If we ban guns will criminals still have guns?

The reason I like this forum is that you get to see up close just how fucking stupid dims are.
Crusader is a jihadist....of course he wants Americans to lay down their weapons.
So how many people are dying to gun violence in those countries per capita compared to the US percapita?
You understand that a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of firearms in this country are used to harm people right? That in fact as firearm ownership goes UP crime has been going DOWN? That murders are down accidental deaths are DOWN? That the vast MAJORITY of crimes committed with firearms are by gangs in the inner cities? Mostly where it is already illegal to own firearms? That in EVERY single State that has passed open carry there has been no upswing in violence no upswing in shootings no upswing in murder? And that the left claims loudly every time a new State passes the same laws that there will be a wild west shoot out in the streets?

That EVERY single time there is a shooting in Europe it is with illegal firearms in Countries where it is nearly impossible for law abiding citizens to get firearms? That a total ban in France did not save hundreds of persons from shootings? That in fact the shooters had full automatic firearms to boot?

What changed seven years ago to scare so many into thinking they needed to be armed 24/7? People who pranced around with guns in public were considered unstable. I fear that most who do it today are still unstable.
What about the ones that don't prance around, are trying to mind their own business and keep their family safe but may be poor so live in a dangerous neighborhood? Do you consider them unstable? Or prepared to defend their own?

If you think you need a gun to drop your kids off at school,or to go to the grocery store, you're unstable. What happened during the last 7 years to make so many right wingers afraid of every day life?

Tell that to the victims of rape, robbery and murder......if you are a psychic and can tell people if they are going to be victims of violent crime on any given day....share your talent...save lives with it........but each victim will tell you they had no idea they were going to have their lives destroyed on that day they were became victims......

Bullshit. There are less victims of those crimes now than there were before you the gun nuts started all this craziness.
If you illegalize something of course there will be more illegal ones than legal ones.

Why don't you tell us how many there actually are.

In Japan over 100,000. In France over 130,000 and the majority of those are machineguns. Furthermore the death toll for TWO European mass killings eclipses ALL of the US mass killings over the last two decades. Gun laws only make it easier to murder good people.

So how many people are dying to gun violence in those countries per capita compared to the US percapita?
You understand that a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of firearms in this country are used to harm people right? That in fact as firearm ownership goes UP crime has been going DOWN? That murders are down accidental deaths are DOWN? That the vast MAJORITY of crimes committed with firearms are by gangs in the inner cities? Mostly where it is already illegal to own firearms? That in EVERY single State that has passed open carry there has been no upswing in violence no upswing in shootings no upswing in murder? And that the left claims loudly every time a new State passes the same laws that there will be a wild west shoot out in the streets?

That EVERY single time there is a shooting in Europe it is with illegal firearms in Countries where it is nearly impossible for law abiding citizens to get firearms? That a total ban in France did not save hundreds of persons from shootings? That in fact the shooters had full automatic firearms to boot?

What changed seven years ago to scare so many into thinking they needed to be armed 24/7? People who pranced around with guns in public were considered unstable. I fear that most who do it today are still unstable.

7 years ago...talk about over 200 years ago when the Right was enumerated in the Constitution....and back in the 1990s when concealed carry was eventually spreading all over the United States...and the gun murder rate started to go down.....

Quit whining. Guns were restricted in Old Tombstone. It's not like common sense restrictions are new.
So how many people are dying to gun violence in those countries per capita compared to the US percapita?
You understand that a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of firearms in this country are used to harm people right? That in fact as firearm ownership goes UP crime has been going DOWN? That murders are down accidental deaths are DOWN? That the vast MAJORITY of crimes committed with firearms are by gangs in the inner cities? Mostly where it is already illegal to own firearms? That in EVERY single State that has passed open carry there has been no upswing in violence no upswing in shootings no upswing in murder? And that the left claims loudly every time a new State passes the same laws that there will be a wild west shoot out in the streets?

That EVERY single time there is a shooting in Europe it is with illegal firearms in Countries where it is nearly impossible for law abiding citizens to get firearms? That a total ban in France did not save hundreds of persons from shootings? That in fact the shooters had full automatic firearms to boot?

What changed seven years ago to scare so many into thinking they needed to be armed 24/7? People who pranced around with guns in public were considered unstable. I fear that most who do it today are still unstable.
What about the ones that don't prance around, are trying to mind their own business and keep their family safe but may be poor so live in a dangerous neighborhood? Do you consider them unstable? Or prepared to defend their own?

If you think you need a gun to drop your kids off at school,or to go to the grocery store, you're unstable. What happened during the last 7 years to make so many right wingers afraid of every day life?

if you think you need a gun to drop your kids off at school,

Hmmmm....perhaps a parent with a gun at Sandy Hook could have saved the lives of 26 kids....genius......or Columbine......

It's more likely they would have shot the wrong person, or been shot themselves because the cops couldn't tell one from the other.
It's more likely they would have shot the wrong person, or been shot themselves because the cops couldn't tell one from the other.

You can't be this stupid. Can you? I mean, oh forget it. I forget your a dimtard.

The reason that law abiding citizens with guns are EXTREMELY UNLIKELY to shoot the wrong person and the police are more likely to, is that the police usually get on the scene after something has happened, and don't know who the bad guy is, while the citizen is there for the whole thing and knows who the bad guy is.

Is that simple enough for your stupid ass?
It's more likely they would have shot the wrong person, or been shot themselves because the cops couldn't tell one from the other.

You can't be this stupid. Can you? I mean, oh forget it. I forget your a dimtard.

The reason that law abiding citizens with guns are EXTREMELY UNLIKELY to shoot the wrong person and the police are more likely to, is that the police usually get on the scene after something has happened, and don't know who the bad guy is, while the citizen is there for the whole thing and knows who the bad guy is.

Is that simple enough for your stupid ass?

Doesn't matter how many times you repeat that, it still doesn't make it true.
Bullshit. There are less victims of those crimes now than there were before you the gun nuts started all this craziness.

Another blind deaf and dumb fool who by his or it's own admission, refuse to accept the reality in front of their face.
It's more likely they would have shot the wrong person, or been shot themselves because the cops couldn't tell one from the other.

You can't be this stupid. Can you? I mean, oh forget it. I forget your a dimtard.

The reason that law abiding citizens with guns are EXTREMELY UNLIKELY to shoot the wrong person and the police are more likely to, is that the police usually get on the scene after something has happened, and don't know who the bad guy is, while the citizen is there for the whole thing and knows who the bad guy is.

Is that simple enough for your stupid ass?

Doesn't matter how many times you repeat that, it still doesn't make it true.

I hope you find out the hard way just how stupid you really are.

But, you are right about one thing: No matter how many times it is said, NOTHING will get past the cement barrier encasing the libtard brain. Nothing.
Bullshit. There are less victims of those crimes now than there were before you the gun nuts started all this craziness.

Another blind deaf and dumb fool who by his or it's own admission, refuse to accept the reality in front of their face.

The reality is that crime has fallen in every category since Obama has been president, yet the gun nuts want to pretend it has gotten worse. You have less reason to prance around with a gun now than you did when Shrub was president.
United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2014
You understand that a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of firearms in this country are used to harm people right? That in fact as firearm ownership goes UP crime has been going DOWN? That murders are down accidental deaths are DOWN? That the vast MAJORITY of crimes committed with firearms are by gangs in the inner cities? Mostly where it is already illegal to own firearms? That in EVERY single State that has passed open carry there has been no upswing in violence no upswing in shootings no upswing in murder? And that the left claims loudly every time a new State passes the same laws that there will be a wild west shoot out in the streets?

That EVERY single time there is a shooting in Europe it is with illegal firearms in Countries where it is nearly impossible for law abiding citizens to get firearms? That a total ban in France did not save hundreds of persons from shootings? That in fact the shooters had full automatic firearms to boot?

What changed seven years ago to scare so many into thinking they needed to be armed 24/7? People who pranced around with guns in public were considered unstable. I fear that most who do it today are still unstable.
What about the ones that don't prance around, are trying to mind their own business and keep their family safe but may be poor so live in a dangerous neighborhood? Do you consider them unstable? Or prepared to defend their own?

If you think you need a gun to drop your kids off at school,or to go to the grocery store, you're unstable. What happened during the last 7 years to make so many right wingers afraid of every day life?

Tell that to the victims of rape, robbery and murder......if you are a psychic and can tell people if they are going to be victims of violent crime on any given day....share your talent...save lives with it........but each victim will tell you they had no idea they were going to have their lives destroyed on that day they were became victims......

Bullshit. There are less victims of those crimes now than there were before you the gun nuts started all this craziness.

You do realize that gun murder rates started going down in the 90s....when concealed carry laws were being passed and now more than 13 million Americans carry guns for self defense........and the gun murder rate has gone down.....

of course..in democrat cities across the country the murder rate is going up as they have forced police to stop being police...the "Ferguson Effect," is in full operation in democrat cities across the country.....
Bullshit. There are less victims of those crimes now than there were before you the gun nuts started all this craziness.

Another blind deaf and dumb fool who by his or it's own admission, refuse to accept the reality in front of their face.

The reality is that crime has fallen in every category since Obama has been president, yet the gun nuts want to pretend it has gotten worse. You have less reason to prance around with a gun now than you did when Shrub was president.
United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2014

Those rates were declining before obama was even born.....twit.
In Japan over 100,000. In France over 130,000 and the majority of those are machineguns. Furthermore the death toll for TWO European mass killings eclipses ALL of the US mass killings over the last two decades. Gun laws only make it easier to murder good people.

So how many people are dying to gun violence in those countries per capita compared to the US percapita?
You understand that a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of firearms in this country are used to harm people right? That in fact as firearm ownership goes UP crime has been going DOWN? That murders are down accidental deaths are DOWN? That the vast MAJORITY of crimes committed with firearms are by gangs in the inner cities? Mostly where it is already illegal to own firearms? That in EVERY single State that has passed open carry there has been no upswing in violence no upswing in shootings no upswing in murder? And that the left claims loudly every time a new State passes the same laws that there will be a wild west shoot out in the streets?

That EVERY single time there is a shooting in Europe it is with illegal firearms in Countries where it is nearly impossible for law abiding citizens to get firearms? That a total ban in France did not save hundreds of persons from shootings? That in fact the shooters had full automatic firearms to boot?

What changed seven years ago to scare so many into thinking they needed to be armed 24/7? People who pranced around with guns in public were considered unstable. I fear that most who do it today are still unstable.

7 years ago...talk about over 200 years ago when the Right was enumerated in the Constitution....and back in the 1990s when concealed carry was eventually spreading all over the United States...and the gun murder rate started to go down.....

Quit whining. Guns were restricted in Old Tombstone. It's not like common sense restrictions are new.

Quit whining. Guns were restricted in Old Tombstone. It's not like common sense restrictions are new

You realize that guns were banned in Tombstone...and every last criminal ignored the laws...they killed one Earp brother with their illegally carried guns, maimed another Earp brother with their illegally carried guns and had a famous shootout in town...you might have heard about it...they even made several movies about the gun fight in the town that had gun control....

Do you guys ever freaking research these topics before you talk out of your butt....?
You understand that a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of firearms in this country are used to harm people right? That in fact as firearm ownership goes UP crime has been going DOWN? That murders are down accidental deaths are DOWN? That the vast MAJORITY of crimes committed with firearms are by gangs in the inner cities? Mostly where it is already illegal to own firearms? That in EVERY single State that has passed open carry there has been no upswing in violence no upswing in shootings no upswing in murder? And that the left claims loudly every time a new State passes the same laws that there will be a wild west shoot out in the streets?

That EVERY single time there is a shooting in Europe it is with illegal firearms in Countries where it is nearly impossible for law abiding citizens to get firearms? That a total ban in France did not save hundreds of persons from shootings? That in fact the shooters had full automatic firearms to boot?

What changed seven years ago to scare so many into thinking they needed to be armed 24/7? People who pranced around with guns in public were considered unstable. I fear that most who do it today are still unstable.
What about the ones that don't prance around, are trying to mind their own business and keep their family safe but may be poor so live in a dangerous neighborhood? Do you consider them unstable? Or prepared to defend their own?

If you think you need a gun to drop your kids off at school,or to go to the grocery store, you're unstable. What happened during the last 7 years to make so many right wingers afraid of every day life?

if you think you need a gun to drop your kids off at school,

Hmmmm....perhaps a parent with a gun at Sandy Hook could have saved the lives of 26 kids....genius......or Columbine......

It's more likely they would have shot the wrong person, or been shot themselves because the cops couldn't tell one from the other.

You realize there have been several shootings at actual schools where armed citizens have stopped the shooter...and nothing that you said actually happened......you are either lying intentionally or just dumb....
In Japan over 100,000. In France over 130,000 and the majority of those are machineguns. Furthermore the death toll for TWO European mass killings eclipses ALL of the US mass killings over the last two decades. Gun laws only make it easier to murder good people.

So how many people are dying to gun violence in those countries per capita compared to the US percapita?
You understand that a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of firearms in this country are used to harm people right? That in fact as firearm ownership goes UP crime has been going DOWN? That murders are down accidental deaths are DOWN? That the vast MAJORITY of crimes committed with firearms are by gangs in the inner cities? Mostly where it is already illegal to own firearms? That in EVERY single State that has passed open carry there has been no upswing in violence no upswing in shootings no upswing in murder? And that the left claims loudly every time a new State passes the same laws that there will be a wild west shoot out in the streets?

That EVERY single time there is a shooting in Europe it is with illegal firearms in Countries where it is nearly impossible for law abiding citizens to get firearms? That a total ban in France did not save hundreds of persons from shootings? That in fact the shooters had full automatic firearms to boot?

What changed seven years ago to scare so many into thinking they needed to be armed 24/7? People who pranced around with guns in public were considered unstable. I fear that most who do it today are still unstable.

7 years ago...talk about over 200 years ago when the Right was enumerated in the Constitution....and back in the 1990s when concealed carry was eventually spreading all over the United States...and the gun murder rate started to go down.....

Quit whining. Guns were restricted in Old Tombstone. It's not like common sense restrictions are new.

Here you go...read up on the actual Tombstone situation and how the criminals actually ignored the gun control laws....killing land wounding the Earps....

Gunfight at the O.K. Corral - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One of many people who ignored Tombstone gun control....and he was a good guy....

Joyce ordered Holliday removed from the saloon but would not return Holliday's revolver. But Holliday returned carrying a double-action revolver. Milt brandished a pistol and threatened Holliday, but Holliday shot Joyce in the palm, disarming him, and then shot Joyce's business partner William Parker in the big toe


Boyle later testified he noticed Ike was armed and covered his gun for him. Boyle later said that Ike told him, "'As soon as the Earps and Doc Holliday showed themselves on the street, the ball would open—that they would have to fight'...


Later in the morning, Ike picked up his rifle and revolver from the West End Corral, where he had deposited his weapons and stabled his wagon and team after entering town. By noon that day, Ike was still drinking and once-again armed in violation of the city ordinance against carrying firearms in the city.


Tom McLaury's concealed weapon[edit]

Outside the court house where Ike was being fined, Wyatt almost walked into 28 year-old Tom McLaury as the two men were brought up short nose-to-nose. Tom, who had arrived in town the day before, was required by the well-known city ordinance to deposit his pistol when he first arrived in town. When Wyatt demanded, "Are you heeled or not?", McLaury said he was not armed. Wyatt testified that he saw arevolver in plain sight on the right hip of Tom's pants


Billy and Frank stopped first at the Grand Hotel on Allen Street, and were greeted by Doc Holliday. They learned immediately after of their brothers' beatings by the Earps within the previous two hours. The incidents had generated a lot of talk in town. Angrily, Frank said he would not drink, and he and Billy left the saloon immediately to seek Tom.

By law, both Frank and Billy should have left their firearms at the Grand Hotel. Instead, they remained fully armed.[2]:49[57]:190


Virgil testified afterward that he thought he saw all four men, Ike Clanton, Billy Clanton, Frank McLaury, and Tom McLaury, buying cartridges.[79] Wyatt said that he saw Billy Clanton and Frank McLaury in Spangenberger's gun and hardware store on 4th Street filling theirgun belts with cartridges

Hmmmmmmmm...doesn't seem like the Tombstone gun control laws worked so far...

Virgil initially avoided a confrontation with the newly arrived Frank McLaury and Billy Clanton, who had not yet deposited their weapons at a hotel or stable as the law required.


At about 2:30 pm he saw Ike, Frank, Tom, and Billy gathered off Fremont street. Behan attempted to persuade Frank McLaury to give up his weapons, but Frank insisted that he would only give up his guns after City Marshal Virgil Earp and his brothers were disarmed.[81]


Citizens reported to Virgil on the Cowboys' movements that Ike and Tom had left their livery stable and returned to town while armed, in violation of the city ordinance.

Gun control only works for those who will obey the laws...law abiding citizens....so any gun control will completely fail at disarming criminals and mass shooters.

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Bullshit. There are less victims of those crimes now than there were before you the gun nuts started all this craziness.

Another blind deaf and dumb fool who by his or it's own admission, refuse to accept the reality in front of their face.

The reality is that crime has fallen in every category since Obama has been president, yet the gun nuts want to pretend it has gotten worse. You have less reason to prance around with a gun now than you did when Shrub was president.
United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2014

Crime has dropped but it has nothing to do with obastard.
Bullshit. There are less victims of those crimes now than there were before you the gun nuts started all this craziness.

Another blind deaf and dumb fool who by his or it's own admission, refuse to accept the reality in front of their face.

The reality is that crime has fallen in every category since Obama has been president, yet the gun nuts want to pretend it has gotten worse. You have less reason to prance around with a gun now than you did when Shrub was president.
United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2014

Crime has dropped but it has nothing to do with obastard.

So why do you suddenly feel the need to be armed all the time? What happened during all the decrease in crime that made you so afraid?
Bullshit. There are less victims of those crimes now than there were before you the gun nuts started all this craziness.

Another blind deaf and dumb fool who by his or it's own admission, refuse to accept the reality in front of their face.

The reality is that crime has fallen in every category since Obama has been president, yet the gun nuts want to pretend it has gotten worse. You have less reason to prance around with a gun now than you did when Shrub was president.
United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2014
What the fuck is a gun nut?
Bullshit. There are less victims of those crimes now than there were before you the gun nuts started all this craziness.

Another blind deaf and dumb fool who by his or it's own admission, refuse to accept the reality in front of their face.

The reality is that crime has fallen in every category since Obama has been president, yet the gun nuts want to pretend it has gotten worse. You have less reason to prance around with a gun now than you did when Shrub was president.
United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2014
Not every category. What the fuck is a gun nut?
Why Have There Been More Mass Shootings Under Obama than the Four Previous Presidents Combined? | The Daily Sheeple
So why do you suddenly feel the need to be armed all the time? What happened during all the decrease in crime that made you so afraid?

Well since you asked, I'll tell you, pisstard. It had nothing to do with obastard's deplorable term in office, and there was nothing sudden about it. I love the way you bastards fill in things like "suddenly", when you don't know shit!. I started carrying a gun after I was robbed and beaten at gun point back in the 80's and oh, guess what? There were no police around, and when they did come around they never caught anybody. Then my wife was assaulted by a pos with a knife and guess what? There were no police around.

So, I decided to be armed. Being armed is NOT a 100 percent guarantee that you will survive a criminal encounter, but it sure evens the odds up. And I'll tell your libtard dumbass something else. I have carried a gun on my person for 30 plus years and never pointed it at anyone, even though two guy gave me a real good opportunity.

You see they accosted me outside a grocery store and told me to give them all the food I just bought. I told them no, and placed my hand on my pistol and they took off like the shit eating democrats they probably were.

So if you watch the news reports and see all the murders and rape and robberies committed that the police NEVER stop, then a rational person would have a good reason the be afraid. Now please don't get offended. I know I said rational person but believe me when I say I was not talking about you!
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So why do you suddenly feel the need to be armed all the time? What happened during all the decrease in crime that made you so afraid?

Well since you asked, I'll tell you, pisstard. It had nothing to do with obastard's deplorable term in office, and there was nothing sudden about it. I love the way you bastards fill in things like "suddenly", when you don't know shit!. I started carrying a gun after I was robbed and beaten at gun point back in the 80's and oh, guess what? There were no police around, and when they did come around they never caught anybody. Then my wife was assaulted by a pos with a knife and guess what? There were no police around.

So, I decided to be armed. Being armed is NOT a 100 percent guarantee that you will survive a criminal encounter, but it sure evens the odds up. And I'll tell your libtard dumbass something else. I have carried a gun on my person for 30 plus years and never pointed it at anyone, even though two guy gave me a real good opportunity.

You see they accosted me outside a grocery store and told me to give them all the food I just bought. I told them no, and placed my hand on my pistol and they took off like the shit eating democrats they probably were.

So if you watch the news reports and see all the murders and rape and robberies committed that the police NEVER stop, then a rational person would have a good reason the be afraid. Now please don't get offended. I know I said rational person but believe me when I say I was not talking about you!

So the reason you think you need to carry a gun is you are afraid to walk the streets like a normally adjusted person does. I hope you receive counseling for your fears.

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