If Trump is so bad

OK, so I went back and re-read it.

You AGREED that people on the streets are mentally ill, you didn't say it yourself. But you did AGREE with it, so I'm not getting the fur flying. I don't care, don't explain it. Just go away. But kaz, I agreed with that statement, someone else said it I just agreed with it.

FYI there is no difference, shit man

I read what he posted, and he never agreed with any such notion.

There are a lot of people on the streets who are NOT mentally ill.

I see you totally failed to support any of your assertions, stank ass Canuck.

So that's just your opinion, and I say your opinion is shit.

How many times do we have to post links to the historical newspaper clippings refuting Trump's bullshit and lies, only to have you ignore them or call me liar.

The bankruptcies are a matter of court and public record, as are the court cases and the trials. There have been newspaper accounts going back to the 1970's about what a lying criminal Trump really is.

What was most shocking to me was the Republican Party just handing him the Presidential nomination. Whatever happened to the "of good character" requirement for public office?
I read what he posted, and he never agreed with any such notion.

There are a lot of people on the streets who are NOT mentally ill.

How many times do we have to post links to the historical newspaper clippings refuting Trump's bullshit and lies, only to have you ignore them or call me liar.

The bankruptcies are a matter of court and public record, as are the court cases and the trials. There have been newspaper accounts going back to the 1970's about what a lying criminal Trump really is.

What was most shocking to me was the Republican Party just handing him the Presidential nomination. Whatever happened to the "of good character" requirement for public office?
Hey, dumbass Canuck whose landlord wants to evict you:

Most people that have successes have had multiple failures before those successes.


That's how you win, Cookie. ;)
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Life is a lot easier when you're a Democrat and you never hold yourself to any standard, no one around you holds you to any standard and you never hold them to one. Being a Democrat sure is easy. There's the being on the side of evil thing, but who cares ..

How would you know what standards Democrats hold themselves to, when you keep voting for Donald Trump, and then lying about it???? Sounds like you wouldn't know a standard if one jumped up and slapped you in the face, which it probably has, more than once.

As for being on the side of evil, what bullshit!!! The guy you're lying about voting for wants to put the homeless, and the refugees in dirty tent camps out in the middle of nowhere. And leave them there. Who separated families at the border and laughed about it.

Tell us again about your "standards" and your morals after admitting you're lying and you don't care about anyone but yourself.
OK, so I went back and re-read it.

You AGREED that people on the streets are mentally ill, you didn't say it yourself. But you did AGREE with it, so I'm not getting the fur flying. I don't care, don't explain it. Just go away. But kaz, I agreed with that statement, someone else said it I just agreed with it.

FYI there is no difference, shit man

I read what he posted, and he never agreed with any such notion.

There are a lot of people on the streets who are NOT mentally ill.
Doesn't address either point I made that you don't care about helping the homeless, you leave them on the street, and you don't care about them being a threat to honest citizens. You say nothing about the crime they commit.

Most crimes are committed by a tiny percent who repeatedly commit crimes. You leave them on the street to repeatedly create victims. Then you say nothing when their victims fight back and they are arrested and charged

Once again the selfish ignorant idiot complains about having to see homeless people and wanting an end to the crime they commit, but you show zero interest or concern about solving the problems which create homelessness. Arrest these people and make them disappear.

People who are homeless are the victims of the selfishness and uncaring, not assholes like you. You ARE the problem because you're supporting and voting for the policies which created the poverty and the homelessness in the first place.

For generations, the Republican Party and right wing media has brainwashed its voters into believing that people are poor because of "poor choices", and not because the tax and labour laws are written to protect the wealthy and give them immense power over their workers.
Why the hyperinflation and ignoring the homeless Americans? I am done with democrats.

There is no hyperinflation. If you want to know what hyperinflation is, read up on Germany in the 20s, which led to the rise of Hitler. Read up what happened in Zimbabwe where in November 2008 the inflation rate estimated at 79,600,000,000% per month

Moreover, there was inflation under Reagan, which began under Carter, which was put under control by Paul Volcker, the Fed Chairman, who was appointed by Carter.

It must be understood that both Reagan AND Carter were free market neoliberals.

We have experienced inflation, yes, but it's not 'hyper' nor is it even galloping. The inflation was due to the two fiat currency infusions caused by the CARES ACT (Trump) and ARP (Biden) which injected $2 trillion each, into the economy, but it was necessary to thwart the detrimental effects of the pandemic. It was unavoidable, and bipartisan.

Jerome Powell appears to be applying the successful inflation taming methods as was done by Volcker, so I'm confident it will be contained. And, in fact, it is being contained.

As for the homeless, it was accelerated under Reagan when he undermined the mental hospitals that resulted in a massive increase of homelessness.

(article courtesy of the San Diego Union Tribune)
Hey, dumbass Canuck whose landlord wants to evict you:

Most people that have successes have had multiple failures before those successes.

I'm no dumbass. I'm eviction proof and my loser landlord has spent 2 years and 5 Hearings to learn that. Plus he now has $100,000 in work orders to clear from the building. Real estate prices have gone up so much here, and so have rents.

Long term tenants are being evicted because Landlords can charge market rents to the new ones. Smart tenants are fighting back, and we're winning.

Nobody has had the level of failure and bankruptcy of Donald Trump. Jeff Bezos ran into problems starting Amazon and his parents bailed him out for $250,000. Donald Trump's dad gave him $400 million and Trump went broke - over and over. When Fred's health deteriorated and he couldn't bail out Donald any more, Trump started his bankruptcy scam, until the banks stopped lending to him.
Why the hyperinflation and ignoring the homeless Americans? I am done with democrats.

An open border that the Mexican drug cartels or controlling, two wars which would not have happened if Trump were president.....the catastrophic failure in handing over Afghanistan to the Taliban.....the lies about January 6th.

One good thing is that they're so obviously bad we won't have to worry about a civil war because even the worst of the left there won't be enough of them
You're voting for Trump but denying you're voting for Trump?????

How are we ever supposed to take anything you say seriously????? And then you call Democrats "dumb" and "morons". As the Trump trials get closer and closer and Trump continues to lose all of his appeals and his co-defendants are all pleading guilty and dropping like flies and testifying against him, the Cult gets more irrational and unhinged.
the only unhinged people are the thousands of leftwing Nazi cultists in the streets protesting against Jews and Israel.
You whine so much but hey you stay?


Probably because you make a shitload more money in that blue state than you would in red state hell
Why? Because I'm very good at hoarding my wealth and keeping greedy Dems from mooching off me. Soon I'll pack up all my hoarded wealth and head to a red state. :muahaha:
Why? Because I'm very good at hoarding my wealth and keeping greedy Dems from mooching off me. Soon I'll pack up all my hoarded wealth and head to a red state. :muahaha:
But that kind of wealth obviously can’t be obtained in a red state… obviously
COVID for one. And that’s huge. He got shots in arms and quickly.

Inflation. It has gone from near 10% down to below 4%. If inflation is your issue he has lowered it substantially.

Supply chain issues. Have you heard anything about ships backing up in ports lately?

Thank you Joe and Mayor Pete!
I agree. But conversation ends here: BIDEN is singularly destroying America. He cost US billions abandoning Afghanistan. Seems to be a theme here: Biden then abandons the US/Mexico border. Before all that, Biden abandoned the US economy and handed out million to Ukraine for no reason whatsoever. But We got hundreds of thousands of homeless Americans dying on American streets. Biden received millions of $ from China, and the clean up the streets of San Francisco for ONE day when Xi visited.
But that kind of wealth obviously can’t be obtained in a red state… obviously
Said nobody since 2008. Bring your little Dem pea brain over here...the highest paying jobs like mine are no longer anchored to a city or state. They are quite mobile and have been for some time. So run your bitter butthurt Dem mouths and yes the wealthy will leave your state. Then you get $0.00 :auiqs.jpg:
I agree. But conversation ends here: BIDEN is singularly destroying America. He cost US billions abandoning Afghanistan. Seems to be a theme here: Biden then abandons the US/Mexico border. Before all that, Biden abandoned the US economy and handed out million to Ukraine for no reason whatsoever. But We got hundreds of thousands of homeless Americans dying on American streets. Biden received millions of $ from China, and the clean up the streets of San Francisco for ONE day when Xi visited.
You agree… then go on a weird rant about Afghanistan?

You’re truly insane
Said nobody since 2008. Bring your little Dem pea brain over here...the highest paying jobs like mine are no longer anchored to a city or state. They are quite mobile and have been for some time. So run your bitter butthurt Dem mouths and yes the wealthy will leave your state. Then you get $0.00 :auiqs.jpg:
And yet you stay there… hating every second of it.

Doesn’t make a lot of sense unless you are simply full of shit
Being homeless is a choice of the individual.
Yes, individuals choose to live on the street because they have run out of logical options with the steep economic decline brought upon US like a plague courtesy of the shadow government (Obama, Clinton, Soros) the puppeteers of Biden. Come on, there are more homeless people, prices are high and getting higher, gas prices are still well above 2018, our border is wide open, and our homeless population has grown with illegal aliens.

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