If you are agaianst gay marriage, you're a BIGOT!

The gay marriage supporters cannot circumvent these points. So they insult, obfuscate, chuck duck and dive.

No, it's called having the ability to discern between two different subjects.
You don't understand that. You and BigShit are neocon whackjobs.
We don't expect you to understand the nuances and subtlties that surround such issues...neither of you have the mental capacity to do so...

The discussion is about a person right too marry whom every they want too. Damn those consenting brothers and sisters for throwing a can of worms into the mix.

The slippery slope fallacy has long been used by everyone trying to outlaw the expansion of civil rights to new groups (Women, black people etc...). Funny thing is, the worst case scenarios never seem to pan out.

But people keep saying "if two men can marry, then why not a man and a dog, or two siblings?"

Well, unlike with homosexuality (of which there is mountains and mountains of evidence that it is an unchangeable, pre-determined trait (as agrees every major psychological association in North America and Europe) there is no evidence that people are born with a sexual orientation that limits them to only being attracted to their family members, or to animals. There are no groups of people campaigning for the right to sleep with animals or their own family. In fact, there has never been any movement to do such. There is not a shred of scientific evidence that such people exist.

So what exactly do you think should happen to gay people? If you say "make them straight" then you must know that is impossible if you do any research into objective science ("Scientists" who work for strongly religious groups are not in any way objective and can "prove" a myriad of things that are false). "Ex-gays" have been proven to be false time and time again, and by the omission of leaders who used to run such organizations (look up Exodus, the original ex-gay group).

So, since they can't change their sexuality, now what? Force them into a life of abstinence? Kill them? Really, what should be done with them?

Has any harm come upon you, or anyone you know, as a result of same-sex attraction? Has the moral foundation of the US crumbled as homosexuality has become more accepted in the last few decades? Is anyone hurt when two people of the same sex love each other? Can anything harmful be blamed specifically on same sex attraction?

Yeah, AIDS is more easily spread through anal sex. But unprotected sex (and other fluid sharing activities) is the real culprit of AIDS transmission. If you blame gay people, then why aren't you campaigning against black people and sub-saharan africa as well? It's not the people, it's the unsafe activity.

Anyways, you're mind likely will not be changed as you have a likely unchangeable belief that being gay is wrong. Same as the people 60 years back who thought it was clearly wrong to integrate society, same as the slave owners who found it ridiculous to allow blacks any access to normal society.

Oh yeah, they were wrong back then, but you're not wrong this time. They're totally different. Yeah, right...
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No, it's called having the ability to discern between two different subjects.
You don't understand that. You and BigShit are neocon whackjobs.
We don't expect you to understand the nuances and subtlties that surround such issues...neither of you have the mental capacity to do so...

The discussion is about a person right too marry whom every they want too. Damn those consenting brothers and sisters for throwing a can of worms into the mix.

The slippery slope fallacy has long been used by everyone trying to outlaw the expansion of civil rights to new groups (Women, black people etc...). Funny thing is, the worst case scenarios never seem to pan out.

But people keep saying "if two men can marry, then why not a man and a dog, or two siblings?"

Well, unlike with homosexuality (of which there is mountains and mountains of evidence that it is an unchangeable, pre-determined trait (as agrees every major psychological association in North America and Europe) there is no evidence that people are born with a sexual orientation that limits them to only being attracted to their family members, or to animals. There are no groups of people campaigning for the right to sleep with animals or their own family. In fact, there has never been any movement to do such. There is not a shred of scientific evidence that such people exist.

So what exactly do you think should happen to gay people? If you say "make them straight" then you must know that is impossible if you do any research into objective science ("Scientists" who work for strongly religious groups are not in any way objective and can "prove" a myriad of things that are false). "Ex-gays" have been proven to be false time and time again, and by the omission of leaders who used to run such organizations (look up Exodus, the original ex-gay group).

So, since they can't change their sexuality, now what? Force them into a life of abstinence? Kill them? Really, what should be done with them?

Has any harm come upon you, or anyone you know, as a result of same-sex attraction? Has the moral foundation of the US crumbled as homosexuality has become more accepted in the last few decades? Is anyone hurt when two people of the same sex love each other? Can anything harmful be blamed specifically on same sex attraction?

Yeah, AIDS is more easily spread through anal sex. But unprotected sex (and other fluid sharing activities) is the real culprit of AIDS transmission. If you blame gay people, then why aren't you campaigning against black people and sub-saharan africa as well? It's not the people, it's the unsafe activity.

Anyways, you're mind likely will not be changed as you have a likely unchangeable belief that being gay is wrong. Same as the people 60 years back who thought it was clearly wrong to integrate society, same as the slave owners who found it ridiculous to allow blacks any access to normal society.

Oh yeah, they were wrong back then, but you're not wrong this time. They're totally different. Yeah, right...

So I taske you support brothers and sisters marrying each other if they choose?
The discussion is about a person right too marry whom every they want too. Damn those consenting brothers and sisters for throwing a can of worms into the mix.

The slippery slope fallacy has long been used by everyone trying to outlaw the expansion of civil rights to new groups (Women, black people etc...). Funny thing is, the worst case scenarios never seem to pan out.

But people keep saying "if two men can marry, then why not a man and a dog, or two siblings?"

Well, unlike with homosexuality (of which there is mountains and mountains of evidence that it is an unchangeable, pre-determined trait (as agrees every major psychological association in North America and Europe) there is no evidence that people are born with a sexual orientation that limits them to only being attracted to their family members, or to animals. There are no groups of people campaigning for the right to sleep with animals or their own family. In fact, there has never been any movement to do such. There is not a shred of scientific evidence that such people exist.

So what exactly do you think should happen to gay people? If you say "make them straight" then you must know that is impossible if you do any research into objective science ("Scientists" who work for strongly religious groups are not in any way objective and can "prove" a myriad of things that are false). "Ex-gays" have been proven to be false time and time again, and by the omission of leaders who used to run such organizations (look up Exodus, the original ex-gay group).

So, since they can't change their sexuality, now what? Force them into a life of abstinence? Kill them? Really, what should be done with them?

Has any harm come upon you, or anyone you know, as a result of same-sex attraction? Has the moral foundation of the US crumbled as homosexuality has become more accepted in the last few decades? Is anyone hurt when two people of the same sex love each other? Can anything harmful be blamed specifically on same sex attraction?

Yeah, AIDS is more easily spread through anal sex. But unprotected sex (and other fluid sharing activities) is the real culprit of AIDS transmission. If you blame gay people, then why aren't you campaigning against black people and sub-saharan africa as well? It's not the people, it's the unsafe activity.

Anyways, you're mind likely will not be changed as you have a likely unchangeable belief that being gay is wrong. Same as the people 60 years back who thought it was clearly wrong to integrate society, same as the slave owners who found it ridiculous to allow blacks any access to normal society.

Oh yeah, they were wrong back then, but you're not wrong this time. They're totally different. Yeah, right...

So I taske you support brothers and sisters marrying each other if they choose?

And how many brothers and sisters are scrambling to get married? Ditto gays.
Epic Fail....

Also noted - you didn't answer his questions....
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Well, the day your country stops interferring both politically and financially in the running of other countries, is the day I have no vested interest....let me know when that day happens. As I have already stated (and you have deliberately ignored) stfu about Iraq or Afganistan or Iran for that matter

Not going to happen.

The United States is a militaristic society that justifies its existence in the context of war.

But you knew that already.
No, it's called having the ability to discern between two different subjects.
You don't understand that. You and BigShit are neocon whackjobs.
We don't expect you to understand the nuances and subtlties that surround such issues...neither of you have the mental capacity to do so...

The discussion is about a person right too marry whom every they want too. Damn those consenting brothers and sisters for throwing a can of worms into the mix.

The slippery slope fallacy has long been used by everyone trying to outlaw the expansion of civil rights to new groups (Women, black people etc...). Funny thing is, the worst case scenarios never seem to pan out.

But people keep saying "if two men can marry, then why not a man and a dog, or two siblings?"

Well, unlike with homosexuality (of which there is mountains and mountains of evidence that it is an unchangeable, pre-determined trait (as agrees every major psychological association in North America and Europe) there is no evidence that people are born with a sexual orientation that limits them to only being attracted to their family members, or to animals. There are no groups of people campaigning for the right to sleep with animals or their own family. In fact, there has never been any movement to do such. There is not a shred of scientific evidence that such people exist.

So what exactly do you think should happen to gay people? If you say "make them straight" then you must know that is impossible if you do any research into objective science ("Scientists" who work for strongly religious groups are not in any way objective and can "prove" a myriad of things that are false). "Ex-gays" have been proven to be false time and time again, and by the omission of leaders who used to run such organizations (look up Exodus, the original ex-gay group).

So, since they can't change their sexuality, now what? Force them into a life of abstinence? Kill them? Really, what should be done with them?

Has any harm come upon you, or anyone you know, as a result of same-sex attraction? Has the moral foundation of the US crumbled as homosexuality has become more accepted in the last few decades? Is anyone hurt when two people of the same sex love each other? Can anything harmful be blamed specifically on same sex attraction?

Yeah, AIDS is more easily spread through anal sex. But unprotected sex (and other fluid sharing activities) is the real culprit of AIDS transmission. If you blame gay people, then why aren't you campaigning against black people and sub-saharan africa as well? It's not the people, it's the unsafe activity.

Anyways, you're mind likely will not be changed as you have a likely unchangeable belief that being gay is wrong. Same as the people 60 years back who thought it was clearly wrong to integrate society, same as the slave owners who found it ridiculous to allow blacks any access to normal society.

Oh yeah, they were wrong back then, but you're not wrong this time. They're totally different. Yeah, right...

Saved, will use again in other altercations with your permission and properly quoted to credit you.
The discussion is about a person right too marry whom every they want too. Damn those consenting brothers and sisters for throwing a can of worms into the mix.

The slippery slope fallacy has long been used by everyone trying to outlaw the expansion of civil rights to new groups (Women, black people etc...). Funny thing is, the worst case scenarios never seem to pan out.

But people keep saying "if two men can marry, then why not a man and a dog, or two siblings?"

Well, unlike with homosexuality (of which there is mountains and mountains of evidence that it is an unchangeable, pre-determined trait (as agrees every major psychological association in North America and Europe) there is no evidence that people are born with a sexual orientation that limits them to only being attracted to their family members, or to animals. There are no groups of people campaigning for the right to sleep with animals or their own family. In fact, there has never been any movement to do such. There is not a shred of scientific evidence that such people exist.

So what exactly do you think should happen to gay people? If you say "make them straight" then you must know that is impossible if you do any research into objective science ("Scientists" who work for strongly religious groups are not in any way objective and can "prove" a myriad of things that are false). "Ex-gays" have been proven to be false time and time again, and by the omission of leaders who used to run such organizations (look up Exodus, the original ex-gay group).

So, since they can't change their sexuality, now what? Force them into a life of abstinence? Kill them? Really, what should be done with them?

Has any harm come upon you, or anyone you know, as a result of same-sex attraction? Has the moral foundation of the US crumbled as homosexuality has become more accepted in the last few decades? Is anyone hurt when two people of the same sex love each other? Can anything harmful be blamed specifically on same sex attraction?

Yeah, AIDS is more easily spread through anal sex. But unprotected sex (and other fluid sharing activities) is the real culprit of AIDS transmission. If you blame gay people, then why aren't you campaigning against black people and sub-saharan africa as well? It's not the people, it's the unsafe activity.

Anyways, you're mind likely will not be changed as you have a likely unchangeable belief that being gay is wrong. Same as the people 60 years back who thought it was clearly wrong to integrate society, same as the slave owners who found it ridiculous to allow blacks any access to normal society.

Oh yeah, they were wrong back then, but you're not wrong this time. They're totally different. Yeah, right...

So I taske you support brothers and sisters marrying each other if they choose?

The slippery slope fallacy has long been used by everyone trying to outlaw the expansion of civil rights to new groups (Women, black people etc...). Funny thing is, the worst case scenarios never seem to pan out.

But people keep saying "if two men can marry, then why not a man and a dog, or two siblings?"

Well, unlike with homosexuality (of which there is mountains and mountains of evidence that it is an unchangeable, pre-determined trait (as agrees every major psychological association in North America and Europe) there is no evidence that people are born with a sexual orientation that limits them to only being attracted to their family members, or to animals. There are no groups of people campaigning for the right to sleep with animals or their own family. In fact, there has never been any movement to do such. There is not a shred of scientific evidence that such people exist.

So what exactly do you think should happen to gay people? If you say "make them straight" then you must know that is impossible if you do any research into objective science ("Scientists" who work for strongly religious groups are not in any way objective and can "prove" a myriad of things that are false). "Ex-gays" have been proven to be false time and time again, and by the omission of leaders who used to run such organizations (look up Exodus, the original ex-gay group).

So, since they can't change their sexuality, now what? Force them into a life of abstinence? Kill them? Really, what should be done with them?

Has any harm come upon you, or anyone you know, as a result of same-sex attraction? Has the moral foundation of the US crumbled as homosexuality has become more accepted in the last few decades? Is anyone hurt when two people of the same sex love each other? Can anything harmful be blamed specifically on same sex attraction?

Yeah, AIDS is more easily spread through anal sex. But unprotected sex (and other fluid sharing activities) is the real culprit of AIDS transmission. If you blame gay people, then why aren't you campaigning against black people and sub-saharan africa as well? It's not the people, it's the unsafe activity.

Anyways, you're mind likely will not be changed as you have a likely unchangeable belief that being gay is wrong. Same as the people 60 years back who thought it was clearly wrong to integrate society, same as the slave owners who found it ridiculous to allow blacks any access to normal society.

Oh yeah, they were wrong back then, but you're not wrong this time. They're totally different. Yeah, right...

So I taske you support brothers and sisters marrying each other if they choose?


You support one groups right but say fuck it too others groups?
Well, the day your country stops interferring both politically and financially in the running of other countries, is the day I have no vested interest....let me know when that day happens. As I have already stated (and you have deliberately ignored) stfu about Iraq or Afganistan or Iran for that matter

Not going to happen.

The United States is a militaristic society that justifies its existence in the context of war.

But you knew that already.

No, it's called having the ability to discern between two different subjects.
You don't understand that. You and BigShit are neocon whackjobs.
We don't expect you to understand the nuances and subtlties that surround such issues...neither of you have the mental capacity to do so...

The discussion is about a person right too marry whom every they want too. Damn those consenting brothers and sisters for throwing a can of worms into the mix.

The slippery slope fallacy has long been used by everyone trying to outlaw the expansion of civil rights to new groups (Women, black people etc...). Funny thing is, the worst case scenarios never seem to pan out.

But people keep saying "if two men can marry, then why not a man and a dog, or two siblings?"

Well, unlike with homosexuality (of which there is mountains and mountains of evidence that it is an unchangeable, pre-determined trait (as agrees every major psychological association in North America and Europe) there is no evidence that people are born with a sexual orientation that limits them to only being attracted to their family members, or to animals. There are no groups of people campaigning for the right to sleep with animals or their own family. In fact, there has never been any movement to do such. There is not a shred of scientific evidence that such people exist.

So what exactly do you think should happen to gay people? If you say "make them straight" then you must know that is impossible if you do any research into objective science ("Scientists" who work for strongly religious groups are not in any way objective and can "prove" a myriad of things that are false). "Ex-gays" have been proven to be false time and time again, and by the omission of leaders who used to run such organizations (look up Exodus, the original ex-gay group).

So, since they can't change their sexuality, now what? Force them into a life of abstinence? Kill them? Really, what should be done with them?

Has any harm come upon you, or anyone you know, as a result of same-sex attraction? Has the moral foundation of the US crumbled as homosexuality has become more accepted in the last few decades? Is anyone hurt when two people of the same sex love each other? Can anything harmful be blamed specifically on same sex attraction?

Yeah, AIDS is more easily spread through anal sex. But unprotected sex (and other fluid sharing activities) is the real culprit of AIDS transmission. If you blame gay people, then why aren't you campaigning against black people and sub-saharan africa as well? It's not the people, it's the unsafe activity.

Anyways, you're mind likely will not be changed as you have a likely unchangeable belief that being gay is wrong. Same as the people 60 years back who thought it was clearly wrong to integrate society, same as the slave owners who found it ridiculous to allow blacks any access to normal society.

Oh yeah, they were wrong back then, but you're not wrong this time. They're totally different. Yeah, right...

The slippery slope fallacy has long been used by everyone trying to outlaw the expansion of civil rights to new groups (Women, black people etc...). Funny thing is, the worst case scenarios never seem to pan out. But people keep saying "if two men can marry, then why not a man and a dog, or two siblings?"

the worst case scenarios? That would be gays wanting to marry then family members allowed to marry yes once you start giving rights you cannot restrict others of the same right.

Well, unlike with homosexuality (of which there is mountains and mountains of evidence that it is an unchangeable, pre-determined trait (as agrees every major psychological association in North America and Europe) there is no evidence that people are born with a sexual orientation that limits them to only being attracted to their family members

Smooth move there ajax way to slide around the issue. Gays are gay by choice their is no gay gene,

There are no groups of people campaigning for the right to sleep with animals or their own family. In fact, there has never been any movement to do such. There is not a shred of scientific evidence that such people exist.

Do they have too campaign for the right or would their action say that's what they want?

A Brother & Sister Want To Get Married? Find Out The Whole Story On Eddie & Jobo’s What Are You In For?

A Man and His Horse
In what some call a denial of a basic civil right, a Missouri man has been told he may not marry his long-term companion. Although his situation is unique, the logic of his argument is remarkably similar to that employed by advocates of homosexual marriage.
The man claims that the essential elements of marriage--love and commitment--are indeed present:"She's gorgeous. She's sweet. She's loving. I'm very proud of her. ... Deep down, way down, I'd love to have children with her."1
Why is the state of Missouri, as well as the federal government, displaying such heartlessness in denying the holy bonds of wedlock to this man and his would-be "wife"?
It seems the state of Missouri is not prepared to indulge a man who waxes eloquent about his love for a 22-year-old mare named Pixel.
The Slippery Slope of Same-Sex 'Marriage'

Yeah, AIDS is more easily spread through anal sex. But unprotected sex (and other fluid sharing activities) is the real culprit of AIDS transmission. If you blame gay people, then why aren't you campaigning against black people and sub-saharan africa as well? It's not the people, it's the unsafe activity.

What group of people was first hit when aids was first report in America?

Anyways, you're mind likely will not be changed as you have a likely unchangeable belief that being gay is wrong. Same as the people 60 years back who thought it was clearly wrong to integrate society, same as the slave owners who found it ridiculous to allow blacks any access to normal society.

Playing the race card? So you support brothers and sisters getting married?
America would be one of the easiest societies on this planet to understand. As for not having anything invested in the USA, well your govt has made a lie of that....

Do you pay taxes here? Are you a citizen here?

Neither of which have anything to do with whether I understand your country or not..

Do you pay taxes in Iraq? Afghanistan? Europe?
You ever made posts on those places?

If so, shut the fuck up. Talk about hypocrisy....
No....You shut the fuck up..
BTW,,,,I see you've decided to post a photo of your "partner" in your avatar.
Neither of which have anything to do with whether I understand your country or not..

Do you pay taxes in Iraq? Afghanistan? Europe?
You ever made posts on those places?

If so, shut the fuck up. Talk about hypocrisy....

Since you have nothing invested in America your opinion os issues that are America's has no merit.

Well, the day your country stops interferring both politically and financially in the running of other countries, is the day I have no vested interest....let me know when that day happens. As I have already stated (and you have deliberately ignored) stfu about Iraq or Afganistan or Iran for that matter.

Outsida a that, what a piss weak argument. You might as well put up the white flag now...
Interfering? Ok fine. The next time one of your candy assed little socialist enclaves needs help, go fuck yourself.
I am sick of bailing out you ingrates then have you piss all over us.
Fuck you.
You want your protection and financial security provided by the US. Then you have the gall to question the manner in which that security is provided.
Fine, we'll pull our troops out and close our military installations. But the trade off is, don't call. Don't write. Don't email. Don't ask. If the God damned Russians, Chinese or one of those Islamist fuckwad countries want to bend your country over a table and give you the old high hard one right in the brown pucker, don't you dare scream to us for help.
Since you have nothing invested in America your opinion os issues that are America's has no merit.

Well, the day your country stops interferring both politically and financially in the running of other countries, is the day I have no vested interest....let me know when that day happens. As I have already stated (and you have deliberately ignored) stfu about Iraq or Afganistan or Iran for that matter.

Outsida a that, what a piss weak argument. You might as well put up the white flag now...
Interfering? Ok fine. The next time one of your candy assed little socialist enclaves needs help, go fuck yourself.
I am sick of bailing out you ingrates then have you piss all over us.
Fuck you.
You want your protection and financial security provided by the US. Then you have the gall to question the manner in which that security is provided.
Fine, we'll pull our troops out and close our military installations. But the trade off is, don't call. Don't write. Don't email. Don't ask. If the God damned Russians, Chinese or one of those Islamist fuckwad countries want to bend your country over a table and give you the old high hard one right in the brown pucker, don't you dare scream to us for help.

Second melt I've seen in five minutes.

Well, the day your country stops interferring both politically and financially in the running of other countries, is the day I have no vested interest....let me know when that day happens. As I have already stated (and you have deliberately ignored) stfu about Iraq or Afganistan or Iran for that matter.

Outsida a that, what a piss weak argument. You might as well put up the white flag now...
Interfering? Ok fine. The next time one of your candy assed little socialist enclaves needs help, go fuck yourself.
I am sick of bailing out you ingrates then have you piss all over us.
Fuck you.
You want your protection and financial security provided by the US. Then you have the gall to question the manner in which that security is provided.
Fine, we'll pull our troops out and close our military installations. But the trade off is, don't call. Don't write. Don't email. Don't ask. If the God damned Russians, Chinese or one of those Islamist fuckwad countries want to bend your country over a table and give you the old high hard one right in the brown pucker, don't you dare scream to us for help.

Second melt I've seen in five minutes.

You are about as intelligent as your cartoon character avatar.
No check that....The cartoon has to spot you the first 15 questions in an idiot test.
As if all the troubles our country is having are suddenly solved and the most important matter now is our president's stance in gay marriage.
To save the nation all we have to do is end gay marriage, unseat Obama with Mitt Romney, Liberate Iran from Imams, listen to more Fox News and blame more liberals. we do those and we thrive. we fail and were doomed.
Marriage is between a man and a woman. You can call your demented abomination whatever you want - I would fight for your right to do so, but it is what it is. Marriage is made in heaven, homosexuality is evil.
The queers want to make a mockery of something sacred. Marriage produces life, homosexuality produces death.
Do you pay taxes here? Are you a citizen here?

Neither of which have anything to do with whether I understand your country or not..

Do you pay taxes in Iraq? Afghanistan? Europe?
You ever made posts on those places?

If so, shut the fuck up. Talk about hypocrisy....
No....You shut the fuck up..
BTW,,,,I see you've decided to post a photo of your "partner" in your avatar.

Fuck you're a fantastic debater Spoonie..

No, you are! Really!!
Since you have nothing invested in America your opinion os issues that are America's has no merit.

Well, the day your country stops interferring both politically and financially in the running of other countries, is the day I have no vested interest....let me know when that day happens. As I have already stated (and you have deliberately ignored) stfu about Iraq or Afganistan or Iran for that matter.

Outsida a that, what a piss weak argument. You might as well put up the white flag now...
Interfering? Ok fine. The next time one of your candy assed little socialist enclaves needs help, go fuck yourself.
I am sick of bailing out you ingrates then have you piss all over us.
Fuck you.
You want your protection and financial security provided by the US. Then you have the gall to question the manner in which that security is provided.
Fine, we'll pull our troops out and close our military installations. But the trade off is, don't call. Don't write. Don't email. Don't ask. If the God damned Russians, Chinese or one of those Islamist fuckwad countries want to bend your country over a table and give you the old high hard one right in the brown pucker, don't you dare scream to us for help.

1) we have never needed your help
2) You kept us out of ANZUS when we told you to blow your nukes out your arse, so what protection are you talking about
3) You have never bailed us out of jack
4) Please do close your military installations...that would be fantastic. you don't have any in NZ, but those in Europe and Japan could be shut down.
5) I cannot think of one situation where we would need your help, or such an event happening.
6) By the way, I now live in Australia. You may thank my brothers and sisters in Australia for allowing the recently announced marine base to operate in Darwin AT YOUR GOVT's REQUEST...
7) Some advice, before posting, know what you are talking about. Being a typical neocon whackjob loser what you think a situation is, and what it actually is, are two different things.
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