If voting for republicans is better, why is the south still so poor?

Here's an article on the age breakdown, and the weather thing is self evident.

Article rejected. CBPP is a leftist think tank, more concerned with opposing conservativism than establishing valid information.

32% of those on SNAP are white, 28% are black. I know regardless of my source you’ll pretend it’s “fake news”, but if you can’t find a source that counters this, don’t bother.
HA HA.Well these numbers are about equal, and seeing as how blacks are only 13% of the population, it's obvious that a prime reason red states (loaded with blacks) have high welfare, is BECAUSE OF BLACKS. DUH!

32% of those on SNAP are white, 28% are black. I know regardless of my source you’ll pretend it’s “fake news”, but if you can’t find a source that counters this, don’t bother.
HA HA.Well these numbers are about equal, and seeing as how blacks are only 13% of the population, it's obvious that a prime reason red states (loaded with blacks) have high welfare, is BECAUSE OF BLACKS. DUH!
Lol you can sugar coat this shit however you want. You were wrong and you’re butthurt.

So it’s not the government’s fault they are on food stamps huh? Wow that’s convenient.
Lol dude are you even listening to yourself? Your shit makes no sense. None of this explains why they are red states to begin with. More importantly, black people are still a minority in the South like they are elsewhere. White people in the South are poor.
3 sentences, all irrelevant to the topic.
Lol you can sugar coat this shit however you want. You were wrong and you’re butthurt.

So it’s not the government’s fault they are on food stamps huh? Wow that’s convenient.
Keep pretending if it makes you feel better. :biggrin:
Lol dude are you even listening to yourself? Your shit makes no sense. None of this explains why they are red states to begin with. More importantly, black people are still a minority in the South like they are elsewhere. White people in the South are poor.
3 sentences, all irrelevant to the topic.
Um okay so why are there so many poor white people in the south? Why are you not blaming the government there whatsoever?
Um okay so why are there so many poor white people in the south? Why are you not blaming the government there whatsoever?
I live in the south. I see mansions all over the place here. Most inhabited by whites.


Um okay so why are there so many poor white people in the south? Why are you not blaming the government there whatsoever?
I live in the south. I see mansions all over the place here. Most inhabited by whites.

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Lol good god. I guess I could show you the mansions in California that far out number the mansions in the south, but why bother? White people are generally poor In the south. A small few have mansions. Congratulations. You must be so proud.
Lol good god. I guess I could show you the mansions in California that far out number the mansions in the south, but why bother? White people are generally poor In the south. A small few have mansions. Congratulations. You must be so proud.
I haven't seen a shred of evidence to support your stuff, ("White people are generally poor In the south. "

And if you're trying to equate poverty with republicanism, you;re picking the wrong time (2020) to do that. Under Trump, the median income has risen to its highest level in US history. Black & Hispanic unemployment lowest in US history. Great economy.
Lol dude are you even listening to yourself? Your shit makes no sense. None of this explains why they are red states to begin with. More importantly, black people are still a minority in the South like they are elsewhere. White people in the South are poor.
3 sentences, all irrelevant to the topic.
Um okay so why are there so many poor white people in the south? Why are you not blaming the government there whatsoever?

Easy answer. Take LA for example. There are very few really well to do folks in LA. As in the State. But there are a boatload of poor. The Wages are artificially kept low while the Corporate Owners get bloody assed rich. It's the worst imbalanced state in the Union. Even though it's a Red State, there are more Democrats in it but the fun and games to prevent voting is rampant. And don't bother asking what those are and being even stupider and denying it's happening. The problem is, it's been going on so long that people there think it's normal. Try that here and a real awakening will happen. Not too say it doesn't happen to some extent here, but it's less likely to become the day to day norm. The last thing the deep south wants is a fair election because it would cost the Richie Richies billions. Imagine only being able to afford 5 mansions, 6 bentleys and having to reduce your house staff to less than 5 servants.
Lol good god. I guess I could show you the mansions in California that far out number the mansions in the south, but why bother? White people are generally poor In the south. A small few have mansions. Congratulations. You must be so proud.
I haven't seen a shred of evidence to support your stuff, ("White people are generally poor In the south. "

And if you're trying to equate poverty with republicanism, you;re picking the wrong time (2020) to do that. Under Trump, the median income has risen to its highest level in US history. Black & Hispanic unemployment lowest in US history. Great economy.
You have yet to provide a source of your own on anything. Be a man.
Easy answer. Take LA for example. There are very few really well to do folks in LA. As in the State. But there are a boatload of poor. The Wages are artificially kept low while the Corporate Owners get bloody assed rich. It's the worst imbalanced state in the Union. Even though it's a Red State, there are more Democrats in it but the fun and games to prevent voting is rampant. And don't bother asking what those are and being even stupider and denying it's happening. The problem is, it's been going on so long that people there think it's normal. Try that here and a real awakening will happen. Not too say it doesn't happen to some extent here, but it's less likely to become the day to day norm. The last thing the deep south wants is a fair election because it would cost the Richie Richies billions. Imagine only being able to afford 5 mansions, 6 bentleys and having to reduce your house staff to less than 5 servants.
"Imagine" an election with REAL voter suppression (requiring proof of citizenship) to stop the millions of illegal aliens who vote in every US election. Every state would be red, as would the entire Congress.

Median wage would continue to set record highs, as would the stock market, continued record lows of unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, women, and people without a high school diploma. Continued great economy. Democrat mayors wouldn't exist or the domestic terrorists they accomodate. Cops would be allowed to do their jobs, law & order would be fully restored, as would soldier statues previously removed.
If voting for republicans is better, why is the south still so poor?

Threads like this remind me what a pompous, partisan, uneducated idiot you are. It isn't that the south are poor, there are poor people in every state, what makes the south seem poorer than most other states is really the ABSENCE OF RICH PEOPLE and STRONG ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT! Rich people choose where they live and they choose to live in big cities and ideal property, the kind mostly found along the east and west coasts with comfortable climates and nice geography, not hot, sweaty, and by economic development, and the area of the south just doesn't offer the ideal place for most big industries to incorporate.

Without the inflow of investment capital, you don't have wealth, jobs, opportunity, and so have a higher percentage of low income It's not a matter of who is in office, if it were, then why didn't the south get rich under Obama? Look at most of the states of the south, and they are just not ideal places for the things which infuse an area with great capital, not from technology, manufacturing or even agriculture.
They love them some Trump, but red states are hotbeds for low wages and welfare assistance. I’m not sure how voters reconcile that.
Look all around the world, at the countries that are most consumed by religion. That might be a clue.

In America, the red states have the blue states to hold them up economically, otherwise we might see something more similar.
Lol dude are you even listening to yourself? Your shit makes no sense. None of this explains why they are red states to begin with. More importantly, black people are still a minority in the South like they are elsewhere. White people in the South are poor.
3 sentences, all irrelevant to the topic.
Um okay so why are there so many poor white people in the south? Why are you not blaming the government there whatsoever?

Easy answer. Take LA for example. There are very few really well to do folks in LA. As in the State. But there are a boatload of poor. The Wages are artificially kept low while the Corporate Owners get bloody assed rich. It's the worst imbalanced state in the Union. Even though it's a Red State, there are more Democrats in it but the fun and games to prevent voting is rampant. And don't bother asking what those are and being even stupider and denying it's happening. The problem is, it's been going on so long that people there think it's normal. Try that here and a real awakening will happen. Not too say it doesn't happen to some extent here, but it's less likely to become the day to day norm. The last thing the deep south wants is a fair election because it would cost the Richie Richies billions. Imagine only being able to afford 5 mansions, 6 bentleys and having to reduce your house staff to less than 5 servants.

That sure sounds like a whole lot of excuse, but short on personal responsibility...
They love them some Trump, but red states are hotbeds for low wages and welfare assistance. I’m not sure how voters reconcile that.

New York
San Francisco
Los Angeles

There are poor in the rural south as well as the densely populated urban cities mentioned above. To answer your question, the red states stay red because while they are poor, they don’t want the additional corruption and violence that come with cities and states under Democrat control.
They love them some Trump, but red states are hotbeds for low wages and welfare assistance. I’m not sure how voters reconcile that.
In case you weren’t aware, there is a substantial black population in the South, and they all vote Dem.
Um okay but that doesn’t change the fact that they are red states lol
Why would a red state waste its resources on a blue district or city? The Dems would just squander it.

Have you explained why welfare is still so high in big cities in blue states?
Welfare is higher in red states.

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