If Trump is such a bad candidate

The Democrats will loathe any Republican candidate.
The repubs loathe him as well. I said they you dumb piece of shit. Serious question. As a white person, how do you wake up every morning and think you are anything but the bottom of the barrel white? You're a disgrace to the white race.

Middle-Class family income increased nearly $6,000.
Made America Energy Independent with gas prices averaging $2.25/gallon.
Built the world’s most prosperous economy. Inflation 1.4%
Rebounded well from the China released Covid Virus after China nearly destroyed the world economy.
Shut down Illegal Immigration with border wall and stay in Mexico policy.
Only President with the Ballls to stand up to China and Russia.
Historic Trade deals that were actually fair and protected the United States Workers.
DESTROYED ISIS. Started NO NEW WARS. Ended 1 war and wound down Afghanistan.
Passed $3.2 trillion in historic tax relief and reformed the tax code.
Massive Deregulation -- Ended the regulatory assault on American Businesses and Workers.
Ended the Obama Individual Mandate Penalty and saved those without insurance a $600 dollar penalty. Big deal to the middle/lower class.
Stock Markets into all time highs. After China Virus, employment still pretty good.

Now you know why Trump was a Great President and will again make a GREAT President...

***stolen from elsewhere, worth repeating.
Because both parties are a lie, they are a fiction designed to keep the middle class asleep by convincing them they have a say in it. There is one party, the political class, and Trump ain't part of them.

You're not entirely wrong.
These people really don't look at the big picture, do they? It's like when they say Trump is a racist, and when you ask them for evidence, they have no coherent reply. Then point out all the racist things Dementia has said throughout the years, and they finally shut up about Trump being a racist.

And this is actually more likely.
They still don't shut up.

why do both parties fear him?
I'm not a Trump supporter but you are 100% correct, especially when it comes to the left. They want to take him out no matter what it takes so that voters can't vote for him. Talk about vote suppression. Happens on the right too but the left have full blown TDS fear. You can only have that much fear if your bones feel that voters would vote for Trump enough to re-elect him.
I'm not a Trump supporter but you are 100% correct, especially when it comes to the left. They want to take him out no matter what it takes so that voters can't vote for him.
Sounds like a tacit admission that democracy kinda sucks. FWIW, I agree. Majority rule just means idiots will control things.
That's why we AREN'T a democracy.

We are a Constitutional Republic.
The stupidity of this always makes me laugh.

We are a democracy. We are a Republic. We are both.

The two things are on different axes. You can have a non-democratic republic, or a democratic non-Republic.

Those using the "we're a republic, not a democracy!" line usually say it because they're trying to justify their anti-democratic actions. That is always the case with Trump supporters.
The stupidity of this always makes me laugh.

We are a democracy. We are a Republic. We are both.

The two things are on different axes. You can have a non-democratic republic, or a democratic non-Republic.

Those using the "we're a republic, not a democracy!" line usually say it because they're trying to justify their anti-democratic actions. That is always the case with Trump supporters.

NO, you ignorant toad, we are a Constitutional Republic.

Look it up.

Sounds like a tacit admission that democracy kinda sucks. FWIW, I agree. Majority rule just means idiots will control things.
Which is why we should not only keep the Senate filibuster but change how the House works where a simple vote of 218-217 let's them do whatever the hell they want, AKA majority party rule.
Which is why we should not only keep the Senate filibuster but change how the House works where a simple vote of 218-217 let's them do whatever the hell they want, AKA majority party rule.
I've advocated for years for a two-thirds super majority requirement, from both sides of Congress, to pass any new law. And a simply 50%+ majority to repeal.
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