If/when Trump begins his 4 year revenge term what would/should his agenda/wrath look like?

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Trump is a fascist, as is the GOP and conservativism.

Trump was always about the right’s efforts to destroy America’s democracy and establish the tyranny of Republican minority rule.

That's right, that is why the reps want to ban fillibuster, add states, stack the court and get 16 yo's to vote. And you left out reps are all white supremacists, homophobes, xenophobes, transphobes, Islamophobes and phobephobes!

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I‘m enthusiastically optimistic that he will tear every single federal institution down to the bare-bones and extract every person and every thing that/who exudes ANY level of support for ANY level of leftism. By now he is fully aware of who and what the enemy is, he knows there is no changing these people…..he’s got to know the people pulling the leftist strings must be eradicated.
I’m looking real forward to watching Trumps wrath…..Your thoughts?
It will look like a bunch of whining from losers like yourself who bought the newest set of lies only to have none of them come true.
I‘m enthusiastically optimistic that he will tear every single federal institution down to the bare-bones and extract every person and every thing that/who exudes ANY level of support for ANY level of leftism. By now he is fully aware of who and what the enemy is, he knows there is no changing these people…..he’s got to know the people pulling the leftist strings must be eradicated.
I’m looking real forward to watching Trumps wrath…..Your thoughts?
Your Orange Baboon-God will be in jail by then.

After January 6, 2021, there is zero chance that he can win-over the Independents and Purples that any GOP candidate needs in order to win nowadays.

Oh, he'll get the GOP nomination alright if he isn't already in jail, but January 6, 2021 has rendered your boy un-electable.

After all, beyond his MAGA base, most of America views Teflon Don as being on a par with Benedict Arnold, Pierre Laval, Vidkun Quisling or Judas Iscariot.
Your Orange Baboon-God will be in jail by then. After January 6, 2021, there is zero chance that he can win-over the Independents and Purples that any GOP candidate needs in order to win nowadays.
Oh, he'll get the GOP nomination alright if he isn't already in jail, but January 6, 2021 has rendered your boy un-electable.
After all, beyond his MAGA base, most of America views Teflon Don as being on a par with Benedict Arnold, Pierre Laval, Vidkun Quisling or Judas Iscariot.
So what happens to traitor Joe Biden?
He and his wingman AG Merrick Garland will be impeached shortly.
We'll see how the democrats vote after seeing the irrefutable evidence that the Bidens are criminals.
Your Orange Baboon-God will be in jail by then.

After January 6, 2021, there is zero chance that he can win-over the Independents and Purples that any GOP candidate needs in order to win nowadays.

Oh, he'll get the GOP nomination alright if he isn't already in jail, but January 6, 2021 has rendered your boy un-electable.

After all, beyond his MAGA base, most of America views Teflon Don as being on a par with Benedict Arnold, Pierre Laval, Vidkun Quisling or Judas Iscariot.
Nobody even half sane gives two-shits about the mostly peaceful protest on Jan 6. Only the most dramatic, paranoid TDS-ing psychos do.
That day is a twisted lib thing just like the other 1,459 days of Trumps amazing presidency.
Trump will weaponize his Justice Dept and IRS to go after his political enemies. Prime targets will be Joe and Hunter Biden, leadership of the FBI, the media, top Democrats.

He will also pardon anyone associated with Jan 6 and those who helped him try to steal the 2020 election.
He cannot pardon himself….Even the TRUMPCourt will not allow it
Nothing in the Constitution says that a President can't pardon himself. I'd love to see Trump do all those things, but we both know he won't.
I‘m enthusiastically optimistic that he will tear every single federal institution down to the bare-bones and extract every person and every thing that/who exudes ANY level of support for ANY level of leftism. By now he is fully aware of who and what the enemy is, he knows there is no changing these people…..he’s got to know the people pulling the leftist strings must be eradicated.
I’m looking real forward to watching Trumps wrath…..Your thoughts?
I think that’s going to be the Democrats’ take on a 2nd Trump regime, too. So, it’s like the Dems will have their campaigning done for them! :abgg2q.jpg:
Nobody even half sane gives two-shits about the mostly peaceful protest on Jan 6
Nobody who is even half-sane will characterize the preplanned MAGA rioting of January 6, 2021 in Washington DC as anything BUT Insurrection.

And your ignorant, arrogant, despotic phatt Orange Phukk is going to be held accountable for instigating it now in the criminal law courts. Enjoy. :auiqs.jpg:
So what happens to traitor Joe Biden?
Hell... investigate and indict him TOO for all I care... but Rump goes down first... because of January 6, 2021.

We'll see how the democrats vote after seeing the irrefutable evidence that the Bidens are criminals.
Virtually all Democrats (and there are more of them than Republicans) and most Independents and Purples (Swing-Voters) will vote for a fence-post before they vote for Rump.

Don't delude yourself that taking a big bite out of Sleepy Old Uncle Joe's backside is going to translate into a Win for Rump in the November 2024 general election.

January 6, 2021 has rendered your boy un-electable.

Oh... he'll get the GOP nomination alright... if he isn't in jail by then...

But he can no longer win anything beyond your own circle...

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