If True This Changes the World... Jong Un might be Dead

I've seen this story he is in a "Vegetative State"

Again, have to be cautious here, because a lot of stories about Kim, like how he executed his Mistress or had his uncle fed to dogs (A dog eating a Korean! What a twist!) turned out to be untrue.
He already was in a vegetative state.
China reportedly is sending a medical delegation to NK which would suggest reports of Donnie's BFF's demise are premature.
I've seen this story he is in a "Vegetative State"

Again, have to be cautious here, because a lot of stories about Kim, like how he executed his Mistress or had his uncle fed to dogs (A dog eating a Korean! What a twist!) turned out to be untrue.
Much like today's democrats.
I did see some news that they had asked Chinese medical experts to come and try to save him.

It also mentioned his younger sister would be next in line. We could see the fall of one of the last "Communist" countries in the world.

Actually, his sister is kind of cute.

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But I have a thing for Asian chicks.

I'm not sure if I'm cheering for a fall of the regime. It would be a humanitarian disaster, with millions of hungry north koreans fleeing south looking for food.
Let's hope Trump doesn't share your proclivities. :heehee:

That would make it difficult for him to focus on diplomacy.
Wait until his sister takes the throne... She is one ruthless bitch... Shit is going to get real dicey if he is dead..

Or she might be less crazy and easier to work with.

Also, she's kind of hot.

I did see some news that they had asked Chinese medical experts to come and try to save him.

It also mentioned his younger sister would be next in line. We could see the fall of one of the last "Communist" countries in the world.

Actually, his sister is kind of cute.

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But I have a thing for Asian chicks.

I'm not sure if I'm cheering for a fall of the regime. It would be a humanitarian disaster, with millions of hungry north koreans fleeing south looking for food.
Perhaps you and the others of your kind can a company over there selling hair straightener.
No information confirms this, but if he's gone, the questions would be asked, "how or by whom"?

I could go over a few scenarios, but certainly one could be that he was getting closer to S Korea and maybe even the U.S and China or others saw a vital controlled satellite at their border disappearing. Could it be someone from the inside who wanted power? Maybe an enemy state who was concerned about the whispers lately he was considering a nuclear test (another reason China may have been responsible if they felt he was disobeying)?

Nobody knows anything right now, he could be inside watching MSNBC and being fed candy. However, if he is gone, even as he didn't seem very healthy and I even recall Tucker Carlson mentioning that he could hear Kim breathing heavily when he was nearby just while performing that short walk, I'd still be suspicious. When and if such tyrants fall, there must always be questions that are answered.

How or by whom? His mouth and stomach are the obvious suspects.
China reportedly is sending a medical delegation to NK which would suggest reports of Donnie's BFF's demise are premature.

You need to check the dates... that was a few days ago.

Rueters is reporting it today Exclusive: China sent team including medical experts to advise on North Korea’s Kim

and in addition, "
South Korean government officials and a Chinese official with the Liaison Department challenged subsequent reports suggesting that Kim was in grave danger after surgery. South Korean officials said they had detected no signs of unusual activity in North Korea.

On Thursday, U.S. President Donald Trump also downplayed earlier reports that Kim was gravely ill. “I think the report was incorrect,” Trump told reporters, but he declined to say if he had been in touch with North Korean officials.

On Friday, a South Korean source told Reuters their intelligence was that Kim was alive and would likely make an appearance soon. The person said he did not have any comment on Kim’s current condition or any Chinese involvement."
Do you guys really think his sister would take power if he croaks? I'm thinking more that the military would take power.

I've never seen a communist state run by a woman that I can think of, despite all the communist women's rights propaganda. Some women did hold high positions though.
Well if so, I wonder who will replace him? It's been shown that there are only two people worse than him. The one they had before him and the one they're gonna get!
Hillary could replace Kim, but she is more evil
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I don’t know who will replace him if he is truly gone but it is definitely time for a new beginning.... Michael you will find this as humorous as I do but his falling ill meant he missed the anniversary of the founding of their army... It is the 88 th anniversary of that founding so it is a great sign for possible change as the crazy 8’ s strike again...Also I believe he is the third leader in his line matching the three layers we always talk about... Regardless it is time for North Korea to finally join the other nations and if it comes in peaceably that is so much the better to say the least...
I've seen this story he is in a "Vegetative State"

Again, have to be cautious here, because a lot of stories about Kim, like how he executed his Mistress or had his uncle fed to dogs (A dog eating a Korean! What a twist!) turned out to be untrue.
He already was in a vegetative state.

I guess they mean that now, he can't even stand around and look at things.
Wait until his sister takes the throne... She is one ruthless bitch... Shit is going to get real dicey if he is dead..

Where exactly are y'all getting this "ruthless bitch" malarkey that somehow can't be linked or backed up?
Is it because you post it on the internets and then read it, and then go, "well there it is, right there on the internets"?
I did see some news that they had asked Chinese medical experts to come and try to save him.

It also mentioned his younger sister would be next in line. We could see the fall of one of the last "Communist" countries in the world.

Actually, his sister is kind of cute.

View attachment 327865

But I have a thing for Asian chicks.

I'm not sure if I'm cheering for a fall of the regime. It would be a humanitarian disaster, with millions of hungry north koreans fleeing south looking for food.
I bet Fatso's love letters were from her.

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