If Universal Healthcare is a Bad Idea...

All political talk and no political action? Solve simple poverty on an at-will basis, right wingers, if you want, a market based economy.

how do you propose to solve poverty? What do you mean by "at-will basis"?

all you do is post talking points, what is your proposed solution?
You have lousy reading comprehension. That is all.

We have, at-will employment States. The law is employment at will. We could solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States via, Unemployment compensation.

what are you trying to say? Do you want a guaranteed income level for every citizen? Do you want everyone to make the exact same amount of money whether they work or not? If that's what you want, why would anyone work under that system?

A guaranteed basic income would not disincentivize you to work would it?

Ok lets take that to its logical conclusion: ok? Lets say that everyone is guaranteed 50K per year whether they work or not, ok so far? Lets also say that no one is allowed to earn more than 100K and the anything over that is taken in taxes, got it?

So, if I work my ass off and make 50K, I get to keep 50K, If I sit on my ass, I get 50K from the government. Which do you think most people would choose?

It wouldn't be 50,000.
no one on the right wants anyone to go without medical care. We also do not want some minimally competent GS7 making our healthcare decisions. We don't want a national healthcare system like the VA. The VA is a socialized, single payer system. It sucks, it allows people to die before being treated, it is a massive inefficient beaurocracy. What the UK has is very similar to our VA. Is that what you really want?
All political talk and no political action? Solve simple poverty on an at-will basis, right wingers, if you want, a market based economy.

how do you propose to solve poverty? What do you mean by "at-will basis"?

all you do is post talking points, what is your proposed solution?
You have lousy reading comprehension. That is all.

We have, at-will employment States. The law is employment at will. We could solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States via, Unemployment compensation.

where would the money come from to pay all of this unemployment conpensation?

A basic income for all would replace almost all of the poverty programs.

you are very very naïve about human nature.
OK, you tell us.

We eliminate Medicaid and all the other healthcare programs designed to help low income people afford healthcare -

with that done, you explain how that has NO negative consequences on access to healthcare in America.
All socialist entitlement programs should be 100% voluntary… if not it's communism.
Let's start with our War on Drugs, Comrades right wingers.

so you want to legalize all drugs and sell them in convenience stores? What do you mean by "start with the war on drugs"?
Isn't capitalism wonderful, right wingers.

yes it is, its the only system that has ever worked in the history of the world. It is what made the USA the greatest nation in the history of the world.
our drug war is pure, unfettered Socialism.
who has called for the elimination of Medicaid? You have lost your mind.

All the people who complain about the government taking their money in taxes and giving it to someone else want Medicaid eliminated because that is EXACTLY what Medicaid does.

no they don't. you are brainwashed, indoctrinated, full of shit. Medicaid was set up to provide medical care for the poor, old, and unemployed. The problem is that the dems want it to be expanded to cover those who CHOOSE not to buy insurance.

So all conservatives in America support the most socialistic government program we have, aka Medicaid?

If that were true, it would simply add to my argument that conservatism always loses in the long run.

geez,, are you on drugs? what conservatives want is a system that helps those who are physically or mentally able to care for themselves. Able bodied people should be responsible for their own lives.

Go back and read post #2 and then come back and reassert your claim that no conservatives oppose Medicaid.

some may, and that's just fine. conservatives actually think for themselves and do not all repeat the mantra of the party like you dems and libs.
All political talk and no political action? Solve simple poverty on an at-will basis, right wingers, if you want, a market based economy.

how do you propose to solve poverty? What do you mean by "at-will basis"?

all you do is post talking points, what is your proposed solution?
You have lousy reading comprehension. That is all.

We have, at-will employment States. The law is employment at will. We could solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States via, Unemployment compensation.

where would the money come from to pay all of this unemployment conpensation?

A basic income for all would replace almost all of the poverty programs.

you are very very naïve about human nature.

So you would accept just enough to live on and have no incentive to get a job and in the process double or triple or more your income?
how do you propose to solve poverty? What do you mean by "at-will basis"?

all you do is post talking points, what is your proposed solution?
You have lousy reading comprehension. That is all.

We have, at-will employment States. The law is employment at will. We could solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States via, Unemployment compensation.

what are you trying to say? Do you want a guaranteed income level for every citizen? Do you want everyone to make the exact same amount of money whether they work or not? If that's what you want, why would anyone work under that system?

A guaranteed basic income would not disincentivize you to work would it?

Ok lets take that to its logical conclusion: ok? Lets say that everyone is guaranteed 50K per year whether they work or not, ok so far? Lets also say that no one is allowed to earn more than 100K and the anything over that is taken in taxes, got it?

So, if I work my ass off and make 50K, I get to keep 50K, If I sit on my ass, I get 50K from the government. Which do you think most people would choose?

It wouldn't be 50,000.

the number doesn't matter. my example is valid regardless.
So again, your view is that healthcare should only be available to those who can pay the going rate for it.

And the rest should go without.

no one on the right wants anyone to go without medical care. We also do not want some minimally competent GS7 making our healthcare decisions. We don't want a national healthcare system like the VA. The VA is a socialized, single payer system. It sucks, it allows people to die before being treated, it is a massive inefficient beaurocracy. What the UK has is very similar to our VA. Is that what you really want?
All political talk and no political action? Solve simple poverty on an at-will basis, right wingers, if you want, a market based economy.

how do you propose to solve poverty? What do you mean by "at-will basis"?

all you do is post talking points, what is your proposed solution?
You have lousy reading comprehension. That is all.

We have, at-will employment States. The law is employment at will. We could solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States via, Unemployment compensation.

what are you trying to say? Do you want a guaranteed income level for every citizen? Do you want everyone to make the exact same amount of money whether they work or not? If that's what you want, why would anyone work under that system?
Unemployment compensation on an at-will basis will correct for the capital effects capitalism's, not Labor's, natural rate of unemployment.

A basic rate that either clears our poverty guidelines or that is one dollar an hour less than the current, minimum wage. It is about, "choice".
how do you propose to solve poverty? What do you mean by "at-will basis"?

all you do is post talking points, what is your proposed solution?
You have lousy reading comprehension. That is all.

We have, at-will employment States. The law is employment at will. We could solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States via, Unemployment compensation.

where would the money come from to pay all of this unemployment conpensation?

A basic income for all would replace almost all of the poverty programs.

you are very very naïve about human nature.

So you would accept just enough to live on and have no incentive to get a job and in the process double or triple or more your income?

I probably would, but those who have been on generational welfare would probably not.
no one on the right wants anyone to go without medical care. We also do not want some minimally competent GS7 making our healthcare decisions. We don't want a national healthcare system like the VA. The VA is a socialized, single payer system. It sucks, it allows people to die before being treated, it is a massive inefficient beaurocracy. What the UK has is very similar to our VA. Is that what you really want?
All political talk and no political action? Solve simple poverty on an at-will basis, right wingers, if you want, a market based economy.

how do you propose to solve poverty? What do you mean by "at-will basis"?

all you do is post talking points, what is your proposed solution?
You have lousy reading comprehension. That is all.

We have, at-will employment States. The law is employment at will. We could solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States via, Unemployment compensation.

what are you trying to say? Do you want a guaranteed income level for every citizen? Do you want everyone to make the exact same amount of money whether they work or not? If that's what you want, why would anyone work under that system?
Unemployment compensation on an at-will basis will correct for the capital effects capitalism's, not Labor's, natural rate of unemployment.

A basic rate that either clears our poverty guidelines or that is one dollar an hour less than the current, minimum wage. It is about, "choice".

north korea has that system. Have you applied to move there?
So again, your view is that healthcare should only be available to those who can pay the going rate for it.

And the rest should go without.

no one on the right wants anyone to go without medical care. We also do not want some minimally competent GS7 making our healthcare decisions. We don't want a national healthcare system like the VA. The VA is a socialized, single payer system. It sucks, it allows people to die before being treated, it is a massive inefficient beaurocracy. What the UK has is very similar to our VA. Is that what you really want?
All political talk and no political action? Solve simple poverty on an at-will basis, right wingers, if you want, a market based economy.

how do you propose to solve poverty? What do you mean by "at-will basis"?

all you do is post talking points, what is your proposed solution?
You have lousy reading comprehension. That is all.

We have, at-will employment States. The law is employment at will. We could solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States via, Unemployment compensation.

where would the money come from to pay all of this unemployment compensation?
A general tax on firms would be cheaper than our current regime, and enable firms to, either hire more or pay more in unemployment taxes. Market based metrics under our form of Capitalism, what a concept.
All socialist entitlement programs should be 100% voluntary… if not it's communism.
Let's start with our War on Drugs, Comrades right wingers.

so you want to legalize all drugs and sell them in convenience stores? What do you mean by "start with the war on drugs"?
Isn't capitalism wonderful, right wingers.

yes it is, its the only system that has ever worked in the history of the world. It is what made the USA the greatest nation in the history of the world.
our drug war is pure, unfettered Socialism.

having laws that prevent the sale of harmful drugs to kids is not socialism, It is common sense.
no one on the right wants anyone to go without medical care. We also do not want some minimally competent GS7 making our healthcare decisions. We don't want a national healthcare system like the VA. The VA is a socialized, single payer system. It sucks, it allows people to die before being treated, it is a massive inefficient beaurocracy. What the UK has is very similar to our VA. Is that what you really want?
All political talk and no political action? Solve simple poverty on an at-will basis, right wingers, if you want, a market based economy.

how do you propose to solve poverty? What do you mean by "at-will basis"?

all you do is post talking points, what is your proposed solution?
You have lousy reading comprehension. That is all.

We have, at-will employment States. The law is employment at will. We could solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States via, Unemployment compensation.

what are you trying to say? Do you want a guaranteed income level for every citizen? Do you want everyone to make the exact same amount of money whether they work or not? If that's what you want, why would anyone work under that system?

A guaranteed basic income would not disincentivize you to work would it?
sure it would. It would provide incentive for Labor to not work for wages that are too low to be, "worth while". We need to give Capitalists a "good reason to move offshore."
no one on the right wants anyone to go without medical care. We also do not want some minimally competent GS7 making our healthcare decisions. We don't want a national healthcare system like the VA. The VA is a socialized, single payer system. It sucks, it allows people to die before being treated, it is a massive inefficient beaurocracy. What the UK has is very similar to our VA. Is that what you really want?
All political talk and no political action? Solve simple poverty on an at-will basis, right wingers, if you want, a market based economy.

how do you propose to solve poverty? What do you mean by "at-will basis"?

all you do is post talking points, what is your proposed solution?
You have lousy reading comprehension. That is all.

We have, at-will employment States. The law is employment at will. We could solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States via, Unemployment compensation.

where would the money come from to pay all of this unemployment compensation?
A general tax on firms would be cheaper than our current regime, and enable firms to, either hire more or pay more in unemployment taxes. Market based metrics under our form of Capitalism, what a concept.

we already have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. what you propose would drive every corporation to leave this country, then what?
OK, you tell us.

We eliminate Medicaid and all the other healthcare programs designed to help low income people afford healthcare -

with that done, you explain how that has NO negative consequences on access to healthcare in America.

who has called for the elimination of Medicaid? You have lost your mind.

All the people who complain about the government taking their money in taxes and giving it to someone else want Medicaid eliminated because that is EXACTLY what Medicaid does.

no they don't. you are brainwashed, indoctrinated, full of shit. Medicaid was set up to provide medical care for the poor, old, and unemployed. The problem is that the dems want it to be expanded to cover those who CHOOSE not to buy insurance.

So all conservatives in America support the most socialistic government program we have, aka Medicaid?

If that were true, it would simply add to my argument that conservatism always loses in the long run.

geez,, are you on drugs? what conservatives want is a system that helps those who are physically or mentally able to care for themselves. Able bodied people should be responsible for their own lives.
Capitalism's Natural Rate of Unemployment, can make anyone, "incompetent".
All political talk and no political action? Solve simple poverty on an at-will basis, right wingers, if you want, a market based economy.

how do you propose to solve poverty? What do you mean by "at-will basis"?

all you do is post talking points, what is your proposed solution?
You have lousy reading comprehension. That is all.

We have, at-will employment States. The law is employment at will. We could solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States via, Unemployment compensation.

what are you trying to say? Do you want a guaranteed income level for every citizen? Do you want everyone to make the exact same amount of money whether they work or not? If that's what you want, why would anyone work under that system?

A guaranteed basic income would not disincentivize you to work would it?
sure it would. It would provide incentive for Labor to not work for wages that are too low to be, "worth while". We need to give Capitalists a "good reason to move offshore."

you are an idiot.
You have lousy reading comprehension. That is all.

We have, at-will employment States. The law is employment at will. We could solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States via, Unemployment compensation.

what are you trying to say? Do you want a guaranteed income level for every citizen? Do you want everyone to make the exact same amount of money whether they work or not? If that's what you want, why would anyone work under that system?

A guaranteed basic income would not disincentivize you to work would it?

Ok lets take that to its logical conclusion: ok? Lets say that everyone is guaranteed 50K per year whether they work or not, ok so far? Lets also say that no one is allowed to earn more than 100K and the anything over that is taken in taxes, got it?

So, if I work my ass off and make 50K, I get to keep 50K, If I sit on my ass, I get 50K from the government. Which do you think most people would choose?

It wouldn't be 50,000.

the number doesn't matter. my example is valid regardless.
So what; You could always quit and collect, "money for nothing" instead of merely complaining and "damaging your health".
You have lousy reading comprehension. That is all.

We have, at-will employment States. The law is employment at will. We could solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States via, Unemployment compensation.

where would the money come from to pay all of this unemployment conpensation?

A basic income for all would replace almost all of the poverty programs.

you are very very naïve about human nature.

So you would accept just enough to live on and have no incentive to get a job and in the process double or triple or more your income?

I probably would, but those who have been on generational welfare would probably not.
You are not mean tested; welfare recipients are. See the difference?
what are you trying to say? Do you want a guaranteed income level for every citizen? Do you want everyone to make the exact same amount of money whether they work or not? If that's what you want, why would anyone work under that system?

A guaranteed basic income would not disincentivize you to work would it?

Ok lets take that to its logical conclusion: ok? Lets say that everyone is guaranteed 50K per year whether they work or not, ok so far? Lets also say that no one is allowed to earn more than 100K and the anything over that is taken in taxes, got it?

So, if I work my ass off and make 50K, I get to keep 50K, If I sit on my ass, I get 50K from the government. Which do you think most people would choose?

It wouldn't be 50,000.

the number doesn't matter. my example is valid regardless.
So what; You could always quit and collect, "money for nothing" instead of merely complaining and "damaging your health".

you just made my point and don't even realize it.
where would the money come from to pay all of this unemployment conpensation?

A basic income for all would replace almost all of the poverty programs.

you are very very naïve about human nature.

So you would accept just enough to live on and have no incentive to get a job and in the process double or triple or more your income?

I probably would, but those who have been on generational welfare would probably not.
You are not mean tested; welfare recipients are. See the difference?

you are talking in circles. at least nycarbonhead sometimes makes sense
All political talk and no political action? Solve simple poverty on an at-will basis, right wingers, if you want, a market based economy.

how do you propose to solve poverty? What do you mean by "at-will basis"?

all you do is post talking points, what is your proposed solution?
You have lousy reading comprehension. That is all.

We have, at-will employment States. The law is employment at will. We could solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States via, Unemployment compensation.

what are you trying to say? Do you want a guaranteed income level for every citizen? Do you want everyone to make the exact same amount of money whether they work or not? If that's what you want, why would anyone work under that system?
Unemployment compensation on an at-will basis will correct for the capital effects capitalism's, not Labor's, natural rate of unemployment.

A basic rate that either clears our poverty guidelines or that is one dollar an hour less than the current, minimum wage. It is about, "choice".

north korea has that system. Have you applied to move there?
North Korea doesn't have our drug war; why "reinvent the communist wheel"?

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