If Trump goes down Clinton goes to prison

Pizzagate has been totally discredited and it is a joke, for conspiracy Nut Job GOP idiots only

That doesn't mean that there isn't room for investigation and seeing if justice is being obstructed or if the principals have paid all of their taxes.

The story behind Russia collusion was definitely bullshit- no soiled mattresses or hooker DNA was ever produced- and it was a nothing burger as Trump has the money to replace ruined mattresses at the Ritz Carlton if that's what he wanted to do.

But it didn't stop a 2 year special persecution.

I see the same with Pizzagate, and the possibility that a lot of Democrat politicians and hangers-on can be destroyed
The Russia investigation isn't about hookers and mattresses.

Hookers and mattresses was the impetus, the story that started the investigation. Sure, it has been largely forgotten, but it opened a can of worms to look at people taxes, set perjury taxes, etc. I can see the same thing with a special persecutor to look at Pizzagate. Start off with Pizzagate, and look at the owner of the Comet pizzeria, his relationship with David Brock, and that gives a motive to look at Brock's patron- Soros- who can have his taxes looked at. Soros is a convicted Felon, I am positive that he would be willing to drop the dime on the Clintons, Obamas and a lot of other alleged miscreants.

That is the way these things work, Ken Starr started off looking at Bill Clinton and his White Water dealings and in the end had to settle for busting him for lying about a blowjob. This is the bed the Repubs made, now they are lying in it.
Scott Adams: If Donald Trump Goes Down, Hillary Clinton Goes to Prison | Breitbart

Sounds good to me! I still prefer a 3rd option,Trump stays president,fires worthless AG sessions and Clinton STILL goes to prison.
lock her up.jpg
Hillary has too much dirt on all the democrats. She has them at their pedo rituals. It's an automatic death sentence for all of them. If she goes down, she'll take the democrat Party down with her
You are out of your tiny brainwashed little mind... Super duper. Everything Hillary has ever done has Been investigated and she is squeaky clean. She would have to be insane to even try anything. D u h.
Stop snorting the Kool Aid, ya duppe. Comey and Strzok improperly cleared Hillary

Yes, that's exactly what the IG concluded. :cuckoo:

That was investigated as well.
Pizzagate has been totally discredited and it is a joke, for conspiracy Nut Job GOP idiots only

That doesn't mean that there isn't room for investigation and seeing if justice is being obstructed or if the principals have paid all of their taxes.

The story behind Russia collusion was definitely bullshit- no soiled mattresses or hooker DNA was ever produced- and it was a nothing burger as Trump has the money to replace ruined mattresses at the Ritz Carlton if that's what he wanted to do.

But it didn't stop a 2 year special persecution.

I see the same with Pizzagate, and the possibility that a lot of Democrat politicians and hangers-on can be destroyed
The Russia investigation isn't about hookers and mattresses.

Hookers and mattresses was the impetus, the story that started the investigation. Sure, it has been largely forgotten, but it opened a can of worms to look at people taxes, set perjury taxes, etc. I can see the same thing with a special persecutor to look at Pizzagate. Start off with Pizzagate, and look at the owner of the Comet pizzeria, his relationship with David Brock, and that gives a motive to look at Brock's patron- Soros- who can have his taxes looked at. Soros is a convicted Felon, I am positive that he would be willing to drop the dime on the Clintons, Obamas and a lot of other alleged miscreants.

That is the way these things work, Ken Starr started off looking at Bill Clinton and his White Water dealings and in the end had to settle for busting him for lying about a blowjob. This is the bed the Repubs made, now they are lying in it.

That's fine, and that's why I'm suggesting a Pizzagate Special Counsel. To look into Democrat misbehavior. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, and if there is cause to imprison or at least impoverish Soros et al, we need to take it.
Pizzagate has been totally discredited and it is a joke, for conspiracy Nut Job GOP idiots only

That doesn't mean that there isn't room for investigation and seeing if justice is being obstructed or if the principals have paid all of their taxes.

The story behind Russia collusion was definitely bullshit- no soiled mattresses or hooker DNA was ever produced- and it was a nothing burger as Trump has the money to replace ruined mattresses at the Ritz Carlton if that's what he wanted to do.

But it didn't stop a 2 year special persecution.

I see the same with Pizzagate, and the possibility that a lot of Democrat politicians and hangers-on can be destroyed
The Russia investigation isn't about hookers and mattresses.

Hookers and mattresses was the impetus, the story that started the investigation. Sure, it has been largely forgotten, but it opened a can of worms to look at people taxes, set perjury taxes, etc. I can see the same thing with a special persecutor to look at Pizzagate. Start off with Pizzagate, and look at the owner of the Comet pizzeria, his relationship with David Brock, and that gives a motive to look at Brock's patron- Soros- who can have his taxes looked at. Soros is a convicted Felon, I am positive that he would be willing to drop the dime on the Clintons, Obamas and a lot of other alleged miscreants.

That is the way these things work, Ken Starr started off looking at Bill Clinton and his White Water dealings and in the end had to settle for busting him for lying about a blowjob. This is the bed the Repubs made, now they are lying in it.

That's fine, and that's why I'm suggesting a Pizzagate Special Counsel. To look into Democrat misbehavior. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, and if there is cause to imprison or at least impoverish Soros et al, we need to take it.

The Repubs had their turn when they went after Bill, now it is the Dems turn. I am sure after the next Dem wins the White House you Repubs will go after them as well, this is the new norm in our country...which is why we are heading down from our apex as a country. Party trumps country for a good 2/3 of the country.
Hillary has too much dirt on all the democrats. She has them at their pedo rituals. It's an automatic death sentence for all of them. If she goes down, she'll take the democrat Party down with her
You are out of your tiny brainwashed little mind... Super duper. Everything Hillary has ever done has Been investigated and she is squeaky clean. She would have to be insane to even try anything. D u h.

Investigated by a sympathetic Justice Department who did even read a quarter of her emails?


You do know that Comey wrote her exoneration before the investigation was done, right?
Pure garbage propaganda... Emails are a joke...Everything Hillary has ever done has been investigated and nothing. She would have to be nuts to try anyting corrupt. God knows what you morons are talking about... LOL

Keep believing that. Something tells me Trump's second term isn't going to be so kind to Hillary and Company. The only thing you can hope for is that he doesn't replace Sessions which as the Executive Officer, Trump could do any time he wanted to.

You might get a reprieve until 2020 but that's when the mittens come off. Sessions will be gone after that.
Sessions is gone no.later than the midterms
Pizzagate has been totally discredited and it is a joke, for conspiracy Nut Job GOP idiots only

That doesn't mean that there isn't room for investigation and seeing if justice is being obstructed or if the principals have paid all of their taxes.

The story behind Russia collusion was definitely bullshit- no soiled mattresses or hooker DNA was ever produced- and it was a nothing burger as Trump has the money to replace ruined mattresses at the Ritz Carlton if that's what he wanted to do.

But it didn't stop a 2 year special persecution.

I see the same with Pizzagate, and the possibility that a lot of Democrat politicians and hangers-on can be destroyed
The Russia investigation isn't about hookers and mattresses.

Hookers and mattresses was the impetus, the story that started the investigation. Sure, it has been largely forgotten, but it opened a can of worms to look at people taxes, set perjury taxes, etc. I can see the same thing with a special persecutor to look at Pizzagate. Start off with Pizzagate, and look at the owner of the Comet pizzeria, his relationship with David Brock, and that gives a motive to look at Brock's patron- Soros- who can have his taxes looked at. Soros is a convicted Felon, I am positive that he would be willing to drop the dime on the Clintons, Obamas and a lot of other alleged miscreants.
No, it wasn't. You kids gotta listen to some real news every once in a while or you totally lose touch with reality.
That doesn't mean that there isn't room for investigation and seeing if justice is being obstructed or if the principals have paid all of their taxes.

The story behind Russia collusion was definitely bullshit- no soiled mattresses or hooker DNA was ever produced- and it was a nothing burger as Trump has the money to replace ruined mattresses at the Ritz Carlton if that's what he wanted to do.

But it didn't stop a 2 year special persecution.

I see the same with Pizzagate, and the possibility that a lot of Democrat politicians and hangers-on can be destroyed
The Russia investigation isn't about hookers and mattresses.

Hookers and mattresses was the impetus, the story that started the investigation. Sure, it has been largely forgotten, but it opened a can of worms to look at people taxes, set perjury taxes, etc. I can see the same thing with a special persecutor to look at Pizzagate. Start off with Pizzagate, and look at the owner of the Comet pizzeria, his relationship with David Brock, and that gives a motive to look at Brock's patron- Soros- who can have his taxes looked at. Soros is a convicted Felon, I am positive that he would be willing to drop the dime on the Clintons, Obamas and a lot of other alleged miscreants.

That is the way these things work, Ken Starr started off looking at Bill Clinton and his White Water dealings and in the end had to settle for busting him for lying about a blowjob. This is the bed the Repubs made, now they are lying in it.

That's fine, and that's why I'm suggesting a Pizzagate Special Counsel. To look into Democrat misbehavior. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, and if there is cause to imprison or at least impoverish Soros et al, we need to take it.

The Repubs had their turn when they went after Bill, now it is the Dems turn. I am sure after the next Dem wins the White House you Repubs will go after them as well, this is the new norm in our country...which is why we are heading down from our apex as a country. Party trumps country for a good 2/3 of the country.

Why wait for a Democrat to take the WH, they are in control of the Deep State now, and the Obamas, Clintons, Soros etc., are still wielding power. There is no rule that you are only subject to investigation when you have the WH.

Further, the Republicans didn't start a single Special Persecution office during the entire 8 year Obama Regime.
The Russia investigation isn't about hookers and mattresses.

Hookers and mattresses was the impetus, the story that started the investigation. Sure, it has been largely forgotten, but it opened a can of worms to look at people taxes, set perjury taxes, etc. I can see the same thing with a special persecutor to look at Pizzagate. Start off with Pizzagate, and look at the owner of the Comet pizzeria, his relationship with David Brock, and that gives a motive to look at Brock's patron- Soros- who can have his taxes looked at. Soros is a convicted Felon, I am positive that he would be willing to drop the dime on the Clintons, Obamas and a lot of other alleged miscreants.

That is the way these things work, Ken Starr started off looking at Bill Clinton and his White Water dealings and in the end had to settle for busting him for lying about a blowjob. This is the bed the Repubs made, now they are lying in it.

That's fine, and that's why I'm suggesting a Pizzagate Special Counsel. To look into Democrat misbehavior. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, and if there is cause to imprison or at least impoverish Soros et al, we need to take it.

The Repubs had their turn when they went after Bill, now it is the Dems turn. I am sure after the next Dem wins the White House you Repubs will go after them as well, this is the new norm in our country...which is why we are heading down from our apex as a country. Party trumps country for a good 2/3 of the country.

Why wait for a Democrat to take the WH, they are in control of the Deep State now, and the Obamas, Clintons, Soros etc., are still wielding power. There is no rule that you are only subject to investigation when you have the WH.

Further, the Republicans didn't start a single Special Persecution office during the entire 8 year Obama Regime.
The "deep state" doesn't exist in the way you kids want it to. And you had no eveidence to start any sort of investigation into the Obama administration in spite of all your wild and wacky conspiracy theories and accusations.
The Russia investigation isn't about hookers and mattresses.

Hookers and mattresses was the impetus, the story that started the investigation. Sure, it has been largely forgotten, but it opened a can of worms to look at people taxes, set perjury taxes, etc. I can see the same thing with a special persecutor to look at Pizzagate. Start off with Pizzagate, and look at the owner of the Comet pizzeria, his relationship with David Brock, and that gives a motive to look at Brock's patron- Soros- who can have his taxes looked at. Soros is a convicted Felon, I am positive that he would be willing to drop the dime on the Clintons, Obamas and a lot of other alleged miscreants.

That is the way these things work, Ken Starr started off looking at Bill Clinton and his White Water dealings and in the end had to settle for busting him for lying about a blowjob. This is the bed the Repubs made, now they are lying in it.

That's fine, and that's why I'm suggesting a Pizzagate Special Counsel. To look into Democrat misbehavior. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, and if there is cause to imprison or at least impoverish Soros et al, we need to take it.

The Repubs had their turn when they went after Bill, now it is the Dems turn. I am sure after the next Dem wins the White House you Repubs will go after them as well, this is the new norm in our country...which is why we are heading down from our apex as a country. Party trumps country for a good 2/3 of the country.

Why wait for a Democrat to take the WH, they are in control of the Deep State now, and the Obamas, Clintons, Soros etc., are still wielding power. There is no rule that you are only subject to investigation when you have the WH.

Further, the Republicans didn't start a single Special Persecution office during the entire 8 year Obama Regime.

The deep state is a myth with no more credibility than the NWO or Illuminati or Santa Clause.
Scott Adams: If Donald Trump Goes Down, Hillary Clinton Goes to Prison | Breitbart

Sounds good to me! I still prefer a 3rd option,Trump stays president,fires worthless AG sessions and Clinton STILL goes to prison.

Anyone who believes that is a looney tune that needs to be locked up. This is the United States of America not a banana republic. Anyone who tries it should be charged and locked up.
You moron you think Trump is going to CARE if he is going down and makes sure the REAL enemy goes down as well? HELL NO.
You need something called evidence to convict someone in the United States. And your evidence is imaginary propaganda, super duper.
Comey laid out the evidence quite well for a conviction you moron....he didn't want to become ANOTHER Clinton victim of suicide so he backed off....

Comey decided not tp prosecute. That ends it.
Lol no its not. He STUPIDLY laid out WHY she should be charged....he was FIRED for not charging her. He didn't want to be another Clinton "suicide" victim....don't blame him but the Clinton's will go down.
Pizzagate has been totally discredited and it is a joke, for conspiracy Nut Job GOP idiots only

That doesn't mean that there isn't room for investigation and seeing if justice is being obstructed or if the principals have paid all of their taxes.

The story behind Russia collusion was definitely bullshit- no soiled mattresses or hooker DNA was ever produced- and it was a nothing burger as Trump has the money to replace ruined mattresses at the Ritz Carlton if that's what he wanted to do.

But it didn't stop a 2 year special persecution.

I see the same with Pizzagate, and the possibility that a lot of Democrat politicians and hangers-on can be destroyed
The Russia investigation isn't about hookers and mattresses.

Nope its about Clinton losing and the leftist Anti American's not being able to handle losing.
Pizzagate has been totally discredited and it is a joke, for conspiracy Nut Job GOP idiots only

That doesn't mean that there isn't room for investigation and seeing if justice is being obstructed or if the principals have paid all of their taxes.

The story behind Russia collusion was definitely bullshit- no soiled mattresses or hooker DNA was ever produced- and it was a nothing burger as Trump has the money to replace ruined mattresses at the Ritz Carlton if that's what he wanted to do.

But it didn't stop a 2 year special persecution.

I see the same with Pizzagate, and the possibility that a lot of Democrat politicians and hangers-on can be destroyed
The Russia investigation isn't about hookers and mattresses.

Hookers and mattresses was the impetus, the story that started the investigation. Sure, it has been largely forgotten, but it opened a can of worms to look at people taxes, set perjury taxes, etc. I can see the same thing with a special persecutor to look at Pizzagate.

Special prosecutor for "Pizzagate"?

....let me ask you a question - what the fuck is wrong with you? :confused-84:

You may as well post "My mom dropped me on my head and so I have trouble telling reality from half baked fantasy ever since"
Hillary has too much dirt on all the democrats. She has them at their pedo rituals. It's an automatic death sentence for all of them. If she goes down, she'll take the democrat Party down with her
You are out of your tiny brainwashed little mind... Super duper. Everything Hillary has ever done has Been investigated and she is squeaky clean. She would have to be insane to even try anything. D u h.
Stop snorting the Kool Aid, ya duppe. Comey and Strzok improperly cleared Hillary

Not according to the Inspector General.

Like all of the Clinton Scandals, Hillary’s email scandal was a made up by Republicans. Based of rumours Republicans started. The so-called “crimes”, never happened. Republicans took a small grain of truth and spun a fantastical narrative of lies around it.

Uranium One being a prime example. She didn’t control the approval process, didn’t attend any meetings, was one of 9 departments signing off on it, yet somehow is magically responsible for this deal. Coupled with the lie that she “sold uranium to Russia” when the uranium could not be exported, shows the lengths the idiot right will go to manufacture a Clinton scandal.

The Russia Investigation is based on REAL things that have happened, and that Trump has lied about, covered up, and he has undermined and obstructed the investigation into these matters.
Hillary has too much dirt on all the democrats. She has them at their pedo rituals. It's an automatic death sentence for all of them. If she goes down, she'll take the democrat Party down with her
You are out of your tiny brainwashed little mind... Super duper. Everything Hillary has ever done has Been investigated and she is squeaky clean. She would have to be insane to even try anything. D u h.
Stop snorting the Kool Aid, ya duppe. Comey and Strzok improperly cleared Hillary

Not according to the Inspector General.

Like all of the Clinton Scandals, Hillary’s email scandal was a made up by Republicans. Based of rumours Republicans started. The so-called “crimes”, never happened. Republicans took a small grain of truth and spun a fantastical narrative of lies around it.

Uranium One being a prime example. She didn’t control the approval process, didn’t attend any meetings, was one of 9 departments signing off on it, yet somehow is magically responsible for this deal. Coupled with the lie that she “sold uranium to Russia” when the uranium could not be exported, shows the lengths the idiot right will go to manufacture a Clinton scandal.

The Russia Investigation is based on REAL things that have happened, and that Trump has lied about, covered up, and he has undermined and obstructed the investigation into these matters.

They just gave $150,000,000 to Clinton. Sure.

Had it been Condi Rice selling her SecState to the Russians, you'd be calling for the Death Penalty
Anyone who believes that is a looney tune that needs to be locked up. This is the United States of America not a banana republic. Anyone who tries it should be charged and locked up.
You moron you think Trump is going to CARE if he is going down and makes sure the REAL enemy goes down as well? HELL NO.
You need something called evidence to convict someone in the United States. And your evidence is imaginary propaganda, super duper.
Comey laid out the evidence quite well for a conviction you moron....he didn't want to become ANOTHER Clinton victim of suicide so he backed off....

Comey decided not tp prosecute. That ends it.
Lol no its not. He STUPIDLY laid out WHY she should be charged....he was FIRED for not charging her. He didn't want to be another Clinton "suicide" victim....don't blame him but the Clinton's will go down.
Pizzagate has been totally discredited and it is a joke, for conspiracy Nut Job GOP idiots only

That doesn't mean that there isn't room for investigation and seeing if justice is being obstructed or if the principals have paid all of their taxes.

The story behind Russia collusion was definitely bullshit- no soiled mattresses or hooker DNA was ever produced- and it was a nothing burger as Trump has the money to replace ruined mattresses at the Ritz Carlton if that's what he wanted to do.

But it didn't stop a 2 year special persecution.

I see the same with Pizzagate, and the possibility that a lot of Democrat politicians and hangers-on can be destroyed
The Russia investigation isn't about hookers and mattresses.

Nope its about Clinton losing and the leftist Anti American's not being able to handle losing.
Lol, Comey wasn't fired for not charging Clinton. He was fired for speaking against tRump.
Pizzagate has been totally discredited and it is a joke, for conspiracy Nut Job GOP idiots only

That doesn't mean that there isn't room for investigation and seeing if justice is being obstructed or if the principals have paid all of their taxes.

The story behind Russia collusion was definitely bullshit- no soiled mattresses or hooker DNA was ever produced- and it was a nothing burger as Trump has the money to replace ruined mattresses at the Ritz Carlton if that's what he wanted to do.

But it didn't stop a 2 year special persecution.

I see the same with Pizzagate, and the possibility that a lot of Democrat politicians and hangers-on can be destroyed
The Russia investigation isn't about hookers and mattresses.

Hookers and mattresses was the impetus, the story that started the investigation. Sure, it has been largely forgotten, but it opened a can of worms to look at people taxes, set perjury taxes, etc. I can see the same thing with a special persecutor to look at Pizzagate.

Special prosecutor for "Pizzagate"?

....let me ask you a question - what the fuck is wrong with you? :confused-84:

You may as well post "My mom dropped me on my head and so I have trouble telling reality from half baked fantasy ever since"
Quoted for truth.
Our liberal friends would probably be okay with that too. They are singleminded in their quest to depose Donald J Trump and return rule to the Deep State.
didn't "Deep State" start with at least "W"? the whole patriot act was the first step to spying on ourselves. obama just said "hold my beer".

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