If Universal Healthcare is a Bad Idea...

how do you propose to solve poverty? What do you mean by "at-will basis"?

all you do is post talking points, what is your proposed solution?
You have lousy reading comprehension. That is all.

We have, at-will employment States. The law is employment at will. We could solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States via, Unemployment compensation.

what are you trying to say? Do you want a guaranteed income level for every citizen? Do you want everyone to make the exact same amount of money whether they work or not? If that's what you want, why would anyone work under that system?

A guaranteed basic income would not disincentivize you to work would it?
sure it would. It would provide incentive for Labor to not work for wages that are too low to be, "worth while". We need to give Capitalists a "good reason to move offshore."

you are an idiot.
You hate capitalism.
A guaranteed basic income would not disincentivize you to work would it?

Ok lets take that to its logical conclusion: ok? Lets say that everyone is guaranteed 50K per year whether they work or not, ok so far? Lets also say that no one is allowed to earn more than 100K and the anything over that is taken in taxes, got it?

So, if I work my ass off and make 50K, I get to keep 50K, If I sit on my ass, I get 50K from the government. Which do you think most people would choose?

It wouldn't be 50,000.

the number doesn't matter. my example is valid regardless.
So what; You could always quit and collect, "money for nothing" instead of merely complaining and "damaging your health".

you just made my point and don't even realize it.
What point? You either have a rational choice or not.
A basic income for all would replace almost all of the poverty programs.

you are very very naïve about human nature.

So you would accept just enough to live on and have no incentive to get a job and in the process double or triple or more your income?

I probably would, but those who have been on generational welfare would probably not.
You are not mean tested; welfare recipients are. See the difference?

you are talking in circles. at least nycarbonhead sometimes makes sense
You must be on the right wing. Just clueless and Causeless.
how do you propose to solve poverty? What do you mean by "at-will basis"?

all you do is post talking points, what is your proposed solution?
You have lousy reading comprehension. That is all.

We have, at-will employment States. The law is employment at will. We could solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States via, Unemployment compensation.

what are you trying to say? Do you want a guaranteed income level for every citizen? Do you want everyone to make the exact same amount of money whether they work or not? If that's what you want, why would anyone work under that system?
Unemployment compensation on an at-will basis will correct for the capital effects capitalism's, not Labor's, natural rate of unemployment.

A basic rate that either clears our poverty guidelines or that is one dollar an hour less than the current, minimum wage. It is about, "choice".

north korea has that system. Have you applied to move there?
North Korea doesn't have our drug war; why "reinvent the communist wheel"?

it has a much more strict drug policy. See what happens to you if you try to smuggle drugs into NK. the penalty is death
You have lousy reading comprehension. That is all.

We have, at-will employment States. The law is employment at will. We could solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States via, Unemployment compensation.

what are you trying to say? Do you want a guaranteed income level for every citizen? Do you want everyone to make the exact same amount of money whether they work or not? If that's what you want, why would anyone work under that system?
Unemployment compensation on an at-will basis will correct for the capital effects capitalism's, not Labor's, natural rate of unemployment.

A basic rate that either clears our poverty guidelines or that is one dollar an hour less than the current, minimum wage. It is about, "choice".

north korea has that system. Have you applied to move there?
North Korea doesn't have our drug war; why "reinvent the communist wheel"?

it has a much more strict drug policy. See what happens to you if you try to smuggle drugs into NK. the penalty is death
Mexico has the Power to Prohibit in their Constitution.

We know from our Own experience, Prohibition=Corruption.
All the people who complain about the government taking their money in taxes and giving it to someone else want Medicaid eliminated because that is EXACTLY what Medicaid does.

I'm not that worried about 'my' money going to the poor. The problem I have with socialism is that I don't want to see government taking control of our basic needs.
Nah you don't know much about the rest of the world apparently. And yes healthcare personnel are overpaid and so is the treatment. Everyone wants to be in the medical field mostly because there is money in it.
Even in the link it is explained that that is not necessarily the cause of diabetes. I have diabetes. Had it for years. I'm 5'9" and 145 pounds. Does that add up to diabetes caused by overeating?

Type one or type two?

You are part of the problem. U in it for the money. The rest of the world has is better, we should learn from the best.
Healthcare staff are overpaid, treatments are overly priced.
Greed and selfishness is what's wrong with this country.

No country has it better than we do unless you consider not having to work or produce is better.

Health care staff are NOT overpaid. Treatments are overpriced because the public and government do not allow for competition. Take a look at laser eye surgery and many types of plastic surgery. Prices are close to or lower than 20 or 30 years ago and the technology and procedures have advanced tremendously. Why? Because insurance does not cover the procedures so people compare doctors, procedures, reputations, and PRICES. They look for what they consider the best deal for them.

By the way, there is good greed and bad greed.

Me as tourist when I went to the hospital in France I got charged 0 dollars. So it's free.
You get the point, having visited most of the world and have family also all over Europe...trust me we have the shittiest healthcare and education systems.

Boom truth hurts....lot of Americans don't understand that most of the world have free health care, free education. They don't have a problem with the government taking their money nd wasting it on useless arms and bases all over the world, but they'll resist providing health care for themselves and their countrymen. But again they had Hillary and Donald as their main candidates.....!!!
Those who cannot pay for it, or receive it as a benefit for their employment.

No one should go without healthcare. It is a basic human right.

Bull shit. I'm in healthcare, you have no right to my time or my training. It's the stupidest argument coming from the left since, well, you guys say a LOT of stupid shit.

I live in a country where everyone who is born is entitled to healthcare until the day they die.

Our people live longer than your, they are healthier than you throughout their lives, and no one ever gets a bill from a doctor. Oh yeah, and we are a lot happier than you snowflakes.

Health care is a right. I wasn't born with it but all my children and grandchildren were.

It isn't free, you profoundly stupid moron.
All the people who complain about the government taking their money in taxes and giving it to someone else want Medicaid eliminated because that is EXACTLY what Medicaid does.

I'm not that worried about 'my' money going to the poor. The problem I have with socialism is that I don't want to see government taking control of our basic needs.
We can thank the right wing for that. Solutions instead of Nothing but Repeal, would be so much more Equal.
Nah you don't know much about the rest of the world apparently. And yes healthcare personnel are overpaid and so is the treatment. Everyone wants to be in the medical field mostly because there is money in it.
Even in the link it is explained that that is not necessarily the cause of diabetes. I have diabetes. Had it for years. I'm 5'9" and 145 pounds. Does that add up to diabetes caused by overeating?

Type one or type two?

You are part of the problem. U in it for the money. The rest of the world has is better, we should learn from the best.
Healthcare staff are overpaid, treatments are overly priced.
Greed and selfishness is what's wrong with this country.

No country has it better than we do unless you consider not having to work or produce is better.

Health care staff are NOT overpaid. Treatments are overpriced because the public and government do not allow for competition. Take a look at laser eye surgery and many types of plastic surgery. Prices are close to or lower than 20 or 30 years ago and the technology and procedures have advanced tremendously. Why? Because insurance does not cover the procedures so people compare doctors, procedures, reputations, and PRICES. They look for what they consider the best deal for them.

By the way, there is good greed and bad greed.

Capital seeking solutions; unlike the right wing?
Me as tourist when I went to the hospital in France I got charged 0 dollars. So it's free.
You get the point, having visited most of the world and have family also all over Europe...trust me we have the shittiest healthcare and education systems.

Boom truth hurts....lot of Americans don't understand that most of the world have free health care, free education. They don't have a problem with the government taking their money nd wasting it on useless arms and bases all over the world, but they'll resist providing health care for themselves and their countrymen. But again they had Hillary and Donald as their main candidates.....!!!
No one should go without healthcare. It is a basic human right.

Bull shit. I'm in healthcare, you have no right to my time or my training. It's the stupidest argument coming from the left since, well, you guys say a LOT of stupid shit.

I live in a country where everyone who is born is entitled to healthcare until the day they die.

Our people live longer than your, they are healthier than you throughout their lives, and no one ever gets a bill from a doctor. Oh yeah, and we are a lot happier than you snowflakes.

Health care is a right. I wasn't born with it but all my children and grandchildren were.

It isn't free, you profoundly stupid moron.
Visas could include some of that cost burden.
Me as tourist when I went to the hospital in France I got charged 0 dollars. So it's free.
You get the point, having visited most of the world and have family also all over Europe...trust me we have the shittiest healthcare and education systems.

Then please feel free to move in with those relatives and leave the United States to us Americans.
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All political talk and no political action? Solve simple poverty on an at-will basis, right wingers, if you want, a market based economy.

how do you propose to solve poverty? What do you mean by "at-will basis"?

all you do is post talking points, what is your proposed solution?
You have lousy reading comprehension. That is all.

We have, at-will employment States. The law is employment at will. We could solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States via, Unemployment compensation.

where would the money come from to pay all of this unemployment compensation?
A general tax on firms would be cheaper than our current regime, and enable firms to, either hire more or pay more in unemployment taxes. Market based metrics under our form of Capitalism, what a concept.

we already have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. what you propose would drive every corporation to leave this country, then what?

Ah the myth of high corporate tax rates. The effective tax rates your largest corporations pay are some of the lowest in the world. Only smaller corporations are paying 35%.

But keep those Republican talking points coming.
Nah you don't know much about the rest of the world apparently. And yes healthcare personnel are overpaid and so is the treatment. Everyone wants to be in the medical field mostly because there is money in it.

Which healthcare personnel are overpaid? Give us an example.
how do you propose to solve poverty? What do you mean by "at-will basis"?

all you do is post talking points, what is your proposed solution?
You have lousy reading comprehension. That is all.

We have, at-will employment States. The law is employment at will. We could solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States via, Unemployment compensation.

what are you trying to say? Do you want a guaranteed income level for every citizen? Do you want everyone to make the exact same amount of money whether they work or not? If that's what you want, why would anyone work under that system?

A guaranteed basic income would not disincentivize you to work would it?

Ok lets take that to its logical conclusion: ok? Lets say that everyone is guaranteed 50K per year whether they work or not, ok so far? Lets also say that no one is allowed to earn more than 100K and the anything over that is taken in taxes, got it?

So, if I work my ass off and make 50K, I get to keep 50K, If I sit on my ass, I get 50K from the government. Which do you think most people would choose?

It wouldn't be 50,000.

Then what would it be?
no one on the right wants anyone to go without medical care. We also do not want some minimally competent GS7 making our healthcare decisions. We don't want a national healthcare system like the VA. The VA is a socialized, single payer system. It sucks, it allows people to die before being treated, it is a massive inefficient beaurocracy. What the UK has is very similar to our VA. Is that what you really want?
All political talk and no political action? Solve simple poverty on an at-will basis, right wingers, if you want, a market based economy.

how do you propose to solve poverty? What do you mean by "at-will basis"?

all you do is post talking points, what is your proposed solution?
You have lousy reading comprehension. That is all.

We have, at-will employment States. The law is employment at will. We could solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States via, Unemployment compensation.

where would the money come from to pay all of this unemployment conpensation?

A basic income for all would replace almost all of the poverty programs.

You mean everybody make the same money? Then why would somebody go to college for four or six years when they can make as much being a security guard at Walmart?
You are part of the problem. U in it for the money. The rest of the world has is better, we should learn from the best.
Healthcare staff are overpaid, treatments are overly priced.
Greed and selfishness is what's wrong with this country.

Talk about saying stupid shit. Do you know how much those liberals colleges cost to learn how to perform jobs in the healthcare industry? It takes eight years to be a doctor, six years to be a pharmacist, four years to be a registered nurse. Do you think those people should invest years of their lives and hundreds of thousands of dollars to make 40K a year?

So again, your view is that healthcare should only be available to those who can pay the going rate for it.

And the rest should go without.

I have no idea how you got that from my reply, but the only other option is for other people to pay for it; giving government the power to enforce their political agenda if you don't meet their criteria like Commie Care did.
Oh please Ray, don't tell me this nonsense is the truth. There might be parts of the truth there, the problem is you're saying all the problems come from the Democrats and you'll ignore completely and utterly that the Republicans are a massive part of the problem too. If you don't see that, it's because you don't want to.

I'd love to see that. Tell me where the Republicans are part of the problem. Better yet, show me their political agenda about healthcare.

Obamacare, for me, was an attempt at making change, but he reality was that is wasn't the solution to any problem. But hey, you can just tell me what I think, seems to be all the rage these days.

I never tried to tell you what you think, I told you what I think and you are just in denial. I told you that Commie Care was designed for likely Democrat voters. I told you that it was designed to make as many new government dependents as possible. You have provided no counter argument to that. Obama's White House itself boasted about how they created over 20 million more new government dependents out of the program.

As for your sentence on the choices that British people have, it tires me that you'd write something so unworthy of a response.

Why? I created that response from you. You were the one that said British people had the option to buy insurance to get better and preferred care.

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