If Trump is UNJUSTLY removed from office, what should we do?

You are one man...the vast majority of military men totally disagrees with you

Also promoting murdering of us citizen babies is not what military men do

They will fight against you for murdering us babies

See how looney you are ??

I am one man who will defend the US Constitution. The military is full of us. The vast majority may favor Trump in the election. But they will stand with me against those who would attack this nation.

Wrong you are lying

The military supports trump in vast numbers

Lying cannot change the truth

Vast majority of military agrees with trump

They support him in an election. The do not support the violent overthrow of the gov't. And they have taken an oath to defend the US Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

You are lying your azzze off

The founders provided for just this

Americans with equal fire power of the govt

That is them wanting Americans to over throw their govt when it’s crooked

The founders provided a way to amend the US Constitution.

The military will not bear arms against the American people.

Wrong these are not the American people

These are American traitors

Look at history of what happens to American traitors

And quit lying your azzz off to your own self
And you're a NeoNazi, pretending to care about Democracy.

Nice to meet you, Grand Wizard Moron. You are nothing but a self-loathing white moron trying to blame his own failures on brown people. Period. Obama just became the "magical idol" to focus on, for you. You have no respect for law, nor any for the Constitution. You would piss on both, if it meant feeling better about your life for 3 seconds.

You sincerely and obviously hope that Trump defies all rule of law. I need a lecture on rule of law from you like I need an oral exam from a Proctologist.



The problem you TRAITORS have is that you've lied to America for over three years,

The current lies are just a recycle of the stupid fucking lies you spewed with the Mueller fiasco, and you KNOW how that turned out.
Haha, yeah, you trump freaks always like to call peole triggered, right before launching into a grade a hissy fit that would make a toddler blush. You truly are embarrassments to our country.

The hypocrisy of murdering babies proves all democrats as crazy crooks !

Nobody is murdering babies. It’s against the law. :)

The democrat party is indeed murdering us babies with abortion


No baby is being murdered. That’s against the law. Aborting a fetus is legal, as such fetuses, by law, can’t be babies.
Look at trumps rallies

They prove all polls as fraud and prove they are ready to stop the American traitors


The problem you TRAITORS have is that you've lied to America for over three years,

The current lies are just a recycle of the stupid fucking lies you spewed with the Mueller fiasco, and you KNOW how that turned out.
Haha, yeah, you trump freaks always like to call peole triggered, right before launching into a grade a hissy fit that would make a toddler blush. You truly are embarrassments to our country.

The hypocrisy of murdering babies proves all democrats as crazy crooks !

Nobody is murdering babies. It’s against the law. :)

The democrat party is indeed murdering us babies with abortion


No baby is being murdered. That’s against the law. Aborting a fetus is legal, as such fetuses, by law, can’t be babies.
Wrong sciene now says the fetus is a baby with its own dna

So science is now screaming abortion is murder of us citizens
You are one man...the vast majority of military men totally disagrees with you

Also promoting murdering of us citizen babies is not what military men do

They will fight against you for murdering us babies

See how looney you are ??

I am one man who will defend the US Constitution. The military is full of us. The vast majority may favor Trump in the election. But they will stand with me against those who would attack this nation.

Wrong you are lying

The military supports trump in vast numbers

Lying cannot change the truth

Vast majority of military agrees with trump

They support him in an election. The do not support the violent overthrow of the gov't. And they have taken an oath to defend the US Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

You are lying your azzze off

The founders provided for just this

Americans with equal fire power of the govt

That is them wanting Americans to over throw their govt when it’s crooked

The founders provided a way to amend the US Constitution.

The military will not bear arms against the American people.

The founders provided the way to over throw a crooked govt

Armed patriots !!
Haha, yeah, you trump freaks always like to call peole triggered, right before launching into a grade a hissy fit that would make a toddler blush. You truly are embarrassments to our country.

The hypocrisy of murdering babies proves all democrats as crazy crooks !

Nobody is murdering babies. It’s against the law. :)

The democrat party is indeed murdering us babies with abortion


No baby is being murdered. That’s against the law. Aborting a fetus is legal, as such fetuses, by law, can’t be babies.
Wrong sciene now says the fetus is a baby with its own dna

So science is now screaming abortion is murder of us citizens

A tumor has DNA. Doesn’t make it a baby.
The hypocrisy of murdering babies proves all democrats as crazy crooks !

Nobody is murdering babies. It’s against the law. :)

The democrat party is indeed murdering us babies with abortion


No baby is being murdered. That’s against the law. Aborting a fetus is legal, as such fetuses, by law, can’t be babies.
Wrong sciene now says the fetus is a baby with its own dna

So science is now screaming abortion is murder of us citizens

A tumor has DNA. Doesn’t make it a baby.

Get some mental help

A tumor has the same dna as it’s body

A fetus has a totally different dna of the mother’s body

An outrageous stupid wrong post

Again science screams that abortion is murder with the fetus with its own unique dna name

At conception all human life is given its own unique name. It’s dna code name !!

Really stoopid post saying the tumor with the same dna as the mother proves the fetus also having the same dna

Now look inside the numbers of the active duty military

1.3 mil

The Obama women military is strong against trump the men is just the opposite a landslide agreeing with trump

When push comes to shove the men will make the women stand down with their vast numbers

Now look at the much larger group the 20.3 mil past military without the Obama ran in women . Those vets are even more for trump than the current 1.3 mil and those have been telling others much more because of their vast numbers over the active 1.3 mil

No one man does not tell the story

It’s the majority that tells the real story

And more proof is how trump rallies are so much stronger than liberal rallies

You crooked democrats are too blind to see the big trouble you are now caught in

And the 1.3 million will stand with the nation, not against it. They will stand with the US Constitution, not against it.

The polls show support for Trump. But not if he tries what you say he will do.


Can’t you read

Out of that 1.3 mil the numbers show vast agreements with trump even when the Obama women military shows opposite

You are lying your azzz off fooling your self that one man is the majority

Read the numbers you are not the majority .. just the opposite

Quit lying your azzz off to your own self

I am not the one lying. You are the one taking a poll about political support and trying to claim it means they support a revolution.

You have continually ignored discussing the US Constitution. That is your fatal flaw.

But you also claim that I will be in prison because Schiff isn't arrested in 24 hours.
I am one man who will defend the US Constitution. The military is full of us. The vast majority may favor Trump in the election. But they will stand with me against those who would attack this nation.

Wrong you are lying

The military supports trump in vast numbers

Lying cannot change the truth

Vast majority of military agrees with trump

They support him in an election. The do not support the violent overthrow of the gov't. And they have taken an oath to defend the US Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

You are lying your azzze off

The founders provided for just this

Americans with equal fire power of the govt

That is them wanting Americans to over throw their govt when it’s crooked

The founders provided a way to amend the US Constitution.

The military will not bear arms against the American people.

Wrong these are not the American people

These are American traitors

Look at history of what happens to American traitors

And quit lying your azzz off to your own self

These people are far more American than you are. You have no clue what motivates Americans.
I just got my voter card yesterday. So far Tulsi Gabbard. I "think" she's the best offer ( at the moment) Been following her closely.
if her numbers dont move up. I'll Trump'it for term 2.
I'm not one to go with the flow but the other offerings are insane.Trump is wacky but, overall....hey. I have work and so do my redneck network. Nuff said
Yes he does.

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Don't tell me you are buying this bullshit.

Yes, men and the military support Trump over the democrats. But do you actually believe thos polling numbers men the men and the military will use force (violence) against American citizens? And do you actually want the US Constitution thrown out as the basis for our laws?
The military support Drumph because they have to. They don't have a choice unless we have a coup led by the military. Plenty of military people do not support his politics and understand that he is temporary. It is America they are serving, not him.

What. Did you take a poll. The military likes Trump because he gave the military the money back that dumb ass Obama cut.

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What. Did you take a poll. The military likes Trump because he gave the military the money back that dumb ass Obama cut.

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Whether they like and support Trump or not isn't the issue, in my opinion.

Whether they will open fire on American citizens and break their oath to defend the US Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, is the issue. I don't believe they will.

Democrats had already opened fire on us citizens .. by murdering us babies with abortion

Now the men will see them as murderers and criminals and not see them as Americans

You democrats are toast

You have 24 hours to put lying shiff in prison or you will go to prison

Who opened fire on babies? I don't think many doctors use firearms.

24 hours? Or I will go to prison? Fuck you, you foreign troll. I am not going to prison for supporting the US Constitution.

See how you just got caught

Trying to make these 2 things different

One is protecting life and the other is killing life

Patriots stops the killings by fighting against it

You got caught !!

You support real murder killings and try to stop defense of murder by the patriots

Patriots are defending life not destroying innocent life

Guilty killers are attached by patriots to save murdering of us citizen innocents

You got caught !!

I got caught at nothing. I simply pointed out that "opening fire" means using firearms, which abortion doctors don't do. You tried to dance away from talking about killing citizens by bringing up abortion, just like in our last conversation. It is bullshit.

But do feel free to tell me why you say I am going to prison if I don't put Schiff in prison in the next 24 hours.

Being a democrat is what has caught you

Going against trump is what has caught you

Is Andrew Jackson

Are you A BLiND FOOL LOSER ???

Trump is now is not gonna co operate with a crooked congress

Same as Jackson

Jackson had the real power behind him

Get this ////. Trump has more power behind him than Jackson

With Jackson there were more white men against Jackson and supporting the congress. But still not enough to stop Jackson. Now this congress has less white men and mostly women

So when trump calls out the military the hauling off of crooked democrats will be much easier than hauling Indians to reservations

And then the logic test for voting will come similar to the founders stopping the unwise from voting

The unwise will be stopped from voting like the Indians was stopped

The democrat leaders who brsinwashed and pushed the unwise to vote will face the gallows

The democrats are one stoopid bunch of people
Don't tell me you are buying this bullshit.

Yes, men and the military support Trump over the democrats. But do you actually believe thos polling numbers men the men and the military will use force (violence) against American citizens? And do you actually want the US Constitution thrown out as the basis for our laws?
The military support Drumph because they have to. They don't have a choice unless we have a coup led by the military. Plenty of military people do not support his politics and understand that he is temporary. It is America they are serving, not him.

What. Did you take a poll. The military likes Trump because he gave the military the money back that dumb ass Obama cut.

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Whether they like and support Trump or not isn't the issue, in my opinion.

Whether they will open fire on American citizens and break their oath to defend the US Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, is the issue. I don't believe they will.

Democrats had already opened fire on us citizens .. by murdering us babies with abortion

Now the men will see them as murderers and criminals and not see them as Americans

You democrats are toast

You have 24 hours to put lying shiff in prison or you will go to prison

Who opened fire on babies? I don't think many doctors use firearms.

24 hours? Or I will go to prison? Fuck you, you foreign troll. I am not going to prison for supporting the US Constitution.

See how you just got caught

Trying to make these 2 things different

One is protecting life and the other is killing life

Patriots stops the killings by fighting against it

You got caught !!

You support real murder killings and try to stop defense of murder by the patriots

Patriots are defending life not destroying innocent life

Guilty killers are attached by patriots to save murdering of us citizen innocents

You got caught !!

I got caught at nothing. I simply pointed out that "opening fire" means using firearms, which abortion doctors don't do. You tried to dance away from talking about killing citizens by bringing up abortion, just like in our last conversation. It is bullshit.

But do feel free to tell me why you say I am going to prison if I don't put Schiff in prison in the next 24 hours.

Being a democrat is what has caught you

Going against trump is what has caught you

Is Andrew Jackson

Are you A BLiND FOOL LOSER ???

Trump is now is not gonna co operate with a crooked congress

Same as Jackson

Jackson had the real power behind him

Get this ////. Trump has more power behind him than Jackson

With Jackson there were more white men against Jackson and supporting the congress. But still not enough to stop Jackson. Now this congress has less white men and mostly women

So when trump calls out the military the hauling off of crooked democrats will be much easier than hauling Indians to reservations

And then the logic test for voting will come similar to the founders stopping the unwise from voting

The unwise will be stopped from voting like the Indians was stopped

The democrat leaders who brsinwashed and pushed the unwise to vote will face the gallows

The democrats are one stoopid bunch of people

Andrew Jackson was a racist who attempted to wipe out the Native American culture.
He signed the law that led to thousands of Natives dying.
Andrew Jackson was a monster.
Trump is a racist homophobe with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Trump needs to be removed from office.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The military support Drumph because they have to. They don't have a choice unless we have a coup led by the military. Plenty of military people do not support his politics and understand that he is temporary. It is America they are serving, not him.

What. Did you take a poll. The military likes Trump because he gave the military the money back that dumb ass Obama cut.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Democrats had already opened fire on us citizens .. by murdering us babies with abortion

Now the men will see them as murderers and criminals and not see them as Americans

You democrats are toast

You have 24 hours to put lying shiff in prison or you will go to prison

Who opened fire on babies? I don't think many doctors use firearms.

24 hours? Or I will go to prison? Fuck you, you foreign troll. I am not going to prison for supporting the US Constitution.

See how you just got caught

Trying to make these 2 things different

One is protecting life and the other is killing life

Patriots stops the killings by fighting against it

You got caught !!

You support real murder killings and try to stop defense of murder by the patriots

Patriots are defending life not destroying innocent life

Guilty killers are attached by patriots to save murdering of us citizen innocents

You got caught !!

I got caught at nothing. I simply pointed out that "opening fire" means using firearms, which abortion doctors don't do. You tried to dance away from talking about killing citizens by bringing up abortion, just like in our last conversation. It is bullshit.

But do feel free to tell me why you say I am going to prison if I don't put Schiff in prison in the next 24 hours.

Being a democrat is what has caught you

Going against trump is what has caught you

Is Andrew Jackson

Are you A BLiND FOOL LOSER ???

Trump is now is not gonna co operate with a crooked congress

Same as Jackson

Jackson had the real power behind him

Get this ////. Trump has more power behind him than Jackson

With Jackson there were more white men against Jackson and supporting the congress. But still not enough to stop Jackson. Now this congress has less white men and mostly women

So when trump calls out the military the hauling off of crooked democrats will be much easier than hauling Indians to reservations

And then the logic test for voting will come similar to the founders stopping the unwise from voting

The unwise will be stopped from voting like the Indians was stopped

The democrat leaders who brsinwashed and pushed the unwise to vote will face the gallows

The democrats are one stoopid bunch of people

Andrew Jackson was a racist who attempted to wipe out the Native American culture.
He signed the law that led to thousands of Natives dying.
Andrew Jackson was a monster.
Trump is a racist homophobe with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Trump needs to be removed from office.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Wrong dead wrong

Saved America's progress and future

And from that we won all our wars

Saved America by stopping the unwise from electing crooks

Now trump will do the same!!
The military support Drumph because they have to. They don't have a choice unless we have a coup led by the military. Plenty of military people do not support his politics and understand that he is temporary. It is America they are serving, not him.

What. Did you take a poll. The military likes Trump because he gave the military the money back that dumb ass Obama cut.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Democrats had already opened fire on us citizens .. by murdering us babies with abortion

Now the men will see them as murderers and criminals and not see them as Americans

You democrats are toast

You have 24 hours to put lying shiff in prison or you will go to prison

Who opened fire on babies? I don't think many doctors use firearms.

24 hours? Or I will go to prison? Fuck you, you foreign troll. I am not going to prison for supporting the US Constitution.

See how you just got caught

Trying to make these 2 things different

One is protecting life and the other is killing life

Patriots stops the killings by fighting against it

You got caught !!

You support real murder killings and try to stop defense of murder by the patriots

Patriots are defending life not destroying innocent life

Guilty killers are attached by patriots to save murdering of us citizen innocents

You got caught !!

I got caught at nothing. I simply pointed out that "opening fire" means using firearms, which abortion doctors don't do. You tried to dance away from talking about killing citizens by bringing up abortion, just like in our last conversation. It is bullshit.

But do feel free to tell me why you say I am going to prison if I don't put Schiff in prison in the next 24 hours.

Being a democrat is what has caught you

Going against trump is what has caught you

Is Andrew Jackson

Are you A BLiND FOOL LOSER ???

Trump is now is not gonna co operate with a crooked congress

Same as Jackson

Jackson had the real power behind him

Get this ////. Trump has more power behind him than Jackson

With Jackson there were more white men against Jackson and supporting the congress. But still not enough to stop Jackson. Now this congress has less white men and mostly women

So when trump calls out the military the hauling off of crooked democrats will be much easier than hauling Indians to reservations

And then the logic test for voting will come similar to the founders stopping the unwise from voting

The unwise will be stopped from voting like the Indians was stopped

The democrat leaders who brsinwashed and pushed the unwise to vote will face the gallows

The democrats are one stoopid bunch of people

Andrew Jackson was a racist who attempted to wipe out the Native American culture.
He signed the law that led to thousands of Natives dying.
Andrew Jackson was a monster.
Trump is a racist homophobe with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Trump needs to be removed from office.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Take your medication dude. They say the Republicans are racist and violent. Listen to you. You need to be medicated you liberal psycho

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Don't tell me you are buying this bullshit.

Yes, men and the military support Trump over the democrats. But do you actually believe thos polling numbers men the men and the military will use force (violence) against American citizens? And do you actually want the US Constitution thrown out as the basis for our laws?
The military support Drumph because they have to. They don't have a choice unless we have a coup led by the military. Plenty of military people do not support his politics and understand that he is temporary. It is America they are serving, not him.

What. Did you take a poll. The military likes Trump because he gave the military the money back that dumb ass Obama cut.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Whether they like and support Trump or not isn't the issue, in my opinion.

Whether they will open fire on American citizens and break their oath to defend the US Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, is the issue. I don't believe they will.

Democrats had already opened fire on us citizens .. by murdering us babies with abortion

Now the men will see them as murderers and criminals and not see them as Americans

You democrats are toast

You have 24 hours to put lying shiff in prison or you will go to prison

Who opened fire on babies? I don't think many doctors use firearms.

24 hours? Or I will go to prison? Fuck you, you foreign troll. I am not going to prison for supporting the US Constitution.

See how you just got caught

Trying to make these 2 things different

One is protecting life and the other is killing life

Patriots stops the killings by fighting against it

You got caught !!

You support real murder killings and try to stop defense of murder by the patriots

Patriots are defending life not destroying innocent life

Guilty killers are attached by patriots to save murdering of us citizen innocents

You got caught !!

I got caught at nothing. I simply pointed out that "opening fire" means using firearms, which abortion doctors don't do. You tried to dance away from talking about killing citizens by bringing up abortion, just like in our last conversation. It is bullshit.

But do feel free to tell me why you say I am going to prison if I don't put Schiff in prison in the next 24 hours.

Being a democrat is what has caught you

Going against trump is what has caught you

Is Andrew Jackson

Are you A BLiND FOOL LOSER ???

Trump is now is not gonna co operate with a crooked congress

Same as Jackson

Jackson had the real power behind him

Get this ////. Trump has more power behind him than Jackson

With Jackson there were more white men against Jackson and supporting the congress. But still not enough to stop Jackson. Now this congress has less white men and mostly women

So when trump calls out the military the hauling off of crooked democrats will be much easier than hauling Indians to reservations

And then the logic test for voting will come similar to the founders stopping the unwise from voting

The unwise will be stopped from voting like the Indians was stopped

The democrat leaders who brsinwashed and pushed the unwise to vote will face the gallows

The democrats are one stoopid bunch of people

First of all, I am not a democrat.

Second of all, Trump is not Andrew Jackson.

Third, that you think the Trail of Tears was anything but a criminal tragedy, shows you to be an idiot.

Trump is not going to call on the military to haul off crooked democrats. Of course, if you are hauling off crooked politicians, then the republicans would be hauled off too.

And there will be no logic test or SAT style math test to qualify for voting. That is simply bullshit from your own imagination.

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