If Trump is UNJUSTLY removed from office, what should we do?

Can't lock up 150 million people.
Neat, but not even 10,000 will be attending your fantasy revolution, if even 100.
Think, Operation American Spring

Look at trumps rallies to see what’s coming

A very strong patriot type fight

Not learning history is

CRAZY and makes you a loser

Don't feed the russian trolls
?Who is better at combat the young or the old?

Experience and logic wins

Ask Andrew Jackson

Ask Daniel Boone at boonesboro with vast numbers of Indians attacking and then the Indians was slaughtered by just a few of older white men

Wake up and learn history

The white men wins all the wars

Trump has them on his side by a landslide
?Who is better at combat the young or the old?

Experience and logic wins

Until they run out of their pills.
Logic brings the best inventions and always wins

They need more supplies. That's just a fact. We're not talking about a generation of rugged Pioneers here. We're talking about people that have suffered the effects of a ton of lead poisoning, pink bismuth, and many other neurotoxins. It isn't their fault. It's just a matter of fact.
Can't lock up 150 million people.
Neat, but not even 10,000 will be attending your fantasy revolution, if even 100.
Think, Operation American Spring

Look at trumps rallies to see what’s coming

A very strong patriot type fight

Not learning history is

CRAZY and makes you a loser
?Who is better at combat the young or the old?

Experience and logic wins

Until they run out of their pills.
Logic brings the best inventions and always wins

They need more supplies. That's just a fact. We're not talking about a generation of rugged Pioneers here. We're talking about people that have suffered the effects of a ton of lead poisoning, pink bismuth, and many other neurotoxins. It isn't their fault. It's just a matter of fact.

You need to check the sat math test to see who has the logic and power

White men has still the same higher level mind power as they had 60 years ago. Women have not come close to catching up
Also check net worth

Net worth proves higher productivity and mind power

Trumps supporters have the highest net worth supporters

They were wise enough to not get brainwashed like foolish women by insane greed educators trying to push off worthless degrees with monster student debt

Trump has the real power people on his side
?Who is better at combat the young or the old?

Experience and logic wins

Until they run out of their pills.
Logic brings the best inventions and always wins

They need more supplies. That's just a fact. We're not talking about a generation of rugged Pioneers here. We're talking about people that have suffered the effects of a ton of lead poisoning, pink bismuth, and many other neurotoxins. It isn't their fault. It's just a matter of fact.

You need to check the sat math test to see who has the logic and power

White men has still the same higher level mind power as they had 60 years ago. Women have not come close to catching up

I hate to break it to you, but not all the white men are on your side. And logic isn't as important to surviving, hunkered down in a trench or foxhole for days at a time. The sexist troll fallacy not withstanding.
Experience and logic wins

Until they run out of their pills.
Logic brings the best inventions and always wins

They need more supplies. That's just a fact. We're not talking about a generation of rugged Pioneers here. We're talking about people that have suffered the effects of a ton of lead poisoning, pink bismuth, and many other neurotoxins. It isn't their fault. It's just a matter of fact.

You need to check the sat math test to see who has the logic and power

White men has still the same higher level mind power as they had 60 years ago. Women have not come close to catching up

I hate to break it to you, but not all the white men are on your side. And logic isn't as important to surviving, hunkered down in a trench or foxhole for days at a time. The sexist troll fallacy not withstanding.

The vast majority is what counts
Until they run out of their pills.
Logic brings the best inventions and always wins

They need more supplies. That's just a fact. We're not talking about a generation of rugged Pioneers here. We're talking about people that have suffered the effects of a ton of lead poisoning, pink bismuth, and many other neurotoxins. It isn't their fault. It's just a matter of fact.

You need to check the sat math test to see who has the logic and power

White men has still the same higher level mind power as they had 60 years ago. Women have not come close to catching up

I hate to break it to you, but not all the white men are on your side. And logic isn't as important to surviving, hunkered down in a trench or foxhole for days at a time. The sexist troll fallacy not withstanding.

The vast majority is what counts

and sure that's 60%... but it isn't the smart portion.

And again, the republican voters are an aged group:

I see you are not answering my question.

Are you saying the men will use violence and force to change the way we vote?

They already are!

The antifa beat-downs...steve scalise & others on the baseball field...violence on college campuses. Coming to the nearest voting booth near you!

They’re all a bunch of pussies. ANTIFA are punks. I hope they show up at are voting place. It will be fun showing them what a real beating is. Just like the punks who run around in gangs and beat people up and rob them. They will never do it one on one or even two on one. There to chicken shit.

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I see you are not answering my question.

Are you saying the men will use violence and force to change the way we vote?

They already are!

The antifa beat-downs...steve scalise & others on the baseball field...violence on college campuses. Coming to the nearest voting booth near you!

I mistook you for another person. My apologies.

As for antifa, scalise, college violence ect, the perpetrators should all be arrested and held to account for their violence. If the local police won't, then bring in the state police.
Thomas Jefferson, November 13, 1787: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants".

Why don't we try using the powers given by the US Constitution before we start the bloodbath.
This is what draining the swamp looks like. It's ugly & it's going to get alot uglier!

Did you think the filth was just going to give up their power/control & walk away?

Steady your nerves because the best is yet to come!

But the men are against the globalists and is why the globolists will lose along with their brainwashed women

They simply don’t have enough of strong men on their side

So will you answer my question about whether or not men will use force to prevent women from voting? You can't change the rules legally.
The clock is running out and the Dems could not disappoint their base without the Impeachment they promised from the first days Trump took office.

Hillary and the gang couldn't take off those symbolic purple suits fast enough as they immediately launched operation Impeach Trump in 2016.

The American left is a totalitarian, corrupt, fascist movement and my genuine fear is that, sooner or later, it will be necessary to physically FIGHT for our rights and freedoms or acquiesce and accept that we are now ruled by a one-party oligarchy. Maybe an oligarchy is our destiny. Maybe that's what we deserve.
I don't think that will happen, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared. Food, water, ammo, etc.

And do your intelligence work. Keep a frequently updated database on the traitors in your area that includes names, addresses, place of employment, pictures of their homes and vehicles, their likely routes of egress if they try to escape etc, etc. Keep as much info as you can gather on them. And for crissakes, don't be stupid and label it a hit list or anything else that could land you in legal trouble.

Be prepared to engage in electronic warfare to cut off their communications.

Jeez, will you read what you just suggested? Keeping detailed records on people you suspect of being traitors? Sounds like the USSR at its peak. Those are your NEIGHBORS. Is the best opinion you can come up with a preparation for war? If so, you have obviously never seen the horror of actual war.
Can't lock up 150 million people.
Neat, but not even 10,000 will be attending your fantasy revolution, if even 100.
Think, Operation American Spring

Look at trumps rallies to see what’s coming

A very strong patriot type fight

A fight? Will they fight to prevent women from voting?

And once you tell them your idea of an SAT type math test to qualify for voting, do you think you will have the same numbers?

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