If Trump goes down Clinton goes to prison

Scott Adams: If Donald Trump Goes Down, Hillary Clinton Goes to Prison | Breitbart

Sounds good to me! I still prefer a 3rd option,Trump stays president,fires worthless AG sessions and Clinton STILL goes to prison.

Anyone who believes that is a looney tune that needs to be locked up. This is the United States of America not a banana republic. Anyone who tries it should be charged and locked up.
You moron you think Trump is going to CARE if he is going down and makes sure the REAL enemy goes down as well? HELL NO.
Scott Adams: If Donald Trump Goes Down, Hillary Clinton Goes to Prison | Breitbart

Sounds good to me! I still prefer a 3rd option,Trump stays president,fires worthless AG sessions and Clinton STILL goes to prison.

Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert and popular political prognosticator, floated a theory...



Inspector Genral was tasked to review Clinton case. Review was done, nothing improper with case's conclusion found. THE END

Trump cannot simply direct DoJ to do whatever he baselessly wants.
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Scott Adams: If Donald Trump Goes Down, Hillary Clinton Goes to Prison | Breitbart

Sounds good to me! I still prefer a 3rd option,Trump stays president,fires worthless AG sessions and Clinton STILL goes to prison.

Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert and popular political prognosticator, floated a theory...



Inspector Genral was tasked to review Clinton case. Review was done, nothing improper with case's conclusion found. THE END

Trump cannot simply direct DoJ to do whatever he baselessly wants.
That's why Sessions the limp spine AG is BYE BYE after the midterms...better buckle up boys and girls its gonna be a FUN ride with a REAL AG in office.
Scott Adams: If Donald Trump Goes Down, Hillary Clinton Goes to Prison | Breitbart

Sounds good to me! I still prefer a 3rd option,Trump stays president,fires worthless AG sessions and Clinton STILL goes to prison.

Anyone who believes that is a looney tune that needs to be locked up. This is the United States of America not a banana republic. Anyone who tries it should be charged and locked up.
You moron you think Trump is going to CARE if he is going down and makes sure the REAL enemy goes down as well? HELL NO.
My goodness life is exciting in super duper world LOL.... You people are out of your minds...
Scott Adams: If Donald Trump Goes Down, Hillary Clinton Goes to Prison | Breitbart

Sounds good to me! I still prefer a 3rd option,Trump stays president,fires worthless AG sessions and Clinton STILL goes to prison.

Anyone who believes that is a looney tune that needs to be locked up. This is the United States of America not a banana republic. Anyone who tries it should be charged and locked up.
You moron you think Trump is going to CARE if he is going down and makes sure the REAL enemy goes down as well? HELL NO.
You need something called evidence to convict someone in the United States. And your evidence is imaginary propaganda, super duper.
Scott Adams: If Donald Trump Goes Down, Hillary Clinton Goes to Prison | Breitbart

Sounds good to me! I still prefer a 3rd option,Trump stays president,fires worthless AG sessions and Clinton STILL goes to prison.

Anyone who believes that is a looney tune that needs to be locked up. This is the United States of America not a banana republic. Anyone who tries it should be charged and locked up.
You moron you think Trump is going to CARE if he is going down and makes sure the REAL enemy goes down as well? HELL NO.
You need something called evidence to convict someone in the United States. And your evidence is imaginary propaganda, super duper.
Comey laid out the evidence quite well for a conviction you moron....he didn't want to become ANOTHER Clinton victim of suicide so he backed off....
Scott Adams: If Donald Trump Goes Down, Hillary Clinton Goes to Prison | Breitbart

Sounds good to me! I still prefer a 3rd option,Trump stays president,fires worthless AG sessions and Clinton STILL goes to prison.

Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert and popular political prognosticator, floated a theory...



Inspector Genral was tasked to review Clinton case. Review was done, nothing improper with case's conclusion found. THE END

Trump cannot simply direct DoJ to do whatever he baselessly wants.

I had the same reaction...
Scott Adams: If Donald Trump Goes Down, Hillary Clinton Goes to Prison | Breitbart

Sounds good to me! I still prefer a 3rd option,Trump stays president,fires worthless AG sessions and Clinton STILL goes to prison.

Anyone who believes that is a looney tune that needs to be locked up. This is the United States of America not a banana republic. Anyone who tries it should be charged and locked up.
You moron you think Trump is going to CARE if he is going down and makes sure the REAL enemy goes down as well? HELL NO.

Who is going to do this on Trump's behalf? That person or persons will face jail time with Trump. Or is Trump going too do it himself?
Scott Adams: If Donald Trump Goes Down, Hillary Clinton Goes to Prison | Breitbart

Sounds good to me! I still prefer a 3rd option,Trump stays president,fires worthless AG sessions and Clinton STILL goes to prison.

Anyone who believes that is a looney tune that needs to be locked up. This is the United States of America not a banana republic. Anyone who tries it should be charged and locked up.
You moron you think Trump is going to CARE if he is going down and makes sure the REAL enemy goes down as well? HELL NO.
You need something called evidence to convict someone in the United States. And your evidence is imaginary propaganda, super duper.
Comey laid out the evidence quite well for a conviction you moron....he didn't want to become ANOTHER Clinton victim of suicide so he backed off....

Comey decided not tp prosecute. That ends it.
Scott Adams: If Donald Trump Goes Down, Hillary Clinton Goes to Prison | Breitbart

Sounds good to me! I still prefer a 3rd option,Trump stays president,fires worthless AG sessions and Clinton STILL goes to prison.

Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert and popular political prognosticator, floated a theory...



Inspector Genral was tasked to review Clinton case. Review was done, nothing improper with case's conclusion found. THE END

Trump cannot simply direct DoJ to do whatever he baselessly wants.
That's why Sessions the limp spine AG is BYE BYE after the midterms...better buckle up boys and girls its gonna be a FUN ride with a REAL AG in office.

You got your head in clouds. No connection to reality.
Hillary has too much dirt on all the democrats. She has them at their pedo rituals. It's an automatic death sentence for all of them. If she goes down, she'll take the democrat Party down with her

If Hillary is willing to take down Podesta and some of the others, that changes things too.

The Pizzagate scandal has never been resolved, and there is doubt as to its factuality.

However, if the scandal can be investigated, I think you would find that some of the suspects forgot the carry the "1" on their income tax forms, so they can be sent to prison until they are willing to flip on high ranking Democrats.
Pizzagate has been totally discredited and it is a joke, for conspiracy Nut Job GOP idiots only
And hater dupes...
Scott Adams: If Donald Trump Goes Down, Hillary Clinton Goes to Prison | Breitbart

Sounds good to me! I still prefer a 3rd option,Trump stays president,fires worthless AG sessions and Clinton STILL goes to prison.

I see you're reading your favorite right wing tabloid website again that is stuffed FULL--:bsflag:

Someone else likes it too.


Very interesting video here. You might actually learn something about how Trump really feels about Hillary Clinton--


For more on the Russian investigation go to this link on this board.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election
Hillary has too much dirt on all the democrats. She has them at their pedo rituals. It's an automatic death sentence for all of them. If she goes down, she'll take the democrat Party down with her
You are out of your tiny brainwashed little mind... Super duper. Everything Hillary has ever done has Been investigated and she is squeaky clean. She would have to be insane to even try anything. D u h.

ROTFLMAO!!!! Like how an exoneration letter was written before she ever had her interview with Clinton crony James Comey where no oath was required and the "interview" was not recorded just after Bill "drop trou" had a secret meeting with Loretta Lynch, dupe??????
Hillary has too much dirt on all the democrats. She has them at their pedo rituals. It's an automatic death sentence for all of them. If she goes down, she'll take the democrat Party down with her
You are out of your tiny brainwashed little mind... Super duper. Everything Hillary has ever done has Been investigated and she is squeaky clean. She would have to be insane to even try anything. D u h.

Investigated by a sympathetic Justice Department who did even read a quarter of her emails?


You do know that Comey wrote her exoneration before the investigation was done, right?
Pure garbage propaganda... Emails are a joke...Everything Hillary has ever done has been investigated and nothing. She would have to be nuts to try anyting corrupt. God knows what you morons are talking about... LOL

Keep believing that. Something tells me Trump's second term isn't going to be so kind to Hillary and Company. The only thing you can hope for is that he doesn't replace Sessions which as the Executive Officer, Trump could do any time he wanted to.

You might get a reprieve until 2020 but that's when the mittens come off. Sessions will be gone after that.
Won’t be a second term for Don. You and I both know it.

Mark my words
Republicans run all branches of government and still can't prosecute any of the Clinton's alleged horrible deeds. They must be some seriously dumb fucks. I'm not voting for any of the morons.
Scott Adams: If Donald Trump Goes Down, Hillary Clinton Goes to Prison | Breitbart

Sounds good to me! I still prefer a 3rd option,Trump stays president,fires worthless AG sessions and Clinton STILL goes to prison.

I see you're reading your favorite right wing tabloid website again that is stuffed FULL--:bsflag:

Someone else likes it too.


Very interesting video here. You might actually learn something about how Trump really feels about Hillary Clinton--


For more on the Russian investigation go to this link on this board.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Oreo SEZ????? "The ROOSKIES hacked the server of my beloved DNC and exposed the corruption and criminality of my party that was e-mailing each other as to how they were plotting to cheat and steal the election....and that's CHEATING!!!!

Keep rolling with that angle, dipshit.

Seth Rich was the insider that took the e-mails on a thumb-drive and made sure that they made their way to Assange and he was murdered for doing so....

Hope this helps!!!!!!!

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