If Trump is UNJUSTLY removed from office, what should we do?

You, a communist talks about "rule of law?"
And you're a NeoNazi, pretending to care about Democracy.

Nice to meet you, Grand Wizard Moron. You are nothing but a self-loathing white moron trying to blame his own failures on brown people. Period. Obama just became the "magical idol" to focus on, for you. You have no respect for law, nor any for the Constitution. You would piss on both, if it meant feeling better about your life for 3 seconds.

You sincerely and obviously hope that Trump defies all rule of law. I need a lecture on rule of law from you like I need an oral exam from a Proctologist.



The problem you TRAITORS have is that you've lied to America for over three years,

The current lies are just a recycle of the stupid fucking lies you spewed with the Mueller fiasco, and you KNOW how that turned out.
Haha, yeah, you trump freaks always like to call peole triggered, right before launching into a grade a hissy fit that would make a toddler blush. You truly are embarrassments to our country.

The hypocrisy of murdering babies proves all democrats as crazy crooks !

Nobody is murdering babies. It’s against the law. :)
Some of you are making the mistake of rationalizing that, if it's legal then it's just.
I've never seen a fact from you.

You’ve never seen a fact from Rush, Hannity, FOX and Fools..... period. :)

Never a rational argument,

As to your rationalizing Trumps shit? :)

never a reasoned debate.

Who’re you kidding? You don’t do "reasoned debates.” You shovel Rush and Hannitys shit. :)

Abortion is a clear cut issue that proves a lying hypocrite

And this why the anger is rising fast on crooked democrats
You, a communist talks about "rule of law?"
And you're a NeoNazi, pretending to care about Democracy.

Nice to meet you, Grand Wizard Moron. You are nothing but a self-loathing white moron trying to blame his own failures on brown people. Period. Obama just became the "magical idol" to focus on, for you. You have no respect for law, nor any for the Constitution. You would piss on both, if it meant feeling better about your life for 3 seconds.

You sincerely and obviously hope that Trump defies all rule of law. I need a lecture on rule of law from you like I need an oral exam from a Proctologist.



The problem you TRAITORS have is that you've lied to America for over three years,

The current lies are just a recycle of the stupid fucking lies you spewed with the Mueller fiasco, and you KNOW how that turned out.
Haha, yeah, you trump freaks always like to call peole triggered, right before launching into a grade a hissy fit that would make a toddler blush. You truly are embarrassments to our country.

The hypocrisy of murdering babies proves all democrats as crazy crooks !

Nobody is murdering babies. It’s against the law. :)

It is against universal law that cannot be stopped
Anger rises and stops the murderers

Universal law

Lying hypocrite will always be beat by the wise to save the nation
Be careful, fascist.

Be careful of what? What are you going to do other than talk shit.

You’re a dummy, thinking yourself a patriot and yet haven’t clue one as to what laws Trump is breaking much less the process outlined in the constitution that allows his ass to be removed from office. That is exactly what Trump is counting on. Your stupidity. Firing you idiots up with talk of a coup and such and y’all swinging your peckers, talking shit of grabbing your AR-15’s and marching on Washington. So your answer to the lawful procedure outlined in the constitution as is impeachment..... is for you dumb fucks to carry out an act of sedition?

You’re an idiot and a coward talking shit. Nothing more and if we were ever to meet? I’d bitch slap the stupid right out of you.


Look at the last real voting in N.C. look at the military section. Trump has increased his support with the military more than his high support during the 2016 election

That proves they agree that the democrats are guilty of high treason like trump says

And then they will react to save the nation from the high treason criminals

Wake up and look !!
Have you ever been to America or had conversations, face to face with any Americans?

Good luck getting an answer.
Much of Trump's support on social networks like USMB seems to come from foreign sources.


Look at the polls
You, a communist talks about "rule of law?"
And you're a NeoNazi, pretending to care about Democracy.

Nice to meet you, Grand Wizard Moron. You are nothing but a self-loathing white moron trying to blame his own failures on brown people. Period. Obama just became the "magical idol" to focus on, for you. You have no respect for law, nor any for the Constitution. You would piss on both, if it meant feeling better about your life for 3 seconds.

You sincerely and obviously hope that Trump defies all rule of law. I need a lecture on rule of law from you like I need an oral exam from a Proctologist.



The problem you TRAITORS have is that you've lied to America for over three years,

The current lies are just a recycle of the stupid fucking lies you spewed with the Mueller fiasco, and you KNOW how that turned out.
Haha, yeah, you trump freaks always like to call peole triggered, right before launching into a grade a hissy fit that would make a toddler blush. You truly are embarrassments to our country.

The hypocrisy of murdering babies proves all democrats as crazy crooks !

Nobody is murdering babies. It’s against the law. :)

The democrat party is indeed murdering us babies with abortion
With all these shoes dropping around DJT, sure looks like there are plenty of reasons to impeach DJT and then JUSTLY remove from office. Fear not bucky, the Constitution of the United States will win out.

What "shoes" are those, Comrade? You Communists swore you would impeach him the day he came down the golden escalator, and every day since. You lied for over two years with the Weissman (ne Mueller) Inquisition. Obama engaged in treason to spy on Trump and to rig the 2016 election. All your treason failed, and now you try this.

Should the Constitution win out, you'll all hang.
I'm not a communist and I never swore any such thing about DJT. On the contrary, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and hoped he would in fact do a great job. So now that he has been in office for three years, his track record proves he is incompetent, has abused the power of the Presidency, and should either be impeached and removed from office or voted out.

Of course you're a Communist, and a shameless liar.
Immediately after his inauguration, The Independent and The Washington Post each reported on efforts already underway to impeach Trump, based on what the organizers regard as conflicts of interest arising from Trump's ability to use his political position to promote the interests of "Trump"-branded businesses, and ongoing payments by foreign entities to businesses within the Trump business empire as a violation of the Foreign Emoluments Clause.[1][2] In March 2017, China provisionally granted 38 "Trump" trademark applications set to take permanent effect in 90 days, which were noted to come in close proximity to the president's making policy decisions favorable to China.[13]

The Washington Post further noted the creation of ImpeachDonaldTrumpNow.org by Free Speech For People and RootsAction, two liberal advocacy groups.[2] On February 9, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D, NY) had filed a resolution of inquiry titled "H.Con.Res. 5" to force the Trump administration to turn over documents relating to potential conflicts of interest and to ties with Russia.[14] Some sources identified this as the first step in the process of impeaching Trump.[15][16] Fox News outlined two potential bases for impeachment, one being the Emoluments Clause and the other being complicity with Russian interference in the 2016 United States presidential election.[17] On March 21, it was widely reported that Congresswoman Maxine Waters tweeted "Get ready for impeachment," which Waters explained was in reference to the allegations of collusion with Russian interference in the election.[18]


Efforts to impeach Donald Trump - Wikipedia

You Communists started your coup the day he came down the escalator. It is treason, and you won't get away with it.
LOL! Pure garbage claims. Troll on.
What is Trump's crime(s)?

Here you are talking shit and you don’t know what Trump is being impeached for?



Quid Pro Joe is corrupt, hence we must impeach Trump.

We know exactly what it is.

The men and military knows

I am a man and I was in the military. I know what you are.

You are one man...the vast majority of military men totally disagrees with you

Also promoting murdering of us citizen babies is not what military men do

They will fight against you for murdering us babies

See how looney you are ??

I am one man who will defend the US Constitution. The military is full of us. The vast majority may favor Trump in the election. But they will stand with me against those who would attack this nation.
Here you are talking shit and you don’t know what Trump is being impeached for?



Quid Pro Joe is corrupt, hence we must impeach Trump.

We know exactly what it is.

The men and military knows

I am a man and I was in the military. I know what you are.

You are one man...the vast majority of military men totally disagrees with you

Also promoting murdering of us citizen babies is not what military men do

They will fight against you for murdering us babies

See how looney you are ??

I am one man who will defend the US Constitution. The military is full of us. The vast majority may favor Trump in the election. But they will stand with me against those who would attack this nation.

Wrong you are lying

The military supports trump in vast numbers

Lying cannot change the truth

Vast majority of military agrees with trump

Quid Pro Joe is corrupt, hence we must impeach Trump.

We know exactly what it is.

The men and military knows

I am a man and I was in the military. I know what you are.

You are one man...the vast majority of military men totally disagrees with you

Also promoting murdering of us citizen babies is not what military men do

They will fight against you for murdering us babies

See how looney you are ??

I am one man who will defend the US Constitution. The military is full of us. The vast majority may favor Trump in the election. But they will stand with me against those who would attack this nation.

Wrong you are lying

The military supports trump in vast numbers

Lying cannot change the truth

Vast majority of military agrees with trump

They support him in an election. The do not support the violent overthrow of the gov't. And they have taken an oath to defend the US Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Now look inside the numbers of the active duty military

1.3 mil

The Obama women military is strong against trump the men is just the opposite a landslide agreeing with trump

When push comes to shove the men will make the women stand down with their vast numbers

Now look at the much larger group the 20.3 mil past military without the Obama ran in women . Those vets are even more for trump than the current 1.3 mil and those have been telling others much more because of their vast numbers over the active 1.3 mil

No one man does not tell the story

It’s the majority that tells the real story

And more proof is how trump rallies are so much stronger than liberal rallies

You crooked democrats are too blind to see the big trouble you are now caught in
The men and military knows

I am a man and I was in the military. I know what you are.

You are one man...the vast majority of military men totally disagrees with you

Also promoting murdering of us citizen babies is not what military men do

They will fight against you for murdering us babies

See how looney you are ??

I am one man who will defend the US Constitution. The military is full of us. The vast majority may favor Trump in the election. But they will stand with me against those who would attack this nation.

Wrong you are lying

The military supports trump in vast numbers

Lying cannot change the truth

Vast majority of military agrees with trump

They support him in an election. The do not support the violent overthrow of the gov't. And they have taken an oath to defend the US Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

You are lying your azzze off

The founders provided for just this

Americans with equal fire power of the govt

That is them wanting Americans to over throw their govt when it’s crooked
Now look inside the numbers of the active duty military

1.3 mil

The Obama women military is strong against trump the men is just the opposite a landslide agreeing with trump

When push comes to shove the men will make the women stand down with their vast numbers

Now look at the much larger group the 20.3 mil past military without the Obama ran in women . Those vets are even more for trump than the current 1.3 mil and those have been telling others much more because of their vast numbers over the active 1.3 mil

No one man does not tell the story

It’s the majority that tells the real story

And more proof is how trump rallies are so much stronger than liberal rallies

You crooked democrats are too blind to see the big trouble you are now caught in

And the 1.3 million will stand with the nation, not against it. They will stand with the US Constitution, not against it.

The polls show support for Trump. But not if he tries what you say he will do.
I am a man and I was in the military. I know what you are.

You are one man...the vast majority of military men totally disagrees with you

Also promoting murdering of us citizen babies is not what military men do

They will fight against you for murdering us babies

See how looney you are ??

I am one man who will defend the US Constitution. The military is full of us. The vast majority may favor Trump in the election. But they will stand with me against those who would attack this nation.

Wrong you are lying

The military supports trump in vast numbers

Lying cannot change the truth

Vast majority of military agrees with trump

They support him in an election. The do not support the violent overthrow of the gov't. And they have taken an oath to defend the US Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

You are lying your azzze off

The founders provided for just this

Americans with equal fire power of the govt

That is them wanting Americans to over throw their govt when it’s crooked

The founders provided a way to amend the US Constitution.

The military will not bear arms against the American people.
Now look inside the numbers of the active duty military

1.3 mil

The Obama women military is strong against trump the men is just the opposite a landslide agreeing with trump

When push comes to shove the men will make the women stand down with their vast numbers

Now look at the much larger group the 20.3 mil past military without the Obama ran in women . Those vets are even more for trump than the current 1.3 mil and those have been telling others much more because of their vast numbers over the active 1.3 mil

No one man does not tell the story

It’s the majority that tells the real story

And more proof is how trump rallies are so much stronger than liberal rallies

You crooked democrats are too blind to see the big trouble you are now caught in

And the 1.3 million will stand with the nation, not against it. They will stand with the US Constitution, not against it.

The polls show support for Trump. But not if he tries what you say he will do.


Can’t you read

Out of that 1.3 mil the numbers show vast agreements with trump even when the Obama women military shows opposite

You are lying your azzz off fooling your self that one man is the majority

Read the numbers you are not the majority .. just the opposite

Quit lying your azzz off to your own self

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