Zone1 If we worship One God...

No, I am a normal, educated person not handicapped by inability to think deeper than the most shallow and petty level. You might not understand.

You must think the universe is made up of four elements, my little Greek philosophy fanboi.
Everything you just wrote is a lie. I don't believe you can help yourself.
Then the next verse showing Mary belief in Christ as Lord God. Again, there is one Godhead of three. Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
You will find out different, either you can believe Jesus now or find out the hard way and lose out on life everlasting in Gods kingdom.
John 17:3--This means eternal life, their knowing you(Father) THE ONLY TRUE GOD and the one whom you sent forth Jesus Christ.--See one must know the Father as THE ONLY TRUE GOD to get eternal life and know the one he sent( God did not come down here as a mortal) Jesus.--This reality is in every translation on earth.
So, only the priest drinks the blood of a dead person. Sick. No, it was an analogy plain and simple.
No, The blood of Christ is available to everyone.

He couldn't have been more clear in his command. I think you need to accept the fact that you reject his command. Because that is exactly what you would do if he told you that was what you were doing. You would reject his sacrifice.
Haven’t missed the lies. The illness of thinking one can have power to control the Lord, pull him off his thrown thousands of times a day and make him die all over again.
It doesn't mean he dies over and over again. What happens over and over again is you rejecting his sacrifice.
And where did the matter for a big bang originate from? Where did the energy that formed the Big Bang originate from? Didn’t come from nothing. That’s a Catholic teaching that got placed into the Bible if it’s there. Just like eating actual flesh and drinking human blood. And, there a plenty of other physicists who have other theories. None of it is finite.
It's called paired particle production.

So where did the very first God come from? Or doesn't Mormonism have an answer for that? Because you keep dodging this question.
But not with you. You don't listen.
I listen. Doesn't mean I have to agree with you. Are you a tyrant? Forcing me to believe your interpretations are correct? Funny how you don't listen to what I have to say while demanding I listen to you and have to believe you.
You will find out different, either you can believe Jesus now or find out the hard way and lose out on life everlasting in Gods kingdom.
John 17:3--This means eternal life, their knowing you(Father) THE ONLY TRUE GOD and the one whom you sent forth Jesus Christ.--See one must know the Father as THE ONLY TRUE GOD to get eternal life and know the one he sent( God did not come down here as a mortal) Jesus.--This reality is in every translation on earth.
Then you move on down to verse 21 "That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me." Now, which one is one? :hhello: There is ONE Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. All agree in ONE and are ONE in agreement. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost. One the Father, One the Son, One the Holy Ghost. :popcorn:
No, The blood of Christ is available to everyone.

He couldn't have been more clear in his command. I think you need to accept the fact that you reject his command. Because that is exactly what you would do if he told you that was what you were doing. You would reject his sacrifice.
You don't know what the command was. You think it was the flesh and blood. No, it was to eat the bread and drink the wine in remembrance of Him. Not to be taken literally. Ewwww....SICK! This is my wife. She's flat as a picture! Get it!
You don't know what the command was. You think it was the flesh and blood. No, it was to eat the bread and drink the wine in remembrance of Him. Not to be taken literally. Ewwww....SICK! This is my wife. She's flat as a picture! Get it!
41 contiguous verses written specifically about this subject, many of which are quoting Jesus, say otherwise.

Did you ever figure out an answer for who was the very first God?
It doesn't mean he dies over and over again. What happens over and over again is you rejecting his sacrifice. remembrance. Just as I've been stated. Therefore, there is no flesh or blood to drink. It's bread and in your church, wine. In mine, water. remembrance. Just as I've been stated. Therefore, there is no flesh or blood to drink. It's bread and in your church, wine. In mine, water.
Given the last supper was a separate event from John 6:25-66 your argument doesn't hold water. And then there's Paul admonishment to the early Christians that they were not just eating bread and water.

Did you ever figure out an answer for who was the very first God? Is there no Mormon answer for this question?
It's called paired particle production.

So where did the very first God come from? Or doesn't Mormonism have an answer for that? Because you keep dodging this question.
Where did the particles come from? Matter is energy and energy cannot be created or destroyed. Where did the spark come from? Where did the particles come from with the energy to form our universe? As far as God, I've answered this. Are you unable to comprehend what you read? Man is as God once was. As God is now, man may become. God came from another universe and because he read His Book of Mormon, he lived a righteous life and did all his father in heaven asked him to do. He received his Celestial Kingdom and the opportunity to organize a universe with his wife (wives) as well. And, here He is, Father of our Universe. And, Catholics keep dodging where God came from.
Where did the particles come from? Matter is energy and energy cannot be created or destroyed. Where did the spark come from? Where did the particles come from with the energy to form our universe? As far as God, I've answered this. Are you unable to comprehend what you read? Man is as God once was. As God is now, man may become. God came from another universe and because he read His Book of Mormon, he lived a righteous life and did all his father in heaven asked him to do. He received his Celestial Kingdom and the opportunity to organize a universe with his wife (wives) as well. And, here He is, Father of our Universe. And, Catholics keep dodging where God came from.
Paired particle production. It's explained in the link I provided that you didn't bother to look at.

You really shouldn't get your science from the Mormon church.
You mean like asking someone - who believes men become gods - where the very first god came from? Questions like that?
Well, Jesus became a God, didn't he...Do you not believe that Father and Jesus said that you can inherit all our Father has? Do you deny this? Father has a universe. So, you can have that opportunity if you stop denying him and Jesus Christ.
Are you unable to comprehend what you read? Man is as God once was. As God is now, man may become. God came from another universe and because he read His Book of Mormon, he lived a righteous life and did all his father in heaven asked him to do. He received his Celestial Kingdom and the opportunity to organize a universe with his wife (wives) as well.
So if man becomes god, then way back long ago in another universe there were no gods until a man became god? Is that what you are saying?
Well, Jesus became a God, didn't he...Do you not believe that Father and Jesus said that you can inherit all our Father has? Do you deny this? Father has a universe. So, you can have that opportunity if you stop denying him and Jesus Christ.
No. That's not the Catholic view.

But what you are trying to say was that before the very first God was just a man in some far away universe who later became god and then created a bunch more men in a new universe who later became gods and created more universes and more men who did the same exact thing. Is that correct?
I think we need a thread on this to discuss it. Because it is very confusing getting to the what was the very first thing. Was it a god or was it a man?

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