If Trump is UNJUSTLY removed from office, what should we do?

He will be voted out.

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I think so too.
The Democrat propaganda machine has a lot of folks whipped into a frenzy of hate for President Trump, however most people do not trust the Press.
They have been colluding with the Dems and making-up fake scandals on Trump and ignoring Obammy's epic FBIgate scandal and Hillary many crimes.

Hatred of trump is not new.
I hated him before he had the election handed to him.

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Trump has the unique ability to take
All peoples and all nations unique abilities and place them correctly and bring each to great prosperity

Trump is mentally challenged.

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All democrats with their mass murder of innocent us babies are INSANE

Jackson will
Solve the problem
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.
We should vote the Dems out.
Trump will not be removed from office or resign.

He will be voted out.

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Keep dreaming

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Wrong dead wrong

Saved America's progress and future

And from that we won all our wars

Saved America by stopping the unwise from electing crooks

Now trump will do the same!!

Jackson was an asshole, a murderer and a thief.

Why is this even an issue anymore. The Democrats don’t have shit and the party has sunk. More and more Americans wake up everyday and see what a piece of shit party the Democrats are and will not vote for them.

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really? Is that why the dems took back the house last election? Try thinking before you talk. Facts work better than emotion.

Yeah and there forgoing to lose it in 2020. That’s a fact.
Not emotion. Just calling it like I see it. I’m not politically correct and never will be. The House hasn’t accomplished anything since the Demtards took over. There too busy trying to make up some lies about Trump.

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I don’t care if you are PC or not but honesty and accuracy are important and you’re not being either. Dems are not forgoing to lose in 2020. At least not by any poll. It’s still way to soon to tell. And it’s congress that hasn’t accomplished anything. The house has passed tons of bills. McConnell does nothing with them. But thats not relevant to this discussion. You said the dems don’t have shit and the party is sunk but reality shows that they made gains during the last election so the only conclusion is that you are full of shit.

What gains have they made. None. They are a sinking ship and will lose the house on the next election. Keep believing the garage that comes out of the liberal media’s mouth. You sound dumber with every post.

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Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.
We should vote the Dems out.
Trump will not be removed from office or resign.

He will be voted out.

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I think so too.
The Democrat propaganda machine has a lot of folks whipped into a frenzy of hate for President Trump, however most people do not trust the Press.
They have been colluding with the Dems and making-up fake scandals on Trump and ignoring Obammy's epic FBIgate scandal and Hillary many crimes.

Hatred of trump is not new.
I hated him before he had the election handed to him.

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You better go to the doctor. The STD you have is spreading and affecting your brain and reading your post there is not much to spare in the first place.

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Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.
Trump can’t be taken out of office by one party. It would need bipartisan support

Yea, about 20 Republican senators.

What "high crime" has Trump committed?
Many feel he broke 52 us code 30121. Some think the mueller report lays out many instances of obstruction. Others think the phone call displays abuse of power, extortion, and bribery.

Many feel you have been trying to impeach him before he was sworn in and now trying to impeach a Supreme Court justice because your afraid he will rule by the constitution.

You want war, you will get war.


Fuck your feelings. If you don't want to be investigated, don't break the law, assholes. I think you elected a criminal piece of shit for *pResident. Said piece of shit has used his office to lie, cheat and enrich himself and his family with taxpayer dollars. He continuously violates the emoluments clause because he's a turd. Said piece of shit appoints other unqualified pieces of shit into his cabinet that are doing their damned best to destroy gov't. agencies Republicans don't like. Kavanaugh is yet another shitty appointment. He wants to give loyalty to hostile foreign countries over the United States? Fuck him. He wants to threaten Americans that don't toe his stupid line? Fuck him.

Said piece of shit is the laziest MFer I've ever seen hold office, so yeah, go ahead and impeach this worthless turd, and the stupid mouth breathing MFers that voted for him can kindly fuck right off out of my country if they don't like it. KTHXBYE.

Sounds like someone didn’t take his medication. Don’t worry, after Trump wins in 2020 they have plenty of room in the padded cells for the libtards

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Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.
We should vote the Dems out.
Trump will not be removed from office or resign.

He will be voted out.

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Keep dreaming

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Do you seriously believe that donald trump is the best America has to offer?

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I think it all boils down to having a fair election in 2020 of POTUS Donald Trump vs the Democrat's losing candidate. Then they can continue trying to impeach him again in 2021.
I agree. So why do you think it’s fair for a POTUS to reach out to Ukraine and China to ask them to open investigations into his political opponent so he can brand him a crook, just like he did Hillary.

Does that sound like a fair election to you? Cause it sounds like a pretty shady abuse of office to me.

The difference is that Hillary is a crook, liar, murderer and a POS.

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He will be voted out.

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I think so too.
The Democrat propaganda machine has a lot of folks whipped into a frenzy of hate for President Trump, however most people do not trust the Press.
They have been colluding with the Dems and making-up fake scandals on Trump and ignoring Obammy's epic FBIgate scandal and Hillary many crimes.

Hatred of trump is not new.
I hated him before he had the election handed to him.

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Trump has the unique ability to take
All peoples and all nations unique abilities and place them correctly and bring each to great prosperity

Trump is mentally challenged.

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That’s funny coming from a mentally challenged person.

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I think so too.
The Democrat propaganda machine has a lot of folks whipped into a frenzy of hate for President Trump, however most people do not trust the Press.
They have been colluding with the Dems and making-up fake scandals on Trump and ignoring Obammy's epic FBIgate scandal and Hillary many crimes.

Hatred of trump is not new.
I hated him before he had the election handed to him.

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Trump has the unique ability to take
All peoples and all nations unique abilities and place them correctly and bring each to great prosperity

Trump is mentally challenged.

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That’s funny coming from a mentally challenged person.

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Yes. Right now yes. He has balls and he is putting our country first. Not like the Democrats who want to piss on the Constitution. They are already chopping away at the First and Second Amendment.

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Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.

If he is found guilty of the charges that he is accused of then he can be justly removed from office. If he is found guilty of those charges and he is tried by the Senate and found Guilty then he WILL be justly removed from office. If it's found that there is not enough evidence for a conviction then the senate has two options. They can find him not guilty of all charges or they can censor him. (Yan, you rumpsters, I know I mispelled it so knock yourselves out).

The Senate HAS to follow the law. And since Impeachment is Political and not Lawful, chances are good that they won't remove him from office. But if things go south they just might. Depends just how much of a backbone the Republicans grow between now and then.

And no matter what happens, the United States will endure. The Old Girl has been through much worse.
If he's found guilty of these trumped up charges....the Democrats will pay a heavy price.

Keep your powder dry.
The Democrat propaganda machine has a lot of folks whipped into a frenzy of hate for President Trump, however most people do not trust the Press.
They have been colluding with the Dems and making-up fake scandals on Trump and ignoring Obammy's epic FBIgate scandal and Hillary many crimes.

Hatred of trump is not new.
I hated him before he had the election handed to him.

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Trump has the unique ability to take
All peoples and all nations unique abilities and place them correctly and bring each to great prosperity

Trump is mentally challenged.

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That’s funny coming from a mentally challenged person.

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Yes. Right now yes. He has balls and he is putting our country first. Not like the Democrats who want to piss on the Constitution. They are already chopping away at the First and Second Amendment.

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It would appear trump is not the only one who is mentally challenged.

You are as well.

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I think so too.
The Democrat propaganda machine has a lot of folks whipped into a frenzy of hate for President Trump, however most people do not trust the Press.
They have been colluding with the Dems and making-up fake scandals on Trump and ignoring Obammy's epic FBIgate scandal and Hillary many crimes.

Hatred of trump is not new.
I hated him before he had the election handed to him.

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Trump has the unique ability to take
All peoples and all nations unique abilities and place them correctly and bring each to great prosperity

Trump is mentally challenged.

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That’s funny coming from a mentally challenged person.

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Don’t even act like you know me.

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Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.

If he is found guilty of the charges that he is accused of then he can be justly removed from office. If he is found guilty of those charges and he is tried by the Senate and found Guilty then he WILL be justly removed from office. If it's found that there is not enough evidence for a conviction then the senate has two options. They can find him not guilty of all charges or they can censor him. (Yan, you rumpsters, I know I mispelled it so knock yourselves out).

The Senate HAS to follow the law. And since Impeachment is Political and not Lawful, chances are good that they won't remove him from office. But if things go south they just might. Depends just how much of a backbone the Republicans grow between now and then.

And no matter what happens, the United States will endure. The Old Girl has been through much worse.
If he's found guilty of these trumped up charges....the Democrats will pay a heavy price.

Keep your powder dry.

If he is found guilty and removed from office it will be through the legal means setup by the Constitution of the United States. Are you saying that you will not follow the Constitution of the United States and will become an armed Traitor to the Nation and the Constitution? My, My, how the sickness can be seen in your heart.
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.

If he is found guilty of the charges that he is accused of then he can be justly removed from office. If he is found guilty of those charges and he is tried by the Senate and found Guilty then he WILL be justly removed from office. If it's found that there is not enough evidence for a conviction then the senate has two options. They can find him not guilty of all charges or they can censor him. (Yan, you rumpsters, I know I mispelled it so knock yourselves out).

The Senate HAS to follow the law. And since Impeachment is Political and not Lawful, chances are good that they won't remove him from office. But if things go south they just might. Depends just how much of a backbone the Republicans grow between now and then.

And no matter what happens, the United States will endure. The Old Girl has been through much worse.
If he's found guilty of these trumped up charges....the Democrats will pay a heavy price.

Keep your powder dry.

If he is found guilty and removed from office it will be through the legal means setup by the Constitution of the United States. Are you saying that you will not follow the Constitution of the United States and will become an armed Traitor to the Nation and the Constitution? My, My, how the sickness can be seen in your heart.
Yep.....course the Democrats haven't told us for the last 3 motherfucking years that they were going to set Trump up and get rid of him.
That's all they've been trying to do since the day he won......so I think their motives are slightly suspect and highly suspicious.
And all they're doing right now is obstructing justice.
Hatred of trump is not new.
I hated him before he had the election handed to him.

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Trump has the unique ability to take
All peoples and all nations unique abilities and place them correctly and bring each to great prosperity

Trump is mentally challenged.

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That’s funny coming from a mentally challenged person.

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Yes. Right now yes. He has balls and he is putting our country first. Not like the Democrats who want to piss on the Constitution. They are already chopping away at the First and Second Amendment.

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It would appear trump is not the only one who is mentally challenged.

You are as well.

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I wish I was a mentally challenged Billionaire. All this proves is you are a brainwashed sissy liberal bitch.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The Democrat propaganda machine has a lot of folks whipped into a frenzy of hate for President Trump, however most people do not trust the Press.
They have been colluding with the Dems and making-up fake scandals on Trump and ignoring Obammy's epic FBIgate scandal and Hillary many crimes.

Hatred of trump is not new.
I hated him before he had the election handed to him.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Trump has the unique ability to take
All peoples and all nations unique abilities and place them correctly and bring each to great prosperity

Trump is mentally challenged.

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That’s funny coming from a mentally challenged person.

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Don’t even act like you know me.

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First of all I don’t associate with pieces of shit like you. Reading your posts just proves what I and most of the people here now. Your liberal scum.

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Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.

If he is found guilty of the charges that he is accused of then he can be justly removed from office. If he is found guilty of those charges and he is tried by the Senate and found Guilty then he WILL be justly removed from office. If it's found that there is not enough evidence for a conviction then the senate has two options. They can find him not guilty of all charges or they can censor him. (Yan, you rumpsters, I know I mispelled it so knock yourselves out).

The Senate HAS to follow the law. And since Impeachment is Political and not Lawful, chances are good that they won't remove him from office. But if things go south they just might. Depends just how much of a backbone the Republicans grow between now and then.

And no matter what happens, the United States will endure. The Old Girl has been through much worse.
If he's found guilty of these trumped up charges....the Democrats will pay a heavy price.

Keep your powder dry.

If he is found guilty and removed from office it will be through the legal means setup by the Constitution of the United States. Are you saying that you will not follow the Constitution of the United States and will become an armed Traitor to the Nation and the Constitution? My, My, how the sickness can be seen in your heart.
Yep.....course the Democrats haven't told us for the last 3 motherfucking years that they were going to set Trump up and get rid of him.
That's all they've been trying to do since the day he won......so I think their motives are slightly suspect and highly suspicious.
And all they're doing right now is overtly obstructing justice.

It appears that the only obstruction is being done by Rump. And more is coming to light. He's in serious trouble right now and rightfully so. His last series of actions were deliberate, calculated, illegal and felonious. And he has NO control over the people doing the investigation. He was wowed into a false belief that Barr could protect him to that degree. He automatically believed that he could crap all over the day to day public servants that were NOT elected or appointed by him and then have them show blinding servatude to his fat orange ass.

And his last episode just means that he's losing more Right Wing support where is was depended on. First he goes on record soliciting China for dirt on Biden and his Family in trade for easier Trade Negotiations and then now he's claiming he never made that claim. Would anyone actually believe him if he promised them a backdoor Pardon? I know I wouldn't. The Bus is coming to Ramming Speed and Rump is in the firing ramp.

Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.

If he is found guilty of the charges that he is accused of then he can be justly removed from office. If he is found guilty of those charges and he is tried by the Senate and found Guilty then he WILL be justly removed from office. If it's found that there is not enough evidence for a conviction then the senate has two options. They can find him not guilty of all charges or they can censor him. (Yan, you rumpsters, I know I mispelled it so knock yourselves out).

The Senate HAS to follow the law. And since Impeachment is Political and not Lawful, chances are good that they won't remove him from office. But if things go south they just might. Depends just how much of a backbone the Republicans grow between now and then.

And no matter what happens, the United States will endure. The Old Girl has been through much worse.
If he's found guilty of these trumped up charges....the Democrats will pay a heavy price.

Keep your powder dry.

If he is found guilty and removed from office it will be through the legal means setup by the Constitution of the United States. Are you saying that you will not follow the Constitution of the United States and will become an armed Traitor to the Nation and the Constitution? My, My, how the sickness can be seen in your heart.
Yep.....course the Democrats haven't told us for the last 3 motherfucking years that they were going to set Trump up and get rid of him.
That's all they've been trying to do since the day he won......so I think their motives are slightly suspect and highly suspicious.
And all they're doing right now is overtly obstructing justice.

It appears that the only obstruction is being done by Rump. And more is coming to light. He's in serious trouble right now and rightfully so. His last series of actions were deliberate, calculated, illegal and felonious. And he has NO control over the people doing the investigation. He was wowed into a false belief that Barr could protect him to that degree. He automatically believed that he could crap all over the day to day public servants that were NOT elected or appointed by him and then have them show blinding servatude to his fat orange ass.

And his last episode just means that he's losing more Right Wing support where is was depended on. First he goes on record soliciting China for dirt on Biden and his Family in trade for easier Trade Negotiations and then now he's claiming he never made that claim. Would anyone actually believe him if he promised them a backdoor Pardon? I know I wouldn't. The Bus is coming to Ramming Speed and Rump is in the firing ramp.

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The real obstruction is the obstruction of millions of babies lives with abortion

This is why democrats are hated so much .. they are lying hypocrites with no credibility !!

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