat available, North Korea is not a truly vegetable state.
According to the Japanese media that is the case.

I have no idea what could have happened to him in that fabulous socialist health care system.

Government simply does the best with everything.

Oh yes that's right, government healthcare means immortality. I forgot about that.

The dudes 36 fer fuks sake!
Smithfield Pork Plant in Sioux Falls Offered $500 Bonus for Showing Up to Work During Coronavirus Outbreak

The CDC found that the Smithfield Foods plant in Sioux Falls offered "responsibility bonuses" to employees who showed up neither sick nor late starting April 1 and continuing until May 1. Smithfield reported its first case of the virus on March 24 and it closed indefinitely on April 14.

With more than 800 employees infected, the plant is the single worst coronavirus hotspot in the country. Plant management had provided some social distancing guidelines, but the CDC found them weakly enforced.
The food producers have been warning that the meat supply chain is strained and in trouble.

Now Tyson says the food supply chain is breaking.

To the people who scream we don't need shutdowns. This is what happens when there is no shutdown. People get sick. They can't go to work. There is no one to replace them so the plant has to shut down. Countless animals have to be killed and not used for food.

It's impossible to social distance in these jobs so the virus is running freely to infect everyone in those plants. So the plants have to shutdown.

This is what would happen to all of our society if we had not shutdown.

You all are causing the shutdowns to have to last much longer with your rallies and forcing openings of states before it's safe.

Meanwhile, you all are going to have to pay a lot more money for your meat fix. I won't. I don't eat it.

Keep being stupid. You're going to destroy this nation.

There are real world consequences to the hysteria you've put the country thru.
I know the US has major issues with these guys since they kicked your arses back in the 50s but you are not really fighting a war against communism.
Extremely ironic comment since you post anti-American posts on a daily basis because we kicked your ass
in 1776!
Even after we kept dear old England afloat after WWII you continue to troll away. Anglo-American loan - Wikipedia
That's gratitude for you! I mean it would be if you had the decency to have any.

That's okay...it's a quirk of human nature to despise the people who kept you out of the rubbish bin because
our presence reminds you how weak and helpless you were. Your rat like behavior is understandable.
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starvation and famine will wind up killing more people than the Chinese virus

and food prices are about to go up; the misery index is about to kick into 5th gear

we absolutely must open up the country

and we must get rid of financial incentives for medical facilities to improperly label deaths as COVID 19

The board chairman of Tyson Foods is warning that "millions of pounds of meat will disappear" from the national food supply chain as the coronavirus outbreak forces food processing plants to shutter.

"The food supply chain is breaking," John Tyson wrote in a full-page advertisement published Sunday in The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

"There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed," he wrote in the advertisement, which was also published as a blog post on the company's website.

In recent weeks, the major poultry producer has temporarily suspended operations at plants across the country. The company halted operations Wednesday at an Iowa plant that is crucial to the nation's pork supply.

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