If Universal Healthcare is a Bad Idea...

Yesterday, I after experiencing chest pains for most of the night, I went to my local hospital. I had a heart attack three years ago so I wasn't going to mess around.

I gave my OHIP card to the receptionist, who confirmed my name, address and phone number, and handed me off to ER staff. Within 5 minutes of walking through the door I was hooked up to a heart monitor and I spent the rest of the day being monitored and tested.

At the end of the day, I was told to go home, take it easy and make an appointment with my GP. All test results and the ER report have been given to my GP.

Out of pocket costs to me - zip. Paperwork to be completed by me - none. All I have to do is follow up with my GP, which I've done. I have an appointment next week.

The freedom and peace of mind we have with our healthcare system cannot be described. The only thing on my mind today is feeling better. And wishing I could get some fresh salad and fruit for dinner, but I don't feel up to going out yet.

This is REAL freedom, not the kind where I don't have to have healthcare if I don't want it freedom, but actual freedom to know that if I am sick, I will receive the care I need to get better. Period. If I need an operation, my biggest worry is that I live alone and may need help with aftercare. Family will help.
Ok lets take that to its logical conclusion: ok? Lets say that everyone is guaranteed 50K per year whether they work or not, ok so far? Lets also say that no one is allowed to earn more than 100K and the anything over that is taken in taxes, got it?

So, if I work my ass off and make 50K, I get to keep 50K, If I sit on my ass, I get 50K from the government. Which do you think most people would choose?

It wouldn't be 50,000.

the number doesn't matter. my example is valid regardless.
So what; You could always quit and collect, "money for nothing" instead of merely complaining and "damaging your health".

you just made my point and don't even realize it.
What point? You either have a rational choice or not.

the choice of working or being on welfare????????????? WTF are you trying to say?
The fact of the matter is American health care and system is one of the worst same goes for the education sydtem.

Nah you don't know much about the rest of the world apparently. And yes healthcare personnel are overpaid and so is the treatment. Everyone wants to
Me as tourist when I went to the hospital in France I got charged 0 dollars. So it's free.
You get the point, having visited most of the world and have family also all over Europe...trust me we have the shittiest healthcare and education systems.

Boom truth hurts....lot of Americans don't understand that most of the world have free health care, free education. They don't have a problem with the government taking their money nd wasting it on useless arms and bases all over the world, but they'll resist providing health care for themselves and their countrymen. But again they had Hillary and Donald as their main candidates.....!!!
Bull shit. I'm in healthcare, you have no right to my time or my training. It's the stupidest argument coming from the left since, well, you guys say a LOT of stupid shit.

I live in a country where everyone who is born is entitled to healthcare until the day they die.

Our people live longer than your, they are healthier than you throughout their lives, and no one ever gets a bill from a doctor. Oh yeah, and we are a lot happier than you snowflakes.

Health care is a right. I wasn't born with it but all my children and grandchildren were.

It isn't free, you profoundly stupid moron.

Trust you? No. You don't even know the difference between healthcare and health insurance.
The fact of the matter is American health care and system is one of the worst same goes for the education sydtem.

Nah you don't know much about the rest of the world apparently. And yes healthcare personnel are overpaid and so is the treatment. Everyone wants to
Me as tourist when I went to the hospital in France I got charged 0 dollars. So it's free.
You get the point, having visited most of the world and have family also all over Europe...trust me we have the shittiest healthcare and education systems.

It isn't free, you profoundly stupid moron.

Trust you? No. You don't even know the difference between healthcare and health insurance.

Why a 'system'?
The fact of the matter is American health care and system is one of the worst same goes for the education sydtem.

Nah you don't know much about the rest of the world apparently. And yes healthcare personnel are overpaid and so is the treatment. Everyone wants to
Me as tourist when I went to the hospital in France I got charged 0 dollars. So it's free.
You get the point, having visited most of the world and have family also all over Europe...trust me we have the shittiest healthcare and education systems.

Trust you? No. You don't even know the difference between healthcare and health insurance.

Why a 'system'?

Every country has a different healthcare system. In Britain, doctors work for the NHS
The fact of the matter is American health care and system is one of the worst same goes for the education sydtem.

Nah you don't know much about the rest of the world apparently. And yes healthcare personnel are overpaid and so is the treatment. Everyone wants to
Trust you? No. You don't even know the difference between healthcare and health insurance.

Why a 'system'?

Every country has a different healthcare system. In Britain, doctors work for the NHS

Countries that have legislated systems have systems. Health care is a service, not a system. In my experience people fixated on characterizing is as a 'system' are usually just interested in controlling it.
I like Canadian healthcare, but I can't compare it to other systems because I've never been treated outside of Canada. I was a small child when the Canada Health Act was passed so I don't remember life before we had it. I remember my parents being relieved about having coverage when it passed but that's about it.

I know quite a bit about the American system because I have a lot of American friends who complain about health insurance problems endlessly.
It wouldn't be 50,000.

the number doesn't matter. my example is valid regardless.
So what; You could always quit and collect, "money for nothing" instead of merely complaining and "damaging your health".

you just made my point and don't even realize it.
What point? You either have a rational choice or not.

the choice of working or being on welfare????????????? WTF are you trying to say?
Sure, especially if you cannot find a job due to capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment.
I like Canadian healthcare, but I can't compare it to other systems because I've never been treated outside of Canada. I was a small child when the Canada Health Act was passed so I don't remember life before we had it. I remember my parents being relieved about having coverage when it passed but that's about it.

I know quite a bit about the American system because I have a lot of American friends who complain about health insurance problems endlessly.

I think I brought this up before, but I live in the northern party of our country, and I talk to Canadian truck drivers all the time. I always try to strike a conversation about healthcare in Canada. Younger and middle-aged Canadians seem to love it. Older drivers tell me an entirely different story. They tell me keep what we have or we'll be sorry once we start getting up in the years.

So your system in not perfect in any way. Like ours, it has it's ups and downs. The internet is full of stories of the problems the Canadian system has.
The fact of the matter is American health care and system is one of the worst same goes for the education sydtem.

Yes, we do have our union problems with education. However the US spends the most money per capita on education than any other industrialized country in the world. What do we have to show for it?
Oh please Ray, don't tell me this nonsense is the truth. There might be parts of the truth there, the problem is you're saying all the problems come from the Democrats and you'll ignore completely and utterly that the Republicans are a massive part of the problem too. If you don't see that, it's because you don't want to.

I'd love to see that. Tell me where the Republicans are part of the problem. Better yet, show me their political agenda about healthcare.

Obamacare, for me, was an attempt at making change, but he reality was that is wasn't the solution to any problem. But hey, you can just tell me what I think, seems to be all the rage these days.

I never tried to tell you what you think, I told you what I think and you are just in denial. I told you that Commie Care was designed for likely Democrat voters. I told you that it was designed to make as many new government dependents as possible. You have provided no counter argument to that. Obama's White House itself boasted about how they created over 20 million more new government dependents out of the program.

As for your sentence on the choices that British people have, it tires me that you'd write something so unworthy of a response.

Why? I created that response from you. You were the one that said British people had the option to buy insurance to get better and preferred care.

I was surprised to learn that New Zealand and Australia do the same...so even under those systems, private insurance brings better results
Oh please Ray, don't tell me this nonsense is the truth. There might be parts of the truth there, the problem is you're saying all the problems come from the Democrats and you'll ignore completely and utterly that the Republicans are a massive part of the problem too. If you don't see that, it's because you don't want to.

I'd love to see that. Tell me where the Republicans are part of the problem. Better yet, show me their political agenda about healthcare.

Obamacare, for me, was an attempt at making change, but he reality was that is wasn't the solution to any problem. But hey, you can just tell me what I think, seems to be all the rage these days.

I never tried to tell you what you think, I told you what I think and you are just in denial. I told you that Commie Care was designed for likely Democrat voters. I told you that it was designed to make as many new government dependents as possible. You have provided no counter argument to that. Obama's White House itself boasted about how they created over 20 million more new government dependents out of the program.

As for your sentence on the choices that British people have, it tires me that you'd write something so unworthy of a response.

Why? I created that response from you. You were the one that said British people had the option to buy insurance to get better and preferred care.

I was surprised to learn that New Zealand and Australia do the same...so even under those systems, private insurance brings better results

Same in Canada. I read a news article about it as a solution to some of their problems.
Oh please Ray, don't tell me this nonsense is the truth. There might be parts of the truth there, the problem is you're saying all the problems come from the Democrats and you'll ignore completely and utterly that the Republicans are a massive part of the problem too. If you don't see that, it's because you don't want to.

I'd love to see that. Tell me where the Republicans are part of the problem. Better yet, show me their political agenda about healthcare.

Obamacare, for me, was an attempt at making change, but he reality was that is wasn't the solution to any problem. But hey, you can just tell me what I think, seems to be all the rage these days.

I never tried to tell you what you think, I told you what I think and you are just in denial. I told you that Commie Care was designed for likely Democrat voters. I told you that it was designed to make as many new government dependents as possible. You have provided no counter argument to that. Obama's White House itself boasted about how they created over 20 million more new government dependents out of the program.

As for your sentence on the choices that British people have, it tires me that you'd write something so unworthy of a response.

Why? I created that response from you. You were the one that said British people had the option to buy insurance to get better and preferred care.

I was surprised to learn that New Zealand and Australia do the same...so even under those systems, private insurance brings better results

And what do you mean by this?

There is private insurance, but:

The amount paid by Medicare includes:

  1. patient health costs based on the Medicare benefits schedule. Typically, Medicare covers 75% of general practitioner, 85% of specialist and 100% of public in-hospital costs.
  2. patients may be entitled to other concessions or benefits[8]
  3. patients may be entitled to further benefits once they have crossed a so-called safety net threshold, based on total health expenditure for the year.[8]
Health care in Australia - Wikipedia

So, most of the costs are paid for by the government.
Oh please Ray, don't tell me this nonsense is the truth. There might be parts of the truth there, the problem is you're saying all the problems come from the Democrats and you'll ignore completely and utterly that the Republicans are a massive part of the problem too. If you don't see that, it's because you don't want to.

I'd love to see that. Tell me where the Republicans are part of the problem. Better yet, show me their political agenda about healthcare.

Obamacare, for me, was an attempt at making change, but he reality was that is wasn't the solution to any problem. But hey, you can just tell me what I think, seems to be all the rage these days.

I never tried to tell you what you think, I told you what I think and you are just in denial. I told you that Commie Care was designed for likely Democrat voters. I told you that it was designed to make as many new government dependents as possible. You have provided no counter argument to that. Obama's White House itself boasted about how they created over 20 million more new government dependents out of the program.

As for your sentence on the choices that British people have, it tires me that you'd write something so unworthy of a response.

Why? I created that response from you. You were the one that said British people had the option to buy insurance to get better and preferred care.

I was surprised to learn that New Zealand and Australia do the same...so even under those systems, private insurance brings better results

And what do you mean by this?

There is private insurance, but:

The amount paid by Medicare includes:

  1. patient health costs based on the Medicare benefits schedule. Typically, Medicare covers 75% of general practitioner, 85% of specialist and 100% of public in-hospital costs.
  2. patients may be entitled to other concessions or benefits[8]
  3. patients may be entitled to further benefits once they have crossed a so-called safety net threshold, based on total health expenditure for the year.[8]
Health care in Australia - Wikipedia

So, most of the costs are paid for by the government.

And, if you don't want to be delayed in treatment or get treatment beyond what a government official approves, you buy private insurance. So, the wealthy still gets better care.
The US has major problems and just doesn't wanna learn from others about it.
Health care, guns, education.

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