If you are agaianst gay marriage, you're a BIGOT!

There is so much hypocrisy in this thread it's so thick you can cut it with a knife. The defenders of gay marriage can't defend the rights of a brother and sister marring each other, and think it's changing the subject when you ask the question.

They are two different issues, numbnuts. I am not surprised you cannot see that....being thick as pig shit as you are...

How in the fuck is it a different issue stupid?
If there is a right to marry everybody has a right to marry whom ever they choose. That is set in stone.
No connection.

If gays have a right to marry brothers and sisters also have the same right.
Yes there is a connection

Nope. If you have to change the subject, you've lost.

And you changed the subject.

No he didn't
Your side has on numerous occasions that no one has the right to restrict the rights of two consenting adults. As it applies to marriage.
That is your side's position. A position from which your side cannot escape.
It's called opening the proverbial can of worms.
Alright people let's end this shit.

If you can support the "RIGHTS" of gays to marry you must also support the rights of brothers and sisters , Father daughters mothers and sons rights to marry each other. If you cannot support these right shut the fuck up and move along.

No you don't have to at all...another logical fallacy. And if brothers and sisters do want to marry that is their business. It's a bat shit crazy thing to do, and repulsive, but hey, who are we to stop consenting adults doing what they do....
Dude, you can't just shut somebody out of the conversation because they're not from these parts.

Who's trying to shut him up? I said you can't debate a foreigner about American issues since they have nothing invested in America nor do they have any concept of what life is like here in America.

America would be one of the easiest societies on this planet to understand. As for not having anything invested in the USA, well your govt has made a lie of that....

Do you pay taxes here? Are you a citizen here?
Change what subject? Were talking about the right too marry? Don't brothers and sisters have a right to merry each other if they so choose?

Your ignorance of fundamental Constitutional principles is very disconcerting, however. It’s chilling to consider there are many more like you out there, harboring the same ignorance and hate.

He was born to hate...

Funny thing is, he's one of these flag-waving, "give me my freedom", "you can't touch my guns", "I have the right to pursue happiness", "patriots", but in truth he's just another windbag with despotic tendencies.

Not lost on me either that he claims I know nothing about 'his' country, when it seems I am more versed in its principles than he is....

But, he's a moron...whatcha gonna do...:cool:
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There is so much hypocrisy in this thread it's so thick you can cut it with a knife. The defenders of gay marriage can't defend the rights of a brother and sister marring each other, and think it's changing the subject when you ask the question.

They are two different issues, numbnuts. I am not surprised you cannot see that....being thick as pig shit as you are...

How in the fuck is it a different issue stupid?
If there is a right to marry everybody has a right to marry whom ever they choose. That is set in stone.

Nope. There are age limits for a start....
Who's trying to shut him up? I said you can't debate a foreigner about American issues since they have nothing invested in America nor do they have any concept of what life is like here in America.

America would be one of the easiest societies on this planet to understand. As for not having anything invested in the USA, well your govt has made a lie of that....

Do you pay taxes here? Are you a citizen here?

Neither of which have anything to do with whether I understand your country or not..

Do you pay taxes in Iraq? Afghanistan? Europe?
You ever made posts on those places?

If so, shut the fuck up. Talk about hypocrisy....
Your ignorance of fundamental Constitutional principles is very disconcerting, however. It’s chilling to consider there are many more like you out there, harboring the same ignorance and hate.

Ignorance? brothers and sisters are consenting adults do they have a right to marry one another if they so choose?

The gay marriage supporters cannot circumvent these points. So they insult, obfuscate, chuck duck and dive.

No, it's called having the ability to discern between two different subjects.
You don't understand that. You and BigShit are neocon whackjobs.
We don't expect you to understand the nuances and subtlties that surround such issues...neither of you have the mental capacity to do so...
Alright people let's end this shit.

If you can support the "RIGHTS" of gays to marry you must also support the rights of brothers and sisters , Father daughters mothers and sons rights to marry each other. If you cannot support these right shut the fuck up and move along.

No you don't have to at all...another logical fallacy. And if brothers and sisters do want to marry that is their business. It's a bat shit crazy thing to do, and repulsive, but hey, who are we to stop consenting adults doing what they do....

Gay marriage is bat shit crazy and repulsive,

But as I said you aren't an American citizen your opinion has no merit to the issues that are of my country.
Now WHy did you PM finally come out in support of gay marriage? That is if your country is so open to gay marriage?
Ignorance? brothers and sisters are consenting adults do they have a right to marry one another if they so choose?

The gay marriage supporters cannot circumvent these points. So they insult, obfuscate, chuck duck and dive.

No, it's called having the ability to discern between two different subjects.
You don't understand that. You and BigShit are neocon whackjobs.
We don't expect you to understand the nuances and subtlties that surround such issues...neither of you have the mental capacity to do so...

The discussion is about a person right too marry whom every they want too. Damn those consenting brothers and sisters for throwing a can of worms into the mix.
America would be one of the easiest societies on this planet to understand. As for not having anything invested in the USA, well your govt has made a lie of that....

Do you pay taxes here? Are you a citizen here?

Neither of which have anything to do with whether I understand your country or not..

Do you pay taxes in Iraq? Afghanistan? Europe?
You ever made posts on those places?

If so, shut the fuck up. Talk about hypocrisy....

Since you have nothing invested in America your opinion os issues that are America's has no merit.
Alright people let's end this shit.

If you can support the "RIGHTS" of gays to marry you must also support the rights of brothers and sisters , Father daughters mothers and sons rights to marry each other. If you cannot support these right shut the fuck up and move along.

No you don't have to at all...another logical fallacy. And if brothers and sisters do want to marry that is their business. It's a bat shit crazy thing to do, and repulsive, but hey, who are we to stop consenting adults doing what they do....

Gay marriage is bat shit crazy and repulsive,

But as I said you aren't an American citizen your opinion has no merit to the issues that are of my country.
Now WHy did you PM finally come out in support of gay marriage? That is if your country is so open to gay marriage?

I agree the gay lifestyle is not for me, nor does the idea of two guys banging each other fill me with joy. But, it is NONE OF MY BUSINESS....you understand that yet?

I have already answered the question once. You are one lazy SOB ain't ya.....But I will say this...Good on him for doing so...sodomy is not illegal in NZ...
Do you pay taxes here? Are you a citizen here?

Neither of which have anything to do with whether I understand your country or not..

Do you pay taxes in Iraq? Afghanistan? Europe?
You ever made posts on those places?

If so, shut the fuck up. Talk about hypocrisy....

Since you have nothing invested in America your opinion os issues that are America's has no merit.

Well, the day your country stops interferring both politically and financially in the running of other countries, is the day I have no vested interest....let me know when that day happens. As I have already stated (and you have deliberately ignored) stfu about Iraq or Afganistan or Iran for that matter.

Outsida a that, what a piss weak argument. You might as well put up the white flag now...
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The gay marriage supporters cannot circumvent these points. So they insult, obfuscate, chuck duck and dive.

No, it's called having the ability to discern between two different subjects.
You don't understand that. You and BigShit are neocon whackjobs.
We don't expect you to understand the nuances and subtlties that surround such issues...neither of you have the mental capacity to do so...

The discussion is about a person right too marry whom every they want too. Damn those consenting brothers and sisters for throwing a can of worms into the mix.

Not a can of worms. Already said a brother and sister of consenting age should be allowed to marry. Bat shit crazy? Sure. But none of my business either....
If gays have a right to marry brothers and sisters also have the same right.
Yes there is a connection

Nope. If you have to change the subject, you've lost.

And you changed the subject.

Change what subject? Were talking about the right too marry? Don't brothers and sisters have a right to merry each other if they so choose?

Oh, they can "merry" each other til their eyes bleed.

They just can't wed.
No, it's called having the ability to discern between two different subjects.
You don't understand that. You and BigShit are neocon whackjobs.
We don't expect you to understand the nuances and subtlties that surround such issues...neither of you have the mental capacity to do so...

The discussion is about a person right too marry whom every they want too. Damn those consenting brothers and sisters for throwing a can of worms into the mix.

Not a can of worms. Already said a brother and sister of consenting age should be allowed to marry. Bat shit crazy? Sure. But none of my business either....

I'm sorry you're stuck on stupid.
There is so much hypocrisy in this thread it's so thick you can cut it with a knife. The defenders of gay marriage can't defend the rights of a brother and sister marring each other, and think it's changing the subject when you ask the question.

It is changing the subject. You have not REASON one to block SSM, and when called on every stupid ass excuse you make, you start babbling about siblings.
Alright people let's end this shit.

If you can support the "RIGHTS" of gays to marry you must also support the rights of brothers and sisters , Father daughters mothers and sons rights to marry each other. If you cannot support these right shut the fuck up and move along.

A brother/sister marriage is a marriage between a man and woman. People like you want marriage defined as between a man and a woman.

If you support one, you must support the other.

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