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If You Believe in Abortion You Are Not Catholic And Cannot Take Communion

If You Believe in Abortion You Are Not Catholic And Cannot Take Communion​

Why not? Not that I have a pig in this race but what specifically is the reasoning?

If a person privately supports abortion they shouldn't receive communion, but they wouldn't be denied because the sin would be between the person and God. One is supposed to be in a sinless state to receive the Eucharist, which for the majority would mean weekly confession.
The Church teaches abortion is a grave sin, one that can result in a person losing their salvation.

Right, so what teachings are specific to abortion?

It's in the book of numbers. 5:11 through 31.

In the book of numbers it gives instructions on how to perform an abortion.

However, the bible says nothing about prohibiting abortion.

The actual text does not mention a pregnancy at all. It simply states the woman's belly would swell and she would become sick.

Actually no. Numbers 5:21 to 22

21 here the priest is to put the woman under this curse—“may the Lord cause you to become a curse[b] among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell.22 May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”

“‘Then the woman is to say, “Amen. So be it.”

If You Believe in Abortion You Are Not Catholic And Cannot Take Communion​

Why not? Not that I have a pig in this race but what specifically is the reasoning?

If a person privately supports abortion they shouldn't receive communion, but they wouldn't be denied because the sin would be between the person and God. One is supposed to be in a sinless state to receive the Eucharist, which for the majority would mean weekly confession.
The Church teaches abortion is a grave sin, one that can result in a person losing their salvation.

Right, so what teachings are specific to abortion?

It's in the book of numbers. 5:11 through 31.

In the book of numbers it gives instructions on how to perform an abortion.

However, the bible says nothing about prohibiting abortion.

The actual text does not mention a pregnancy at all. It simply states the woman's belly would swell and she would become sick.

Actually no. Numbers 5:21 to 22

21 here the priest is to put the woman under this curse—“may the Lord cause you to become a curse[b] among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell.22 May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”

“‘Then the woman is to say, “Amen. So be it.”

21 Then the priest will put the woman under the oath of the curse and will say to the her, “The LORD make you an attested curse among your people, if the LORD makes your thigh fall away and your abdomen swell; 22 and this water that causes the curse will go into your stomach, and make your abdomen swell and your thigh rot.” Then the woman must say, “Amen, amen.”
I would reject your communion in a heartbeat. Yeah that would be the heartbeat of the child you want to MURDER!
Do you really think our VP should knuckle under to the kiddy diddling Catholic church? You're probably not even Catholic.
Born and raised. He should go with the Church. But he won't because he is a piece of shit. Either you're loyal or you're not. Baby murder is not Christian.
STFU you stupid idiot. A little over 50 years ago Kennedy gave a famous speech proclaiming that the church would not dictate policy to him. The separation of church and state is a fundamental aspect of the US Constitution, and yet here your stupid ass is, proclaiming that a church, the Catholic Church no less, should be dictating public policy, simply because you agree with one concept of the church's viewpoint. You might want to review the Catholic's church position on poverty. IF the church starts denying communion to politicians for positions they hold then Republicans should be at the front of the line. The no effort position against abortion does not exclude them from other church positions.

If catholic law dictated law in America, the death penalty would illegal.

That's just not true.

The Catholic Church doesn't execute people, but the tradition is to turn people over to the Secular authorities for punishment.

You can pretend that the Chair isn't allowed in the Catholic Church, but that doesn't make it true.
So why should religious doctrine determine domestic policy in a secular nation? If we let that happen we are no better than half the nations in the Mideast where religious leaders run the country.
Why should secularism rule? Do you think killing a developing human being is acceptable? OR do you think humans are on the same level as a cud chewing bovine?

So why should religious doctrine determine domestic policy in a secular nation? If we let that happen we are no better than half the nations in the Mideast where religious leaders run the country.

You don't get it , BT. The bishops of the RCC don't determine policy for the government.

They determine policy for the church and the requirements for church membership.

And if Sleepy Joe wants to be a member of the RCC in good standing, the bishops of the RCC have a right to enforce the rules. And Biden always has the option of quitting the RCC and joining with Episcopalianism , agnosticism, or other religion if he doesn't want to follow the rules.
I remember when I was over in the war and my wife and me would send tapes back and forth. My little girl sent me one and she said "daddy please come home alive." I sent her one back and I told her "baby girl you're dad is coming home...alive." You think I would abort her? No way dude. I kept my promise.

It's too bad we don't understand that the kids in other countries want the same thing.
So people in the United States of America are supposed to feel guilty? Fuck you.

Absolutely. You seem to be another that only pretends to be pro-life. Life doesn't end at birth.
Look you goddamn communist,life begins at inception and when a man and woman love each other he follows through with his manly obligation.

Firstly, how is this discussion related to communism? You're paranoid about them.

There is no scientific evidence to suggest life as we know it begins at conception.
You say it does because you want to close off any time available for an abortion because of your filthy religion.
You have no right to interfere with a woman's legal right to an abortion because you believe in some hideous God. You don't even have approval from your religion to say anything.
You are just another brain dead hypocritical godbother.

Of course life begins as conception. You might mean a distinct separate human life with a soul and all of that but scientifically there is zero question that a life begins at conception.

To note, the Supreme Court in RvW noted when it was indeed legal to interfere with a womans ability to abort. Now you did make the distinction "legal" which does restrict the argument to that but the reasoning was viability and that line has become shorter since 1973.

My belief of life's beginning is not similar to yours. I'll need proof from science to verify that and until then I'll dispute your religious reasons as being justification to not allow women cont rtol over their body.

I'll assume you are married for this exercise. Your wife would probably use contraception against the church's will.
How do you justify that to your God?
Are not not allowing the natural process of life to begin?

My reasons are not religious. It's a simple fact that there is a life. I'm not Catholic so I have no need to justify anything.

If you were an atheist, as you are suggesting, you would agree to give a woman her legal right.

What you call a fact of life doesn't align with that of research. Its your personal opinion and stop lying about your view does not come from religion.

How's that question about contraception? Bit if a curly one attempting to get out of that ay?
Sort of destroys all godbotherers position of obeying gods laws.

Please, no more silly views. Just facts.

I've never suggested I was an Atheist. I'm an though wasting my time.

Do you ever read what you write?
You said, my reasons are not religious.
How could that not be interpreted as an atheist as I "suggested".

I stated what it was. You say the product of conception is a rock or something similar. Whatever, your science is from somewhere unknown.

I never said there was science. I said I would like to see scientific evidence.

Again, I never "said" it was anything. It was you who said it was life.
You're not learning anything from this debate. The religious aspect has you on the back foot and I will say now, your statement regarding you view is not religious, is a lie. How does lying fit with your God?

Every time you reply I get another whack at you. Keep going.

LOL. You seem to be unable to explain what the product of conception is if not a life. A simply fact long taught in basic biology 101.

You're not laughing so why the silly bits. Grow up.

My explanation is I believe it is not life at conception and I've seen no evidence to prove it is. Maybe your biology teacher was a godbotherer also.
It's not a fact without evidence.

You need to retake basic biology.

I probably do but at this point all you have is your filthy religion.
Let me tell you something fuckface... My religion is complete and is true. I'm a 100% all in fells.

You're swearing doesn't intimidate me boy. You're just another delusional godbotherer who thinks he's going to heaven. Next you'll be telling me I'm going to hell.

As for your religion being complete.
Your right. Complete bullshit.
You've been conned son.
You keep the faith and the pastors etc, will keep the money. Sucker.
If a I did see you
face-to-face you would regret that communist. I would stomp your ass into a mud hole.

Dream on boy. You don't intimidate me.
You've got no guts if you follow a religion. Blaming some ghost for your bad luck etc. Some tough guy you capitalist prick.
So why should religious doctrine determine domestic policy in a secular nation? If we let that happen we are no better than half the nations in the Mideast where religious leaders run the country.
Why should secularism rule? Do you think killing a developing human being is acceptable? OR do you think humans are on the same level as a cud chewing bovine?
I believe allowing the owner of the baby factory the choice to terminate a developing fetus as opposed to forcing her to bring a new life into the world, and the science to safely do that, while persevering the baby factory for future use, sets us apart from all the other animals in natures kingdom.
"Next time I go to Church, I dare you to deny me Communion," Lieu tweeted.

Or you'll do what?
You have no right to call yourself a Christian if you support baby murder.

You have your beliefs and I have mine...

Look how I am not imposing my beliefs on to you but you want to use the Government to force others into your beliefs...

I will also point out the Jesus never made a reference to abortion even though it was common practice in the areas during his time.

But what he did say was "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's"

So as a good Christian, I have my beliefs about abortion, but I don't want to impose them onto others. This is what Christ told us to do... It is very clear...

So how about you being a good Christian....

Actually, the Religious Left DOES impose its beliefs on people all the time. Forces people to accept its dogmas concerning abortion and gay marriage, among others.

The RCC is a private outfit, and if they want to kick someone out, who is the government, who is the media, to say they shouldn't be allowed to?

Nobody can be said to be forcing people to accept any "dogmas" regarding abortion or same-sex marriage inasmuch as no one is forcing anyone to have an abortion or to marry someone of the same sex. Leaving these decisions up to the individual is not forcing anything on anybody.

The boys who run the RCC are sending a message to voters to reject the candidacies of RCC candidates unless the voter agrees with the opinions that these boys put forth. These guys are free to kick anyone out of their club that they want to. But actions have consequences.
Yeah, imo Liu's response was a little off. Of course the bishops are hypocritical in not opposing Trumps pushing executions, and then decrying Biden's pro choice. And catholic membership and declines in attendance show it. But the Bishops showed more concern for pedophile priests than children. In a society where children are prey, who can condemn women who cannot raise children but who are pregnant?

Is Trump Catholic? As far as I'm aware he is nothing. If Trump isn't Catholic and has no intention of taking part in the Catholic rituals there would be nothing hypocritical .
Bill Barr is. But that wasn't the point of my post. The point was Liu was a little off base criticizing the Bishops over Trump, which I think was you point. Thanks for agreeing with me, btw (-:

to be clear, the bishops are hypocrites for not calling out catholic pols who do not support a living wage for parents, catholic pols who support the DP, cath pols who don't support fighting climate change, cath pols who don't support universal HC.....
So why should religious doctrine determine domestic policy in a secular nation? If we let that happen we are no better than half the nations in the Mideast where religious leaders run the country.
Why should secularism rule? Do you think killing a developing human being is acceptable? OR do you think humans are on the same level as a cud chewing bovine?
I believe allowing the owner of the baby factory the choice to terminate a developing fetus as opposed to forcing her to bring a new life into the world, and the science to safely do that, while persevering the baby factory for future use, sets us apart from all the other animals in natures kingdom.
If the bishops were not hypocrites, they'd call out every catholic poll who doesn't support social programs that would eliminate fear of being able to care for a child and fear of a spouse from ever being a reason for abortion.
So why should religious doctrine determine domestic policy in a secular nation? If we let that happen we are no better than half the nations in the Mideast where religious leaders run the country.
Why should secularism rule? Do you think killing a developing human being is acceptable? OR do you think humans are on the same level as a cud chewing bovine?
I believe allowing the owner of the baby factory the choice to terminate a developing fetus as opposed to forcing her to bring a new life into the world, and the science to safely do that, while persevering the baby factory for future use, sets us apart from all the other animals in natures kingdom.
If the bishops were not hypocrites, they'd call out every catholic poll who doesn't support social programs that would eliminate fear of being able to care for a child and fear of a spouse from ever being a reason for abortion.

Not necessarily.

Not all bishops are in favor of a massive welfare state. Further, government giveaway programs aren't a Catholic dogma. If you read your bible, when confronting lepers, Christ healed them directly as a private citizen. He didn't preach to them and advise them to petition Tiberius for a program.
So why should religious doctrine determine domestic policy in a secular nation? If we let that happen we are no better than half the nations in the Mideast where religious leaders run the country.
Why should secularism rule? Do you think killing a developing human being is acceptable? OR do you think humans are on the same level as a cud chewing bovine?
I believe allowing the owner of the baby factory the choice to terminate a developing fetus as opposed to forcing her to bring a new life into the world, and the science to safely do that, while persevering the baby factory for future use, sets us apart from all the other animals in natures kingdom.
If the bishops were not hypocrites, they'd call out every catholic poll who doesn't support social programs that would eliminate fear of being able to care for a child and fear of a spouse from ever being a reason for abortion.

Not necessarily.

Not all bishops are in favor of a massive welfare state. Further, government giveaway programs aren't a Catholic dogma. If you read your bible, when confronting lepers, Christ healed them directly as a private citizen. He didn't preach to them and advise them to petition Tiberius for a program.
The Catholic Church sets doctrine. If there's no picking and choosing with Biden, they're fucking child raping hypocrites in skirts.
"Next time I go to Church, I dare you to deny me Communion," Lieu tweeted.

Or you'll do what?
You have no right to call yourself a Christian if you support baby murder.

You have your beliefs and I have mine...

Look how I am not imposing my beliefs on to you but you want to use the Government to force others into your beliefs...

I will also point out the Jesus never made a reference to abortion even though it was common practice in the areas during his time.

But what he did say was "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's"

So as a good Christian, I have my beliefs about abortion, but I don't want to impose them onto others. This is what Christ told us to do... It is very clear...

So how about you being a good Christian....

Actually, the Religious Left DOES impose its beliefs on people all the time. Forces people to accept its dogmas concerning abortion and gay marriage, among others.

The RCC is a private outfit, and if they want to kick someone out, who is the government, who is the media, to say they shouldn't be allowed to?

Nobody can be said to be forcing people to accept any "dogmas" regarding abortion or same-sex marriage inasmuch as no one is forcing anyone to have an abortion or to marry someone of the same sex. Leaving these decisions up to the individual is not forcing anything on anybody.

The boys who run the RCC are sending a message to voters to reject the candidacies of RCC candidates unless the voter agrees with the opinions that these boys put forth. These guys are free to kick anyone out of their club that they want to. But actions have consequences.
Yeah, imo Liu's response was a little off. Of course the bishops are hypocritical in not opposing Trumps pushing executions, and then decrying Biden's pro choice. And catholic membership and declines in attendance show it. But the Bishops showed more concern for pedophile priests than children. In a society where children are prey, who can condemn women who cannot raise children but who are pregnant?

Is Trump Catholic? As far as I'm aware he is nothing. If Trump isn't Catholic and has no intention of taking part in the Catholic rituals there would be nothing hypocritical .
Bill Barr is. But that wasn't the point of my post. The point was Liu was a little off base criticizing the Bishops over Trump, which I think was you point. Thanks for agreeing with me, btw (-:

to be clear, the bishops are hypocrites for not calling out catholic pols who do not support a living wage for parents, catholic pols who support the DP, cath pols who don't support fighting climate change, cath pols who don't support universal HC.....

There are Catholics that do that but I agree, many don't and IMO it's every bit as important as what they do complain about.

If You Believe in Abortion You Are Not Catholic And Cannot Take Communion​

Why not? Not that I have a pig in this race but what specifically is the reasoning?

If a person privately supports abortion they shouldn't receive communion, but they wouldn't be denied because the sin would be between the person and God. One is supposed to be in a sinless state to receive the Eucharist, which for the majority would mean weekly confession.
The Church teaches abortion is a grave sin, one that can result in a person losing their salvation.

Right, so what teachings are specific to abortion?

It's in the book of numbers. 5:11 through 31.

In the book of numbers it gives instructions on how to perform an abortion.

However, the bible says nothing about prohibiting abortion.

The actual text does not mention a pregnancy at all. It simply states the woman's belly would swell and she would become sick.

Actually no. Numbers 5:21 to 22

21 here the priest is to put the woman under this curse—“may the Lord cause you to become a curse[b] among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell.22 May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”

“‘Then the woman is to say, “Amen. So be it.”

21 Then the priest will put the woman under the oath of the curse and will say to the her, “The LORD make you an attested curse among your people, if the LORD makes your thigh fall away and your abdomen swell; 22 and this water that causes the curse will go into your stomach, and make your abdomen swell and your thigh rot.” Then the woman must say, “Amen, amen.”

There are so many different translations of the bible.

The translation I have read all my life is the one I posted.

I guess it just depends on the bible translation.
I would reject your communion in a heartbeat. Yeah that would be the heartbeat of the child you want to MURDER!
Do you really think our VP should knuckle under to the kiddy diddling Catholic church? You're probably not even Catholic.
Born and raised. He should go with the Church. But he won't because he is a piece of shit. Either you're loyal or you're not. Baby murder is not Christian.
STFU you stupid idiot. A little over 50 years ago Kennedy gave a famous speech proclaiming that the church would not dictate policy to him. The separation of church and state is a fundamental aspect of the US Constitution, and yet here your stupid ass is, proclaiming that a church, the Catholic Church no less, should be dictating public policy, simply because you agree with one concept of the church's viewpoint. You might want to review the Catholic's church position on poverty. IF the church starts denying communion to politicians for positions they hold then Republicans should be at the front of the line. The no effort position against abortion does not exclude them from other church positions.

If catholic law dictated law in America, the death penalty would illegal.

That's just not true.

The Catholic Church doesn't execute people, but the tradition is to turn people over to the Secular authorities for punishment.

You can pretend that the Chair isn't allowed in the Catholic Church, but that doesn't make it true.

Can you read?

I clearly posted if catholic law dictated law in America the death penalty would be illegal.

If catholic law dictated law in America there would be no secular authorities. the catholic church would be the authority. If catholic law dictated our laws America wouldn't be a secular nation and there would be no secular authorities.

I'm not surprised I have to explain it to you.

How do you get through life being that stupid?

So why should religious doctrine determine domestic policy in a secular nation? If we let that happen we are no better than half the nations in the Mideast where religious leaders run the country.

You don't get it , BT. The bishops of the RCC don't determine policy for the government.

They determine policy for the church and the requirements for church membership.

And if Sleepy Joe wants to be a member of the RCC in good standing, the bishops of the RCC have a right to enforce the rules. And Biden always has the option of quitting the RCC and joining with Episcopalianism , agnosticism, or other religion if he doesn't want to follow the rules.
I remember when I was over in the war and my wife and me would send tapes back and forth. My little girl sent me one and she said "daddy please come home alive." I sent her one back and I told her "baby girl you're dad is coming home...alive." You think I would abort her? No way dude. I kept my promise.

It's too bad we don't understand that the kids in other countries want the same thing.
So people in the United States of America are supposed to feel guilty? Fuck you.

Absolutely. You seem to be another that only pretends to be pro-life. Life doesn't end at birth.
Look you goddamn communist,life begins at inception and when a man and woman love each other he follows through with his manly obligation.

Firstly, how is this discussion related to communism? You're paranoid about them.

There is no scientific evidence to suggest life as we know it begins at conception.
You say it does because you want to close off any time available for an abortion because of your filthy religion.
You have no right to interfere with a woman's legal right to an abortion because you believe in some hideous God. You don't even have approval from your religion to say anything.
You are just another brain dead hypocritical godbother.

Of course life begins as conception. You might mean a distinct separate human life with a soul and all of that but scientifically there is zero question that a life begins at conception.

To note, the Supreme Court in RvW noted when it was indeed legal to interfere with a womans ability to abort. Now you did make the distinction "legal" which does restrict the argument to that but the reasoning was viability and that line has become shorter since 1973.

My belief of life's beginning is not similar to yours. I'll need proof from science to verify that and until then I'll dispute your religious reasons as being justification to not allow women cont rtol over their body.

I'll assume you are married for this exercise. Your wife would probably use contraception against the church's will.
How do you justify that to your God?
Are not not allowing the natural process of life to begin?

My reasons are not religious. It's a simple fact that there is a life. I'm not Catholic so I have no need to justify anything.

If you were an atheist, as you are suggesting, you would agree to give a woman her legal right.

What you call a fact of life doesn't align with that of research. Its your personal opinion and stop lying about your view does not come from religion.

How's that question about contraception? Bit if a curly one attempting to get out of that ay?
Sort of destroys all godbotherers position of obeying gods laws.

Please, no more silly views. Just facts.

I've never suggested I was an Atheist. I'm an though wasting my time.

Do you ever read what you write?
You said, my reasons are not religious.
How could that not be interpreted as an atheist as I "suggested".

I stated what it was. You say the product of conception is a rock or something similar. Whatever, your science is from somewhere unknown.

I never said there was science. I said I would like to see scientific evidence.

Again, I never "said" it was anything. It was you who said it was life.
You're not learning anything from this debate. The religious aspect has you on the back foot and I will say now, your statement regarding you view is not religious, is a lie. How does lying fit with your God?

Every time you reply I get another whack at you. Keep going.

LOL. You seem to be unable to explain what the product of conception is if not a life. A simply fact long taught in basic biology 101.

You're not laughing so why the silly bits. Grow up.

My explanation is I believe it is not life at conception and I've seen no evidence to prove it is. Maybe your biology teacher was a godbotherer also.
It's not a fact without evidence.

You need to retake basic biology.

I probably do but at this point all you have is your filthy religion.
Let me tell you something fuckface... My religion is complete and is true. I'm a 100% all in fells.

You're swearing doesn't intimidate me boy. You're just another delusional godbotherer who thinks he's going to heaven. Next you'll be telling me I'm going to hell.

As for your religion being complete.
Your right. Complete bullshit.
You've been conned son.
You keep the faith and the pastors etc, will keep the money. Sucker.
If a I did see you
face-to-face you would regret that communist. I would stomp your ass into a mud hole.
I got to tell you, you are a long way from a Christian. But you keep on deluding yourself.

I got to tell you, you're as far from being someone who gets to make that determination as it's possible to be. But you keep on flattering yourself.

If You Believe in Abortion You Are Not Catholic And Cannot Take Communion​

Why not? Not that I have a pig in this race but what specifically is the reasoning?

If a person privately supports abortion they shouldn't receive communion, but they wouldn't be denied because the sin would be between the person and God. One is supposed to be in a sinless state to receive the Eucharist, which for the majority would mean weekly confession.
The Church teaches abortion is a grave sin, one that can result in a person losing their salvation.

Right, so what teachings are specific to abortion?

It's in the book of numbers. 5:11 through 31.

In the book of numbers it gives instructions on how to perform an abortion.

However, the bible says nothing about prohibiting abortion.

The actual text does not mention a pregnancy at all. It simply states the woman's belly would swell and she would become sick.

Actually no. Numbers 5:21 to 22

21 here the priest is to put the woman under this curse—“may the Lord cause you to become a curse[b] among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell.22 May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”

“‘Then the woman is to say, “Amen. So be it.”

21 Then the priest will put the woman under the oath of the curse and will say to the her, “The LORD make you an attested curse among your people, if the LORD makes your thigh fall away and your abdomen swell; 22 and this water that causes the curse will go into your stomach, and make your abdomen swell and your thigh rot.” Then the woman must say, “Amen, amen.”

There are so many different translations of the bible.

The translation I have read all my life is the one I posted.

I guess it just depends on the bible translation.
There are so many different translations of the bible.

The translation I have read all my life is the one I posted.

I guess it just depends on the bible translation.
That’s the problem for me with religion.
Can there and should there even be translations of the word of god?
Pretty convoluted instructions from the cat who ordered the quantum universe.

If You Believe in Abortion You Are Not Catholic And Cannot Take Communion​

Why not? Not that I have a pig in this race but what specifically is the reasoning?

If a person privately supports abortion they shouldn't receive communion, but they wouldn't be denied because the sin would be between the person and God. One is supposed to be in a sinless state to receive the Eucharist, which for the majority would mean weekly confession.
The Church teaches abortion is a grave sin, one that can result in a person losing their salvation.

Right, so what teachings are specific to abortion?

It's in the book of numbers. 5:11 through 31.

In the book of numbers it gives instructions on how to perform an abortion.

However, the bible says nothing about prohibiting abortion.

The actual text does not mention a pregnancy at all. It simply states the woman's belly would swell and she would become sick.

Actually no. Numbers 5:21 to 22

21 here the priest is to put the woman under this curse—“may the Lord cause you to become a curse[b] among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell.22 May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”

“‘Then the woman is to say, “Amen. So be it.”

21 Then the priest will put the woman under the oath of the curse and will say to the her, “The LORD make you an attested curse among your people, if the LORD makes your thigh fall away and your abdomen swell; 22 and this water that causes the curse will go into your stomach, and make your abdomen swell and your thigh rot.” Then the woman must say, “Amen, amen.”

There are so many different translations of the bible.

The translation I have read all my life is the one I posted.

I guess it just depends on the bible translation.
There are so many different translations of the bible.

The translation I have read all my life is the one I posted.

I guess it just depends on the bible translation.
That’s the problem for me with religion.
Can there and should there even be translations of the word of god?

Of course there can be translations of the Word of God. Do you know the original Hebrew and Greek?
I would reject your communion in a heartbeat. Yeah that would be the heartbeat of the child you want to MURDER!
Do you really think our VP should knuckle under to the kiddy diddling Catholic church? You're probably not even Catholic.
Born and raised. He should go with the Church. But he won't because he is a piece of shit. Either you're loyal or you're not. Baby murder is not Christian.
It depends on the situation doesn't. If a woman aborts her pregnancy she's a cold blooded murderer but if we kill some kids in an airstrike in some war zone we just calmly dismiss it as an unavoidable part of war, collateral damage..no big deal.
Don't even try to compare the two. A baby in a womb is innocent. When we launch airstrikes against the enemies of liberty it's because they are complete assholes.
I would reject your communion in a heartbeat. Yeah that would be the heartbeat of the child you want to MURDER!
Do you really think our VP should knuckle under to the kiddy diddling Catholic church? You're probably not even Catholic.
Born and raised. He should go with the Church. But he won't because he is a piece of shit. Either you're loyal or you're not. Baby murder is not Christian.

Abortion is not “baby murder”. A baby is alive and breathing. Genesis, the first book of the Bible, says that when Adam was fully formed, God breathed life into him. Life begins at the first breath.

According to the Catholic Church, a baby in the womb is not innocent either. It carries the mark of “original sin”. The child cannot be considered innocent until it has been baptized. An unbaptized infant cannot be buried in a Catholic cemetery.

I find it laughable when Republicans talk about saving innocent babies. These are the people who vote against universal healthcare. You have the highest rate of maternal deaths in childbirth and infant mortality in the first year of life, in the first world. I don’t hear Republicans talking about these issues, or doing anything to reduce the number of women and babies who are dying.

These women and their children are loved and wanted but you don’t even talk about them, or saving them or even helping them. You only talk about saving the “unborn”. That’s why no one takes you seriously. Real babies and their mothers are dying and you don’t care but these imaginary “innocent children in the womb” must be saved.

When you start caring about real babies and their mothers who are dying, I’ll take you seriously on the abortion matter.

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