If voting for republicans is better, why is the south still so poor?

They love them some Trump, but red states are hotbeds for low wages and welfare assistance. I’m not sure how voters reconcile that.
Most of NYS and CA is poor.
It’s only the financial sectors that are wealthy.
They love them some Trump, but red states are hotbeds for low wages and welfare assistance. I’m not sure how voters reconcile that.

Yada, yada, yada. And the responsible, Southern States have fiscal responsibility, unlike the Democrat states.
Um no they don’t. Red states are deficit shitholes.

They love them some Trump, but red states are hotbeds for low wages and welfare assistance. I’m not sure how voters reconcile that.
False narrative. $10/hr goes much farther in Mississippi than in Chicago or Seattle. Everything is relative. Try again.
They love them some Trump, but red states are hotbeds for low wages and welfare assistance. I’m not sure how voters reconcile that.

They would also have to answer how Socialist Germany has at the start of this year
  • Surplus for last 7 years
  • Unemployment half of US
  • Universal Healthcare
  • Free Third Level Education
  • Strong Environmental laws
  • Unions (Actually very pro unions, consider as part of the management)
  • .....

Actually Germany has had long term lethargic growth, comrade
They love them some Trump, but red states are hotbeds for low wages and welfare assistance. I’m not sure how voters reconcile that.

The South is poor? How many decades has it been since you were here?
I try to avoid them Can't stand redneck hill billy's Last time I was there were white only drinking fountains white bathrooms for men and women One bathroom for all blacks
They love them some Trump, but red states are hotbeds for low wages and welfare assistance. I’m not sure how voters reconcile that.
I am. It's loaded with blacks who live by a culture of ignoring education, jobs, or entrepreneurship, and merely look for how much they can suck out of the govt in welfare. Bingo!
They love them some Trump, but red states are hotbeds for low wages and welfare assistance. I’m not sure how voters reconcile that.
I am. It's loaded with blacks who live by a culture of ignoring education, jobs, or entrepreneurship, and merely look for how much they can suck out of the govt in welfare. Bingo!
Lol you can blame black people all you want but either way they are deep red states. They don’t become red states because of black people. Your point makes no goddamn sense.


Those red states are red because republicans are the majority. At least in theory.

So if the state is red the majority of the residents are republicans. Which means it's not democrats or blacks who are causing the red states to be poor.

Democrats have nearly no power to do anything in those states. It's all controlled by republicans who have turned those states into high welfare and high poverty states.
They love them some Trump, but red states are hotbeds for low wages and welfare assistance. I’m not sure how voters reconcile that.

Yada, yada, yada. And the responsible, Southern States have fiscal responsibility, unlike the Democrat states.
Um no they don’t. Red states are deficit shitholes.

You must have forgotten to include your reliable source and working link supporting that allegation.

For a studio apartment in NYC costs $1,700. a month or more, right? Here, where I live in Florida, a nice 3/2 house in a nice neighborhood with a double garage will cost the same. My cost of living is far less than an NYC resident, our crime rate is far lower, or air and water cleaner and I enjoy the beach too.

So I don't have the income of someone in NYC, I don't NEED it to have a better living. Why do you care or is it that you're just jealous?
They love them some Trump, but red states are hotbeds for low wages and welfare assistance. I’m not sure how voters reconcile that.

The South is poor? How many decades has it been since you were here?
I try to avoid them Can't stand redneck hill billy's Last time I was there were white only drinking fountains white bathrooms for men and women One bathroom for all blacks

Good, we don't need any New England lily white leftist elitist bigots down here. Massachusetts can keep you.

I've spent a couple decades in the South working in IT and technology, but bigots always have a way of justifying your bigotry
They love them some Trump, but red states are hotbeds for low wages and welfare assistance. I’m not sure how voters reconcile that.

The South is poor? How many decades has it been since you were here?
I try to avoid them Can't stand redneck hill billy's Last time I was there were white only drinking fountains white bathrooms for men and women One bathroom for all blacks
That was back in the Jim Crow days when the Democrats ran everything. You must be over 70.

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