If/when Trump begins his 4 year revenge term what would/should his agenda/wrath look like?

In addition to his long list of perceived enemies, expect Trump to go after……

Same sex marriage
Homosexuals in the Military
You misspelled freaks
counterfeit marriage
Fairies who don't belong anywhere near an M-16.
Hell... investigate and indict him TOO for all I care... but Rump goes down first... because of January 6, 2021.

Virtually all Democrats (and there are more of them than Republicans) and most Independents and Purples (Swing-Voters) will vote for a fence-post before they vote for Rump.

Don't delude yourself that taking a big bite out of Sleepy Old Uncle Joe's backside is going to translate into a Win for Rump in the November 2024 general election.

January 6, 2021 has rendered your boy un-electable.

Oh... he'll get the GOP nomination alright... if he isn't in jail by then...

But he can no longer win anything beyond your own circle...
So you will support Traitor Joe BiDumbfuck and Kamala Cumswallower over a REAL American? Gotcha.
So you will support Traitor Joe BiDumbfuck and Kamala Cumswallower over a REAL American? Gotcha.
Very mature... typical MAGA trailer-trash Brown Shirt emoting... :auiqs.jpg: ...I've already said that you can take Sleepy Old Uncle Joe as soon as Rump is set aside.

But as to a "REAL American"... wake me up when you've found one... Rump does not meet that definition... he merely tells you what you want to hear...

And you're stupid enough to believe him.
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Very mature... typical MAGA trailer-trash Brown Shirt emoting... :auiqs.jpg: ...I've already said that you can take Sleepy Old Uncle Joe as soon as Rump is set aside.

But as to a "REAL American"... wake me up when you've found one... Rump does not meet that definition... he merely tells you what you want to hear...

And you're stupid enough to believe him.
And you were even dumber to vote for Joe Biteme.
And you were even dumber to vote for Joe Biteme.
I can be dumb as a box-o-rox...

Doesn't matter in the slightest...

What DOES matter is that your Orange Baboon-God is un-electable...

You no longer have the numbers to win on our own... you need legions of Independents and Swing-Voters to vote alongside you...

You will not get them if you're (collectively) stupid enough to rum Rump again... most would vote for a fence-post before they'd vote for Rump now...


January 6, 2021...

Ya'll are engaged in a massive Circle-Jerk...

You're wasting your time... and ours...

You'll give him the GOP nomination alright...

But he can no longer win a general election...

His traitorous behaviors leading-up to and during and since January 6, 2021 ensured that...

He... and his big mouth... and his idiot-tweets at 2:00 am... and his tendency to speak before thinking... have always been his own worst enemy...

He has nobody but himself to blame for his present circumstances...

Couldn't happen to a nicer Benedict Arnold clone...
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I‘m enthusiastically optimistic that he will tear every single federal institution down to the bare-bones and extract every person and every thing that/who exudes ANY level of support for ANY level of leftism. By now he is fully aware of who and what the enemy is, he knows there is no changing these people…..he’s got to know the people pulling the leftist strings must be eradicated.
I’m looking real forward to watching Trumps wrath…..Your thoughts?
One of his former staffers tells us.

I can be dumb as a box-o-rox...

Doesn't matter in the slightest...

What DOES matter is that your Orange Baboon-God is un-electable...

You no longer have the numbers to win on our own... you need legions of Independents and Swing-Voters to vote alongside you...

You will not get them if you're (collectively) stupid enough to rum Rump again... most would vote for a fence-post before they'd vote for Rump now...


January 6, 2021...

Ya'll are engaged in a massive Circle-Jerk...

You're wasting your time... and ours...

You'll give him the GOP nomination alright...

But he can no longer win a general election...

His traitorous behaviors leading-up to and during and since January 6, 2021 ensured that...

He... and his big mouth... and his idiot-tweets at 2:00 am... and his tendency to speak before thinking... have always been his own worst enemy...

He has nobody but himself to blame for his present circumstances...

Couldn't happen to a nicer Benedict Arnold clone...
And so you favor some milquetoast RINO like Krispy Kreme who is a guaranteed loser against the Communist Demoturds.
Your Orange Baboon-God will be in jail by then.

bob ross.jpg
I‘m enthusiastically optimistic that he will tear every single federal institution down to the bare-bones and extract every person and every thing that/who exudes ANY level of support for ANY level of leftism. By now he is fully aware of who and what the enemy is, he knows there is no changing these people…..he’s got to know the people pulling the leftist strings must be eradicated.
I’m looking real forward to watching Trumps wrath…..Your thoughts?

Fire the entire FBI leadership, do not give them a new headquarters and move them their building to Oklahoma. Shutter the Education Department, and fire the leadership of the CDC.........that is a good start.....
Trump will weaponize his Justice Dept and IRS to go after his political enemies. Prime targets will be Joe and Hunter Biden, leadership of the FBI, the media, top Democrats.

He will also pardon anyone associated with Jan 6 and those who helped him try to steal the 2020 election.
He cannot pardon himself….Even the TRUMPCourt will not allow it
comon man JOe will be dead by then
See TN's response.

You idiots are playing him up as the next HitlerStalinMaoPotKhan, and you don't think someone would gun for him if he was re-elected?

He is calling for the consolidation of power in the presidency.....and the termination of the constitution.

Along with the pardoning of those willing to attack the capitol.

None of that is heartening.

That's what Hitlery said too.
True, but back then your Baboon-God had not yet shown his true colors, nor had he yet summoned, incited and aimed an Insurrection against Congress.

That was then... and this is now... you re-tards just don't get it... and by stubbornly refusing to let go of the past you condemn us to 4 more years of LibProgs.

Independents and Swing-Voters will never again vote for Rump in large numbers, and you cannot win a general election nowadays without them.

January 6, 2021 has rendered your boy un-electable.

Believe it.

Snap out of it... get your heads out of your a$$e$... rediscover your common sense and your ball$.... choose another standard bearer... while there is still time.
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