If Trump is UNJUSTLY removed from office, what should we do?

We veterans and the active military take an oath to defend the constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic and bear true allegiance to the same.


We’re not being attacked by England. Our enemy is domestic and currently residing in the White House and he’s making a mockery of our laws, constitution and republic. He’s a crook, a con and an embarrassment. Whether by impeachment or by election.... his ass is going to be out of our White House where the Souther District Of New York will be waiting for him.


Be careful, fascist.

Be careful of what? What are you going to do other than talk shit.

You’re a dummy, thinking yourself a patriot and yet haven’t clue one as to what laws Trump is breaking much less the process outlined in the constitution that allows his ass to be removed from office. That is exactly what Trump is counting on. Your stupidity. Firing you idiots up with talk of a coup and such and y’all swinging your peckers, talking shit of grabbing your AR-15’s and marching on Washington. So your answer to the lawful procedure outlined in the constitution as is impeachment..... is for you dumb fucks to carry out an act of sedition?

You’re an idiot and a coward talking shit. Nothing more and if we were ever to meet? I’d bitch slap the stupid right out of you.


Look at the last real voting in N.C. look at the military section. Trump has increased his support with the military more than his high support during the 2016 election

That proves they agree that the democrats are guilty of high treason like trump says

And then they will react to save the nation from the high treason criminals

Wake up and look !!
Have you ever been to America or had conversations, face to face with any Americans?

Funny and very foolish to ask that wrong question. When I type y’all or the brits running like scalded dogs you would be stoopid to think I’m
Not American !

I'm sure you are not an American.

Quid Pro Joe is corrupt, hence we must impeach Trump.

We know exactly what it is.

The men and military knows

I am a man and I was in the military. I know what you are.

You are one man...the vast majority of military men totally disagrees with you

Also promoting murdering of us citizen babies is not what military men do

They will fight against you for murdering us babies

See how looney you are ??

I am one man who will defend the US Constitution. The military is full of us. The vast majority may favor Trump in the election. But they will stand with me against those who would attack this nation.

Wrong the military has already separated from the democrats with their agreeing with trump
That the democrats are the enemy of America

They have already taken sides same as they did with Andrew Jackson !!

Voting for Trump and taking up arms against American citizens are two different things. It won't happen.
Be careful, fascist.

Be careful of what? What are you going to do other than talk shit.

You’re a dummy, thinking yourself a patriot and yet haven’t clue one as to what laws Trump is breaking much less the process outlined in the constitution that allows his ass to be removed from office. That is exactly what Trump is counting on. Your stupidity. Firing you idiots up with talk of a coup and such and y’all swinging your peckers, talking shit of grabbing your AR-15’s and marching on Washington. So your answer to the lawful procedure outlined in the constitution as is impeachment..... is for you dumb fucks to carry out an act of sedition?

You’re an idiot and a coward talking shit. Nothing more and if we were ever to meet? I’d bitch slap the stupid right out of you.


Look at the last real voting in N.C. look at the military section. Trump has increased his support with the military more than his high support during the 2016 election

That proves they agree that the democrats are guilty of high treason like trump says

And then they will react to save the nation from the high treason criminals

Wake up and look !!
Have you ever been to America or had conversations, face to face with any Americans?

Funny and very foolish to ask that wrong question. When I type y’all or the brits running like scalded dogs you would be stoopid to think I’m
Not American !

I'm sure you are not an American.
I'm not sure it's completely human.
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.

I didn't read all the other responses, but if removing Trump gets rid of Democracy, I'd be all for it.

Our Constitution promises us a Republican form of government. It's funny how nobody can say Republic any longer. The closest you get is someone trying to sell you that virgin whore story that we are a democratic republic. That is the ultimate oxymoron.

If two thirds of the United States Senate votes to impeach Trump, you need a civilian militia big enough to take control of Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption and physically force Congress to repeal all unconstitutional laws and then hold an election.
Wrong the military has already separated from the democrats with their agreeing with trump
That the democrats are the enemy of America

I don’t think so dummy.

"Retired Navy Admiral William McRaven, the former top commander of the U.S. Special Operations Command, believes President Trump “needs to be held accountable” for taking actions that don’t uphold the “dignity” of the office of the presidency, he said in an interview with CBS News.

Said McRaven: “Every public servant who fails to do things that are moral, legal, and ethical, ought to be held accountable.”

Ex-Commander Says Trump ‘Must Be Held Accountable’
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.
We should vote the Dems out.
Trump will not be removed from office or resign.
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.
We should vote the Dems out.
Trump will not be removed from office or resign.

He will be voted out.

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Andrew Jackson was a racist who attempted to wipe out the Native American culture.
He signed the law that led to thousands of Natives dying.
Andrew Jackson was a monster.
Trump is a racist homophobe with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Trump needs to be removed from office.

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Wrong dead wrong

Saved America's progress and future

And from that we won all our wars

Saved America by stopping the unwise from electing crooks

Now trump will do the same!!

Jackson was an asshole, a murderer and a thief.

Why is this even an issue anymore. The Democrats don’t have shit and the party has sunk. More and more Americans wake up everyday and see what a piece of shit party the Democrats are and will not vote for them.

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really? Is that why the dems took back the house last election? Try thinking before you talk. Facts work better than emotion.

Yeah and there forgoing to lose it in 2020. That’s a fact.
Not emotion. Just calling it like I see it. I’m not politically correct and never will be. The House hasn’t accomplished anything since the Demtards took over. There too busy trying to make up some lies about Trump.

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I don’t care if you are PC or not but honesty and accuracy are important and you’re not being either. Dems are not forgoing to lose in 2020. At least not by any poll. It’s still way to soon to tell. And it’s congress that hasn’t accomplished anything. The house has passed tons of bills. McConnell does nothing with them. But thats not relevant to this discussion. You said the dems don’t have shit and the party is sunk but reality shows that they made gains during the last election so the only conclusion is that you are full of shit.
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.
We should vote the Dems out.
Trump will not be removed from office or resign.

He will be voted out.

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I think so too.
The Democrat propaganda machine has a lot of folks whipped into a frenzy of hate for President Trump, however most people do not trust the Press.
They have been colluding with the Dems and making-up fake scandals on Trump and ignoring Obammy's epic FBIgate scandal and Hillary many crimes.
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.
We should vote the Dems out.
Trump will not be removed from office or resign.

He will be voted out.

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I think so too.
The Democrat propaganda machine has a lot of folks whipped into a frenzy of hate for President Trump, however most people do not trust the Press.
They have been colluding with the Dems and making-up fake scandals on Trump and ignoring Obammy's epic FBIgate scandal and Hillary many crimes.

Hatred of trump is not new.
I hated him before he had the election handed to him.

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Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.
We should vote the Dems out.
Trump will not be removed from office or resign.

He will be voted out.

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I think so too.
The Democrat propaganda machine has a lot of folks whipped into a frenzy of hate for President Trump, however most people do not trust the Press.
They have been colluding with the Dems and making-up fake scandals on Trump and ignoring Obammy's epic FBIgate scandal and Hillary many crimes.

Hatred of trump is not new.
I hated him before he had the election handed to him.

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He won the electoral vote. This time around, all you have are old geezers that have no common sense. To wit:

Everybody wants free healthcare. Biden wants to "buy back" everybody's firearms. I don't know how he's going to buy back something the government never sold the people in the first place.

So, when this "buyback" takes place, does this include all the magazines, ammunition, scopes, spare parts, and other accessories? If not, that stuff becomes fodder for the black market since a lot of people would not comply with this tyrannical move.

Has Biden considered that if people do not want to give up their weapons, we already have more people in prison than any country on this planet? Sooo... we spend more money on more prisons? So, you don't give up your weapon and you don't register it, you go to prison...

Since most of the people who misuse firearms have mental issues, would it not be wiser to spend the money on mental health? And, if you're busy buying guns, where do you get the money for Universal Healthcare?

You better quit this nonsensical B.S. about impeaching Trump. You're liable to get a total dumb ass in the White House that couldn't run a lemonade stand. Use your time to start finding more qualified leaders.



I think it all boils down to having a fair election in 2020 of POTUS Donald Trump vs the Democrat's losing candidate. Then they can continue trying to impeach him again in 2021.
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.
Trump can’t be taken out of office by one party. It would need bipartisan support

Yea, about 20 Republican senators.

What "high crime" has Trump committed?
Many feel he broke 52 us code 30121. Some think the mueller report lays out many instances of obstruction. Others think the phone call displays abuse of power, extortion, and bribery.

Many feel you have been trying to impeach him before he was sworn in and now trying to impeach a Supreme Court justice because your afraid he will rule by the constitution.

You want war, you will get war.


Fuck your feelings. If you don't want to be investigated, don't break the law, assholes. I think you elected a criminal piece of shit for *pResident. Said piece of shit has used his office to lie, cheat and enrich himself and his family with taxpayer dollars. He continuously violates the emoluments clause because he's a turd. Said piece of shit appoints other unqualified pieces of shit into his cabinet that are doing their damned best to destroy gov't. agencies Republicans don't like. Kavanaugh is yet another shitty appointment. He wants to give loyalty to hostile foreign countries over the United States? Fuck him. He wants to threaten Americans that don't toe his stupid line? Fuck him.

Said piece of shit is the laziest MFer I've ever seen hold office, so yeah, go ahead and impeach this worthless turd, and the stupid mouth breathing MFers that voted for him can kindly fuck right off out of my country if they don't like it. KTHXBYE.



I think it all boils down to having a fair election in 2020 of POTUS Donald Trump vs the Democrat's losing candidate. Then they can continue trying to impeach him again in 2021.
I agree. So why do you think it’s fair for a POTUS to reach out to Ukraine and China to ask them to open investigations into his political opponent so he can brand him a crook, just like he did Hillary.

Does that sound like a fair election to you? Cause it sounds like a pretty shady abuse of office to me.
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.

I didn't read all the other responses, but if removing Trump gets rid of Democracy, I'd be all for it.

Our Constitution promises us a Republican form of government. It's funny how nobody can say Republic any longer. The closest you get is someone trying to sell you that virgin whore story that we are a democratic republic. That is the ultimate oxymoron.

If two thirds of the United States Senate votes to impeach Trump, you need a civilian militia big enough to take control of Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption and physically force Congress to repeal all unconstitutional laws and then hold an election.

Only the wise voting can save a nations prosperity

But it is trump that knows this and knows how

Unemployment rate drops to 3.5 %. Record low number

These screwery polls does show the Hispanics rising fast for trump .. that means they know they were helped by trump

But But their numbers don’t add up from that

It seems they are in a PANIC to hide the men’s vote .. to hide the white mens vote and to hide the military vote

They are in a panic afraid trump will now do like Andrew Jackson did with that real power

Fake lying media

Fake lying educators

Fake lying everybody that is getting their money from the crooked system which could bring us to world war 111

Really stoopid corrupt deep state
The men and military knows

I am a man and I was in the military. I know what you are.

You are one man...the vast majority of military men totally disagrees with you

Also promoting murdering of us citizen babies is not what military men do

They will fight against you for murdering us babies

See how looney you are ??

I am one man who will defend the US Constitution. The military is full of us. The vast majority may favor Trump in the election. But they will stand with me against those who would attack this nation.

Wrong the military has already separated from the democrats with their agreeing with trump
That the democrats are the enemy of America

They have already taken sides same as they did with Andrew Jackson !!

Voting for Trump and taking up arms against American citizens are two different things. It won't happen.

It’s already has happened

The men’s vote for trump. Proves it is happening same with the military vote for trump

Unemployment rate drops to 3.5 %. Record low number

These screwery polls does show the Hispanics rising fast for trump .. that means they know they were helped by trump

But But their numbers don’t add up from that

It seems they are in a PANIC to hide the men’s vote .. to hide the white mens vote and to hide the military vote

They are in a panic afraid trump will now do like Andrew Jackson did with that real power

Fake lying media

Fake lying educators

Fake lying everybody that is getting their money from the crooked system which could bring us to world war 111

Really stoopid corrupt deep state
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.
We should vote the Dems out.
Trump will not be removed from office or resign.

He will be voted out.

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I think so too.
The Democrat propaganda machine has a lot of folks whipped into a frenzy of hate for President Trump, however most people do not trust the Press.
They have been colluding with the Dems and making-up fake scandals on Trump and ignoring Obammy's epic FBIgate scandal and Hillary many crimes.

Hatred of trump is not new.
I hated him before he had the election handed to him.

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Trump has the unique ability to take
All peoples and all nations unique abilities and place them correctly and bring each to great prosperity
... you'll only end up dead, or in prison for the rest of your life.... calm down!

Thank you. I appreciate your concern. I am calm. I don't want to lose my life, just like the young guys that stormed Normandy didn't want to lose theirs. If a successful coup takes place against Trump and, if it's clear that it was a political hit-job, then we need to act. Either that or live like cowards.

Nixon would have loved it if there were more Americans like you when the 'coup' against him was successful......
We should vote the Dems out.
Trump will not be removed from office or resign.

He will be voted out.

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I think so too.
The Democrat propaganda machine has a lot of folks whipped into a frenzy of hate for President Trump, however most people do not trust the Press.
They have been colluding with the Dems and making-up fake scandals on Trump and ignoring Obammy's epic FBIgate scandal and Hillary many crimes.

Hatred of trump is not new.
I hated him before he had the election handed to him.

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Trump has the unique ability to take
All peoples and all nations unique abilities and place them correctly and bring each to great prosperity

Trump is mentally challenged.

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