If Trump were innocent , he would be an open book for Mueller

Nope! It's just speculation, based on publicly available, circumstantial info. But you are the one demanding that someone say what crime he has committed, when nobody here could possibly know what evidence the Mueller team does or does not possess. So I figured speculation was what you were looking for.
My response was in regards to the OP title suggesting Tump is guilty of something I'm simply trying to figure what it is he's supposed to be guilty of so far we have seen nothing to suggest Trump is guilty of anything. So far this investigation has not indicted or charged anyone with anything related to what is supposed to be the focus of it's investigation.

1) Fynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI about his talks with the Russian Ambassador about Trump removing the Sanctions just put on them for their interference in our democratic election process once he gets in to office.

2) Pappadopolis plead guilty for lying to the FBI about his Trump campaign directed meetings with the Russians....
That’s a lovely display of liberal talking points they however mean less than nothing in a court of law. Opinion, theory, and speculation are not proof of a crime never have been never will be.
a crime was committed when they lied to the FBI....about their Russian contacts and dealings with them....

WHY DID THEY LIE and try to cover up their meetings? That's the Russian Interference investigator's job to find out....

Flynn's sanction removal talks with the Russians plays in to the Dossier's contention that the ''quid pro quo'' between the Russians and the Trump team was if the Russians gave help in getting Trump elected, then Trump would get Russian sanctions removed and give Russia a free hand in messing with the Ukraine....

Flynn's talks on this with the Ambassador put's the trump team actions closer to the dossier's initial assessment of the situation...

And Mueller's job is to figure out if this is true or not true, ''was there a quid pro quo....?''

I hope we find out every thing, the real deal TRUTH, when this investigation is over.....! my fingers are still crossed in hope!

so it is very much, related to the Russian interference investigation and the possible coordination with the Trump campaign...
Their crimes are their crimes not Trumps if someone you worked with committed a crime that wouldn’t make you guilty of a crime.
Of course!

but I replied to your response that all of the 4 individuals accused of crimes had nothing to do with the Russians and coordination with the Trump team in the election was WRONG....

Two of the charges and guilty pleas have EVERYTHING to do with the Russian investigation. End of Story.
My response was in regards to the OP title suggesting Tump is guilty of something I'm simply trying to figure what it is he's supposed to be guilty of so far we have seen nothing to suggest Trump is guilty of anything. So far this investigation has not indicted or charged anyone with anything related to what is supposed to be the focus of it's investigation.

1) Fynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI about his talks with the Russian Ambassador about Trump removing the Sanctions just put on them for their interference in our democratic election process once he gets in to office.

2) Pappadopolis plead guilty for lying to the FBI about his Trump campaign directed meetings with the Russians....
That’s a lovely display of liberal talking points they however mean less than nothing in a court of law. Opinion, theory, and speculation are not proof of a crime never have been never will be.
a crime was committed when they lied to the FBI....about their Russian contacts and dealings with them....

WHY DID THEY LIE and try to cover up their meetings? That's the Russian Interference investigator's job to find out....

Flynn's sanction removal talks with the Russians plays in to the Dossier's contention that the ''quid pro quo'' between the Russians and the Trump team was if the Russians gave help in getting Trump elected, then Trump would get Russian sanctions removed and give Russia a free hand in messing with the Ukraine....

Flynn's talks on this with the Ambassador put's the trump team actions closer to the dossier's initial assessment of the situation...

And Mueller's job is to figure out if this is true or not true, ''was there a quid pro quo....?''

I hope we find out every thing, the real deal TRUTH, when this investigation is over.....! my fingers are still crossed in hope!

so it is very much, related to the Russian interference investigation and the possible coordination with the Trump campaign...
Their crimes are their crimes not Trumps if someone you worked with committed a crime that wouldn’t make you guilty of a crime.
Of course!

but I replied to your response that all of the 4 individuals accused of crimes had nothing to do with the Russians and coordination with the Trump team in the election was WRONG....

Two of the charges and guilty pleas have EVERYTHING to do with the Russian investigation. End of Story.
No they don’t you can think it all you want but that won’t make it true.
Actually, Trump Jr. specified Russian money when he talked about it
Yes, that is exactly what I said: "he notably and specifically talked about Russian money." Did you forget to insert a word or two, or did you misread my post?
Of course, you do.
I do... I am of the opinion that it should be looked into. we should limit their influence on our democratic process, for sure. Now... back to the topic...
In other words, you've got nothing.
I have the same, publicly available information that you have. If you want to learn about that flow and possible money laundering, you can go read up on it for yourself. Or don't. I'm not exactly going to lose sleep if some stranger on the internet doesn't believe me or doesn't bother to go read up on it.
There is no evidence of any criminal activity, let alone of collusion between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign or Trump Organization, just rumors being propagated for political purposes. It's unclear whether you have been duped by them or are trying to dupe us.
It must be nice living in lala land with your head in the sand.... :lol:

Why not try to inform yourself instead of going through life blind? I'll never understand that.... :(

1) Fynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI about his talks with the Russian Ambassador about Trump removing the Sanctions just put on them for their interference in our democratic election process once he gets in to office.

2) Pappadopolis plead guilty for lying to the FBI about his Trump campaign directed meetings with the Russians....
That’s a lovely display of liberal talking points they however mean less than nothing in a court of law. Opinion, theory, and speculation are not proof of a crime never have been never will be.
a crime was committed when they lied to the FBI....about their Russian contacts and dealings with them....

WHY DID THEY LIE and try to cover up their meetings? That's the Russian Interference investigator's job to find out....

Flynn's sanction removal talks with the Russians plays in to the Dossier's contention that the ''quid pro quo'' between the Russians and the Trump team was if the Russians gave help in getting Trump elected, then Trump would get Russian sanctions removed and give Russia a free hand in messing with the Ukraine....

Flynn's talks on this with the Ambassador put's the trump team actions closer to the dossier's initial assessment of the situation...

And Mueller's job is to figure out if this is true or not true, ''was there a quid pro quo....?''

I hope we find out every thing, the real deal TRUTH, when this investigation is over.....! my fingers are still crossed in hope!

so it is very much, related to the Russian interference investigation and the possible coordination with the Trump campaign...
Their crimes are their crimes not Trumps if someone you worked with committed a crime that wouldn’t make you guilty of a crime.
Of course!

but I replied to your response that all of the 4 individuals accused of crimes had nothing to do with the Russians and coordination with the Trump team in the election was WRONG....

Two of the charges and guilty pleas have EVERYTHING to do with the Russian investigation. End of Story.
No they don’t you can think it all you want but that won’t make it true.
How is it not related?
That’s a lovely display of liberal talking points they however mean less than nothing in a court of law. Opinion, theory, and speculation are not proof of a crime never have been never will be.
a crime was committed when they lied to the FBI....about their Russian contacts and dealings with them....

WHY DID THEY LIE and try to cover up their meetings? That's the Russian Interference investigator's job to find out....

Flynn's sanction removal talks with the Russians plays in to the Dossier's contention that the ''quid pro quo'' between the Russians and the Trump team was if the Russians gave help in getting Trump elected, then Trump would get Russian sanctions removed and give Russia a free hand in messing with the Ukraine....

Flynn's talks on this with the Ambassador put's the trump team actions closer to the dossier's initial assessment of the situation...

And Mueller's job is to figure out if this is true or not true, ''was there a quid pro quo....?''

I hope we find out every thing, the real deal TRUTH, when this investigation is over.....! my fingers are still crossed in hope!

so it is very much, related to the Russian interference investigation and the possible coordination with the Trump campaign...
Their crimes are their crimes not Trumps if someone you worked with committed a crime that wouldn’t make you guilty of a crime.
Of course!

but I replied to your response that all of the 4 individuals accused of crimes had nothing to do with the Russians and coordination with the Trump team in the election was WRONG....

Two of the charges and guilty pleas have EVERYTHING to do with the Russian investigation. End of Story.
No they don’t you can think it all you want but that won’t make it true.
How is it not related?
Talking to the Russian ambassador is not a crime or illegal lying to the FBI about it is the fact Flynn was dumb enough to that does not make related to collusion or Russian interference same with Papadopoulos.
Once Obozo produced the birth certificate Trump admitted he was born in the US.
No he didn't....not sure what universe you are living in...Trump called it a fake. Once forced to do so as a candidate, he said Obama was born in the US. Then, a couple of weeks later, he called Obama's birth certificate fake again.

Pay attention!
/----/ Trump said that Obama was born in the U.S. during a campaign stop in 2016. Yes he questions it privately, I question it publicly but it's time to move on. Besides the originator of the Birtha Movement was Barack's brother and grandmother:
Barack Obama's Trump-supporting half-brother Malik tweets Kenya birth certificate
Barack Obama's brother has just reignited the 'birther conspiracy'
birth certificate.jpg
Actually, Trump Jr. specified Russian money when he talked about it
Yes, that is exactly what I said: "he notably and specifically talked about Russian money." Did you forget to insert a word or two, or did you misread my post?
Of course, you do.
I do... I am of the opinion that it should be looked into. we should limit their influence on our democratic process, for sure. Now... back to the topic...
In other words, you've got nothing.
I have the same, publicly available information that you have. If you want to learn about that flow and possible money laundering, you can go read up on it for yourself. Or don't. I'm not exactly going to lose sleep if some stranger on the internet doesn't believe me or doesn't bother to go read up on it.
There is no evidence of any criminal activity, let alone of collusion between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign or Trump Organization, just rumors being propagated for political purposes. It's unclear whether you have been duped by them or are trying to dupe us.
It must be nice living in lala land with your head in the sand.... :lol:

Why not try to inform yourself instead of going through life blind? I'll never understand that.... :(
why not be open to alternatives and a bigger picture vs. staying on course to torpedo trump?

guess we all do what we do.
Anyone with a brain KNOWS whatever Mueller's final report says will 100% directly affect the outcome next Nov. and the 2020 election.
The LIB are DESPERATE for President Trump to fire Mueller.
Sorry LIBs. Ain't going to happen.
When Mueller says he found ZERO 'collusion' or 'obstruction' the LIBs are going to go INSANE!!!!!!!!!
And the REPs will have a great big old sledgehammer to whack the LIB MSM everytime it sticks it's head out from under it's rock.
Virtually every Independant WILL vote for Trump et al.
All every REP candidate needs to say is: "Do you want the corrupt party who tried to illegally undermine a legitimately elected president to run your government? Look who's doing time in prison".
Do you want to go back to the stagnant economy we had under Obama?
He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds


Why do you need a lawyer if you're not guilty?

Plus so far all we have seen from Mueller is procedural prosecutions. Why be an open book when a mis-statement can get you prosecuted?

I understand needing a lawyer to explain your rights ect. Marty... but a person's actions can show you the truth no matter what they say..
His actions alone show me he is covering for something.

We all know that Trump fired Comey to try and make the Russian investigation go away , he has used his power to try and stop Mueller ...
Why would his lawyers made Bannon sign a hush paper, why?
They have tried to distance themselves from anyone let go who did lie about their Russian connections.. past or present..


/——/ Well If Hildabeast is as innocent as you Libs say, why does she need a battery of lawyers?
He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds


Why do you need a lawyer if you're not guilty?

Plus so far all we have seen from Mueller is procedural prosecutions. Why be an open book when a mis-statement can get you prosecuted?

I understand needing a lawyer to explain your rights ect. Marty... but a person's actions can show you the truth no matter what they say..
His actions alone show me he is covering for something.

We all know that Trump fired Comey to try and make the Russian investigation go away , he has used his power to try and stop Mueller ...
Why would his lawyers made Bannon sign a hush paper, why?
They have tried to distance themselves from anyone let go who did lie about their Russian connections.. past or present..


/——/ Well If Hildabeast is as innocent as you Libs say, why does she need a battery of lawyers?

Nah, she blew it.. but she lost the election mostly because of the corrupt DNC and her involvement as well as the in your face Russian bots fake news... People are angry and can see the corruption through all of that via social media, it is much harder to get away with it. We grew up with only the newspaper.
Look at Roy Moore, I do think that this is a trend of not getting away with it.. also the millennials are pissed at what we have left them..They are fighting back, don't you think?

Anyone with a brain KNOWS whatever Mueller's final report says will 100% directly affect the outcome next Nov. and the 2020 election.
The LIB are DESPERATE for President Trump to fire Mueller.
Sorry LIBs. Ain't going to happen.
When Mueller says he found ZERO 'collusion' or 'obstruction' the LIBs are going to go INSANE!!!!!!!!!
And the REPs will have a great big old sledgehammer to whack the LIB MSM everytime it sticks it's head out from under it's rock.
Virtually every Independant WILL vote for Trump et al.
All every REP candidate needs to say is: "Do you want the corrupt party who tried to illegally undermine a legitimately elected president to run your government? Look who's doing time in prison".
Do you want to go back to the stagnant economy we had under Obama?

Mueller didn't say that he found zero collusion, Comey did.. Mueller is looking into Trump ( who did it to himself ) obstructing the investigation..
And maybe sessions, bannon, flynn, manafort ect squealed on him..who knows.
Anyone with a brain KNOWS whatever Mueller's final report says will 100% directly affect the outcome next Nov. and the 2020 election.
The LIB are DESPERATE for President Trump to fire Mueller.
Sorry LIBs. Ain't going to happen.
When Mueller says he found ZERO 'collusion' or 'obstruction' the LIBs are going to go INSANE!!!!!!!!!
And the REPs will have a great big old sledgehammer to whack the LIB MSM everytime it sticks it's head out from under it's rock.
Virtually every Independant WILL vote for Trump et al.
All every REP candidate needs to say is: "Do you want the corrupt party who tried to illegally undermine a legitimately elected president to run your government? Look who's doing time in prison".
Do you want to go back to the stagnant economy we had under Obama?

Mueller didn't say that he found zero collusion, Comey did.. Mueller is looking into Trump ( who did it to himself ) obstructing the investigation..
And maybe sessions, bannon, flynn, manafort ect squealed on him..who knows.
/----/ If there is no collusion then there can be no obstruction.
grasping straws.png
I'm not sure most Americans have grasped the severity of the problem
They sure did. Otherwise Hitlery would be president and 4 more years to fundamentally transform America into a shithole would of finished.

He was elected because they grasped the "essence" of the problem....not the full severity.

And MANY of those only voted because of the aftermath of Obama and not the perils of the Fascist Left going forward.
Trump Jr. talked a lot about the infusion of foreign money into Trump projects.

That's nice, but he notably and specifically talked about Russian money.

Moreover, the allegations are credible, and a lot of it looks very bad. I don't think the Trump kids (including Jared) are going to come out the other side being the same people they are now.

You should go read up on it a bit. It's fascinating, really. the care and complicated nature of this huge scale money laundering is almost to big to enforce the law against. Deutsche bank was hit with huge fines for laundering Russian money... do you think Deutsche bank cared? hell no... Russian money paid the fines!
I agree! I had no idea it could be so fascinating and interesting to see how the many various ways the money laundering is done through real estate....
Money launderers (who expect to lose money, not make money, which is one way to spot them) can flourish in real estate due to very little regulation of the transactions. Should you sell 1000 units of an indexed commodity for 50 times the indexed price from one new LLC to another, you would immediately get a call from the SEC. Do this with a Trump property suite, and nobody who isn't looking for it cares (read: is paid to care).
There you go again trying to pass off propaganda lines as facts.
Actually, Trump Jr. specified Russian money when he talked about it
Yes, that is exactly what I said: "he notably and specifically talked about Russian money." Did you forget to insert a word or two, or did you misread my post?
Of course, you do.
I do... I am of the opinion that it should be looked into. we should limit their influence on our democratic process, for sure. Now... back to the topic...
In other words, you've got nothing.
I have the same, publicly available information that you have. If you want to learn about that flow and possible money laundering, you can go read up on it for yourself. Or don't. I'm not exactly going to lose sleep if some stranger on the internet doesn't believe me or doesn't bother to go read up on it.
There is no evidence of any criminal activity, let alone of collusion between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign or Trump Organization, just rumors being propagated for political purposes. It's unclear whether you have been duped by them or are trying to dupe us.
It must be nice living in lala land with your head in the sand.... :lol:

Why not try to inform yourself instead of going through life blind? I'll never understand that.... :(
lol Funny coming from a true believer like you.
Trump Jr. talked a lot about the infusion of foreign money into Trump projects.

That's nice, but he notably and specifically talked about Russian money.

Moreover, the allegations are credible, and a lot of it looks very bad. I don't think the Trump kids (including Jared) are going to come out the other side being the same people they are now.

You should go read up on it a bit. It's fascinating, really. the care and complicated nature of this huge scale money laundering is almost to big to enforce the law against. Deutsche bank was hit with huge fines for laundering Russian money... do you think Deutsche bank cared? hell no... Russian money paid the fines!
I agree! I had no idea it could be so fascinating and interesting to see how the many various ways the money laundering is done through real estate....
Money launderers (who expect to lose money, not make money, which is one way to spot them) can flourish in real estate due to very little regulation of the transactions. Should you sell 1000 units of an indexed commodity for 50 times the indexed price from one new LLC to another, you would immediately get a call from the SEC. Do this with a Trump property suite, and nobody who isn't looking for it cares (read: is paid to care).
There you go again trying to pass off propaganda lines as facts.
Huh? Those were all facts.
Trump Jr. talked a lot about the infusion of foreign money into Trump projects.

That's nice, but he notably and specifically talked about Russian money.

Moreover, the allegations are credible, and a lot of it looks very bad. I don't think the Trump kids (including Jared) are going to come out the other side being the same people they are now.

You should go read up on it a bit. It's fascinating, really. the care and complicated nature of this huge scale money laundering is almost to big to enforce the law against. Deutsche bank was hit with huge fines for laundering Russian money... do you think Deutsche bank cared? hell no... Russian money paid the fines!
I agree! I had no idea it could be so fascinating and interesting to see how the many various ways the money laundering is done through real estate....
Money launderers (who expect to lose money, not make money, which is one way to spot them) can flourish in real estate due to very little regulation of the transactions. Should you sell 1000 units of an indexed commodity for 50 times the indexed price from one new LLC to another, you would immediately get a call from the SEC. Do this with a Trump property suite, and nobody who isn't looking for it cares (read: is paid to care).
There you go again trying to pass off propaganda lines as facts.
Huh? Those were all facts.
No, that was bullshit. The facts are that the Democratic Party is broken and divided so it can't agree on a national agenda and is forced to focus all its energy into promoting propaganda to demonize President Trump, whose first year in office has shown a marked improvement over Obama's last year in office.

I don't know whether you have been suckered by this nonsense or are trying to sucker other people, but you are posting nothing but bullshit.
He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds

I agree. It couldn't be more obvious. But like Monica Lewinski, do people care? I know us Democrats want to catch him on this and have him be guilty of something before the 2020 elections but I just don't know how much that will matter with people who are on the fence. If grab em by the pussy didn't bother them in 2018 I doubt they'll care in 2020 especially with all the raises corporations are giving because of the tax bill recently passed.

Corporations clearly love the Republicans more than workers love the Democratic party.
The Press/Hollywood always relentlessly attack Republicans, and then they take a poll to see how well it's working
They demonized Bush for 8 years and he was like Mr Rogers of American politics.
The Democrats always have a huge advantage because there are always more dumb people than intelligent people.
you mean like Dan Rather's phony document he read about Bush on air that got him fired? Yep, the left hate losing more than their jobs. wow. even their country. wower.

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