If Trump is UNJUSTLY removed from office, what should we do?

Thomas Jefferson, November 13, 1787: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants".
The clock is running out and the Dems could not disappoint their base without the Impeachment they promised from the first days Trump took office.

Hillary and the gang couldn't take off those symbolic purple suits fast enough as they immediately launched operation Impeach Trump in 2016.

The American left is a totalitarian, corrupt, fascist movement and my genuine fear is that, sooner or later, it will be necessary to physically FIGHT for our rights and freedoms or acquiesce and accept that we are now ruled by a one-party oligarchy. Maybe an oligarchy is our destiny. Maybe that's what we deserve.
I don't think that will happen, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared. Food, water, ammo, etc.

And do your intelligence work. Keep a frequently updated database on the traitors in your area that includes names, addresses, place of employment, pictures of their homes and vehicles, their likely routes of egress if they try to escape etc, etc. Keep as much info as you can gather on them. And for crissakes, don't be stupid and label it a hit list or anything else that could land you in legal trouble.

Be prepared to engage in electronic warfare to cut off their communications.
The clock is running out and the Dems could not disappoint their base without the Impeachment they promised from the first days Trump took office.

Hillary and the gang couldn't take off those symbolic purple suits fast enough as they immediately launched operation Impeach Trump in 2016.

The American left is a totalitarian, corrupt, fascist movement and my genuine fear is that, sooner or later, it will be necessary to physically FIGHT for our rights and freedoms or acquiesce and accept that we are now ruled by a one-party oligarchy. Maybe an oligarchy is our destiny. Maybe that's what we deserve.
I don't think that will happen, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared. Food, water, ammo, etc.

And do your intelligence work. Keep a frequently updated database on the traitors in your area that includes names, addresses, place of employment, pictures of their homes and vehicles, their likely routes of egress if they try to escape etc, etc. Keep as much info as you can gather on them. And for crissakes, don't be stupid and label it a hit list or anything else that could land you in legal trouble.

Be prepared to engage in electronic warfare to cut off their communications.
And booby twaps! Lots of booby twaps!
No one can make Trump look like a Saint! :rofl::eek:
I did not vote for Obama, either time.... I was pissed at the DNC for a long time, for how they handled the 2008 primary wheeling and dealing behind the curtains.... also dropped my registration with them, and registered independent... I am a liberal and democrat, but do not want them, the DNC to know it, and take me for granted! :D
I have no stake in this comparison, but YES, for me...without the megaphone, IS better.

See? Those are opinions.
JFK WAS a REAL Pussy Grabber. People knew it. But back then he was almost God like and people revered The President. The nation had just recently seen the end of WWII and was awestruck over going to the Moon. But we were MUCH more together as a people (overall) than today.
The US President is becoming more like the UK and Canadian PM's....just a temporary, disliked by many, political figure.

The truth is, we are sharply divided as a nation....and that's exactly where Globalists want us.

Some want open borders. Others know that a nation with open borders is no longer a nation, but rather an unsustainable failing state.
Some want unrestricted abortions. Others feel it is murder of the unborn.
Some want higher taxes for more social programs and more government control. Others know that taxation is an economic depressant.
Some think Trump is Satan....some think he's a Saint.

You see, we are so divided that the bottom line is that no matter WHO you are or what you believe, the road we are on leads to less for all and a lower standard of living for all (except the Globalist Elite 1%)
yes, JFK was a whore-dog in front of all the boys club of silence, but he did not tout it, in front of all the housewives and children, as if it made him the biggest and best-est he man ... and there was no personal video cams or cell phone cameras or the internet back then.... it was easier to keep things hidden.

We were divided on the issues of the times back then too... thus the two different parties, but we worked together and compromised and our representatives showed gentleman's respect towards each other... it was a respected position.

When our representatives started showing disrespect towards the other side, decided compromise was a dirty word, and the other side was the enemy...is when we followed in their footsteps.... :(

I think Globalism was inevitable.... after the 2 world wars, and digital technology development....

on the idea of it....it's not bad that we buy and sell to all the countries in the World...

we were told that it would lead to World Peace....open up China to trade with us... blah blah blah... and it would help squash communism and Banana Republic dictatorships throughout the world.... I know I was foolishly sold on it.... I mean... World Peace for goodness sake! Who could not be for that, eh? :lol:

Honest to goodness, I think the benefits all ended up at the top 1% more due to loosey goosey campaign finance laws vs some secret society of the globalists conspiring against us...

the wealthiest buying legislators, for laws and regs favoring themselves made the playing field lean in the direction of who gave the most gold to our representatives, and we.... the middle class, initially got dicked as an unforeseen result... and it's been going downhill ever since...
This is what draining the swamp looks like. It's ugly & it's going to get alot uglier!

Did you think the filth was just going to give up their power/control & walk away?

Steady your nerves because the best is yet to come!
Yeah, draining the swamp isn't easy; trump's not going out without a fight.
This is what draining the swamp looks like. It's ugly & it's going to get alot uglier!

Did you think the filth was just going to give up their power/control & walk away?

Steady your nerves because the best is yet to come!

But the men are against the globalists and is why the globolists will lose along with their brainwashed women

They simply don’t have enough of strong men on their side
No one can make Trump look like a Saint! :rofl::eek:
I did not vote for Obama, either time.... I was pissed at the DNC for a long time, for how they handled the 2008 primary wheeling and dealing behind the curtains.... also dropped my registration with them, and registered independent... I am a liberal and democrat, but do not want them, the DNC to know it, and take me for granted! :D
I have no stake in this comparison, but YES, for me...without the megaphone, IS better.

See? Those are opinions.
JFK WAS a REAL Pussy Grabber. People knew it. But back then he was almost God like and people revered The President. The nation had just recently seen the end of WWII and was awestruck over going to the Moon. But we were MUCH more together as a people (overall) than today.
The US President is becoming more like the UK and Canadian PM's....just a temporary, disliked by many, political figure.

The truth is, we are sharply divided as a nation....and that's exactly where Globalists want us.

Some want open borders. Others know that a nation with open borders is no longer a nation, but rather an unsustainable failing state.
Some want unrestricted abortions. Others feel it is murder of the unborn.
Some want higher taxes for more social programs and more government control. Others know that taxation is an economic depressant.
Some think Trump is Satan....some think he's a Saint.

You see, we are so divided that the bottom line is that no matter WHO you are or what you believe, the road we are on leads to less for all and a lower standard of living for all (except the Globalist Elite 1%)
yes, JFK was a whore-dog in front of all the boys club of silence, but he did not tout it, in front of all the housewives and children, as if it made him the biggest and best-est he man ... and there was no personal video cams or cell phone cameras or the internet back then.... it was easier to keep things hidden.

We were divided on the issues of the times back then too... thus the two different parties, but we worked together and compromised and our representatives showed gentleman's respect towards each other... it was a respected position.

When our representatives started showing disrespect towards the other side, decided compromise was a dirty word, and the other side was the enemy...is when we followed in their footsteps.... :(

I think Globalism was inevitable.... after the 2 world wars, and digital technology development....

on the idea of it....it's not bad that we buy and sell to all the countries in the World...

we were told that it would lead to World Peace....open up China to trade with us... blah blah blah... and it would help squash communism and Banana Republic dictatorships throughout the world.... I know I was foolishly sold on it.... I mean... World Peace for goodness sake! Who could not be for that, eh? :lol:

Honest to goodness, I think the benefits all ended up at the top 1% more due to loosey goosey campaign finance laws vs some secret society of the globalists conspiring against us...

the wealthiest buying legislators, for laws and regs favoring themselves made the playing field lean in the direction of who gave the most gold to our representatives, and we.... the middle class, initially got dicked... as an unforeseen result... and it's been going downhill ever since...

Globalists brought the women into the work place and voting booth to help rob the producer men

But the men have awakened and now it’s over for the globalists

Patriots fights much harder
The clock is running out and the Dems could not disappoint their base without the Impeachment they promised from the first days Trump took office.

Hillary and the gang couldn't take off those symbolic purple suits fast enough as they immediately launched operation Impeach Trump in 2016.

The American left is a totalitarian, corrupt, fascist movement and my genuine fear is that, sooner or later, it will be necessary to physically FIGHT for our rights and freedoms or acquiesce and accept that we are now ruled by a one-party oligarchy. Maybe an oligarchy is our destiny. Maybe that's what we deserve.
I don't think that will happen, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared. Food, water, ammo, etc.

And do your intelligence work. Keep a frequently updated database on the traitors in your area that includes names, addresses, place of employment, pictures of their homes and vehicles, their likely routes of egress if they try to escape etc, etc. Keep as much info as you can gather on them. And for crissakes, don't be stupid and label it a hit list or anything else that could land you in legal trouble.

Be prepared to engage in electronic warfare to cut off their communications.
And booby twaps! Lots of booby twaps!
Bait them with shit. Democrats love to eat shit.
Thomas Jefferson, November 13, 1787: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants".
Lemme guess ... you fancy yourself the patriot, amirite?
The clock is running out and the Dems could not disappoint their base without the Impeachment they promised from the first days Trump took office.

Hillary and the gang couldn't take off those symbolic purple suits fast enough as they immediately launched operation Impeach Trump in 2016.

The American left is a totalitarian, corrupt, fascist movement and my genuine fear is that, sooner or later, it will be necessary to physically FIGHT for our rights and freedoms or acquiesce and accept that we are now ruled by a one-party oligarchy. Maybe an oligarchy is our destiny. Maybe that's what we deserve.
I don't think that will happen, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared. Food, water, ammo, etc.

And do your intelligence work. Keep a frequently updated database on the traitors in your area that includes names, addresses, place of employment, pictures of their homes and vehicles, their likely routes of egress if they try to escape etc, etc. Keep as much info as you can gather on them. And for crissakes, don't be stupid and label it a hit list or anything else that could land you in legal trouble.

Be prepared to engage in electronic warfare to cut off their communications.
And booby twaps! Lots of booby twaps!
Bait them with shit. Democrats love to eat shit.
Yeah, you should try that! What's most important is that you have a nice, big chaw in place. Best that they take you for a moron, get the drop on them.

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