If Trump is so bad

Hyperinflation is a term to describe rapid, excessive, and out-of-control general price increases in an economy. While inflation measures the pace of rising prices for goods and services, hyperinflation is rapidly rising inflation, typically measuring more than 50% per month.
But it is a really cool sounding scare word!
What problem has Biden fixed? WHAT? We get record inflation and record food prices under Biden. Biden abandons Afghanistan and America borders, I get record homelessness and all these migrants we never asked for or needed...But Trump is the bad guy here? Explain all that to me. I don't get it.
Inflation, as I've already pointed out, is down. Has been going down for months and months.

Food prices are coming down as well, go buy a carton of eggs or a bottle of milk.

The Afghanistan withdrawal was done on tRump's schedule, and it was he who negotiated it with our enemies instead of our allies. It was a trap left for the Biden Administration.

The only thing that slowed down migrants was covid.

And yes, tRump is the bad guy here.

Hope this helps!
Trump incited insurrection! But no, never happened. Trump had secret documents! But no, and Biden did the same. But no. I have to pay 45% + for everything under Biden. Because you liberals are delusional idiots.
He did, we all watched it on national TV. YOu guys were just about as outraged as the Democrats for the first month or so afterwards, then the RWNJ media got it's act together and corrected your behavior with their propaganda machines.

Biden gave them back as soon as it was realized they were there. tRump tried to keep them, possibly just to brag, but also possibly for profit.

45%? That number grows with every post.
You are spewing left-wing, uniformed talking points. I realize that many Democrats live in blue inner city dumps that aren’t exactly luxurious, but you have to be withe woefully uninformed/misinformed and/or on some seriously strong drugs to think that the US has the worst upward mobility, poverty and homeless of anywhere in the world. The US is nowhere even remotely close to that.

You're the one who is seriously misinformed here. The USA has the worst upward mobility, poverty and homelessness in the FIRST World. Your wealth and wage inequity is also the worst in the first world. The USA is the shithole country of the first world, which is why people from first world countries aren't emigrating to the USA.

Your middle class is in decline - the ONLY first world country where the middle class isn't expanding. Your life expectancy is in decline - also the only first world country where this is happening.

The USA's stated poverty rate is calculated based on the cost of food. Since the USA has the cheapest food in the first world (thank illegal immigrants for that), the poverty rate is artificially deflated, but when you apply the same criteria for poverty as the rest of the world - a basket of basic consumer goods including food, housing and transportation, the American poverty jumps to 18%.

Since Americans pay no attention to anything going on in the rest of the world, you have no idea how the rest of us live or how we're doing. The rest of the world's middle class are thriving and growing. Our life expectancy is increasing, and our poverty levels are declining.

We don't have persistent crime problems, school shootings, mass murders, or a massive homeless problem. We don't have an illegal immigrant problem, because we go after the employers, not the immigrants. If they can't get a job, they don't come.

Republicans are doing NOTHING to solve any of your problems, except apportioning blame and suggesting criminalizing poverty - stripping people of their right of self-determination. Trump's "homeless camps" sound suspiciously like the "debtor's prisons" of the 1800's.

All of Trump's solutions to enduring problems, is to put the problem in a dirty tent camps and keep them there - at taxpayer's expense. Out of sight, out of mind. Nobody complained about immigrants overwhelming the system when Trump put them all in prison camps.

The USA already has more people in jails or prisons that any other nation in the world. More than China and Russia combined and they're card carrying "police states". The Republican solution to every problem in the USA is to lock more people up.

Law and order are breaking down because you're not addressing the income and wealth inequity at the root of it all. The epidemic in shoplifting isn't happening because there are "no consequences". There are all kinds of consequences for crime in the USA. But no solutions for the underlying poverty and inequity.

DA's didn't stop prosecuting shoplifting because they want to encourage lawlessness. They stopped because the system is being overwhelmed by it and they can't address violent crime.

Last but not least, right wingers on this board continue to parrot the idea that "Democrat run cities are crime infested shitholes". 80% of Americans live in cities. So thanks for admitting that the USA is the "shithole country of the first world".
Trump incited insurrection! But no, never happened. Trump had secret documents! But no, and Biden did the same. But no. I have to pay 45% + for everything under Biden. Because you liberals are delusional idiots.

Inflation was never higher than 10% and is now flat. But thanks for my laugh of the day (aalthough it is early), by saying "you liberals are delusional idiots", after your 45% inflation comment.

As always, every Republican accusation is a confession.
UM ok, I pay buku $ more for groceries under Biden, Under Biden, under Biden. Trump not so much.
This is as ignorant as it is wrong.

Presidents have little to nothing to do with inflation or the cost of things.

It’s as ignorant and wrong to blame President Biden for inflation as it was to blame Trump for the 2020 recession.

Indeed, the consequence of presidents’ economic policies usually don’t manifest until that president is well out of office.

In fact, it was ignorant idiocy to blame Hoover for the Great Depression.

Trump is so bad because he’s a treasonous enemy of democracy who committed historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, disrupt the peaceful transfer of power – having nothing to do with the state of the economy when he was in office.
Why the hyperinflation and ignoring the homeless Americans? I am done with democrats.

October Inflation Comes In Even Better Than Expected

Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces New Initiative to Tackle Unsheltered Homelessness

Are you a Russian bot or just a run of the mill Trumpist liar?
What problem has Biden fixed? WHAT? We get record inflation and record food prices under Biden. Biden abandons Afghanistan and America borders, I get record homelessness and all these migrants we never asked for or needed...But Trump is the bad guy here? Explain all that to me. I don't get it.
It’s naïve, ignorant, and childish to look to presidents to ‘fix’ things.

Indeed, it’s neither the role nor responsibility of presidents to ‘fix’ things – that’s Congress’ responsibility; presidents don’t enact laws, they only enforce them.

It’s truly amazing – but not surprising – the comprehensive ignorance of Americans as to the most fundamental aspects of American politics and governance.

It was naïve, ignorant, and childish to vote against Trump in 2020 because of the recession and high unemployment – conditions Trump neither caused nor could ‘fix.’

Trump was appropriately and thankfully voted out of office because he was wrong on the issues and unfit to be president to begin with.
You're the one who is seriously misinformed here. The USA has the worst upward mobility, poverty and homelessness in the FIRST World. Your wealth and wage inequity is also the worst in the first world. The USA is the shithole country of the first world, which is why people from first world countries aren't emigrating to the USA.

Your middle class is in decline - the ONLY first world country where the middle class isn't expanding. Your life expectancy is in decline - also the only first world country where this is happening.

The USA's stated poverty rate is calculated based on the cost of food. Since the USA has the cheapest food in the first world (thank illegal immigrants for that), the poverty rate is artificially deflated, but when you apply the same criteria for poverty as the rest of the world - a basket of basic consumer goods including food, housing and transportation, the American poverty jumps to 18%.

Since Americans pay no attention to anything going on in the rest of the world, you have no idea how the rest of us live or how we're doing. The rest of the world's middle class are thriving and growing. Our life expectancy is increasing, and our poverty levels are declining.

We don't have persistent crime problems, school shootings, mass murders, or a massive homeless problem. We don't have an illegal immigrant problem, because we go after the employers, not the immigrants. If they can't get a job, they don't come.

Republicans are doing NOTHING to solve any of your problems, except apportioning blame and suggesting criminalizing poverty - stripping people of their right of self-determination. Trump's "homeless camps" sound suspiciously like the "debtor's prisons" of the 1800's.

All of Trump's solutions to enduring problems, is to put the problem in a dirty tent camps and keep them there - at taxpayer's expense. Out of sight, out of mind. Nobody complained about immigrants overwhelming the system when Trump put them all in prison camps.

The USA already has more people in jails or prisons that any other nation in the world. More than China and Russia combined and they're card carrying "police states". The Republican solution to every problem in the USA is to lock more people up.

Law and order are breaking down because you're not addressing the income and wealth inequity at the root of it all. The epidemic in shoplifting isn't happening because there are "no consequences". There are all kinds of consequences for crime in the USA. But no solutions for the underlying poverty and inequity.

DA's didn't stop prosecuting shoplifting because they want to encourage lawlessness. They stopped because the system is being overwhelmed by it and they can't address violent crime.

Last but not least, right wingers on this board continue to parrot the idea that "Democrat run cities are crime infested shitholes". 80% of Americans live in cities. So thanks for admitting that the USA is the "shithole country of the first world".


Prove to me any policy of Biden's caused record high food inflation.
They want to believe that global inflation exploded two months after he took office. That's preposterous.

I once posted a long list of oil price spikes that didn't cause inflation. A very long list.

There is no better example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect than a Trumpster lecturing us on markets & economics.
They want to believe that global inflation exploded two months after he took office. That's preposterous.

I once posted a long list of oil price spikes that didn't cause inflation. A very long list.

There is no better example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect than a Trumpster lecturing us on markets & economics.
There is no better example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect than almost every Mac1958 post. :rolleyes-41:

Introspection? That motherfucker has zero. Total obliviousness.

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Being homeless is a choice of the individual.
Progshave played this game for so long that people are numb to everything. All this money spent for so little results. So many middlemen and employees hired to service the dwindling dollars that get to people. And don't forget the lawyers. The people in the 1930's would have thought they were in Shangri La.
UM ok, I pay buku $ more for groceries under Biden, Under Biden, under Biden. Trump not so much.
Even under Trump there was 2% inflation … which means that month over month prices even then were increasing

You dishonest dope
The USA is the shithole country of the first world, which is why people from first world countries aren't emigrating to the USA.

Sure, ok. I have travelled quite a bit and quickly realized that many other countries do indeed have less income inquality, but they also don’t live as well as though of us in the US that have decided to take advantage of the American dream as opposed to sitting back and hoping that it falls in our laps.

Last but not least, right wingers on this board continue to parrot the idea that "Democrat run cities are crime infested shitholes". 80% of Americans live in cities. So thanks for admitting that the USA is the "shithole country of the first world".

IMO, most large cities around the world are pretty trashy, but yes, blue-run Democratic cities are dumps for the most part. Many foreigners come to NYC on their first and only trip to the US. I can only imagine the impression they have of the US with that being their only real exposure.

I don’t live in those areas. I live in a red area that is safe and beautiful with plenty of room to spread out. Our taxes are reasonable so a person that works hard can keep more of their money. Voting blue is not an idea a person in my situation would/should ever entertain.

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