If walls won't work...why do so many secure places have walls???

If it's symbolic, then why has Trump released a plan to force Mexico to pay for it.

Insult to injury. They should pay for it

Mexico should pay for a wall to keep their people out of the US because the US is incapable of securing their boarders so they're asking Mexico to do it. Talk about stupid.

You're almost correct

We're capable, but making them do it.

We aren't asking

We're telling/demanding

Demanding? Did you see the Trump plan to blackmail Mexico into paying for the wall? He plans to stop illegal immigrants, the ones he's supposedly deporting, from wiring money home to Mexico. He plans to do this by monitoring all money being wired to Mexico by unidentified illegal immigrants . Has the man not considered that Mexicans will just put cash in envelope and mail it as most of them do now. I guess Trump thinks all of us are as dumb as his supporters.
"He plans to do this by monitoring all money being wired to Mexico by unidentified illegal immigrants."

Which itself is idiocy
And Obama's comment was "Good luck with that,"

Obama has no credibility

So, to me it means, highly likely to happen

If it's symbolic, then why has Trump released a plan to force Mexico to pay for it.

Insult to injury. They should pay for it

Mexico should pay for a wall to keep their people out of the US because the US is incapable of securing their boarders so they're asking Mexico to do it. Talk about stupid.

You're almost correct

We're capable, but making them do it.

We aren't asking

We're telling/demanding

Demanding? Did you see the Trump plan to blackmail Mexico into paying for the wall? He plans to stop illegal immigrants, the ones he's supposedly deporting, from wiring money home to Mexico. He plans to do this by monitoring all money being wired to Mexico by unidentified illegal immigrants . Has the man not considered that Mexicans will just put cash in envelope and mail it as most of them do now. I guess Trump thinks all of us are as dumb as his supporters.
"He plans to do this by monitoring all money being wired to Mexico by unidentified illegal immigrants."

Which itself is idiocy
And Obama's comment was "Good luck with that,"

Oh, I thought you were going to quote someone who's opinion matters

It wouldn't just be a stack of bricks, it would be more like a fortress. A road on top for border patrol vehicles, a deep footing with sensors to detect any attempts to tunnel under. Mobile guards along the top patrolling. A ladder wouldn't be much good as there would be a buffer zone and motion detectors all along the wall. With all our high tech capabilities we could make it 100% effective.
The Sinaloa cartel will drop mortars on it...
-------------------------------- good , with a President Trump I don't think that that war would be to mexicos advantage Tyrone .
The Sinaloa cartel is not the Mexican Govt
It wouldn't just be a stack of bricks, it would be more like a fortress. A road on top for border patrol vehicles, a deep footing with sensors to detect any attempts to tunnel under. Mobile guards along the top patrolling. A ladder wouldn't be much good as there would be a buffer zone and motion detectors all along the wall. With all our high tech capabilities we could make it 100% effective.
The Sinaloa cartel will drop mortars on it...
-------------------------------- good , with a President Trump I don't think that that war would be to mexicos advantage Tyrone .
The Sinaloa cartel is not the Mexican Govt
-------------------------------- yeah i know , the cartels are the mexican governments bosses .
how did those MEN with a dream for a trancontinental railroad get their rail road building supplies delivered to them Pogo ?? :afro:

Exactly right.

We can build a transcontinental railroad in the 1800s.
We can build the god damn hoover dam (no pun!)
We built a space station and are heading to Mars.
We have 8,000 man nuclear aircraft carriers that can sail 20 years without refueling
Libs say we can build high speed, low energy rail all across the nation
We built an Internet capable of allowing instant face to face communication on a 6 inch phone from China to Florida


Calm down Buc you might get a stroke. Nobody said that we cannot build a golden wall. Sure we can build a wall.
However IMHO and IME........ I don't think the wall is necessary. Why I said that?
Our borders are far more secure than what people think. It's a lot harder to cross these borders illegally compared in last 3 or 4 years. Numbers of illegal crossings are way way down the lowest in 20 years. Number of illegal apprehension is up. We doubled the number of BP agents and we are still hiring more BP. We invested billions in new technology.
As I previously posted its very easy to breach the wall.

Fewer immigrants are entering the U.S. illegally, and that’s changed the border security debate

That is wrong....obama has been playing games with the numbers to hide how many are getting in.....
Folks....I had to take a drive out towards the north part of town today and passed by the Charleston Air Force Base. It had walls all around it. So does the Charleston jail.

I jog our beautiful downtown bridge often and it overlooks historic Charleston harbor. The harbor the real pirate Blackbeard blockaded. And it contains Fort Sumter....massive island fort in the middle of the harbor. Huge walls.

Can't help but wonder.....why do places that want to be secure almost all have walls? And why do liberals oppose America having walls?
The people that want to flood this country with people that drove down wages in CA and NY are the same ones who are against the wall while they're raising the minimum -wage.

Talking about being on both sides of an issue......
how did those MEN with a dream for a trancontinental railroad get their rail road building supplies delivered to them Pogo ?? :afro:

Exactly right.

We can build a transcontinental railroad in the 1800s.
We can build the god damn hoover dam (no pun!)
We built a space station and are heading to Mars.
We have 8,000 man nuclear aircraft carriers that can sail 20 years without refueling
Libs say we can build high speed, low energy rail all across the nation
We built an Internet capable of allowing instant face to face communication on a 6 inch phone from China to Florida


Calm down Buc you might get a stroke. Nobody said that we cannot build a golden wall. Sure we can build a wall.
However IMHO and IME........ I don't think the wall is necessary. Why I said that?
Our borders are far more secure than what people think. It's a lot harder to cross these borders illegally compared in last 3 or 4 years. Numbers of illegal crossings are way way down the lowest in 20 years. Number of illegal apprehension is up. We doubled the number of BP agents and we are still hiring more BP. We invested billions in new technology.
As I previously posted its very easy to breach the wall.

Fewer immigrants are entering the U.S. illegally, and that’s changed the border security debate

That is wrong....obama has been playing games with the numbers to hide how many are getting in.....

Of course he has. They're all out to get you. :itsok:
I'm not against the wall but I don't see it doing much good. I think enforcing existing laws should be the top priority.

Against the wall? You commie, how can you be against spending 25 billion bucks we don't have to build roads where none exist for the sole purpose of bringing in supply trucks (unless we airlift by helicopter), change the courses of rivers and all the aftereffects of that, kick property owners off their land and spend another 25 bil every seven years keeping it up to stem the flow of mythical monsters who aren't even jumping that border in the first place? I mean that's 37 JOBS you're passing up, and we need jobs since we sure don't have 25 billion.

Something about what I just wrote doesn't quite sit right. Don't know what it is, but fuggit, it FEELS good dammit! That's all that matters in the U S and A!! :eusa_dance:

This tribute to the North Korea DMZ-slash-Berlin Wall will put those amateurs to shame. It'll be YUUUUUGE.

Suck it, Hadrian!
I'm not against the wall but I don't see it doing much good. I think enforcing existing laws should be the top priority.

Against the wall? You commie, how can you be against spending 25 billion bucks we don't have to build roads where none exist for the sole purpose of bringing in supply trucks (unless we airlift by helicopter), change the courses of rivers and all the aftereffects of that, kick property owners off their land and spend another 25 bil every seven years keeping it up to stem the flow of mythical monsters who aren't even jumping that border in the first place? I mean that's 37 JOBS you're passing up, and we need jobs since we sure don't have 25 billion.

Something about what I just wrote doesn't quite sit right. Don't know what it is, but fuggit, it FEELS good dammit! That's all that matters in the U S and A!! :eusa_dance:

This tribute to the North Korea DMZ-slash-Berlin Wall will put those amateurs to shame. It'll be YUUUUUGE.

Suck it, Hadrian!

Look.....we know you left wingers only like walls when they keep people in........after they realize all of your policies are stupid and make their lives miserable.....but we refuse to go that extra step that you guys take when the walls are not enough to keep people from escaping and you create death camps......that is your thing, not ours....

We want to create an impediment so that it is easier to come through the actual gates in the wall.....and sign in....than to cut across the waterless desert........your solutions are deadly...ours are trying to stop the chaos on the border....you nuts love the chaos....because then you can let your violent, murderous instincts take over....
I'm not against the wall but I don't see it doing much good. I think enforcing existing laws should be the top priority.

Against the wall? You commie, how can you be against spending 25 billion bucks we don't have to build roads where none exist for the sole purpose of bringing in supply trucks (unless we airlift by helicopter), change the courses of rivers and all the aftereffects of that, kick property owners off their land and spend another 25 bil every seven years keeping it up to stem the flow of mythical monsters who aren't even jumping that border in the first place? I mean that's 37 JOBS you're passing up, and we need jobs since we sure don't have 25 billion.

Something about what I just wrote doesn't quite sit right. Don't know what it is, but fuggit, it FEELS good dammit! That's all that matters in the U S and A!! :eusa_dance:

This tribute to the North Korea DMZ-slash-Berlin Wall will put those amateurs to shame. It'll be YUUUUUGE.

Suck it, Hadrian!

Look.....we know you left wingers only like walls when they keep people in........after they realize all of your policies are stupid and make their lives miserable.....but we refuse to go that extra step that you guys take when the walls are not enough to keep people from escaping and you create death camps......that is your thing, not ours....

We want to create an impediment so that it is easier to come through the actual gates in the wall.....and sign in....than to cut across the waterless desert........your solutions are deadly...ours are trying to stop the chaos on the border....you nuts love the chaos....because then you can let your violent, murderous instincts take over....


By your logic then we should also build a wall on the border with Canada. Let's see, that's Maine to Washington, plus an entire side of Alaska.

Then we get to work on the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. First we drain 'em, then up go the walls.
Then we need a roof. Retractable of course, so Donald Rump can retain his Orangeness.

You get right to work on that Sparkles. The sooner we git 'er done, the sooner you can go back home and continue to cower, looking out the window for the bogeyman while clinging to your gun, maybe on good days venturing out to buy it the latest Barbie accessories.
Last edited:
If it's symbolic, then why has Trump released a plan to force Mexico to pay for it.

Insult to injury. They should pay for it

Mexico should pay for a wall to keep their people out of the US because the US is incapable of securing their boarders so they're asking Mexico to do it. Talk about stupid.

You're almost correct

We're capable, but making them do it.

We aren't asking

We're telling/demanding

Demanding? Did you see the Trump plan to blackmail Mexico into paying for the wall? He plans to stop illegal immigrants, the ones he's supposedly deporting, from wiring money home to Mexico. He plans to do this by monitoring all money being wired to Mexico by unidentified illegal immigrants . Has the man not considered that Mexicans will just put cash in envelope and mail it as most of them do now. I guess Trump thinks all of us are as dumb as his supporters.

No, they don't do that because the Mexican postal system is corrupt. No one would send anything valuable to Mexico through the mail.
That statement is as silly as Trump's plan to extort funds from the Mexican government.

Trump said he will mandate companies such as Western Union to require customers to prove they are legally in the United States to wire money to Mexico. This is so ridiculous, it must be Trump's own brainchild. How can this man know so little about illegal immigration. Most illegal immigrants in the US have family members or close friends that are legally in the US and can easily wire money trough any of a dozen or more wire transfer companies or through there US bank.

Trump claims $25 billion was sent home by Mexicans living abroad in 2015 so blocking these transfers would cripple the Mexican economy. According to the World Bank Remittances project, fund flows from the U.S. to Mexico is 24 billion a year. Most of that money is not individuals sending $100 home every month but huge business such such Walmart that transfer millions.

Trump's lack on knowledge of illegal immigration is just incredible.

Trump would try to squeeze Mexico into funding border wall
Trump reveals how he would force Mexico to pay for border wall
I'm not against the wall but I don't see it doing much good. I think enforcing existing laws should be the top priority.

Against the wall? You commie, how can you be against spending 25 billion bucks we don't have to build roads where none exist for the sole purpose of bringing in supply trucks (unless we airlift by helicopter), change the courses of rivers and all the aftereffects of that, kick property owners off their land and spend another 25 bil every seven years keeping it up to stem the flow of mythical monsters who aren't even jumping that border in the first place? I mean that's 37 JOBS you're passing up, and we need jobs since we sure don't have 25 billion.

Something about what I just wrote doesn't quite sit right. Don't know what it is, but fuggit, it FEELS good dammit! That's all that matters in the U S and A!! :eusa_dance:

This tribute to the North Korea DMZ-slash-Berlin Wall will put those amateurs to shame. It'll be YUUUUUGE.

Suck it, Hadrian!
Suddenly, after $10 trillion you're concerned about spending money we don't have.
I'm not against the wall but I don't see it doing much good. I think enforcing existing laws should be the top priority.

Against the wall? You commie, how can you be against spending 25 billion bucks we don't have to build roads where none exist for the sole purpose of bringing in supply trucks (unless we airlift by helicopter), change the courses of rivers and all the aftereffects of that, kick property owners off their land and spend another 25 bil every seven years keeping it up to stem the flow of mythical monsters who aren't even jumping that border in the first place? I mean that's 37 JOBS you're passing up, and we need jobs since we sure don't have 25 billion.

Something about what I just wrote doesn't quite sit right. Don't know what it is, but fuggit, it FEELS good dammit! That's all that matters in the U S and A!! :eusa_dance:

This tribute to the North Korea DMZ-slash-Berlin Wall will put those amateurs to shame. It'll be YUUUUUGE.

Suck it, Hadrian!
Suddenly, after $10 trillion you're concerned about spending money we don't have.

I ain't never spent no ten trillion. I like a good meal but I have my limits.
how did those MEN with a dream for a trancontinental railroad get their rail road building supplies delivered to them Pogo ?? :afro:

Exactly right.

We can build a transcontinental railroad in the 1800s.
We can build the god damn hoover dam (no pun!)
We built a space station and are heading to Mars.
We have 8,000 man nuclear aircraft carriers that can sail 20 years without refueling
Libs say we can build high speed, low energy rail all across the nation
We built an Internet capable of allowing instant face to face communication on a 6 inch phone from China to Florida


Calm down Buc you might get a stroke. Nobody said that we cannot build a golden wall. Sure we can build a wall.
However IMHO and IME........ I don't think the wall is necessary. Why I said that?
Our borders are far more secure than what people think. It's a lot harder to cross these borders illegally compared in last 3 or 4 years. Numbers of illegal crossings are way way down the lowest in 20 years. Number of illegal apprehension is up. We doubled the number of BP agents and we are still hiring more BP. We invested billions in new technology.
As I previously posted its very easy to breach the wall.

Fewer immigrants are entering the U.S. illegally, and that’s changed the border security debate

That is wrong....obama has been playing games with the numbers to hide how many are getting in.....

Maybe you can move to North Korea.

We do not shoot people in our borders. Only North Korea murder anybody that crosses their border illegally. We are NOT in the business of murdering people.

We do not shoot people in our borders

I wonder if that would change if some OTM committed a terror attack on US soil?

How do you know if they are terrorists to begin with when entering the border illegally? Why even take the hard way when they can enter very easily at Canadian border or take a plane.

How do you know if they are terrorists to begin with when entering the border illegally?

Who says you would? How do you prevent terrorists from entering if the border is wide open?

Why even take the hard way when they can enter very easily at Canadian border or take a plane?

Why deal with some scrutiny when you can enter with none?

1. Do you have proof that terrorist has entered from the south?
2. Enter freely. Border wide open. You mean Canada. You answered your own question.
Aside from that keep up with the class.

Why border crossings are down but deaths are up in brutal Arizona desert
Walls do work well..under certain situations. They are great for guarding relatively small compounds (which is why pretty much all compounds are guarded by walls when they need to be secure). America, on the other hand, is far from being a small compound. Building a better wall will increase security...but not by much, and especially not in comparison to the cost it would take to build and maintain it. Changing our national policies regarding our borders or increasing the manned security of those borders are FAR greater answers than building a wall that will do almost nothing.

It's more about a psychological Wall (physical too of course)

It's there

to tell the beggars

you are not wanted here.
No, its there to keep those who want to kill us, out.
That would make more sense if something like that worked. As is, it won't, unless you are actually volunteering to quit your job, move to Texas and man the wall yourself. Oh, and by the way, also volunteering hundreds of thousands of other Americans to do the same.

Again, the cost does not justify it. Just building a wall won't really stop anything. If you want to actually make the border secure than that would cost more resources than any reasonable American is willing to give up. The only ACTUAL solution is to look to change our policies regarding both immigration and drug control.
oh bullshit. Walls do work. Lets put mexicans to work building it. Give them a piece of land on the border and a rifle and let them build and defend it themselves. NOBODY will get through.

Talking tough behind your key board........ but can you be more realistic? At least.
Walls do work well..under certain situations. They are great for guarding relatively small compounds (which is why pretty much all compounds are guarded by walls when they need to be secure). America, on the other hand, is far from being a small compound. Building a better wall will increase security...but not by much, and especially not in comparison to the cost it would take to build and maintain it. Changing our national policies regarding our borders or increasing the manned security of those borders are FAR greater answers than building a wall that will do almost nothing.

It's more about a psychological Wall (physical too of course)

It's there

to tell the beggars

you are not wanted here.
No, its there to keep those who want to kill us, out.
That would make more sense if something like that worked. As is, it won't, unless you are actually volunteering to quit your job, move to Texas and man the wall yourself. Oh, and by the way, also volunteering hundreds of thousands of other Americans to do the same.

Again, the cost does not justify it. Just building a wall won't really stop anything. If you want to actually make the border secure than that would cost more resources than any reasonable American is willing to give up. The only ACTUAL solution is to look to change our policies regarding both immigration and drug control.
oh bullshit. Walls do work. Lets put mexicans to work building it. Give them a piece of land on the border and a rifle and let them build and defend it themselves. NOBODY will get through.

Talking tough behind your key board........ but can you be more realistic? At least.
A wall is a lot more doable than Obamacare ever had a chance of being...
It's more about a psychological Wall (physical too of course)

It's there

to tell the beggars

you are not wanted here.
No, its there to keep those who want to kill us, out.
That would make more sense if something like that worked. As is, it won't, unless you are actually volunteering to quit your job, move to Texas and man the wall yourself. Oh, and by the way, also volunteering hundreds of thousands of other Americans to do the same.

Again, the cost does not justify it. Just building a wall won't really stop anything. If you want to actually make the border secure than that would cost more resources than any reasonable American is willing to give up. The only ACTUAL solution is to look to change our policies regarding both immigration and drug control.
oh bullshit. Walls do work. Lets put mexicans to work building it. Give them a piece of land on the border and a rifle and let them build and defend it themselves. NOBODY will get through.

Talking tough behind your key board........ but can you be more realistic? At least.
A wall is a lot more doable than Obamacare ever had a chance of being...
Except that we have Obamacare...we don't have a wall built by the Mexican government.

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