If Universal Healthcare is a Bad Idea...

Tell me where the Republicans are part of the problem. Better yet, show me their political agenda about healthcare.
EMTALA? Their refusal to repeal ACA? Their complete disinterest in implementing useful free market reforms when they had the opportunity? In my experience, Republicans only care about free markets when they aren't in charge. Just like Democrats only care about civil liberties when they're on the outs. Chickenshits, all around!
Tell me where the Republicans are part of the problem. Better yet, show me their political agenda about healthcare.
EMTALA? Their refusal to repeal ACA? Their complete disinterest in implementing useful free market reforms when they had the opportunity? In my experience, Republicans only care about free markets when they aren't in charge. Just like Democrats only care about civil liberties when they're on the outs. Chickenshits, all around!

The fight is only in the third round, there is much to go on that issue. But I asked what did they ever do to promote their political agenda, and Commie Care is not their political agenda. They just disagree on some things right now.
Oh please Ray, don't tell me this nonsense is the truth. There might be parts of the truth there, the problem is you're saying all the problems come from the Democrats and you'll ignore completely and utterly that the Republicans are a massive part of the problem too. If you don't see that, it's because you don't want to.

I'd love to see that. Tell me where the Republicans are part of the problem. Better yet, show me their political agenda about healthcare.

Obamacare, for me, was an attempt at making change, but he reality was that is wasn't the solution to any problem. But hey, you can just tell me what I think, seems to be all the rage these days.

I never tried to tell you what you think, I told you what I think and you are just in denial. I told you that Commie Care was designed for likely Democrat voters. I told you that it was designed to make as many new government dependents as possible. You have provided no counter argument to that. Obama's White House itself boasted about how they created over 20 million more new government dependents out of the program.

As for your sentence on the choices that British people have, it tires me that you'd write something so unworthy of a response.

Why? I created that response from you. You were the one that said British people had the option to buy insurance to get better and preferred care.

Ah, yes, after telling you I want nothing to do with this nonsense partisan politics, you come up with MORE partisan politics. Oh, please.

This is just ridiculous Ray. I can't be bothered.

Get your head out of the sand.
Oh please Ray, don't tell me this nonsense is the truth. There might be parts of the truth there, the problem is you're saying all the problems come from the Democrats and you'll ignore completely and utterly that the Republicans are a massive part of the problem too. If you don't see that, it's because you don't want to.

I'd love to see that. Tell me where the Republicans are part of the problem. Better yet, show me their political agenda about healthcare.

Obamacare, for me, was an attempt at making change, but he reality was that is wasn't the solution to any problem. But hey, you can just tell me what I think, seems to be all the rage these days.

I never tried to tell you what you think, I told you what I think and you are just in denial. I told you that Commie Care was designed for likely Democrat voters. I told you that it was designed to make as many new government dependents as possible. You have provided no counter argument to that. Obama's White House itself boasted about how they created over 20 million more new government dependents out of the program.

As for your sentence on the choices that British people have, it tires me that you'd write something so unworthy of a response.

Why? I created that response from you. You were the one that said British people had the option to buy insurance to get better and preferred care.

Ah, yes, after telling you I want nothing to do with this nonsense partisan politics, you come up with MORE partisan politics. Oh, please.

This is just ridiculous Ray. I can't be bothered.

Get your head out of the sand.

Funny how you always end a debate that way.
Maybe that's why you feel the way you do about government healthcare.
Government healthcare works. They've been doing it with Medicare for the last 50 years. The "for profit" healthcare industry is destroying average Americans with obscene, ridiculous medical costs.

- one night stay in the hospital = $29,000
- 15 mile van ride transfer from one hospital to another = $2000
- 10 prescription drugs = $1500
Yeah, government healthcare is the way to go.
Maybe that's why you feel the way you do about government healthcare.
Government healthcare works. They've been doing it with Medicare for the last 50 years. The "for profit" healthcare industry is destroying average Americans with obscene, ridiculous medical costs.

- one night stay in the hospital = $29,000
- 15 mile van ride transfer from one hospital to another = $2000
- 10 prescription drugs = $1500
Yeah, government healthcare is the way to go.

Say hello to your new physician, Dr. Trump.
Oh please Ray, don't tell me this nonsense is the truth. There might be parts of the truth there, the problem is you're saying all the problems come from the Democrats and you'll ignore completely and utterly that the Republicans are a massive part of the problem too. If you don't see that, it's because you don't want to.

I'd love to see that. Tell me where the Republicans are part of the problem. Better yet, show me their political agenda about healthcare.

Obamacare, for me, was an attempt at making change, but he reality was that is wasn't the solution to any problem. But hey, you can just tell me what I think, seems to be all the rage these days.

I never tried to tell you what you think, I told you what I think and you are just in denial. I told you that Commie Care was designed for likely Democrat voters. I told you that it was designed to make as many new government dependents as possible. You have provided no counter argument to that. Obama's White House itself boasted about how they created over 20 million more new government dependents out of the program.

As for your sentence on the choices that British people have, it tires me that you'd write something so unworthy of a response.

Why? I created that response from you. You were the one that said British people had the option to buy insurance to get better and preferred care.

Ah, yes, after telling you I want nothing to do with this nonsense partisan politics, you come up with MORE partisan politics. Oh, please.

This is just ridiculous Ray. I can't be bothered.

Get your head out of the sand.

Funny how you always end a debate that way.

Yes, funny how you always push for partisan politics and funny how I always tell you it's bullshit and I'm not going there.

Keep on hitting your head against the wall, and keep on hoping that it'll bring you lots of money, hey?

We could have a sensible debate, or we could keep ending it like this. You choose the former, c'est le vie.
Oh please Ray, don't tell me this nonsense is the truth. There might be parts of the truth there, the problem is you're saying all the problems come from the Democrats and you'll ignore completely and utterly that the Republicans are a massive part of the problem too. If you don't see that, it's because you don't want to.

I'd love to see that. Tell me where the Republicans are part of the problem. Better yet, show me their political agenda about healthcare.

Obamacare, for me, was an attempt at making change, but he reality was that is wasn't the solution to any problem. But hey, you can just tell me what I think, seems to be all the rage these days.

I never tried to tell you what you think, I told you what I think and you are just in denial. I told you that Commie Care was designed for likely Democrat voters. I told you that it was designed to make as many new government dependents as possible. You have provided no counter argument to that. Obama's White House itself boasted about how they created over 20 million more new government dependents out of the program.

As for your sentence on the choices that British people have, it tires me that you'd write something so unworthy of a response.

Why? I created that response from you. You were the one that said British people had the option to buy insurance to get better and preferred care.

Ah, yes, after telling you I want nothing to do with this nonsense partisan politics, you come up with MORE partisan politics. Oh, please.

This is just ridiculous Ray. I can't be bothered.

Get your head out of the sand.

Funny how you always end a debate that way.

Yes, funny how you always push for partisan politics and funny how I always tell you it's bullshit and I'm not going there.

Keep on hitting your head against the wall, and keep on hoping that it'll bring you lots of money, hey?

We could have a sensible debate, or we could keep ending it like this. You choose the former, c'est le vie.

So you come to a political forum and don't want to discuss partisan politics? Do you go to movie forums and not want to discuss actors? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Oh please Ray, don't tell me this nonsense is the truth. There might be parts of the truth there, the problem is you're saying all the problems come from the Democrats and you'll ignore completely and utterly that the Republicans are a massive part of the problem too. If you don't see that, it's because you don't want to.

I'd love to see that. Tell me where the Republicans are part of the problem. Better yet, show me their political agenda about healthcare.

Obamacare, for me, was an attempt at making change, but he reality was that is wasn't the solution to any problem. But hey, you can just tell me what I think, seems to be all the rage these days.

I never tried to tell you what you think, I told you what I think and you are just in denial. I told you that Commie Care was designed for likely Democrat voters. I told you that it was designed to make as many new government dependents as possible. You have provided no counter argument to that. Obama's White House itself boasted about how they created over 20 million more new government dependents out of the program.

As for your sentence on the choices that British people have, it tires me that you'd write something so unworthy of a response.

Why? I created that response from you. You were the one that said British people had the option to buy insurance to get better and preferred care.

Ah, yes, after telling you I want nothing to do with this nonsense partisan politics, you come up with MORE partisan politics. Oh, please.

This is just ridiculous Ray. I can't be bothered.

Get your head out of the sand.

Funny how you always end a debate that way.

Yes, funny how you always push for partisan politics and funny how I always tell you it's bullshit and I'm not going there.

Keep on hitting your head against the wall, and keep on hoping that it'll bring you lots of money, hey?

We could have a sensible debate, or we could keep ending it like this. You choose the former, c'est le vie.

So you come to a political forum and don't want to discuss partisan politics? Do you go to movie forums and not want to discuss actors? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I come on a political forum to USE MY BRAIN.

What you want to talk about is nonsense. It's about stuff that is a waste of time. Basically "Democrats are to blame for everything...." when it's clearly not true. I'm not about dealing in nonsense Ray, and the fact that you've posted this bullshit post with little smilies laughing and all the crap... well... shows you're more interested in nonsense than reality, doesn't it?
Maybe that's why you feel the way you do about government healthcare.
Government healthcare works. They've been doing it with Medicare for the last 50 years. The "for profit" healthcare industry is destroying average Americans with obscene, ridiculous medical costs.

- one night stay in the hospital = $29,000
- 15 mile van ride transfer from one hospital to another = $2000
- 10 prescription drugs = $1500
Yeah, government healthcare is the way to go.

You do realize government is at least partly responsible for the cost of care today, don't you? Let me explain:

Medicare and Medicaid underpay providers so badly some refuse to treat government patients. To recoup lost money, doctors and facilities increase their prices which insurance companies have to pay. The law is that providers cannot charge different groups of people different prices. If they increase the cost of surgery for government, they have to increase the price to private insurance as well.

When you see hospitals or clinics close down, where are they usually located? That's right, in poorer areas where many of the clients are government patients. That's because they don't have enough private insured people to make up the losses.

After my father had his first surgery under Medicare, he laughed because he calculated that the one surgery he had cost more than he (and his employers) paid into Medicare his entire life. This is common with most people--especially those that live to the average lifespan in the US.

So now tell me government healthcare works. Because if you think it works well this way, then try opening up your own bank using the same business model. You know, somebody deposits a check for $500.00, and then comes back a few months later and withdraws $1,000.00.
Those who cannot pay for it, or receive it as a benefit for their employment.

No one should go without healthcare. It is a basic human right.

Bull shit. I'm in healthcare, you have no right to my time or my training. It's the stupidest argument coming from the left since, well, you guys say a LOT of stupid shit.

I live in a country where everyone who is born is entitled to healthcare until the day they die.....

...Health care is a right. I wasn't born with it but all my children and grandchildren were.

Then please stay in thst country and keep your nose out of American Society. It may be a Right in your country, but it most definitely is not here. If it ever becomes one, I'll be dead.

She claims it is a right in her country, BUT she says she wasn't born with that right. How the fuck does that happen? Well, it happens because the government gives them health care now but didn't when she was born. In other words, that colossal idiot thinks rights come from government.

The other problem is the left misuse the term "right", and now most people, even conservatives, think it means a privilege.

A "right" in the context of the constitution is simply an immunity from government persecution. We have a right to freedom of speech, meaning the government cannot persecute a citizen for practicing it.

So yes, we all have a "right" to healthcare. When was the last time the government persecuted someone for receiving health care? Never.

But the left seems to think having this right means that someone must provide us with it. That of course, is not how rights work. The government doesn't provide us with a firearm just because we have the right to own one. They don't automatically register us to vote and make us vote, just because we have the right to vote.

Liberals keep twisting the meaning of words until they actually start believing in the fiction.
Me as tourist when I went to the hospital in France I got charged 0 dollars. So it's free.
You get the point, having visited most of the world and have family also all over Europe...trust me we have the shittiest healthcare and education systems.

Boom truth hurts....lot of Americans don't understand that most of the world have free health care, free education. They don't have a problem with the government taking their money nd wasting it on useless arms and bases all over the world, but they'll resist providing health care for themselves and their countrymen. But again they had Hillary and Donald as their main candidates.....!!!
No one should go without healthcare. It is a basic human right.

Bull shit. I'm in healthcare, you have no right to my time or my training. It's the stupidest argument coming from the left since, well, you guys say a LOT of stupid shit.

I live in a country where everyone who is born is entitled to healthcare until the day they die.

Our people live longer than your, they are healthier than you throughout their lives, and no one ever gets a bill from a doctor. Oh yeah, and we are a lot happier than you snowflakes.

Health care is a right. I wasn't born with it but all my children and grandchildren were.

It isn't free, you profoundly stupid moron.

Trust you? No. You don't even know the difference between healthcare and health insurance.
Who should go without?

Let me try and explain this to your dumb ass for the 50 millionth time...

There are so many doctors in America and so many hours in a day. This is a limitation on the amount of actual health care that can be dispensed. Unless we train more doctors or find some way to increase the number of hours in a day, there isn't much we can do to increase the amount of healthcare available.

With the current parameters, we simply don't have enough healthcare available to provide it all-inclusively to 350 million people. It doesn't matter who is paying for it.... doesn't matter what kind of healthcare bill you pass... doesn't matter how many heart-wrenching stories you put out... that's a fact of life that has to be accepted.

So we have a finite amount of healthcare available and we must figure out how to disperse it among the 350 million citizens who require it. There are basically two ways you can do this. One way is through a free market capitalist approach where supply and demand determines price and consumers make voluntary choices on how much, if any, they wish to purchase. The other way is through a Socialist government-run approach where a central authority makes the decisions on who gets what.

In neither case can we provide soup-to-nuts, cradle-to-grave healthcare for 350 million people and ensure that everyone has all the healthcare their hearts desire. That's impossible. That only happens in a fantasy universe. With either option, there are going to be (obviously) people who are not able to obtain healthcare.

Here is the difference... In a free market approach, people who have the means of paying for healthcare are taken care of and through benevolence and philanthropy, many who can't afford health care are also taken care of. Emergency care can be provided to virtually everyone regardless of ability to pay. On the other hand, a government-run healthcare system is forced to ration healthcare services regardless of your ability to pay or the urgency of your specific need at any given time. You'll get what you get when the government says it's okay.

In both cases... and this is crucial to remember... some people are going to get sick and die. There is no healthcare plan or system known to mankind that prevents this. To live in a dream world where this is possible is foolish and childish.

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