If Trump wins tomorrow history will be made.

That's a pretty interesting fact. Maybe the power of the incumbancy is overwhelming. But this race to me, will test the power of the press. We have a very successful sitting President with more first term accomplishments than anyone in my lifetime and a media who despises him and will stop at nothing to unseat him. That's the battle because Biden is not really in the same league. We'll see. Smart people will stick with Trumpy.
IMO, that says more about the weakness of the "competition", than anything particularly outstanding about any of those schlubbs.
I think it show more the corrupting influence of power in how future elections can be manipulated.

For example, Obama targeted conservatives with the IRS to help win an election, and even though conservatives sued and later won the law suit, the election results did not change.
What? Do you mean 4 two term presidents in a row? So what? FDR was his own back to back two term president.

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