If voting for republicans is better, why is the south still so poor?

They love them some Trump, but red states are hotbeds for low wages and welfare assistance. I’m not sure how voters reconcile that.
Most of the poor are in the inner city run by democrats.. I live in the south and I am not poor..

Yeah, I've worked in tech and business and have lived in four Southern States pretty clearly in suburban luxury. No idea what Billy and eddie are talking about other than they are a couple of hateful bigots
Sometimes I just get curious about things and earlier this morning my curiosity was in regards to how much of the federal tax revenue is contributed by red and blue states. I have seen multiple sites that pointed out that red states receive the majority of federal spending per capita and so I thought I'd check out the revenue side. My quick calculation indicated that the 20 states in which Hillary won in 2016 plus the District of Columbia contributed 52% of the federal revenue (2019 fiscal year). That leaves 48% coming from the 30 states that went for Trump.

Regardless who wins I believe both sides would be more than happy with an amicable split.

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Lol welfare may be disproportionately higher among black people, but overall most people on welfare are white.
:link:........... :link:

32% of those on SNAP are white, 28% are black. I know regardless of my source you’ll pretend it’s “fake news”, but if you can’t find a source that counters this, don’t bother.
Why would anyone feel the need to "counter" that statistic, Billy? 13.4% of the US population is black yet 28% of the people on SNAP are black. 60% of the US population is white yet only 32% of people on SNAP are white. Your "source" simply points out what a large percentage of blacks in the US are using government handouts!
100 years of blacks relying on the creators of the KKK, a party whose entire existence is marked by repeated acts of racism:
Jim Crow
Murder of MLK Jr
'Clean, articulate black man - its a fairy tale, man'
Policies of 'Economic Slavery'
'If You ain't voting for Biden you ain't black'
'No diversity among blacks - buncha carbon copy sheep'
Jesus say
They love them some Trump, but red states are hotbeds for low wages and welfare assistance. I’m not sure how voters reconcile that.

The South is poor? How many decades has it been since you were here?
I try to avoid them Can't stand redneck hill billy's Last time I was there were white only drinking fountains white bathrooms for men and women One bathroom for all blacks

So seventy years ago. Got it!
If so You really think people changed ? That their racism wasn't handed down from parent to child ? You're all still racists only now a black person can drink from the same water fountain as you
Hows that virus hitting those good folks in Fla??? Beaches full ,no masks???

Doing pretty well. It looks to me like states in the NE are doing much worse. You know, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, you get the idea.

Wrong Markle NY nowaday is one of the if not the best at fighting the virus Florida the Worst
Hows that virus hitting those good folks in Fla??? Beaches full ,no masks???

Doing pretty well. It looks to me like states in the NE are doing much worse. You know, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, you get the idea.


JULY 26, 2020 11:10 AM EDT
The number of COVID-19 cases recorded in Florida has now passed New York, leaving the Sunshine State with the second-most coronavirus cases in the nation, trailing only California.
As of yesterday more than 414,000 people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in Florida, according to a tracker maintained by researchers at Johns Hopkins University. Florida’s number passes the 411,000 cases recorded so far in New York. California, the nation’s most populous state, has had the most coronavirus cases since last week; as of Saturday, it had more than 446,000 cases. While COVID-19 cases surged in the northeast early this spring, Florida appeared to have missed the worst impact of the pandemic. However, the state’s fortunes appeared to shift after the state rapidly ended its lockdown in May.
These grim milestones reflect the shift of the epicenter of the pandemic to the Sunbelt. While the spread of the virus in New York and New Jersey dropped in May and have remained low, the virus has spread rapidly in places like California, Arizona and Texas.
Jesus say
They love them some Trump, but red states are hotbeds for low wages and welfare assistance. I’m not sure how voters reconcile that.

The South is poor? How many decades has it been since you were here?
I try to avoid them Can't stand redneck hill billy's Last time I was there were white only drinking fountains white bathrooms for men and women One bathroom for all blacks

So seventy years ago. Got it!
If so You really think people changed ? That their racism wasn't handed down from parent to child ? You're all still racists only now a black person can drink from the same water fountain as you

But on the other hand, no darkie leaves your party without your permission, Grand Lizard
Come on kaz you know trump is a lowlife POS You can just say he's your lowlife POS Honesty is the best policy

Yeah he gets things done Divided the country worse than ever before Ruined our relationships with used to be foreign allies ,most unemployment in over a 100 years and our childrens futures are screwed because of his spending 6 bankrupt companies and you morons gave him the key to our treasury
Jesus say
They love them some Trump, but red states are hotbeds for low wages and welfare assistance. I’m not sure how voters reconcile that.

The South is poor? How many decades has it been since you were here?
I try to avoid them Can't stand redneck hill billy's Last time I was there were white only drinking fountains white bathrooms for men and women One bathroom for all blacks

So seventy years ago. Got it!
If so You really think people changed ? That their racism wasn't handed down from parent to child ? You're all still racists only now a black person can drink from the same water fountain as you

But on the other hand, no darkie leaves your party without your permission, Grand Lizard
Got one black AH on the SC or did you forget?
Jesus say
They love them some Trump, but red states are hotbeds for low wages and welfare assistance. I’m not sure how voters reconcile that.

The South is poor? How many decades has it been since you were here?
I try to avoid them Can't stand redneck hill billy's Last time I was there were white only drinking fountains white bathrooms for men and women One bathroom for all blacks

So seventy years ago. Got it!
If so You really think people changed ? That their racism wasn't handed down from parent to child ? You're all still racists only now a black person can drink from the same water fountain as you

But on the other hand, no darkie leaves your party without your permission, Grand Lizard
Got one black AH on the SC or did you forget?

You think Clarence Thomas is a point for YOU? LMAO

It's not the South is like any other part of the country it has rich people poor people and those that fall in between. I am aware of no places in the Republican South where there have been riots going on for over 100 staright days.

That because it's been going on since 1865...
They love them some Trump, but red states are hotbeds for low wages and welfare assistance. I’m not sure how voters reconcile that.

Yada, yada, yada. And the responsible, Southern States have fiscal responsibility, unlike the Democrat states.
LOL Blue states pay up and red states suck it up ,,,get more money back than they pay in
What were all suck it up the tax breaks for taxes, mortgages and the such that individuals get/got in those blue cities until Trump bobbed it a bit? The standard of living is higher because the money was there earlier in the formation of our nation. Those red states are next on the massive wealth list. Just waiting.
Love to see red paying their fair share It'll be a first

Why don't you push for a cut in Federal spending first?
They love them some Trump, but red states are hotbeds for low wages and welfare assistance. I’m not sure how voters reconcile that.

Yada, yada, yada. And the responsible, Southern States have fiscal responsibility, unlike the Democrat states.
LOL Blue states pay up and red states suck it up ,,,get more money back than they pay in
What were all suck it up the tax breaks for taxes, mortgages and the such that individuals get/got in those blue cities until Trump bobbed it a bit? The standard of living is higher because the money was there earlier in the formation of our nation. Those red states are next on the massive wealth list. Just waiting.
Love to see red paying their fair share It'll be a first

Why don't you push for a cut in Federal spending first?
That's a great thing My problem is Trump would cut medi care SS and anything else he could hurt hard working people with
Come on kaz you know trump is a lowlife POS You can just say he's your lowlife POS Honesty is the best policy

Yeah he gets things done Divided the country worse than ever before Ruined our relationships with used to be foreign allies ,most unemployment in over a 100 years and our childrens futures are screwed because of his spending 6 bankrupt companies and you morons gave him the key to our treasury
And Todd why do you think not even American banks would loan him a dime? Bet Putin got him some loans
Sometimes I just get curious about things and earlier this morning my curiosity was in regards to how much of the federal tax revenue is contributed by red and blue states. I have seen multiple sites that pointed out that red states receive the majority of federal spending per capita and so I thought I'd check out the revenue side. My quick calculation indicated that the 20 states in which Hillary won in 2016 plus the District of Columbia contributed 52% of the federal revenue (2019 fiscal year). That leaves 48% coming from the 30 states that went for Trump.

Regardless who wins I believe both sides would be more than happy with an amicable split.

The revenue side is calculable, but the spending side isn't. How do you count military bases? How do you count the Navy or overseas bases? How do you count food? The farmers are in red States mostly, but it also is a subsidy for people buying food. It's incredibly complex and you can easily get the result you want, which is what leftists rely on

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