If Trump goes down Clinton goes to prison

Hillary has too much dirt on all the democrats. She has them at their pedo rituals. It's an automatic death sentence for all of them. If she goes down, she'll take the democrat Party down with her

If Hillary is willing to take down Podesta and some of the others, that changes things too.

The Pizzagate scandal has never been resolved, and there is doubt as to its factuality.

However, if the scandal can be investigated, I think you would find that some of the suspects forgot the carry the "1" on their income tax forms, so they can be sent to prison until they are willing to flip on high ranking Democrats.
Pizzagate has been totally discredited and it is a joke, for conspiracy Nut Job GOP idiots only

Discredited by whom, dupe???????
Scott Adams: If Donald Trump Goes Down, Hillary Clinton Goes to Prison | Breitbart

Sounds good to me! I still prefer a 3rd option,Trump stays president,fires worthless AG sessions and Clinton STILL goes to prison.

I see you're reading your favorite right wing tabloid website again that is stuffed FULL--:bsflag:

Someone else likes it too.


Very interesting video here. You might actually learn something about how Trump really feels about Hillary Clinton--


For more on the Russian investigation go to this link on this board.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Oreo SEZ????? "The ROOSKIES hacked the server of my beloved DNC and exposed the corruption and criminality of my party that was e-mailing each other as to how they were plotting to cheat and steal the election....and that's CHEATING!!!!

Keep rolling with that angle, dipshit.

Seth Rich was the insider that took the e-mails on a thumb-drive and made sure that they made their way to Assange and he was murdered for doing so....

Hope this helps!!!!!!!

It helps us show that you are batshit crazy. Russia hacked the DNC servers and no one else. Seth Rich's death has been used by the far-right just as they are using Tibbetts' death.
Scott Adams: If Donald Trump Goes Down, Hillary Clinton Goes to Prison | Breitbart

Sounds good to me! I still prefer a 3rd option,Trump stays president,fires worthless AG sessions and Clinton STILL goes to prison.

I see you're reading your favorite right wing tabloid website again that is stuffed FULL--:bsflag:

Someone else likes it too.


Very interesting video here. You might actually learn something about how Trump really feels about Hillary Clinton--


For more on the Russian investigation go to this link on this board.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Oreo SEZ????? "The ROOSKIES hacked the server of my beloved DNC and exposed the corruption and criminality of my party that was e-mailing each other as to how they were plotting to cheat and steal the election....and that's CHEATING!!!!

Keep rolling with that angle, dipshit.

Seth Rich was the insider that took the e-mails on a thumb-drive and made sure that they made their way to Assange and he was murdered for doing so....

Hope this helps!!!!!!!

It helps us show that you are batshit crazy. Russia hacked the DNC servers and no one else. Seth Rich's death has been used by the far-right just as they are using Tibbetts' death.

busybee SEZ??? "Those Rooskies hacked my beloved DNC and denied me of the Hidebeast due you here me due you?? Oh you are crazy and you hate this republik for witches stands and Seth Rich wasnt the leeker due you here me due you???"

ROTFLMAO!!!! Rock on with your stupid self, ya little lying, delusional commie fuck.....and I will entertain myself by laughing at you.
Scott Adams: If Donald Trump Goes Down, Hillary Clinton Goes to Prison | Breitbart

Sounds good to me! I still prefer a 3rd option,Trump stays president,fires worthless AG sessions and Clinton STILL goes to prison.

Hell Yeah! I like it. Get rid of both of the scum bags...then the person that got the 3rd most votes could be POTUS

You do realize that if Trump was somehow taken from office...…...Pence would become President

Yeah, it was a joke. perhaps you have heard of them
It helps us show that you are batshit crazy. Russia hacked the DNC servers and no one else. Seth Rich's death has been used by the far-right just as they are using Tibbetts' death.

Mr. Rich's death hasn't been investigated at all. I've heard the Far Left's theory that the whistleblower was clipped in a "botched robbery", but the Left hasn't been able to produce these alleged "robbers".

My own guess is that if the police were to actually arrest the shooters of Rich, and they were interrogated, they would be willing to drop a dime on prominent DNC left wingers and be put into Witness Protection. Although by this point in time, the Democrat leadership has probably already clipped the murderers. Why take a chance?
Scott Adams: If Donald Trump Goes Down, Hillary Clinton Goes to Prison | Breitbart

Sounds good to me! I still prefer a 3rd option,Trump stays president,fires worthless AG sessions and Clinton STILL goes to prison.

Hell Yeah! I like it. Get rid of both of the scum bags...then the person that got the 3rd most votes could be POTUS

You do realize that if Trump was somehow taken from office...…...Pence would become President

Yeah, it was a joke. perhaps you have heard of them

Of course I've heard of them and enjoy plenty, but they do have to be funny...and given the fact you didn't get any responses in that regard and from what I've seen of your posts, correct me if I'm wrong but you lean left and when it comes to Trump, the left have no sense of humor. So there's that.
Scott Adams: If Donald Trump Goes Down, Hillary Clinton Goes to Prison | Breitbart

Sounds good to me! I still prefer a 3rd option,Trump stays president,fires worthless AG sessions and Clinton STILL goes to prison.

Hell Yeah! I like it. Get rid of both of the scum bags...then the person that got the 3rd most votes could be POTUS

You do realize that if Trump was somehow taken from office...…...Pence would become President

Yeah, it was a joke. perhaps you have heard of them

Of course I've heard of them and enjoy plenty, but they do have to be funny...and given the fact you didn't get any responses in that regard and from what I've seen of your posts, correct me if I'm wrong but you lean left and when it comes to Trump, the left have no sense of humor. So there's that.

Funny is in the eye of the beholder.

You are wrong, I do not care for Trump but i do not lean left in the least. The morons on this board equate not sucking Trump's dick with being a lefty.
Scott Adams: If Donald Trump Goes Down, Hillary Clinton Goes to Prison | Breitbart

Sounds good to me! I still prefer a 3rd option,Trump stays president,fires worthless AG sessions and Clinton STILL goes to prison.

Hell Yeah! I like it. Get rid of both of the scum bags...then the person that got the 3rd most votes could be POTUS

You do realize that if Trump was somehow taken from office...…...Pence would become President

Yeah, it was a joke. perhaps you have heard of them

Of course I've heard of them and enjoy plenty, but they do have to be funny...and given the fact you didn't get any responses in that regard and from what I've seen of your posts, correct me if I'm wrong but you lean left and when it comes to Trump, the left have no sense of humor. So there's that.

Funny is in the eye of the beholder.

You are wrong, I do not care for Trump but i do not lean left in the least. The morons on this board equate not sucking Trump's dick with being a lefty.

Your choice of words in which to describe your position belies your comment
Hell Yeah! I like it. Get rid of both of the scum bags...then the person that got the 3rd most votes could be POTUS

You do realize that if Trump was somehow taken from office...…...Pence would become President

Yeah, it was a joke. perhaps you have heard of them

Of course I've heard of them and enjoy plenty, but they do have to be funny...and given the fact you didn't get any responses in that regard and from what I've seen of your posts, correct me if I'm wrong but you lean left and when it comes to Trump, the left have no sense of humor. So there's that.

Funny is in the eye of the beholder.

You are wrong, I do not care for Trump but i do not lean left in the least. The morons on this board equate not sucking Trump's dick with being a lefty.

Your choice of words in which to describe your position belies your comment

Not at all, but after a year plus of being told I am on the left because of my opinion of Trump, I am just tried of the ignorance so I have no patience for it any more.

I do not really give a fuck if you like it or not.
Funny is in the eye of the beholder.

You are wrong, I do not care for Trump but i do not lean left in the least. The morons on this board equate not sucking Trump's dick with being a lefty.

The thing is, however, is that Never Trumper conservatives such as yourself don't have a problem with surrendering the reins of government to the Far Left to get rid of the Trumpster. Guys like George Will are advocating exactly that, and people can't see the difference of voting for Ultraliberal extremists because of Trump-hate or because of devotion to Socialist ideas. The result is the same.
Funny is in the eye of the beholder.

You are wrong, I do not care for Trump but i do not lean left in the least. The morons on this board equate not sucking Trump's dick with being a lefty.

The thing is, however, is that Never Trumper conservatives such as yourself don't have a problem with surrendering the reins of government to the Far Left to get rid of the Trumpster. Guys like George Will are advocating exactly that, and people can't see the difference of voting for Ultraliberal extremists because of Trump-hate or because of devotion to Socialist ideas. The result is the same.

Both major parties in this country support bigger government and less personal freedoms. Voting for one is not all that different than voting for the other. Thus the last time I voted for a POTUS from either major party was 1992 and I cannot imagine I ever will again.
Hillary has too much dirt on all the democrats. She has them at their pedo rituals. It's an automatic death sentence for all of them. If she goes down, she'll take the democrat Party down with her

If Hillary is willing to take down Podesta and some of the others, that changes things too.

The Pizzagate scandal has never been resolved, and there is doubt as to its factuality.

However, if the scandal can be investigated, I think you would find that some of the suspects forgot the carry the "1" on their income tax forms, so they can be sent to prison until they are willing to flip on high ranking Democrats.
Pizzagate? Seriously?

Hillary has too much dirt on all the democrats. She has them at their pedo rituals. It's an automatic death sentence for all of them. If she goes down, she'll take the democrat Party down with her

If Hillary is willing to take down Podesta and some of the others, that changes things too.

The Pizzagate scandal has never been resolved, and there is doubt as to its factuality.

However, if the scandal can be investigated, I think you would find that some of the suspects forgot the carry the "1" on their income tax forms, so they can be sent to prison until they are willing to flip on high ranking Democrats.
Pizzagate has been totally discredited and it is a joke, for conspiracy Nut Job GOP idiots only
The Clintons apparently were born to be child molesters and sex slaveowners...
Hillary has too much dirt on all the democrats. She has them at their pedo rituals. It's an automatic death sentence for all of them. If she goes down, she'll take the democrat Party down with her

If Hillary is willing to take down Podesta and some of the others, that changes things too.

The Pizzagate scandal has never been resolved, and there is doubt as to its factuality.

However, if the scandal can be investigated, I think you would find that some of the suspects forgot the carry the "1" on their income tax forms, so they can be sent to prison until they are willing to flip on high ranking Democrats.
Pizzagate has been totally discredited and it is a joke, for conspiracy Nut Job GOP idiots only
The Clintons apparently were born to be child molesters and sex slaveowners...

And you apparently were born to be a brainless partisan sheep that believes CTs less credible than the existence of Santa
Pizzagate has been totally discredited and it is a joke, for conspiracy Nut Job GOP idiots only

That doesn't mean that there isn't room for investigation and seeing if justice is being obstructed or if the principals have paid all of their taxes.

The story behind Russia collusion was definitely bullshit- no soiled mattresses or hooker DNA was ever produced- and it was a nothing burger as Trump has the money to replace ruined mattresses at the Ritz Carlton if that's what he wanted to do.

But it didn't stop a 2 year special persecution.

I see the same with Pizzagate, and the possibility that a lot of Democrat politicians and hangers-on can be destroyed
The Russia investigation isn't about hookers and mattresses.
Hillary has too much dirt on all the democrats. She has them at their pedo rituals. It's an automatic death sentence for all of them. If she goes down, she'll take the democrat Party down with her

If Hillary is willing to take down Podesta and some of the others, that changes things too.

The Pizzagate scandal has never been resolved, and there is doubt as to its factuality.

However, if the scandal can be investigated, I think you would find that some of the suspects forgot the carry the "1" on their income tax forms, so they can be sent to prison until they are willing to flip on high ranking Democrats.
Pizzagate has been totally discredited and it is a joke, for conspiracy Nut Job GOP idiots only
The Clintons apparently were born to be child molesters and sex slaveowners...

And you apparently were born to be a brainless partisan sheep that believes CTs less credible than the existence of Santa
The Clintons are the most repugnant people on the planet, proven by their actions
You do realize that if Trump was somehow taken from office...…...Pence would become President

Yeah, it was a joke. perhaps you have heard of them

Of course I've heard of them and enjoy plenty, but they do have to be funny...and given the fact you didn't get any responses in that regard and from what I've seen of your posts, correct me if I'm wrong but you lean left and when it comes to Trump, the left have no sense of humor. So there's that.

Funny is in the eye of the beholder.

You are wrong, I do not care for Trump but i do not lean left in the least. The morons on this board equate not sucking Trump's dick with being a lefty.

Your choice of words in which to describe your position belies your comment

Not at all, but after a year plus of being told I am on the left because of my opinion of Trump, I am just tried of the ignorance so I have no patience for it any more.

I do not really give a fuck if you like it or not.

ok, now that's funny
Yeah, it was a joke. perhaps you have heard of them

Of course I've heard of them and enjoy plenty, but they do have to be funny...and given the fact you didn't get any responses in that regard and from what I've seen of your posts, correct me if I'm wrong but you lean left and when it comes to Trump, the left have no sense of humor. So there's that.

Funny is in the eye of the beholder.

You are wrong, I do not care for Trump but i do not lean left in the least. The morons on this board equate not sucking Trump's dick with being a lefty.

Your choice of words in which to describe your position belies your comment

Not at all, but after a year plus of being told I am on the left because of my opinion of Trump, I am just tried of the ignorance so I have no patience for it any more.

I do not really give a fuck if you like it or not.

ok, now that's funny

Don't for get to put a little something in the tip jar! :blues:
Pizzagate has been totally discredited and it is a joke, for conspiracy Nut Job GOP idiots only

That doesn't mean that there isn't room for investigation and seeing if justice is being obstructed or if the principals have paid all of their taxes.

The story behind Russia collusion was definitely bullshit- no soiled mattresses or hooker DNA was ever produced- and it was a nothing burger as Trump has the money to replace ruined mattresses at the Ritz Carlton if that's what he wanted to do.

But it didn't stop a 2 year special persecution.

I see the same with Pizzagate, and the possibility that a lot of Democrat politicians and hangers-on can be destroyed
The Russia investigation isn't about hookers and mattresses.

Hookers and mattresses was the impetus, the story that started the investigation. Sure, it has been largely forgotten, but it opened a can of worms to look at people taxes, set perjury taxes, etc. I can see the same thing with a special persecutor to look at Pizzagate. Start off with Pizzagate, and look at the owner of the Comet pizzeria, his relationship with David Brock, and that gives a motive to look at Brock's patron- Soros- who can have his taxes looked at. Soros is a convicted Felon, I am positive that he would be willing to drop the dime on the Clintons, Obamas and a lot of other alleged miscreants.

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