If Trump is so bad

Why the hyperinflation and ignoring the homeless Americans? I am done with democrats.

40 years of GOP giveaway tax rates have given us the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere by far. We need to tax fairly again and invest in America. Especially cheap college and training and a living wage like in every other modern country were crying out loud. We are desperate for a democratic landslide so they can actually do something. Hyperinflation my rear end, we have the best inflation of any major country and it's Putin's fault for screwing up the oil and grain markets- everyone knows it but you people,,,
Why the hyperinflation and ignoring the homeless Americans? I am done with democrats.

The fact that Trump is a mentally ill con man has absolutely nothing to do with inflation or the homeless. What an absolutely ridiculous proposition.

The fact that Trump is a mentally ill con man also has nothing to do with the issues. There are many of us from across the political spectrum who actually AGREE with the Republicans, to varying degrees, on many of the issues. But NOTHING is worth allowing a cult to consume one of our two major parties. NOTHING is worth enabling a wannabe dictator to gain power. In America. NOTHING.

This country HAS to be BETTER than this. We HAVE to be able to say, "no, winning on an issue is NOT worth selling our soul to this, we cannot eliminate our standards for a win here and there". And, fortunately, MANY REPUBLICANS have said this. NOTHING is worth winning at this cost.

If you refuse to even understand this, that's on you. That's your choice.
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What problem has Biden fixed? WHAT? We get record inflation and record food prices under Biden. Biden abandons Afghanistan and America borders, I get record homelessness and all these migrants we never asked for or needed...But Trump is the bad guy here? Explain all that to me. I don't get it.

He makes cringy tweets. Bottom line. Everything else can be glossed over. Very bizarre priorities really.
The fact that Trump is a mentally ill con man has absolutely nothing to do with inflation or the homeless. What an absolutely ridiculous proposition.

The fact that Trump is a mentally ill con man also has nothing to do with the issues. There are many of us from across the political spectrum who actually AGREE with the Republicans, to varying degrees, on many of the issues. But NOTHING is worth allowing a cult to consume one of our two major parties. NOTHING is worth enabling a wannabe dictator to gain power. In America. NOTHING.

This country HAS to be BETTER than this. We HAVE to be able to say, "no, winning on an issue is NOT worth selling our soul to this, we cannot eliminate our standards for a win here and there". And, fortunately, MANY REPUBLICANS have said this. NOTHING is worth winning at this cost.

If you refuse to even understand this, that's on you. That's your choice.
The fact that you idiots attack him 24/7 for about 8 years show that you Have TERMINAL TDS.

And that Brandon sucks hairy balls. So this is all you got.

The fact that Trump is a mentally ill con man has absolutely nothing to do with inflation or the homeless. What an absolutely ridiculous proposition.

The fact that Trump is a mentally ill con man also has nothing to do with the issues. There are many of us from across the political spectrum who actually AGREE with the Republicans, to varying degrees, on many of the issues. But NOTHING is worth allowing a cult to consume one of our two major parties. NOTHING is worth enabling a wannabe dictator to gain power. In America. NOTHING.

This country HAS to be BETTER than this. We HAVE to be able to say, "no, winning on an issue is NOT worth selling our soul to this, we cannot eliminate our standards for a win here and there". And, fortunately, MANY REPUBLICANS have said this. NOTHING is worth winning at this cost.

If you refuse to even understand this, that's on you. That's your choice.

The fact that Trump is a mentally ill con man has absolutely nothing to do with inflation or the homeless. What an absolutely ridiculous proposition.

The fact that Trump is a mentally ill con man also has nothing to do with the issues. There are many of us from across the political spectrum who actually AGREE with the Republicans, to varying degrees, on many of the issues. But NOTHING is worth allowing a cult to consume one of our two major parties. NOTHING is worth enabling a wannabe dictator to gain power. In America. NOTHING.
Ok, Dr. Fraud; Let's see your Psychology Diploma. :rolleyes-41:
^Assclowns posting things like this is who has TDS.

Fuckin' strawman quotes. The only place that stuff happens is in between your ears, nutbar.

Your mental illness is not well documented yet as it is a novel occurrence.



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Why the hyperinflation and ignoring the homeless Americans? I am done with democrats.

This post makes no logical sense. If Trump is so bad, why ignore the homeless? And you're done with the Democrats. Since you were never "with" the Democrats in the first place, this assertion has no value at all.

Someone must have learned a new word - hyperinflation. As with all language, proper useage is important. Hyperinflation is defined as "a very high and typically accelerating inflation. It quickly erodes the real value of the local currency". Venezuela had inflation of close to 400% in SEPTEMBER.

There is no "hyperinflation" in the USA. In fact, inflation has been flat for most of this year, and the annual inflation rate never exceeded 10%. So lets turn to homelessness. What exactly have Donald Trump or the Republican Party proposed to do about homelessness? What is their platform?

Trump called for removing thousands of homeless people from American cities and making them live in tents on “large parcels of inexpensive land in the outer reaches of the cities", in a speech. Forced removal. Tent camps. How are poor people supposed to find jobs, commute to work?

A law recently passed in Republican Missouri prevents cities and nonprofit groups from using state grants or federal grants to construct permanent housing for the homeless. Local governments would instead be required to use the money to build the type of temporary camps described by Trump – and those in such camps would first have to submit to mental health evaluations and drug testing.

Sounds to me like Trump is planning on criminalizing homelessness and stripping the homeless of their rights. I don't see a solution here, other than to put homeless people in camps against their will.
40 years of GOP giveaway tax rates have given us the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere by far.

You are spewing left-wing, uniformed talking points. I realize that many Democrats live in blue inner city dumps that aren’t exactly luxurious, but you have to be withe woefully uninformed/misinformed and/or on some seriously strong drugs to think that the US has the worst upward mobility, poverty and homeless of anywhere in the world. The US is nowhere even remotely close to that.
Ignorance and stupidity are the choice of Republicans, one which I see you have chosen to make.

I will continue to point out that as income(success) rises, so does the likelihood of one voting Republican. Blue-haired, low-info, high-brow Democrats like to fancy themselves as being smarter than everyone else, after all, who could possibly question the intellectual acuity of the college graduate who is making your $5 coffee every morning. The real proof is in the pudding. The bigger the loser, the bigger the chance of being a Democrat.
Why the hyperinflation and ignoring the homeless Americans? I am done with democrats.

Inflation was a worldwide phenomenon and was much worse most other places thanks to Joe Biden's policies.

It is now back to normal here, BTW, which it is not most everywhere else.

You also seem to have missed the morning republican talking points email, You guys are now concerned about the coming deflation million CEO mentioned yesterday.

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