If Trump keeps up efforts to STOMP on the freedoms our country affords us I will support his ousting

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Threatening the NFL with tax credits.
Threatening the media's lisences.
Trying to instigate boycotts of private companies.

This is a VERY DANGEROUS ROAD we're going down.
Freedom>personal vendettas of petty men.

Bring on president Pence if this shit doesn't stop.

This is where you will see the difference between true Americans & Political party line hacks.
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It will be interesting to see where Hanity goes with this. He's spent months blasting the GOP so let's see if his money is actually where his mouth is. Tucker Carlson too.
Newsflash, the left have threatened to destroy right leaning media many times via licensing and other schemes designed to silence them. Where was your concern then?

The left have waged a multi-decades long campaign to silence the people with PC and accusations of racism, the war on women, the war on fill in the blank.

The left have engaged in a propaganda war of lies, half truths, and intentionally twisted and distorted biased reporting.

Trump is standing up to this crap and the American people support him.
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Newsflash, the left have threatened to destroy right leaning media many times via licensing and other schemes designed to silence them. Where was your concern then?

The left have waged a multi-decades long campaign to silence the people with PC and accusations of racism, the war on women, the war on fill in the blank.

The left have engaged in a propaganda war of lies, half truths, and intentionally twisted and distorted biased reporting.

Trump is standing up to this crap and the American people support him.
Where was my concern then?

It was posted on this board.

Now, are we done with that diversionary tactic so we can focus on the danger RIGHT IN FRONT OF US.
Newsflash, the left have threatened to destroy right leaning media many times via licensing and other schemes designed to silence them. Where was your concern then?

The left have waged a multi-decades long campaign to silence the people with PC and accusations of racism, the war on women, the war on fill in the blank.

The left have engaged in a propaganda war of lies, half truths, and intentionally twisted and distorted biased reporting.

Trump is standing up to this crap and the American people support him.
Where was my concern then?

It was posted on this board.

Now, are we done with that diversionary tactic so we can focus on the danger RIGHT IN FRONT OF US.

Just relax there is no danger.
Newsflash, the left have threatened to destroy right leaning media many times via licensing and other schemes designed to silence them. Where was your concern then?

The left have waged a multi-decades long campaign to silence the people with PC and accusations of racism, the war on women, the war on fill in the blank.

The left have engaged in a propaganda war of lies, half truths, and intentionally twisted and distorted biased reporting.

Trump is standing up to this crap and the American people support him.
Internet neutrality. The leftist tool to silence anyone who opposes the establishment - oh yeah, a Democrat invention.
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Newsflash, the left have threatened to destroy right leaning media many times via licensing and other schemes designed to silence them. Where was your concern then?

The left have waged a multi-decades long campaign to silence the people with PC and accusations of racism, the war on women, the war on fill in the blank.

The left have engaged in a propaganda war of lies, half truths, and intentionally twisted and distorted biased reporting.

Trump is standing up to this crap and the American people support him.
Internet neutrality. The leftist tool to silence anyone who opposes the establishment - oh yeah, a Democrat invention.
It was and there were many other instances just like it that we all bitched about.

What's changed? Where is everyone's integrity?
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Newsflash, the left have threatened to destroy right leaning media many times via licensing and other schemes designed to silence them. Where was your concern then?

The left have waged a multi-decades long campaign to silence the people with PC and accusations of racism, the war on women, the war on fill in the blank.

The left have engaged in a propaganda war of lies, half truths, and intentionally twisted and distorted biased reporting.

Trump is standing up to this crap and the American people support him.
Where was my concern then?

It was posted on this board.

Now, are we done with that diversionary tactic so we can focus on the danger RIGHT IN FRONT OF US.

Just relax there is no danger.
I'm seeing a bad trend here. Can you honestly not see it? This is Trumps version of the cops acting stupidly or if he had a son.

Why is this shit ok now?
I dont really see anything bad happening, but the rhetoric is dangerous.
Sometimes, i just wish the asshole would act like a President. Maybe not even a President. Perhaps just a GROWN UP
Newsflash, the left have threatened to destroy right leaning media many times via licensing and other schemes designed to silence them. Where was your concern then?

The left have waged a multi-decades long campaign to silence the people with PC and accusations of racism, the war on women, the war on fill in the blank.

The left have engaged in a propaganda war of lies, half truths, and intentionally twisted and distorted biased reporting.

Trump is standing up to this crap and the American people support him.
Internet neutrality. The leftist tool to silence anyone who opposes the establishment - oh yeah, a Democrat invention.
It was and there were many other instances just like it that we all bitched about.

What's changed? Where is everyone's integrity?
What's changed, you ask.

Simple ... the message has been forgotten in the rush to kill the messenger. The art of discussion has been lost. No longer do we state our opinions, listen to the other side, consider the feasibility, and determine its impact on our opinions. No longer are we interested in rational consideration of the overall concept of ideas.

We only care about OUR side - I'm not listening to them. I'm waiting for them to shut up, so I can tell everybody MY side. After all, it's only MY side that counts. The other side doesn't know what the hell they're talking about. No longer are we considerate of our fellow man - instead, our whole societal attitude is "fuck him, I got mine!" or "fuck him! I want what he's got." We don't care about dead babies, or people killed in Las Vegas. We only care about what is important to us. "I can't be bothered to take contraceptives." "I don't want a boy" "It's really inconvenient for me to be pregnant right now." "The baby's daddy left." "It's really a shame that all those little kids/young adults/old people died, but don't fuck with my guns." "We can fix the problem by taking guns away from the law-abiding. Besides, I don't own a gun, so it won't bother me." "If we allow school vouchers, then I will have to get involved and make sure my kid is getting the BEST education, rather than the education EVERYBODY gets." "I don't make enough money to live. Never mind that I have no skills, can barely speak English, and can't even make change." "I deserve it (whatever it is) because I breathe"

I have a rationale for why it is that way ---- but we will save that for another discussion. But, I will say this - you used the word "integrity". Integrity is defined as " being honest and having strong moral principles". When you set yourself up as the arbiter of all that is good and right, you protect yourself against harm. That which does not please you is instantaneously determined to be bad. So, it is for all 350 million people. 350 million arbiters of moral propriety. 350 million moral codes.
Newsflash, the left have threatened to destroy right leaning media many times via licensing and other schemes designed to silence them. Where was your concern then?

The left have waged a multi-decades long campaign to silence the people with PC and accusations of racism, the war on women, the war on fill in the blank.

The left have engaged in a propaganda war of lies, half truths, and intentionally twisted and distorted biased reporting.

Trump is standing up to this crap and the American people support him.
I am afraid no one supports bullying like that from a presidents office. That is why people got so sick of Obama's administration. President Trump does not need to repeat those mistakes. The people can determine whom to boycott and will be able to make complaint about the media putting out false and misleading information given a chance. Leadership should stand on better ground than starting petty shit slinging feast. The NFL was one thing but if I were him I wouldn't try pushing boycotts and playing licensing games. Let the people do their jobs in requesting these type things. If he doesn't and decides to play toss the turd instead he is bound to get a lot on him while he is trying to pick them up and throw them.
I dont really see anything bad happening, but the rhetoric is dangerous.
Sometimes, i just wish the asshole would act like a President. Maybe not even a President. Perhaps just a GROWN UP

Agree, but on the other hand I don't want Trump acting like Romney and McCain.

Also when a Dem president comes under attack the entire Dem party rushes to the microphones to defend him. Does the GOP ever step up to defend president Trump? Not really, hell they are more likely to pile on with the Dem's. So Trump is on his own hence his frequent counter attacks.
Threatening the NFL with tax credits.
Threatening the media's lisences.
Trying to instigate boycotts of private companies.

This is a VERY DANGEROUS ROAD we're going down.
Freedom>personal vendettas of petty men.

Bring on president Pence if this shit doesn't stop.

This is where you will see the difference between true Americans & Political party line hacks.
Trump's just posing for the 30% or so. Bannon's strategy strikes me as suicidal. Trump's got 47% approval in rural areas. If he slips much lower, the numbers may not be there for him.

He needs to be more selective in outrage. And probably his inability to master actual issues like tax reform will kill him because folding the estate tax into middle class income tax reform is like buying cocaine from people you never met.
Threatening the NFL with tax credits.
Threatening the media's lisences.
Trying to instigate boycotts of private companies.

This is a VERY DANGEROUS ROAD we're going down.
Freedom>personal vendettas of petty men.

Bring on president Pence if this shit doesn't stop.

This is where you will see the difference between true Americans & Political party line hacks.
Good for you!

Everyone sees it now and it is getting worse every day
Threatening the NFL with tax credits.
Threatening the media's lisences.
Trying to instigate boycotts of private companies.

This is a VERY DANGEROUS ROAD we're going down.
Freedom>personal vendettas of petty men.

Bring on president Pence if this shit doesn't stop.

This is where you will see the difference between true Americans & Political party line hacks.
I agree.

Everybody just needs to calm the fuck down. My God, you are literally freaking out over something that is never going to happen.
I dont really see anything bad happening, but the rhetoric is dangerous.
Sometimes, i just wish the asshole would act like a President. Maybe not even a President. Perhaps just a GROWN UP

Agree, but on the other hand I don't want Trump acting like Romney and McCain.

Also when a Dem president comes under attack the entire Dem party rushes to the microphones to defend him. Does the GOP ever step up to defend president Trump? Not really, hell they are more likely to pile on with the Dem's. So Trump is on his own hence his frequent counter attacks.

Shouldn't that tell you something? In a world where the two parties agree on next to nothing, if BOTH parties are in agreement that the president is acting out of line, shouldn't THAT be a signal that something is wrong?

I get that you like that he "pisses of the dumb liberals" but at what point do you look at his action at face value and question, does this man represent what is important to me and what I am as an American.
I dont really see anything bad happening, but the rhetoric is dangerous.
Sometimes, i just wish the asshole would act like a President. Maybe not even a President. Perhaps just a GROWN UP

Agree, but on the other hand I don't want Trump acting like Romney and McCain.

Also when a Dem president comes under attack the entire Dem party rushes to the microphones to defend him. Does the GOP ever step up to defend president Trump? Not really, hell they are more likely to pile on with the Dem's. So Trump is on his own hence his frequent counter attacks.
He wrote off the dems 9 mos ago. They are irrelevant to his legislative agenda. So, he's at war with the gop: Heller, Flake, McCain, Snowe, Graham, Corker, McConnell .....

Initially, I thought the gop would tell him to sit down and shut up and just sign what they gave him. But for some reason McConnell and Ryan have let Trump control whether they repeal and replace (no way that's happening) or repeal and replace in 2 years (a better chance) And now tax reform. What the WH is pushing is not what Ryan proposed.

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