If Trump is so bad

You agree… then go on a weird rant about Afghanistan?

You’re truly insane
Weird rant? OK. Afghanistan. Biden has this habit of just unilaterally inexplicably doing things that made no sense that were ill planed and hurt us all. What's your take?
Weird rant? OK. Afghanistan. Biden has this habit of just unilaterally inexplicably doing things that made no sense that were ill planed and hurt us all. What's your take?
You following through on the plan to disengage that Trump began.

Getting us out of a 20 year debacle?

Newsflash. We’re out and it’s a GOOD thing
You following through on the plan to disengage that Trump began.

Getting us out of a 20 year debacle?

Newsflash. We’re out and it’s a GOOD thing

But the plan is always to integrate the new government along side the old, before leaving.
That way the natives learn they can trust the new government and not panic.
And when you see hundreds of people clinging on to the side of US airplanes taking off, who then are going to fall off, that is a sure sign of panic.
Biden could easily have commanded that the Taliban be integrated before the US started leaving.
It did not have to be done in panic as it was.
There is no hyperinflation. If you want to know what hyperinflation is, read up on Germany in the 20s, which led to the rise of Hitler. Read up what happened in Zimbabwe where in November 2008 the inflation rate estimated at 79,600,000,000% per month

Moreover, there was inflation under Reagan, which began under Carter, which was put under control by Paul Volcker, the Fed Chairman, who was appointed by Carter.

It must be understood that both Reagan AND Carter were free market neoliberals.

We have experienced inflation, yes, but it's not 'hyper' nor is it even galloping. The inflation was due to the two fiat currency infusions caused by the CARES ACT (Trump) and ARP (Biden) which injected $2 trillion each, into the economy, but it was necessary to thwart the detrimental effects of the pandemic. It was unavoidable, and bipartisan.

Jerome Powell appears to be applying the successful inflation taming methods as was done by Volcker, so I'm confident it will be contained. And, in fact, it is being contained.

As for the homeless, it was accelerated under Reagan when he undermined the mental hospitals that resulted in a massive increase of homelessness.

(article courtesy of the San Diego Union Tribune)

There was a slight period of hyper inflation in the US, due to Biden's illegal economic sanctions on the Russians.
Prices jumped by over a third.
Biden finally ended most of the inflation by releasing almost all the strategic reserves oil.
But prices are still 15 to 20% higher, and we no longer have any strategic oil reserves.
You following through on the plan to disengage that Trump began.

Getting us out of a 20 year debacle?

Newsflash. We’re out and it’s a GOOD thing
What are you even talking about? This is 2023, and food and housing prices are up the ying yang! Biden MADE that happen. Biden did that singlehandedly. Biden gave money to Ukraine and ignored American vets and homeless. Biden has no plans or strategies; he's a clueless liar and his policies (foreign or domestic) are just random wavering pandering nonsense.
What are you even talking about? This is 2023, and food and housing prices are up the ying yang! Biden MADE that happen. Biden did that singlehandedly. Biden gave money to Ukraine and ignored American vets and homeless. Biden has no plans or strategies; he's a clueless liar and his policies (foreign or domestic) are just random wavering pandering nonsense.
Wow. You have a serious case of ADD doncha?

Newsflash Afghanistan has zero to do with any of that.

The inflation we had was caused by infusions of money from both Trump and Biden. Both necessary to keep the economy from imploding due to Covid.

Biden is NOT ignoring Vets (in fact he got the Burn Pit Bill passed over GOP obstruction).

And you don’t give a shit about the homeless
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Wow. You have a serious case of ADD doncha?

Newsflash Afghanistan has zero to do with any of that.

The inflation we had was caused by infusions of money from both Trump and Biden. Both necessary to keep the economy from imploding due to Covid.

Biden is NOT ignoring Vets (in fact he got the Burn Pit Bill passed over GOP obstruction).

And you don’t give a shot about the homeless
OK YOU argue, Biden abandoned Afghanistan like total clueless shithead because you are a clueless shithead and agree for whatever reason. I won't bother to argue with blithering idiots.
OK YOU argue, Biden abandoned Afghanistan like total clueless shithead because you are a clueless shithead and agree for whatever reason. I won't bother to argue with blithering idiots.
And now you’re back on Afghanistan.

Jesus what a weird poster
Already addressed and ignored ADD lady

Go back and read
How? You think a clever post on the internet fixed Biden and his broke vapid policies? You can't be that stupid. I still pay more now for groceries, rent and you Nicey nice people destroyed law enforcement over bullshit. I am done with you idiots.
Wow. You have a serious case of ADD doncha?

Newsflash Afghanistan has zero to do with any of that.

The inflation we had was caused by infusions of money from both Trump and Biden. Both necessary to keep the economy from imploding due to Covid.

Biden is NOT ignoring Vets (in fact he got the Burn Pit Bill passed over GOP obstruction).

And you don’t give a shit about the homeless

The inflation rate when from 1.4% in 2020 to 7.0% in 2022, due to Biden's economic sanctions on Russia.
The highest inflation rate under Trump was 2.3% in 2019, but most of Trump's term it was under 2%.
And you don’t give a shit about the homeless

Homelessness is caused by too much immigration and bad economic policies that both do not allow for well paid and stable US careers.
Too many jobs are going overseas due to technology theft and not enough economic sanctions on the import of goods.
Like Apple should be paying big time for making iPhones in China.
Trump is the only one addressing both those aspects.
There was a slight period of hyper inflation in the US, due to Biden's illegal economic sanctions on the Russians.
Prices jumped by over a third.
Biden finally ended most of the inflation by releasing almost all the strategic reserves oil.
But prices are still 15 to 20% higher, and we no longer have any strategic oil reserves.
The Strategic Oil release is not deflationary, prices may drop on gas, but they'll rise again.

No, inflation has been tamed by Jerome Powell's fiscal management policies, using the discount rate (they call it something else now 'primary credit rate', I mean the rate the fed charges it's primary banks and institutions at the discount window), this is what curbs inflation by decreasing fiat currency infusion. During Carter and Reagan, Fed chairman Paul Volcker used this same method. It's tried and true, it works. This is one thing about conservative Fed reserve chairmans know how to do well, if nothing else.

Hyperinflation always leads to the destruction of the currency.

We have never been anywhere near that point. Inflation will gallop from time to time, it did under Carter & Reagan, and it did under Biden, via Trump's and Biden's pandemic response, helping millions out of a financial jam.
The inflation rate when from 1.4% in 2020 to 7.0% in 2022, due to Biden's economic sanctions on Russia.
The highest inflation rate under Trump was 2.3% in 2019, but most of Trump's term it was under 2%.

That's false. There were two major QE's during Trump and Biden, the result of the pandemic's CARES ACT (Trump) and ARP (Biden) , which led $2 trillion in fiat currency infusions by each administration into the economy, and they did this to prevent an economic calamity caused by the pandemic. The inflation was therefore bipartisan, and unavoidable. AS the pandemic fades, so will the inflation,, especially with Fed chairman Powell taming inflation via his controlling the discount rate (primary credit rate), the same successful action taken by Paul Volcker during the inflationary period in the late 70s.
What are you even talking about? This is 2023, and food and housing prices are up the ying yang! Biden MADE that happen. Biden did that singlehandedly.
Joe Biden caused global inflation to explode out of nowhere, just three months into his presidency. Poof. All by himself. "Singlehandedly". That is the claim here.

This is when you know you're witnessing the Dunning-Kruger Effect, in all its spectacular and destructive glory.
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Joe Biden caused global inflation to explode out of nowhere, just three months into his presidency. Poof. All by himself. "Singlehandedly". That is the claim here.

This is when you know you're witnessing the Dunning-Kruger Effect, in all its spectacular and destructive glory.
How? You think a clever post on the internet fixed Biden and his broke vapid policies? You can't be that stupid. I still pay more now for groceries, rent and you Nicey nice people destroyed law enforcement over bullshit. I am done with you idiots.
So you demand a response ON THE INTERNET and then whine that the response is only on the internet .

What a ducking loon

And groceries always go up in price.
So you demand a response ON THE INTERNET and then whine that the response is only on the internet .

What a ducking loon

And groceries always go up in price.
Why yes they have, and your response to America is suck it up??

Proving your side doesnt give a rip about the poor in this country.

Oh I know. Lets fix it by raising taxes....then politicians feed on the money and hand out crumbs and act Noble.

Prices have gone way up, and Americans feel that pain.
Why the hyperinflation and ignoring the homeless Americans? I am done with democrats.

So field a candidate who will advance the Trump agenda without the crushing Trump baggage...

Do that and I'll vote alongside you, to get out from under the idiot Democrats...

Stupidly run that Orange Albatross again and I'll be forced to vote for Dems again, to defend the Constitution, and I can't stand Dems either...

The Constitution and the Rule of Law and - ultimately, the Republic itself - are more important than any party or individual, or economic condition...

And we risk it all again - after having dodged a bullet on January 6, 2021 - if Trump regains the Oval Office...

So field a candidate who will advance the Trump agenda without the crushing Trump baggage.

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