If we ban guns will criminals still have guns?

So how many people are dying to gun violence in those countries per capita compared to the US percapita?
You understand that a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of firearms in this country are used to harm people right? That in fact as firearm ownership goes UP crime has been going DOWN? That murders are down accidental deaths are DOWN? That the vast MAJORITY of crimes committed with firearms are by gangs in the inner cities? Mostly where it is already illegal to own firearms? That in EVERY single State that has passed open carry there has been no upswing in violence no upswing in shootings no upswing in murder? And that the left claims loudly every time a new State passes the same laws that there will be a wild west shoot out in the streets?

That EVERY single time there is a shooting in Europe it is with illegal firearms in Countries where it is nearly impossible for law abiding citizens to get firearms? That a total ban in France did not save hundreds of persons from shootings? That in fact the shooters had full automatic firearms to boot?

The fractional fraction etc. used to harm people in the US, is harming a lot more per capita than in other countries, because of how easy it is to get guns in the US.

Why do you need to OWN a gun?

Why not rent one from a range to shoot or hunt?

Are you being attacked daily?
I have a Constitutional RIGHT to own carry and possess firearms. You do NOT have a right to demand I not own them nor that I license them or only use them from a range that YOU want the Government to control. As for why? Why do you need to vote? Why do you need the right of freedom of speech? Why do you need the protection of the 5th amendment? It is NONE of your business why I chose to exercise one of my RIGHTS.

We used to have a RIGHT to own slaves, didn't make it right. Once slavery stopped making economic sense, the moral argument won.

Guns no longer even make a moral sense...there's just NO use for them anymore.

No, we didn't. Slave ownership is nowhere listed as a Right. Moron.

Except that it was listed as a right until it was removed by the 13th Amendment which struck down that clause in the US Constitution that said any slave escaping their master to a non-slave state was still and always a slave.

Don't be such a dense person.
So how many people are dying to gun violence in those countries per capita compared to the US percapita?
You understand that a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of firearms in this country are used to harm people right? That in fact as firearm ownership goes UP crime has been going DOWN? That murders are down accidental deaths are DOWN? That the vast MAJORITY of crimes committed with firearms are by gangs in the inner cities? Mostly where it is already illegal to own firearms? That in EVERY single State that has passed open carry there has been no upswing in violence no upswing in shootings no upswing in murder? And that the left claims loudly every time a new State passes the same laws that there will be a wild west shoot out in the streets?

That EVERY single time there is a shooting in Europe it is with illegal firearms in Countries where it is nearly impossible for law abiding citizens to get firearms? That a total ban in France did not save hundreds of persons from shootings? That in fact the shooters had full automatic firearms to boot?

The fractional fraction etc. used to harm people in the US, is harming a lot more per capita than in other countries, because of how easy it is to get guns in the US.

Why do you need to OWN a gun?

Why not rent one from a range to shoot or hunt?

Are you being attacked daily?
Oh, excuse me Mr Robber/Rapist/Thug...wait here while I go rent a gun so I can stop you from killing me or my family, ok?

Oh I'll wait for you to run home and get your gun out of your safe you responsible gun owner, perhaps a gang will just knife you in the back when you aren't expecting it and steal your gun and use it to rob a liquor store.

These what-ifs are so fun!

You mean like this one? There are THOUSANDS more videos like this....

Rarely RARELY happens compared to the number of crimes in the US everyday.
You understand that a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of firearms in this country are used to harm people right? That in fact as firearm ownership goes UP crime has been going DOWN? That murders are down accidental deaths are DOWN? That the vast MAJORITY of crimes committed with firearms are by gangs in the inner cities? Mostly where it is already illegal to own firearms? That in EVERY single State that has passed open carry there has been no upswing in violence no upswing in shootings no upswing in murder? And that the left claims loudly every time a new State passes the same laws that there will be a wild west shoot out in the streets?

That EVERY single time there is a shooting in Europe it is with illegal firearms in Countries where it is nearly impossible for law abiding citizens to get firearms? That a total ban in France did not save hundreds of persons from shootings? That in fact the shooters had full automatic firearms to boot?

The fractional fraction etc. used to harm people in the US, is harming a lot more per capita than in other countries, because of how easy it is to get guns in the US.

Why do you need to OWN a gun?

Why not rent one from a range to shoot or hunt?

Are you being attacked daily?
I have a Constitutional RIGHT to own carry and possess firearms. You do NOT have a right to demand I not own them nor that I license them or only use them from a range that YOU want the Government to control. As for why? Why do you need to vote? Why do you need the right of freedom of speech? Why do you need the protection of the 5th amendment? It is NONE of your business why I chose to exercise one of my RIGHTS.

We used to have a RIGHT to own slaves, didn't make it right. Once slavery stopped making economic sense, the moral argument won.

Guns no longer even make a moral sense...there's just NO use for them anymore.

No, we didn't. Slave ownership is nowhere listed as a Right. Moron.

Except that it was listed as a right until it was removed by the 13th Amendment which struck down that clause in the US Constitution that said any slave escaping their master to a non-slave state was still and always a slave.

Don't be such a dense person.

No, it wasn't. The 13th merely made indentured servitude and slavery illegal. There was no Right to own slaves enumerated anywhere in the COTUS.
You understand that a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of firearms in this country are used to harm people right? That in fact as firearm ownership goes UP crime has been going DOWN? That murders are down accidental deaths are DOWN? That the vast MAJORITY of crimes committed with firearms are by gangs in the inner cities? Mostly where it is already illegal to own firearms? That in EVERY single State that has passed open carry there has been no upswing in violence no upswing in shootings no upswing in murder? And that the left claims loudly every time a new State passes the same laws that there will be a wild west shoot out in the streets?

That EVERY single time there is a shooting in Europe it is with illegal firearms in Countries where it is nearly impossible for law abiding citizens to get firearms? That a total ban in France did not save hundreds of persons from shootings? That in fact the shooters had full automatic firearms to boot?

The fractional fraction etc. used to harm people in the US, is harming a lot more per capita than in other countries, because of how easy it is to get guns in the US.

Why do you need to OWN a gun?

Why not rent one from a range to shoot or hunt?

Are you being attacked daily?
Oh, excuse me Mr Robber/Rapist/Thug...wait here while I go rent a gun so I can stop you from killing me or my family, ok?

Oh I'll wait for you to run home and get your gun out of your safe you responsible gun owner, perhaps a gang will just knife you in the back when you aren't expecting it and steal your gun and use it to rob a liquor store.

These what-ifs are so fun!

You mean like this one? There are THOUSANDS more videos like this....

Rarely RARELY happens compared to the number of crimes in the US everyday.

Not according to the FBI and all of the thousands of videos on youtube. You're quite simply wrong...or lying. Which is it little troll?
In Japan over 100,000. In France over 130,000 and the majority of those are machineguns. Furthermore the death toll for TWO European mass killings eclipses ALL of the US mass killings over the last two decades. Gun laws only make it easier to murder good people.

So how many people are dying to gun violence in those countries per capita compared to the US percapita?
You understand that a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of firearms in this country are used to harm people right? That in fact as firearm ownership goes UP crime has been going DOWN? That murders are down accidental deaths are DOWN? That the vast MAJORITY of crimes committed with firearms are by gangs in the inner cities? Mostly where it is already illegal to own firearms? That in EVERY single State that has passed open carry there has been no upswing in violence no upswing in shootings no upswing in murder? And that the left claims loudly every time a new State passes the same laws that there will be a wild west shoot out in the streets?

That EVERY single time there is a shooting in Europe it is with illegal firearms in Countries where it is nearly impossible for law abiding citizens to get firearms? That a total ban in France did not save hundreds of persons from shootings? That in fact the shooters had full automatic firearms to boot?

The fractional fraction etc. used to harm people in the US, is harming a lot more per capita than in other countries, because of how easy it is to get guns in the US.

Why do you need to OWN a gun?

Why not rent one from a range to shoot or hunt?

Are you being attacked daily?
Oh, excuse me Mr Robber/Rapist/Thug...wait here while I go rent a gun so I can stop you from killing me or my family, ok?

Oh I'll wait for you to run home and get your gun out of your safe you responsible gun owner, perhaps a gang will just knife you in the back when you aren't expecting it and steal your gun and use it to rob a liquor store.

These what-ifs are so fun!
Won't happen. I don't prance with mine and nobody knows I have it. And I rarely go out any more. But if I do and it's in the town down the road (big town), I take it with me. When it is not with me, it is not locked up. No kids here. Never kids here. No need to have a gun cabinet. Both our guns are loaded and ready to go the first time some schmuck enters this house with ill intent.
"If we ban guns will criminals still have guns?"

Loaded question fallacy.

No one advocates that all guns be 'banned,' the Second Amendment prohibits all guns being 'banned,' and the Second, Fourth and Fifth Amendments prohibit government from seeking to 'confiscate' firearms.

The notions of 'banning' firearms or 'confiscating' firearms is nothing but demagoguery and completely devoid of merit.
"If we ban guns will criminals still have guns?"

Loaded question fallacy.

No one advocates that all guns be 'banned,' the Second Amendment prohibits all guns being 'banned,' and the Second, Fourth and Fifth Amendments prohibit government from seeking to 'confiscate' firearms.

The notions of 'banning' firearms or 'confiscating' firearms is nothing but demagoguery and completely devoid of merit.
Repeal the 2nd Amendment, it's a hypothetical question, the 2nd Amendment isn't unwritable.
"If we ban guns will criminals still have guns?"

Loaded question fallacy.

No one advocates that all guns be 'banned,' the Second Amendment prohibits all guns being 'banned,' and the Second, Fourth and Fifth Amendments prohibit government from seeking to 'confiscate' firearms.

The notions of 'banning' firearms or 'confiscating' firearms is nothing but demagoguery and completely devoid of merit.
Repeal the 2nd Amendment, it's a hypothetical question, the 2nd Amendment isn't unwritable.
You want it repelled? Go ahead get er done. LOL.
In Japan over 100,000. In France over 130,000 and the majority of those are machineguns. Furthermore the death toll for TWO European mass killings eclipses ALL of the US mass killings over the last two decades. Gun laws only make it easier to murder good people.

So how many people are dying to gun violence in those countries per capita compared to the US percapita?
You understand that a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of firearms in this country are used to harm people right? That in fact as firearm ownership goes UP crime has been going DOWN? That murders are down accidental deaths are DOWN? That the vast MAJORITY of crimes committed with firearms are by gangs in the inner cities? Mostly where it is already illegal to own firearms? That in EVERY single State that has passed open carry there has been no upswing in violence no upswing in shootings no upswing in murder? And that the left claims loudly every time a new State passes the same laws that there will be a wild west shoot out in the streets?

That EVERY single time there is a shooting in Europe it is with illegal firearms in Countries where it is nearly impossible for law abiding citizens to get firearms? That a total ban in France did not save hundreds of persons from shootings? That in fact the shooters had full automatic firearms to boot?

The fractional fraction etc. used to harm people in the US, is harming a lot more per capita than in other countries, because of how easy it is to get guns in the US.

Why do you need to OWN a gun?

Why not rent one from a range to shoot or hunt?

Are you being attacked daily?
I have a Constitutional RIGHT to own carry and possess firearms. You do NOT have a right to demand I not own them nor that I license them or only use them from a range that YOU want the Government to control. As for why? Why do you need to vote? Why do you need the right of freedom of speech? Why do you need the protection of the 5th amendment? It is NONE of your business why I chose to exercise one of my RIGHTS.

We used to have a RIGHT to own slaves, didn't make it right. Once slavery stopped making economic sense, the moral argument won.

Guns no longer even make a moral sense...there's just NO use for them anymore.
Says the brain friggin' dead.
If you illegalize something of course there will be more illegal ones than legal ones.

Why don't you tell us how many there actually are.

In Japan over 100,000. In France over 130,000 and the majority of those are machineguns. Furthermore the death toll for TWO European mass killings eclipses ALL of the US mass killings over the last two decades. Gun laws only make it easier to murder good people.

So how many people are dying to gun violence in those countries per capita compared to the US percapita?
You understand that a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of firearms in this country are used to harm people right? That in fact as firearm ownership goes UP crime has been going DOWN? That murders are down accidental deaths are DOWN? That the vast MAJORITY of crimes committed with firearms are by gangs in the inner cities? Mostly where it is already illegal to own firearms? That in EVERY single State that has passed open carry there has been no upswing in violence no upswing in shootings no upswing in murder? And that the left claims loudly every time a new State passes the same laws that there will be a wild west shoot out in the streets?

That EVERY single time there is a shooting in Europe it is with illegal firearms in Countries where it is nearly impossible for law abiding citizens to get firearms? That a total ban in France did not save hundreds of persons from shootings? That in fact the shooters had full automatic firearms to boot?

What changed seven years ago to scare so many into thinking they needed to be armed 24/7? People who pranced around with guns in public were considered unstable. I fear that most who do it today are still unstable.
What about the ones that don't prance around, are trying to mind their own business and keep their family safe but may be poor so live in a dangerous neighborhood? Do you consider them unstable? Or prepared to defend their own?

If you think you need a gun to drop your kids off at school,or to go to the grocery store, you're unstable. What happened during the last 7 years to make so many right wingers afraid of every day life?
In other countries that ban guns the answer tends to be NO.

Guns are not in so high of a demand that there is enough money to generate a black market and smuggling operation to subvert a prohibition on guns.

Drugs have TREMENDOUS demand.

How many people do you know really need to get out and shoot some soda cans versus how many people smoke weed?

Do you think those soda can shooters are going to pay black market prices and risk prison to shoot soda cans?

There just isn't' the demand to support subversion of gun prohibition.

So if guns were banned in the US, criminals would lose their access to guns.

Wrong....criminals in every country that bans guns get guns when they want or need them...every single one. The 3 terrorists in France, who murdered the charlie hebdo cartoonists got fully automatic rifles, grenades, pistols and a rocket propelled grenade easily. The weapon of choice of common criminal gangs in France is the fully automatic rifle...like the bank robbers recently and the masked gunmen who shot up Marseilles just after the Charlie Hebdo attack. Marseilles has so much gun violence that there were calls for the government to bring in the military....

The 8 terrorists who attacked Paris easily got fully automatic rifles......the train terrorist, dittos, the attackers in belgium, denmark and Sweden.....in Sweden criminal gangs were throwing grenades at each other and using fully automatic rifles all summer long.......

Dittos in Australia....gun ownership is back up to pre confiscation levels and their gun crime is increasing.......

The difference between european, and australian criminals and American criminals is not their ability to get guns but their willingness to murder each other.

American gun murder is confined mainly to violent career criminals murdering other violent career criminals...the majority of all gun crime in the U.S. is criminal on criminal murder.

We don't have a gun problem since this country has over 357 million guns in private hands but only 8,124 are used for gun murder.....which is again......criminal on criminal gun violence......in small sections of our inner cities, usually controlled by democrats.
In Japan over 100,000. In France over 130,000 and the majority of those are machineguns. Furthermore the death toll for TWO European mass killings eclipses ALL of the US mass killings over the last two decades. Gun laws only make it easier to murder good people.

So how many people are dying to gun violence in those countries per capita compared to the US percapita?
You understand that a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of firearms in this country are used to harm people right? That in fact as firearm ownership goes UP crime has been going DOWN? That murders are down accidental deaths are DOWN? That the vast MAJORITY of crimes committed with firearms are by gangs in the inner cities? Mostly where it is already illegal to own firearms? That in EVERY single State that has passed open carry there has been no upswing in violence no upswing in shootings no upswing in murder? And that the left claims loudly every time a new State passes the same laws that there will be a wild west shoot out in the streets?

That EVERY single time there is a shooting in Europe it is with illegal firearms in Countries where it is nearly impossible for law abiding citizens to get firearms? That a total ban in France did not save hundreds of persons from shootings? That in fact the shooters had full automatic firearms to boot?

What changed seven years ago to scare so many into thinking they needed to be armed 24/7? People who pranced around with guns in public were considered unstable. I fear that most who do it today are still unstable.
What about the ones that don't prance around, are trying to mind their own business and keep their family safe but may be poor so live in a dangerous neighborhood? Do you consider them unstable? Or prepared to defend their own?

If you think you need a gun to drop your kids off at school,or to go to the grocery store, you're unstable. What happened during the last 7 years to make so many right wingers afraid of every day life?

Tell that to the victims of rape, robbery and murder......if you are a psychic and can tell people if they are going to be victims of violent crime on any given day....share your talent...save lives with it........but each victim will tell you they had no idea they were going to have their lives destroyed on that day they were became victims......
In other countries that ban guns the answer tends to be NO.

Guns are not in so high of a demand that there is enough money to generate a black market and smuggling operation to subvert a prohibition on guns.

Drugs have TREMENDOUS demand.

How many people do you know really need to get out and shoot some soda cans versus how many people smoke weed?

Do you think those soda can shooters are going to pay black market prices and risk prison to shoot soda cans?

There just isn't' the demand to support subversion of gun prohibition.

So if guns were banned in the US, criminals would lose their access to guns.

Bullshit. France has more illegal guns than legal ones. Japan has more illegal guns than legal ones and the Yakuza quite literally have more than they need. You truly are a stupid moron if you believe this crap.
If you illegalize something of course there will be more illegal ones than legal ones.

Why don't you tell us how many there actually are.

In Japan over 100,000. In France over 130,000 and the majority of those are machineguns. Furthermore the death toll for TWO European mass killings eclipses ALL of the US mass killings over the last two decades. Gun laws only make it easier to murder good people.

So how many people are dying to gun violence in those countries per capita compared to the US percapita?

Not the issue.....their criminals still get guns whenever they want them...even in Japan...the difference is that American criminals are more willing to kill each other than European criminals are....since the weapon of choice for European criminals is the fully automatic rifle and grenades....
We banned murder and rape, but murders and rapists still exist. I guess those laws should be done away with too.

Yes....that lie.....

We have laws that define acceptable behavior and the consequence for violating those laws. We have gun laws just like that for rape and murder....if you use a gun to commit a crime you go to jail....

So that bullshit crap you guys use about getting rid of laws is old and stupid.........enforce the laws we have, we don't need any more....
Criminals would lose their access to guns EVENTUALLY. But not immediately. As things stand, there are over 400 million guns in this country. Criminals would not lose access to guns in our lifetimes.

So the best argument pro-gun activists have is that our insane gun culture has so thoroughly flooded this country with guns, that the only possible defense against criminals is to have a gun of your own.

So we don't really have a solution.
We do have a solution, just stop listening to gun-nuts.
Yup gun nuts are terrible people. But we're decades away from that being a possibility.

You guys create gun free killing zones and then call us terrible...you disarm law abiding people and allow them to be slaughtered by killers....you are disgusting people who take no responsibility for your laws....
Criminals would lose their access to guns EVENTUALLY. But not immediately. As things stand, there are over 400 million guns in this country. Criminals would not lose access to guns in our lifetimes.

So the best argument pro-gun activists have is that our insane gun culture has so thoroughly flooded this country with guns, that the only possible defense against criminals is to have a gun of your own.

So we don't really have a solution.

Tell that to the French, the Swedes, the Belgians, the danes, the Australians....all of their criminals and terrorists have no problem getting guns...

their law abiding citizens...can't get guns to save their lives....ask the Frenchmen in that concert hall...oh yeah...you can't...they were murdered by terrorists who got fully automatic rifles easily.....

So just ask the cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo....oh yeah...you can't....because terrorists on government watch lists got fully atuomatic rifles easily........and killed them....
Bullshit. France has more illegal guns than legal ones. Japan has more illegal guns than legal ones and the Yakuza quite literally have more than they need. You truly are a stupid moron if you believe this crap.
If you illegalize something of course there will be more illegal ones than legal ones.

Why don't you tell us how many there actually are.

In Japan over 100,000. In France over 130,000 and the majority of those are machineguns. Furthermore the death toll for TWO European mass killings eclipses ALL of the US mass killings over the last two decades. Gun laws only make it easier to murder good people.

So how many people are dying to gun violence in those countries per capita compared to the US percapita?
You understand that a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of firearms in this country are used to harm people right? That in fact as firearm ownership goes UP crime has been going DOWN? That murders are down accidental deaths are DOWN? That the vast MAJORITY of crimes committed with firearms are by gangs in the inner cities? Mostly where it is already illegal to own firearms? That in EVERY single State that has passed open carry there has been no upswing in violence no upswing in shootings no upswing in murder? And that the left claims loudly every time a new State passes the same laws that there will be a wild west shoot out in the streets?

That EVERY single time there is a shooting in Europe it is with illegal firearms in Countries where it is nearly impossible for law abiding citizens to get firearms? That a total ban in France did not save hundreds of persons from shootings? That in fact the shooters had full automatic firearms to boot?

What changed seven years ago to scare so many into thinking they needed to be armed 24/7? People who pranced around with guns in public were considered unstable. I fear that most who do it today are still unstable.

7 years ago...talk about over 200 years ago when the Right was enumerated in the Constitution....and back in the 1990s when concealed carry was eventually spreading all over the United States...and the gun murder rate started to go down.....
In Japan over 100,000. In France over 130,000 and the majority of those are machineguns. Furthermore the death toll for TWO European mass killings eclipses ALL of the US mass killings over the last two decades. Gun laws only make it easier to murder good people.

So how many people are dying to gun violence in those countries per capita compared to the US percapita?
You understand that a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of firearms in this country are used to harm people right? That in fact as firearm ownership goes UP crime has been going DOWN? That murders are down accidental deaths are DOWN? That the vast MAJORITY of crimes committed with firearms are by gangs in the inner cities? Mostly where it is already illegal to own firearms? That in EVERY single State that has passed open carry there has been no upswing in violence no upswing in shootings no upswing in murder? And that the left claims loudly every time a new State passes the same laws that there will be a wild west shoot out in the streets?

That EVERY single time there is a shooting in Europe it is with illegal firearms in Countries where it is nearly impossible for law abiding citizens to get firearms? That a total ban in France did not save hundreds of persons from shootings? That in fact the shooters had full automatic firearms to boot?

The fractional fraction etc. used to harm people in the US, is harming a lot more per capita than in other countries, because of how easy it is to get guns in the US.

Why do you need to OWN a gun?

Why not rent one from a range to shoot or hunt?

Are you being attacked daily?
I have a Constitutional RIGHT to own carry and possess firearms. You do NOT have a right to demand I not own them nor that I license them or only use them from a range that YOU want the Government to control. As for why? Why do you need to vote? Why do you need the right of freedom of speech? Why do you need the protection of the 5th amendment? It is NONE of your business why I chose to exercise one of my RIGHTS.

We used to have a RIGHT to own slaves, didn't make it right. Once slavery stopped making economic sense, the moral argument won.

Guns no longer even make a moral sense...there's just NO use for them anymore.

Wow....you aren't bright are you.........

Guns are used in the United States 1.5 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives....according to bill clinton and supported by barak obama's CDC study conducted in 2013.......

1,500,000 defensive gun uses to stop violent criminal attack... vs. 8,124 gun murders the majority of which are violent criminals murdering other violent criminals...

Can you tell which number is bigger?

There are 357 million guns in law abiding, private hands..... and only 8,124 of them are used to commit murder...mainly by career criminals murdering other career criminals...

Can you tell which number is bigger...

There are 13 million people in the United States carrying guns for self defense.... vs. 8,124 gun murders, mainly committed by violent career criminals murdering violent career criminals....

Can you tell which number is bigger?

And as more Americans own and carry guns for self defense....our gun murder rate has gone down.

As Britian confiscated their guns...their gun crime rate stayed the same and is now beginning to increase....dittos Australia and the rest of Europe.....
In Japan over 100,000. In France over 130,000 and the majority of those are machineguns. Furthermore the death toll for TWO European mass killings eclipses ALL of the US mass killings over the last two decades. Gun laws only make it easier to murder good people.

So how many people are dying to gun violence in those countries per capita compared to the US percapita?
You understand that a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of firearms in this country are used to harm people right? That in fact as firearm ownership goes UP crime has been going DOWN? That murders are down accidental deaths are DOWN? That the vast MAJORITY of crimes committed with firearms are by gangs in the inner cities? Mostly where it is already illegal to own firearms? That in EVERY single State that has passed open carry there has been no upswing in violence no upswing in shootings no upswing in murder? And that the left claims loudly every time a new State passes the same laws that there will be a wild west shoot out in the streets?

That EVERY single time there is a shooting in Europe it is with illegal firearms in Countries where it is nearly impossible for law abiding citizens to get firearms? That a total ban in France did not save hundreds of persons from shootings? That in fact the shooters had full automatic firearms to boot?

What changed seven years ago to scare so many into thinking they needed to be armed 24/7? People who pranced around with guns in public were considered unstable. I fear that most who do it today are still unstable.
What about the ones that don't prance around, are trying to mind their own business and keep their family safe but may be poor so live in a dangerous neighborhood? Do you consider them unstable? Or prepared to defend their own?

If you think you need a gun to drop your kids off at school,or to go to the grocery store, you're unstable. What happened during the last 7 years to make so many right wingers afraid of every day life?

if you think you need a gun to drop your kids off at school,

Hmmmm....perhaps a parent with a gun at Sandy Hook could have saved the lives of 26 kids....genius......or Columbine......
In other countries that ban guns the answer tends to be NO.

Guns are not in so high of a demand that there is enough money to generate a black market and smuggling operation to subvert a prohibition on guns.

Drugs have TREMENDOUS demand.

How many people do you know really need to get out and shoot some soda cans versus how many people smoke weed?

Do you think those soda can shooters are going to pay black market prices and risk prison to shoot soda cans?

There just isn't' the demand to support subversion of gun prohibition.

So if guns were banned in the US, criminals would lose their access to guns.

Bullshit. France has more illegal guns than legal ones. Japan has more illegal guns than legal ones and the Yakuza quite literally have more than they need. You truly are a stupid moron if you believe this crap.
If you illegalize something of course there will be more illegal ones than legal ones.

Why don't you tell us how many there actually are.

Why don't you go inflate a muslim?

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