If Trump is UNJUSTLY removed from office, what should we do?

How you choose to reject the Constitution is up to you.

Yes "justly" is in the eye of the beholder. If Trump is railroaded on some horseshit charge and ran out of office by the Democratic Fascist Party and a segment of never-Trump GOP traitors, then it's time for the American people to dust off their firearms and start cleaning the swamp ourselves.

This totalitarian movement by the left and their fascist worshipers at the CIA, FBI, etc. is the greatest threat to our nation since our nation was founded.

Will you fight for our nation's legitimacy or will you permit your offspring and their offspring to live in a one-party, totalitarian, police-state?
Trump and his civil war rhetoric, OWNS YOU! For goodness sake! you'll only end up dead, or in prison for the rest of your life.... calm down!

IF he is impeached from office in the senate by the Dems and 20 republicans, (which will take a miracle act of God), then the process is just.
Best possible action is for the people to overwhelmingly vote trump out of office.

Best possible action is to end the fishing expeditions forever, let Trump finish his term, and have a fair election of Trump vs. the top Democratic candidate in 2020.

And do this for another 4 years.
See? Someone thinks the Russian fix is in.

What Russian Fix ? The one you haven't proven in three years ?
let me guess....

you never bothered to read the Mueller Report?
Best possible action is for the people to overwhelmingly vote trump out of office.

Best possible action is to end the fishing expeditions forever, let Trump finish his term, and have a fair election of Trump vs. the top Democratic candidate in 2020.

And do this for another 4 years.
See? Someone thinks the Russian fix is in.

What Russian Fix ? The one you haven't proven in three years ?
let me guess....

you never bothered to read the Mueller Report?

You guessed wrong.

And fuck you.
See how you just got caught

Trying to make these 2 things different

One is protecting life and the other is killing life

Patriots stops the killings by fighting against it

You got caught !!

You support real murder killings and try to stop defense of murder by the patriots

Patriots are defending life not destroying innocent life

Guilty killers are attached by patriots to save murdering of us citizen innocents

You got caught !!

I got caught at nothing. I simply pointed out that "opening fire" means using firearms, which abortion doctors don't do. You tried to dance away from talking about killing citizens by bringing up abortion, just like in our last conversation. It is bullshit.

But do feel free to tell me why you say I am going to prison if I don't put Schiff in prison in the next 24 hours.

Being a democrat is what has caught you

Going against trump is what has caught you

Is Andrew Jackson

Are you A BLiND FOOL LOSER ???

Trump is now is not gonna co operate with a crooked congress

Same as Jackson

Jackson had the real power behind him

Get this ////. Trump has more power behind him than Jackson

With Jackson there were more white men against Jackson and supporting the congress. But still not enough to stop Jackson. Now this congress has less white men and mostly women

So when trump calls out the military the hauling off of crooked democrats will be much easier than hauling Indians to reservations

And then the logic test for voting will come similar to the founders stopping the unwise from voting

The unwise will be stopped from voting like the Indians was stopped

The democrat leaders who brsinwashed and pushed the unwise to vote will face the gallows

The democrats are one stoopid bunch of people

Andrew Jackson was a racist who attempted to wipe out the Native American culture.
He signed the law that led to thousands of Natives dying.
Andrew Jackson was a monster.
Trump is a racist homophobe with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Trump needs to be removed from office.

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Wrong dead wrong

Saved America's progress and future

And from that we won all our wars

Saved America by stopping the unwise from electing crooks

Now trump will do the same!!

Jackson was an asshole, a murderer and a thief.

Why is this even an issue anymore. The Democrats don’t have shit and the party has sunk. More and more Americans wake up everyday and see what a piece of shit party the Democrats are and will not vote for them.

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... you'll only end up dead, or in prison for the rest of your life.... calm down!

Thank you. I appreciate your concern. I am calm. I don't want to lose my life, just like the young guys that stormed Normandy didn't want to lose theirs. If a successful coup takes place against Trump and, if it's clear that it was a political hit-job, then we need to act. Either that or live like cowards.
... you'll only end up dead, or in prison for the rest of your life.... calm down!

Thank you. I appreciate your concern. I am calm. I don't want to lose my life, just like the young guys that stormed Normandy didn't want to lose theirs. If a successful coup takes place against Trump and, if it's clear that it was a political hit-job, then we need to act. Either that or live like cowards.
How would you act?
I got caught at nothing. I simply pointed out that "opening fire" means using firearms, which abortion doctors don't do. You tried to dance away from talking about killing citizens by bringing up abortion, just like in our last conversation. It is bullshit.

But do feel free to tell me why you say I am going to prison if I don't put Schiff in prison in the next 24 hours.

Being a democrat is what has caught you

Going against trump is what has caught you

Is Andrew Jackson

Are you A BLiND FOOL LOSER ???

Trump is now is not gonna co operate with a crooked congress

Same as Jackson

Jackson had the real power behind him

Get this ////. Trump has more power behind him than Jackson

With Jackson there were more white men against Jackson and supporting the congress. But still not enough to stop Jackson. Now this congress has less white men and mostly women

So when trump calls out the military the hauling off of crooked democrats will be much easier than hauling Indians to reservations

And then the logic test for voting will come similar to the founders stopping the unwise from voting

The unwise will be stopped from voting like the Indians was stopped

The democrat leaders who brsinwashed and pushed the unwise to vote will face the gallows

The democrats are one stoopid bunch of people

Andrew Jackson was a racist who attempted to wipe out the Native American culture.
He signed the law that led to thousands of Natives dying.
Andrew Jackson was a monster.
Trump is a racist homophobe with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Trump needs to be removed from office.

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Wrong dead wrong

Saved America's progress and future

And from that we won all our wars

Saved America by stopping the unwise from electing crooks

Now trump will do the same!!

Jackson was an asshole, a murderer and a thief.

Why is this even an issue anymore. The Democrats don’t have shit and the party has sunk. More and more Americans wake up everyday and see what a piece of shit party the Democrats are and will not vote for them.

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really? Is that why the dems took back the house last election? Try thinking before you talk. Facts work better than emotion.
Being a democrat is what has caught you

Going against trump is what has caught you

Is Andrew Jackson

Are you A BLiND FOOL LOSER ???

Trump is now is not gonna co operate with a crooked congress

Same as Jackson

Jackson had the real power behind him

Get this ////. Trump has more power behind him than Jackson

With Jackson there were more white men against Jackson and supporting the congress. But still not enough to stop Jackson. Now this congress has less white men and mostly women

So when trump calls out the military the hauling off of crooked democrats will be much easier than hauling Indians to reservations

And then the logic test for voting will come similar to the founders stopping the unwise from voting

The unwise will be stopped from voting like the Indians was stopped

The democrat leaders who brsinwashed and pushed the unwise to vote will face the gallows

The democrats are one stoopid bunch of people

Andrew Jackson was a racist who attempted to wipe out the Native American culture.
He signed the law that led to thousands of Natives dying.
Andrew Jackson was a monster.
Trump is a racist homophobe with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Trump needs to be removed from office.

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Wrong dead wrong

Saved America's progress and future

And from that we won all our wars

Saved America by stopping the unwise from electing crooks

Now trump will do the same!!

Jackson was an asshole, a murderer and a thief.

Why is this even an issue anymore. The Democrats don’t have shit and the party has sunk. More and more Americans wake up everyday and see what a piece of shit party the Democrats are and will not vote for them.

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really? Is that why the dems took back the house last election? Try thinking before you talk. Facts work better than emotion.

Yeah and there forgoing to lose it in 2020. That’s a fact.
Not emotion. Just calling it like I see it. I’m not politically correct and never will be. The House hasn’t accomplished anything since the Demtards took over. There too busy trying to make up some lies about Trump.

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By who??

Trump has the men and the military and law enforcement

By who ??

By me and millions like me. And by Law Enforcement and the military. If you like agreeing with Trump on a poll equates to them committing treason, you are not on a troll, you are a delusional troll.

You are totally outnumbered by the men

And vastly outnumbered by strongest group in history .. white men

America is 200 yrs of real proof of how white men always wins over the other men

And in the world there is 10,000 yrs of history proving men wins over women

Really Really Foolish to go against what has been proven over and over

Only if there is violence. Otherwise, women are every bit the equal of men.

If there is violence trying to stop women from voting, the majority of men will fight to preserve the US Constitution. They certainly will not fight to overthrow the US gov't. You can be sure of that.


The sat math tests proves they are not

Proves they have lower logic ability that always wins

The SAT proves that US citizens will not fight to preserve the US Constitution? WTF? And you claim to be capable of higher logic?

from: America Is Divided by Education
"According to exit polls, 61 percent of non-college-educated white voters cast their ballots for Republicans while just 45 percent of college-educated white voters did so. Meanwhile 53 percent of college-educated white voters cast their votes for Democrats compared with 37 percent of those without a degree."

More than half of the voters with college degrees voted democrat. Your plan would hand the democrats a victory.

And please go to a Trump rally and try and tell his supporters there will be a math test to earn the right to vote. Maybe tell the Proud Boys they have to pass a math test to vote. LMAO!! Make sure someone videotapes it.

Those college degrees are from foolish low logic brainwashed students who enriches insane greed professors with monster student debt and worthless degrees

Check the polls. Trump has the supporters with the highest net worth coming from less degrees

Proving the democrat degrees were worthless
Even for 10,000 years with the native Americans ... the men were always
The chiefs

It was not males thst they thru off cliffs to the gods It was females maidens

History is a fine thing. I am a fan of studying it. But trying to claim that primitive cultures proves anything about modern society is laughable. Those cultures may have thrown women off cliffs to appease the gods, but the men also hunted and brought food to the tribe. Few men in today's world can survive without a grocery store.

Wrong dead wrong

This gender difference in voting did not start until 30 years ago Before that the women voted with the men

This was a monster mistake experiment because the globalists brainwashed the lower logic women to rob Americans more easy

So you think things were fine as long as women did what they were told?


Women or anyone must have the ability to vote correctly without voting in crooks

We see the vast majority of women have failed to show they have the ability to vote which takes logic

It was women going against their natural selves by getting brainwashed by crooks to then murder their own babies

And next they vote for the party that brings in their worst nightmare the Muslims

Those 2 votes by women shows most do not have the logic to vote

The founders were right !!
Even for 10,000 years with the native Americans ... the men were always
The chiefs

It was not males thst they thru off cliffs to the gods It was females maidens

History is a fine thing. I am a fan of studying it. But trying to claim that primitive cultures proves anything about modern society is laughable. Those cultures may have thrown women off cliffs to appease the gods, but the men also hunted and brought food to the tribe. Few men in today's world can survive without a grocery store.

Wrong dead wrong

This gender difference in voting did not start until 30 years ago Before that the women voted with the men

This was a monster mistake experiment because the globalists brainwashed the lower logic women to rob Americans more easy

So you think things were fine as long as women did what they were told?


The founders protected women from their low logic minds that can get fooled more easy and would not let them vote or be on a jury

A logic test is coming now to stop unwise from voting or being on jury’s

No, it is not. That would take a constitutional amendment.

Wrong both Andrew Jackson and Abe lincoln tore up the constitution

Trump is now Andrew Jackson again
Wrong dead wrong

This gender difference in voting did not start until 30 years ago Before that the women voted with the men

This was a monster mistake experiment because the globalists brainwashed the lower logic women to rob Americans more easy

So you think things were fine as long as women did what they were told?


The founders protected women from their low logic minds that can get fooled more easy and would not let them vote or be on a jury

A logic test is coming now to stop unwise from voting or being on jury’s

Whenever I'm having a bad day I come on this forum and look for one of your posts. It always makes me smile and I walk away feeling empowered and invincible.
Look at history and learn the universal laws

Look at the US Constitution and the law in the US.

The constitution shows and gives the right to the gun owners to fight their crooked govt
If the men judges something that is harmful they will act to stop it

That is history

Yep.....and that's why we're in one messed up situation after another. Enjoy your fleeting role. History shows us what to avoid in the future. Don't worry, women are compassionate. We'll still make sure you're looked after.

It was the founders that protected their women by not letting their low logic minds vote in crooks

OMG! This made me spit some of my coffee out trying to avoid laughing.

You sir, are a gem! I'm keeping you. You're like a gift that keeps on giving.

Look all around and see the rising anger by the men

You better run and hide like rats before it’s too late

The anger is just from the INCELs, like yourself. The majority of men in the US value women.

All wise men values women like our children but we protect them by not letting their lower logic minds destroy
Themselves with crooks
Whenever I'm having a bad day I come on this forum and look for one of your posts. It always makes me smile and I walk away feeling empowered and invincible.

A little "Shooting fish in a barrel" therapy? lol

The ones with the logic ability are the inventors

The battle of New Orleans by the Andy Jackson patriots invented a system to shoot the British like shooting fish in a barrel

The brits totally gave up and ran like scalded dogs

What? What did Jackson's patriots INVENT??

Jackson took Sam Houston down with him and invented this easy shooting brits in a barrel

Sam Houston also went to Texas to totally wipe out the whole Mexican army and gain all the sw lands away from Spain and Mexico

The Tennessee patriots were fantastic fighters as Alvin York proved in world war 1. And these same people are all for trump

Wake the heck up before you get destroyed !!

The people you named were all dead before Trump was president. (two of them were dead before Trump was born)

You didn't answer what Jackson invented.

Jackson invented the patriot strength

That always beats globalists like the 2 wars with England
Us patriot Bostonians will be calling for your help soon! Thank you patriot.

Patriots? LMAO!! What GreenAnd Blue is proposing is nothing short of treason.

Or do you also want to see the US Constitution thrown out?
Did our founding fathers break the rules?

No what I asked you. I asked a very simple question.
What ever it takes to return America from the ha da of Nazi democrats who are destroying America looks at the cities they run

Also, are you ready to take an SAT math test to qualify to vote? How is your trig and calculus?

It will be similar but with not numbers but predictions that comes from cause and effect

You prove low logic because of being a hypocrite you cannot see the cause and effect that makes you a hypocrite

What makes all democrats hypocrites is

Abortion the murdering of the most innocent

This proves you have no credibility because your low logic makes you a hypocrite
If they are fighting to overthrow the gov't and the US Constitution, they are traitors and will be dealt with accordingly.

By who??

Trump has the men and the military and law enforcement

By who ??

Yes he does.

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Don't tell me you are buying this bullshit.

Yes, men and the military support Trump over the democrats. But do you actually believe thos polling numbers men the men and the military will use force (violence) against American citizens? And do you actually want the US Constitution thrown out as the basis for our laws?
The military support Drumph because they have to. They don't have a choice unless we have a coup led by the military. Plenty of military people do not support his politics and understand that he is temporary. It is America they are serving, not him.

What. Did you take a poll. The military likes Trump because he gave the military the money back that dumb ass Obama cut.

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No the military was very strong for trump by the exit polls from the 2016 election and the last real vote in N.C. shows the military has increased that high support even further
But if things go south they just might. Depends just how much of a backbone the Republicans grow between now and then.

Politicians of all strips are nothing if not craven cowards and you can be sure if polls go south and republicans see Trump is in deep trouble, they’ll see him as a liability and cut their ties, throwing his ass under the bus to save their seats. They’ll go to their base and tell them they had no choice but to uphold the law and their oaths to defend the constitution. No doubt Trumpies will howl their derision at these republicans they’ll consider traitors.... which should tell everyone where these Trumpies faith and fealty lie. It’s not to the country, its laws or constitution or the principles and values this nation was founded on.

Senators aren’t protected by a district of Trumpies. They’re subject to statewide voters and as such.... they’re screwed regardless how they vote. If after the evidence is laid out and Trumps proven to be guilty, if they vote to keep that crook in office they’ll be punished by voters. If they vote to remove Trump, their base will punish them.

Don’t feel any sympathy for them. They’re reaping what they sow. They’re now between a rock and a hard place and that’s what awaits you when you toss your mores over the side and lose your moral grounding in climbing into bed with that pig they call their president. a

Fuck the lot of them.

Wrong trump has the men

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