If Trump is UNJUSTLY removed from office, what should we do?

What. Did you take a poll. The military likes Trump because he gave the military the money back that dumb ass Obama cut.

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Whether they like and support Trump or not isn't the issue, in my opinion.

Whether they will open fire on American citizens and break their oath to defend the US Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, is the issue. I don't believe they will.

Democrats had already opened fire on us citizens .. by murdering us babies with abortion

Now the men will see them as murderers and criminals and not see them as Americans

You democrats are toast

You have 24 hours to put lying shiff in prison or you will go to prison

Who opened fire on babies? I don't think many doctors use firearms.

24 hours? Or I will go to prison? Fuck you, you foreign troll. I am not going to prison for supporting the US Constitution.

The patriots decide if you are guilty

I AM a patriot. An honorably discharged veteran. A registered voter. An honest tax payer. And a supporter/defender of the US Constitution. Anyone who does not support the US Constitution is a traitor.

You are one against the vast majority and if a democrat you are a big hypocrite like all democrats are with abortion
Yes he does.

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Don't tell me you are buying this bullshit.

Yes, men and the military support Trump over the democrats. But do you actually believe thos polling numbers men the men and the military will use force (violence) against American citizens? And do you actually want the US Constitution thrown out as the basis for our laws?
The military support Drumph because they have to. They don't have a choice unless we have a coup led by the military. Plenty of military people do not support his politics and understand that he is temporary. It is America they are serving, not him.

What. Did you take a poll. The military likes Trump because he gave the military the money back that dumb ass Obama cut.

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What. Did you take a poll. The military likes Trump because he gave the military the money back that dumb ass Obama cut.

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Whether they like and support Trump or not isn't the issue, in my opinion.

Whether they will open fire on American citizens and break their oath to defend the US Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, is the issue. I don't believe they will.

Democrats had already opened fire on us citizens .. by murdering us babies with abortion

Now the men will see them as murderers and criminals and not see them as Americans

You democrats are toast

You have 24 hours to put lying shiff in prison or you will go to prison

Who opened fire on babies? I don't think many doctors use firearms.

24 hours? Or I will go to prison? Fuck you, you foreign troll. I am not going to prison for supporting the US Constitution.

See how you just got caught

Trying to make these 2 things different

One is protecting life and the other is killing life

Patriots stops the killings by fighting against it

You got caught !!

You support real murder killings and try to stop defense of murder by the patriots

Patriots are defending life not destroying innocent life

Guilty killers are attached by patriots to save murdering of us citizen innocents

You got caught !!

Got caught what. Read again. I am a patriot and will protect the Constitution by any means necessary. So you must have me confused with someone else. I’m a retired police officer and put my life on the line every day protecting people against evil. As so I have the utmost respect for our military, President, country and the constitution. Spew that shit too the libtards.

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Telling democrats they are hypocrites
What. Did you take a poll. The military likes Trump because he gave the military the money back that dumb ass Obama cut.

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Whether they like and support Trump or not isn't the issue, in my opinion.

Whether they will open fire on American citizens and break their oath to defend the US Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, is the issue. I don't believe they will.

I agree with you there.

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Are you blind

The polls shows the military agrees with trump that the democrats are the enemy of America

Are you blind ??

You need to take your meds. I voted for Trump and like him and will vote for him in 2020. I already said that the military is with Trump.

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If the mentally ill President gives them an order that is designed to put Trump's interests ahead of the US interests -- as is an established pattern of his behavior -- the military will defy him.

Can’t you read the polls

The military and the men both agree that the deep state is the enemy and a order to stop the crooked deep state will be carried out

Same as Andrew Jackson removing the Indians against congress

They have no power when the men on on opposite sides
By who??

Trump has the men and the military and law enforcement

By who ??

Yes he does.

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Don't tell me you are buying this bullshit.

Yes, men and the military support Trump over the democrats. But do you actually believe thos polling numbers men the men and the military will use force (violence) against American citizens? And do you actually want the US Constitution thrown out as the basis for our laws?
The military support Drumph because they have to. They don't have a choice unless we have a coup led by the military. Plenty of military people do not support his politics and understand that he is temporary. It is America they are serving, not him.

What. Did you take a poll. The military likes Trump because he gave the military the money back that dumb ass Obama cut.

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No the military was very strong for trump by the exit polls from the 2016 election and the last real vote in N.C. shows the military has increased that high support even further

Obama cut there budget and enforced retirement on vets from resisting. Not only are you dumb you are what the left should use for there pro abortion campaign.

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Look back to how America beat Britain in 2 wars

White patriot men

Patriots are much better fighters

We veterans and the active military take an oath to defend the constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic and bear true allegiance to the same.


We’re not being attacked by England. Our enemy is domestic and currently residing in the White House and he’s making a mockery of our laws, constitution and republic. He’s a crook, a con and an embarrassment. Whether by impeachment or by election.... his ass is going to be out of our White House where the Souther District Of New York will be waiting for him.


Be careful, fascist.

Be careful of what? What are you going to do other than talk shit.

You’re a dummy, thinking yourself a patriot and yet haven’t clue one as to what laws Trump is breaking much less the process outlined in the constitution that allows his ass to be removed from office. That is exactly what Trump is counting on. Your stupidity. Firing you idiots up with talk of a coup and such and y’all swinging your peckers, talking shit of grabbing your AR-15’s and marching on Washington. So your answer to the lawful procedure outlined in the constitution as is impeachment..... is for you dumb fucks to carry out an act of sedition?

You’re an idiot and a coward talking shit. Nothing more and if we were ever to meet? I’d bitch slap the stupid right out of you.


Look at the last real voting in N.C. look at the military section. Trump has increased his support with the military more than his high support during the 2016 election

That proves they agree that the democrats are guilty of high treason like trump says

And then they will react to save the nation from the high treason criminals

Wake up and look !!
Have you ever been to America or had conversations, face to face with any Americans?

Funny and very foolish to ask that wrong question. When I type y’all or the brits running like scalded dogs you would be stoopid to think I’m
Not American !
Well, I suggest you start having respect for the office of the President and for the country and for the rule of law, and not just for the orange turd.

You, a communist talks about "rule of law?" :eek:

Fucking Potentate Obamugabe spied on the opposition candidate in 2016 and you sat with a dildo up you ass grinning with glee. The FSB Stooge leaked classified documents and we just say "well, he's a good democrat, no harm." KGB spy John Brennan hooks Glenn Simpson up with his former KGB Comrades in Russia to craft a dossier to rig the 2016 election and you think that's just fine.

There is no rule of law, you fucking Communist pigs follow no law and no Constitution. You depend on the fascist press to lie and to destroy anyone who questions the party through defamation and slander.

If there were rule of law, every last Marxist democrat in the House would be hanging by the neck for the treason they are engaged in.

War is a horrible thing. I want to live out my life in peace and comfort. War ends lives, destroys comfort and creates misery.

War is a horrible thing, but so is slavery. You thugs tread a dangerous path.

They are very foolish people !!
You, a communist talks about "rule of law?"
And you're a NeoNazi, pretending to care about Democracy.

Nice to meet you, Grand Wizard Moron. You are nothing but a self-loathing white moron trying to blame his own failures on brown people. Period. Obama just became the "magical idol" to focus on, for you. You have no respect for law, nor any for the Constitution. You would piss on both, if it meant feeling better about your life for 3 seconds.

You sincerely and obviously hope that Trump defies all rule of law. I need a lecture on rule of law from you like I need an oral exam from a Proctologist.



The problem you TRAITORS have is that you've lied to America for over three years,

The current lies are just a recycle of the stupid fucking lies you spewed with the Mueller fiasco, and you KNOW how that turned out.

By who??

Trump has the men and the military and law enforcement

By who ??

Yes he does.

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Don't tell me you are buying this bullshit.

Yes, men and the military support Trump over the democrats. But do you actually believe thos polling numbers men the men and the military will use force (violence) against American citizens? And do you actually want the US Constitution thrown out as the basis for our laws?
The military support Drumph because they have to. They don't have a choice unless we have a coup led by the military. Plenty of military people do not support his politics and understand that he is temporary. It is America they are serving, not him.

What. Did you take a poll. The military likes Trump because he gave the military the money back that dumb ass Obama cut.

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No the military was very strong for trump by the exit polls from the 2016 election and the last real vote in N.C. shows the military has increased that high support even further

Dipshit. I said the military has been strong under Trump. He corrected there budget after dumbass Obama cut it. Keep up. Your yelling at the wrong people. Do I have to draw a picture for you. I’m a Patriot through and through and fight to protect the Constitution.

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Well, I suggest you start having respect for the office of the President and for the country and for the rule of law, and not just for the orange turd.

You, a communist talks about "rule of law?" :eek:

Fucking Potentate Obamugabe spied on the opposition candidate in 2016 and you sat with a dildo up you ass grinning with glee. The FSB Stooge leaked classified documents and we just say "well, he's a good democrat, no harm." KGB spy John Brennan hooks Glenn Simpson up with his former KGB Comrades in Russia to craft a dossier to rig the 2016 election and you think that's just fine.

There is no rule of law, you fucking Communist pigs follow no law and no Constitution. You depend on the fascist press to lie and to destroy anyone who questions the party through defamation and slander.

If there were rule of law, every last Marxist democrat in the House would be hanging by the neck for the treason they are engaged in.

War is a horrible thing. I want to live out my life in peace and comfort. War ends lives, destroys comfort and creates misery.

War is a horrible thing, but so is slavery. You thugs tread a dangerous path.

They are very foolish people !!

They are hypocrites, racist and liars.

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You, a communist talks about "rule of law?"
And you're a NeoNazi, pretending to care about Democracy.

Nice to meet you, Grand Wizard Moron. You are nothing but a self-loathing white moron trying to blame his own failures on brown people. Period. Obama just became the "magical idol" to focus on, for you. You have no respect for law, nor any for the Constitution. You would piss on both, if it meant feeling better about your life for 3 seconds.

You sincerely and obviously hope that Trump defies all rule of law. I need a lecture on rule of law from you like I need an oral exam from a Proctologist.



The problem you TRAITORS have is that you've lied to America for over three years,

The current lies are just a recycle of the stupid fucking lies you spewed with the Mueller fiasco, and you KNOW how that turned out.
Haha, yeah, you trump freaks always like to call peole triggered, right before launching into a grade a hissy fit that would make a toddler blush. You truly are embarrassments to our country.

The hypocrisy of murdering babies proves all democrats as crazy crooks !

Nobody is murdering babies. It’s against the law. :)

Mass murder of us citizens for greed is LEGAL ????

That proves the democrat party WILL get destroyed !!
Here you are talking shit and you don’t know what Trump is being impeached for?



Quid Pro Joe is corrupt, hence we must impeach Trump.

We know exactly what it is.

The men and military knows

I am a man and I was in the military. I know what you are.

You are one man...the vast majority of military men totally disagrees with you

Also promoting murdering of us citizen babies is not what military men do

They will fight against you for murdering us babies

See how looney you are ??

I am one man who will defend the US Constitution. The military is full of us. The vast majority may favor Trump in the election. But they will stand with me against those who would attack this nation.

Wrong the military has already separated from the democrats with their agreeing with trump
That the democrats are the enemy of America

They have already taken sides same as they did with Andrew Jackson !!


The problem you TRAITORS have is that you've lied to America for over three years,

The current lies are just a recycle of the stupid fucking lies you spewed with the Mueller fiasco, and you KNOW how that turned out.
Haha, yeah, you trump freaks always like to call peole triggered, right before launching into a grade a hissy fit that would make a toddler blush. You truly are embarrassments to our country.

The hypocrisy of murdering babies proves all democrats as crazy crooks !

Nobody is murdering babies. It’s against the law. :)

The democrat party is indeed murdering us babies with abortion


No baby is being murdered. That’s against the law. Aborting a fetus is legal, as such fetuses, by law, can’t be babies.

Wrong science says they have their own dna proving it’s murdering of an American human being

Abortion issue will indeed destroy the democrat party !!

And the women’s vote

Now all people must prove high logic to vote
Now look inside the numbers of the active duty military

1.3 mil

The Obama women military is strong against trump the men is just the opposite a landslide agreeing with trump

When push comes to shove the men will make the women stand down with their vast numbers

Now look at the much larger group the 20.3 mil past military without the Obama ran in women . Those vets are even more for trump than the current 1.3 mil and those have been telling others much more because of their vast numbers over the active 1.3 mil

No one man does not tell the story

It’s the majority that tells the real story

And more proof is how trump rallies are so much stronger than liberal rallies

You crooked democrats are too blind to see the big trouble you are now caught in

And the 1.3 million will stand with the nation, not against it. They will stand with the US Constitution, not against it.

The polls show support for Trump. But not if he tries what you say he will do.


Can’t you read

Out of that 1.3 mil the numbers show vast agreements with trump even when the Obama women military shows opposite

You are lying your azzz off fooling your self that one man is the majority

Read the numbers you are not the majority .. just the opposite

Quit lying your azzz off to your own self

I am not the one lying. You are the one taking a poll about political support and trying to claim it means they support a revolution.

You have continually ignored discussing the US Constitution. That is your fatal flaw.

But you also claim that I will be in prison because Schiff isn't arrested in 24 hours.

I told you clearly that the founders set up the arms to citizens to over throw a crooked govt

And if you are a democrat you are guilty of mass murder of innocent American citizens
See how you just got caught

Trying to make these 2 things different

One is protecting life and the other is killing life

Patriots stops the killings by fighting against it

You got caught !!

You support real murder killings and try to stop defense of murder by the patriots

Patriots are defending life not destroying innocent life

Guilty killers are attached by patriots to save murdering of us citizen innocents

You got caught !!

I got caught at nothing. I simply pointed out that "opening fire" means using firearms, which abortion doctors don't do. You tried to dance away from talking about killing citizens by bringing up abortion, just like in our last conversation. It is bullshit.

But do feel free to tell me why you say I am going to prison if I don't put Schiff in prison in the next 24 hours.

Being a democrat is what has caught you

Going against trump is what has caught you

Is Andrew Jackson

Are you A BLiND FOOL LOSER ???

Trump is now is not gonna co operate with a crooked congress

Same as Jackson

Jackson had the real power behind him

Get this ////. Trump has more power behind him than Jackson

With Jackson there were more white men against Jackson and supporting the congress. But still not enough to stop Jackson. Now this congress has less white men and mostly women

So when trump calls out the military the hauling off of crooked democrats will be much easier than hauling Indians to reservations

And then the logic test for voting will come similar to the founders stopping the unwise from voting

The unwise will be stopped from voting like the Indians was stopped

The democrat leaders who brsinwashed and pushed the unwise to vote will face the gallows

The democrats are one stoopid bunch of people

Andrew Jackson was a racist who attempted to wipe out the Native American culture.
He signed the law that led to thousands of Natives dying.
Andrew Jackson was a monster.
Trump is a racist homophobe with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Trump needs to be removed from office.

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Wrong dead wrong

Saved America's progress and future

And from that we won all our wars

Saved America by stopping the unwise from electing crooks

Now trump will do the same!!

Jackson was an asshole, a murderer and a thief.

Democrats are mass murderers of innocent American citizens with abortion

It is the abortion issue that will destroy the whole democrat party !!

Who knows what will happen? Do you want Pence to run for POTUS in 2020? It will take some logistics to get a million guns into Washington. Need to start planning now.

The American people are not as dumb as the Democrats think they are.

Trump will do fine. He is exposing the Democrat's dirty tricks to get him out of office. They are looking like fools and it will only get worse for them. They aren't very bright.

The TDS afflicted zeal by the Democrats to get him out of office will do nothing more than energize his base even more.
The American people...the majority are not dumb.....fat donnie's deplorables on the other hand. For example, dumb enough to show an election map with counties colored, not population....doesn't get much dumber than that.

The ones with the higher logic agrees with trump

The men
Yes he does.

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Don't tell me you are buying this bullshit.

Yes, men and the military support Trump over the democrats. But do you actually believe thos polling numbers men the men and the military will use force (violence) against American citizens? And do you actually want the US Constitution thrown out as the basis for our laws?
The military support Drumph because they have to. They don't have a choice unless we have a coup led by the military. Plenty of military people do not support his politics and understand that he is temporary. It is America they are serving, not him.

What. Did you take a poll. The military likes Trump because he gave the military the money back that dumb ass Obama cut.

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No the military was very strong for trump by the exit polls from the 2016 election and the last real vote in N.C. shows the military has increased that high support even further

Dipshit. I said the military has been strong under Trump. He corrected there budget after dumbass Obama cut it. Keep up. Your yelling at the wrong people. Do I have to draw a picture for you. I’m a Patriot through and through and fight to protect the Constitution.

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Yelling and explaining at ALL democrats !!
Don't tell me you are buying this bullshit.

Yes, men and the military support Trump over the democrats. But do you actually believe thos polling numbers men the men and the military will use force (violence) against American citizens? And do you actually want the US Constitution thrown out as the basis for our laws?
The military support Drumph because they have to. They don't have a choice unless we have a coup led by the military. Plenty of military people do not support his politics and understand that he is temporary. It is America they are serving, not him.

What. Did you take a poll. The military likes Trump because he gave the military the money back that dumb ass Obama cut.

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No the military was very strong for trump by the exit polls from the 2016 election and the last real vote in N.C. shows the military has increased that high support even further

Dipshit. I said the military has been strong under Trump. He corrected there budget after dumbass Obama cut it. Keep up. Your yelling at the wrong people. Do I have to draw a picture for you. I’m a Patriot through and through and fight to protect the Constitution.

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Yelling and explaining at ALL democrats !!

I’m not a Democrat. How many times do I have too say the same thing to you.

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By me and millions like me. And by Law Enforcement and the military. If you like agreeing with Trump on a poll equates to them committing treason, you are not on a troll, you are a delusional troll.

You are totally outnumbered by the men

And vastly outnumbered by strongest group in history .. white men

America is 200 yrs of real proof of how white men always wins over the other men

And in the world there is 10,000 yrs of history proving men wins over women

Really Really Foolish to go against what has been proven over and over

Only if there is violence. Otherwise, women are every bit the equal of men.

If there is violence trying to stop women from voting, the majority of men will fight to preserve the US Constitution. They certainly will not fight to overthrow the US gov't. You can be sure of that.


The sat math tests proves they are not

Proves they have lower logic ability that always wins

The SAT proves that US citizens will not fight to preserve the US Constitution? WTF? And you claim to be capable of higher logic?

from: America Is Divided by Education
"According to exit polls, 61 percent of non-college-educated white voters cast their ballots for Republicans while just 45 percent of college-educated white voters did so. Meanwhile 53 percent of college-educated white voters cast their votes for Democrats compared with 37 percent of those without a degree."

More than half of the voters with college degrees voted democrat. Your plan would hand the democrats a victory.

And please go to a Trump rally and try and tell his supporters there will be a math test to earn the right to vote. Maybe tell the Proud Boys they have to pass a math test to vote. LMAO!! Make sure someone videotapes it.

Those college degrees are from foolish low logic brainwashed students who enriches insane greed professors with monster student debt and worthless degrees

Check the polls. Trump has the supporters with the highest net worth coming from less degrees

Proving the democrat degrees were worthless

But they can pass an SAT math test. So they will be able to vote.
A little "Shooting fish in a barrel" therapy? lol

The ones with the logic ability are the inventors

The battle of New Orleans by the Andy Jackson patriots invented a system to shoot the British like shooting fish in a barrel

The brits totally gave up and ran like scalded dogs

What? What did Jackson's patriots INVENT??

Jackson took Sam Houston down with him and invented this easy shooting brits in a barrel

Sam Houston also went to Texas to totally wipe out the whole Mexican army and gain all the sw lands away from Spain and Mexico

The Tennessee patriots were fantastic fighters as Alvin York proved in world war 1. And these same people are all for trump

Wake the heck up before you get destroyed !!

The people you named were all dead before Trump was president. (two of them were dead before Trump was born)

You didn't answer what Jackson invented.

Jackson invented the patriot strength

That always beats globalists like the 2 wars with England

LMAO!! Invented patriot strength? You dolt.
Whether they like and support Trump or not isn't the issue, in my opinion.

Whether they will open fire on American citizens and break their oath to defend the US Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, is the issue. I don't believe they will.

Democrats had already opened fire on us citizens .. by murdering us babies with abortion

Now the men will see them as murderers and criminals and not see them as Americans

You democrats are toast

You have 24 hours to put lying shiff in prison or you will go to prison

Who opened fire on babies? I don't think many doctors use firearms.

24 hours? Or I will go to prison? Fuck you, you foreign troll. I am not going to prison for supporting the US Constitution.

The patriots decide if you are guilty

I AM a patriot. An honorably discharged veteran. A registered voter. An honest tax payer. And a supporter/defender of the US Constitution. Anyone who does not support the US Constitution is a traitor.

You are one against the vast majority and if a democrat you are a big hypocrite like all democrats are with abortion

When they are asked to use force against American citizens, I will not be in the minority.

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