If Trump is UNJUSTLY removed from office, what should we do?

China is trying to weaken America by helping bring low logic people to vote

Buying off the congress to make this happen
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.

Many options

Since the men and white men in a landslide judges the democrats as guilty of high treason

The highest logic group white men will first bring a boycott of anything not conservative

These are the biggest producers and they will stop producing ....bringing prices too high to live

Then they will stop defending America

Then if that don’t work they will demand logic tests for voting

If that don’t work they will stop the woman’s vote

And they will fight the women to stop the fall of the nation and its children

This is how the dominoes will fall

Still spouting this nonsense???

The impeachment proceeding are completely constitutional. Much of what you claim will happen is not.

The highest law is universal law

Like the law of gravity

Cause and effect patterns comes from universal laws

Men always wins over the women

That law equals the law of gravity that cannot be changed

History proves this pattern
a high crime or misdemeanor is an abuse of power...

Investigating Democratic crimes is not "an abuse of power".
sure it is... Justice is Blind.... a person's party should never even be a part of a reason to investigate, let alone using tax payer's funds to focus on smearing one political party...

and the President should never be the person so selectively singling out individuals... putting his thumb on the scales of justice....it is no longer Justice, when he does.

Majority of men have judged trump doing right and judged the left as doing wrong

That carries the most weight !

In this country, the high law is the US Constitution. There was a time when the "Might makes right" mentality assured men always win over women. Those days are long gone. The one who is right wins.

The majority of men don't matter. If a 2/3 majority of the senate judges Trump guilty, he will be removed from office.

Yes the one that is right wins

Yes indeed

And that folks are the ones with the highest logic ability

The white males has the highest logic ability of any group in history and their wins proves this

The sat math test shows how the men are more logical than the women and much more at the highest level

A high logic test for voting would be nearly all men

Logic invents the best weapons also and wins any contest or wars

This experiment with the woman’s vote is over

They will have to prove it by passing a high logic test for voting

China is probably alresdy doing this and since they know liberalism weakens a nation they weaken America by promoting the women’s vote and buying off democrat traitor congress

And, like I have already said, the only way you will get what you advocate is by constitutional amendment or by overthrowing the entire federal gov't. Neither of those will happen. Stick with fantasizing about what you can do with the gov't in your country.
The us military has judged trump as right and the left guilty of treason

The majority of men have also made the same judgement

The problem with your idea is that there are actually more women than men in this country. The only way to take the vote away from women is by a constitutional amendment or a revolution that replaces the entire US gov't. Neither of those is going to happen.

Wrong dead wrong

Watch for the increase in the military vote for trump and tge men’s

That means trump can indeed declare a broken govt and set up logic tests for voters

This is coming
China is trying to weaken America by helping bring low logic people to vote

Buying off the congress to make this happen

The fact that congress can be bought is a problem.

The idea that China is helping bring "low logic" people to vote is a fantasy.
The us military has judged trump as right and the left guilty of treason

The majority of men have also made the same judgement

The problem with your idea is that there are actually more women than men in this country. The only way to take the vote away from women is by a constitutional amendment or a revolution that replaces the entire US gov't. Neither of those is going to happen.

Wrong dead wrong

Watch for the increase in the military vote for trump and tge men’s

That means trump can indeed declare a broken govt and set up logic tests for voters

This is coming

Someone declaring a broken gov't does not automatically give them the power to throw out the US Constitution. You are the one who is wrong.
Men will think

They will ask themselves a question

Either stop the unwise from electing crooks or save the nation by saying NO to the unwise voting

They then will set up a logic test for voting

Men has all the power

Paper power cannot survive the real power

Never has

This was an experiment having the women voting opposite the men and electing the crooks

This has just been going on for 30 years or less

Women use to vote with the men

This is totally different !!
The us military has judged trump as right and the left guilty of treason

The majority of men have also made the same judgement

The problem with your idea is that there are actually more women than men in this country. The only way to take the vote away from women is by a constitutional amendment or a revolution that replaces the entire US gov't. Neither of those is going to happen.

Wrong dead wrong

Watch for the increase in the military vote for trump and tge men’s

That means trump can indeed declare a broken govt and set up logic tests for voters

This is coming

Someone declaring a broken gov't does not automatically give them the power to throw out the US Constitution. You are the one who is wrong.

Our wise founders told us to do this

That’s why the people gets as much power with equal arms as the govt

The founders wanted America to revolt when this crooked stuff comes up
The men will ask that question to each other

Will they stop the unwise voters from voting to save the nation and its children ??
It’s quite clear that the status quo is not to be messed with. The globalist pigs will not give up their power. They don’t care about democracy and hate our Republic and constitution. Same goes for Europe, just look at how they won’t let Brexit happen. Elections are only valid if bought and paid for these assholes. President Trump is the first true outsider, and he isn’t going along with the plans of the neocon and Marxist globalist pigs.
This is Hiarious
It’s quite clear that the status quo is not to be messed with. The globalist pigs will not give up their power. They don’t care about democracy and hate our Republic and constitution. Same goes for Europe, just look at how they won’t let Brexit happen. Elections are only valid if bought and paid for these assholes. President Trump is the first true outsider, and he isn’t going along with the plans of the neocon and Marxist globalist pigs.
This is Hiarious

Well, feel free to explain how President Trump hasn’t started any new wars, unlike your beloved Hussein.
Men will think

They will ask themselves a question

Either stop the unwise from electing crooks or save the nation by saying NO to the unwise voting

They then will set up a logic test for voting

Men has all the power

Paper power cannot survive the real power

Never has

This was an experiment having the women voting opposite the men and electing the crooks

This has just been going on for 30 years or less

Women use to vote with the men

This is totally different !!

So you are saying that men will use force and violence to force women not to vote and to change the laws?
The us military has judged trump as right and the left guilty of treason

The majority of men have also made the same judgement

The problem with your idea is that there are actually more women than men in this country. The only way to take the vote away from women is by a constitutional amendment or a revolution that replaces the entire US gov't. Neither of those is going to happen.

Wrong dead wrong

Watch for the increase in the military vote for trump and tge men’s

That means trump can indeed declare a broken govt and set up logic tests for voters

This is coming

Someone declaring a broken gov't does not automatically give them the power to throw out the US Constitution. You are the one who is wrong.

Our wise founders told us to do this

That’s why the people gets as much power with equal arms as the govt

The founders wanted America to revolt when this crooked stuff comes up

They gave us a clear way to change the US Constitution. Do it that way, if it is such a great idea.
This is what draining the swamp looks like. It's ugly & it's going to get alot uglier!

Did you think the filth was just going to give up their power/control & walk away?

Steady your nerves because the best is yet to come!
This is what draining the swamp looks like. It's ugly & it's going to get alot uglier!

Did you think the filth was just going to give up their power/control & walk away?

Steady your nerves because the best is yet to come!

I see you are not answering my question.

Are you saying the men will use violence and force to change the way we vote?
I see you are not answering my question.

Are you saying the men will use violence and force to change the way we vote?

They already are!

The antifa beat-downs...steve scalise & others on the baseball field...violence on college campuses. Coming to the nearest voting booth near you!
The clock is running out and the Dems could not disappoint their base without the Impeachment they promised from the first days Trump took office.

Hillary and the gang couldn't take off those symbolic purple suits fast enough as they immediately launched operation Impeach Trump in 2016.

The American left is a totalitarian, corrupt, fascist movement and my genuine fear is that, sooner or later, it will be necessary to physically FIGHT for our rights and freedoms or acquiesce and accept that we are now ruled by a one-party oligarchy. Maybe an oligarchy is our destiny. Maybe that's what we deserve.
Look...threats of physical violence from the Right.
I have been paying attention, and only one Trump cultist fuckwad -- harmonica -- has had the balls to answer the question in the title.

I quote: "shoot to kill"

I will take an honest crazy person over a sneaky one any day. But still good to warn your children about people like harmonica.

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