If you could remove or add to the constitution what would it be?

The proposed 28th amendment should be made a part of the US Constitution.


1) Congress can pass no law that does not apply to them, nor can they pass any law that applies only to them.

2) Congressional pay increases (including any monetary perks) must be passed by a popular vote. They can't vote on their own raises.

3) Balance the budget. Unless we are in a declared war, the budget must be balanced every year. And in wartime, any budgetary overages would apply strictly to wartime needs.

4) Term limits for every national level elected official.

5) Enact the Fair Tax Act.

6) Corporations are not people.

7) Lobbying will be treated as bribery.
I have a question for you on number three.
What do we cut to balance the budget?
Do we cut all welfare? Do we cut social security and Medicare?
Do we shut down all military bases out of the country thereby creating widespread unemployment here and abroad?

Our military budget is bloated. We could cut it by 1/3 and still be spending far more than any other nation.
But what exactly do you want to cut? Bases overseas? Bases here at home? Jets, tanks? Military payroll? Maintenance on nuclear weapons?

Even if we cut the military by a third that will still only drop our defe it not balance the budget.

Cut the bloat. The military can do that. But only if they are forced. Perhaps cut Halliburton's mess halls, forced laundry, ect ect.
So you really have no idea how you want to cut it you are just parroting things. Got it. If you cut outside contractors then you have to hire for those positions or due without. Are you suggesting that the military does without a mess or laundry or that we hire cooks servers and procurement officers? That we hire laundry help? I don't think that it would save the money you think it would since private companies are usually much more cost effective then government.

Are you suggesting that the military does without a mess or laundry or that we hire cooks servers and procurement officers? That we hire laundry help?

I retired from the service, and during my time military personnel took care of those chores.

No reason they can't now.
The proposed 28th amendment should be made a part of the US Constitution.


1) Congress can pass no law that does not apply to them, nor can they pass any law that applies only to them.

2) Congressional pay increases (including any monetary perks) must be passed by a popular vote. They can't vote on their own raises.

3) Balance the budget. Unless we are in a declared war, the budget must be balanced every year. And in wartime, any budgetary overages would apply strictly to wartime needs.

4) Term limits for every national level elected official.

5) Enact the Fair Tax Act.

6) Corporations are not people.

7) Lobbying will be treated as bribery.
I have a question for you on number three.
What do we cut to balance the budget?
Do we cut all welfare? Do we cut social security and Medicare?
Do we shut down all military bases out of the country thereby creating widespread unemployment here and abroad?

Our military budget is bloated. We could cut it by 1/3 and still be spending far more than any other nation.
And where would you make those cuts?

I would let the military decide. I would not cut the pay, benefits, or retirement of members of the military or veterans. But the spending must be reigned in.

Do a quick bit of research on the number of super carriers in the world.
Why not have the same benefits as a soldiers did the revolutionary war?

During the revolutionary war, many soldiers were not even paid.

Most soldiers were farmers. That is not the case now. Why do you defend the military's bloated budget, but want the actual soldiers & sailors to have their pay and benefits cut?
Fallacies,, name a solider not paid...

Yes the benefit is pride, I used to work with a Latino that said fuck the USA I only fought to get benefits.. shit pay for my education..

That shit needs to end along time ago. These Latino roaches sucking on my American tit.

the benefit is experience in job training... the colleges should give free rides. Politicians use benefits for votes you know this. Stop the crap.. look at Golfing Gator he maid a living off of the military welfare system.

They are already trying to live on substandard wages. Whether they joined to get the benefits or out of a sense of patriotism does not matter. They joined and they served.

Our military forces are increasingly high tech. You want to attract brighter soldiers, leave the pay and benefits alone, at least.
No I won’t,, don’t serve die off . Idk ppl that think like you need to be confronted .. anti Americans

What is more anti-American than wanting to cut pay and benefits for our soldiers?
Joining the military to use us for benefits, sicko

People have been joining the military because of the benefits for decades. It is how the military recruits new soldiers.

And regardless of WHY they join, they are still signing a check for up to and including their lives.
You think that a good thing? Ppl join for benefits? I’d rather die then pay to see people wearing the uniform with there pants hanging down disrespeting our country, then I have to pay for them to go to school ?

When have you EVER seen anyone in uniform wearing their pants hanging down? Shall I answer for you? Never.

Those people who join for the benefits (like training, college funds ect) are treated exactly the same as those who joined out of patriotism. They are no less willing to die for their country than anyone else who joined.
when I was Working inside the train station and the Navy would come to Boston you would see all the black segregated in a group and they would be wearing baggy clothes with your pants hanging down and it was a Navy uniform and it was absolutely fucking disgusting

Bullshit. They may have been wearing surplus military uniforms. But not any dress uniform with their pants hanging down.
I know what I saw.. I see it all the time.. open your eyes

My eyes are open. I have read too many of your lies to believe this one.
The proposed 28th amendment should be made a part of the US Constitution.


1) Congress can pass no law that does not apply to them, nor can they pass any law that applies only to them.

2) Congressional pay increases (including any monetary perks) must be passed by a popular vote. They can't vote on their own raises.

3) Balance the budget. Unless we are in a declared war, the budget must be balanced every year. And in wartime, any budgetary overages would apply strictly to wartime needs.

4) Term limits for every national level elected official.

5) Enact the Fair Tax Act.

6) Corporations are not people.

7) Lobbying will be treated as bribery.
I have a question for you on number three.
What do we cut to balance the budget?
Do we cut all welfare? Do we cut social security and Medicare?
Do we shut down all military bases out of the country thereby creating widespread unemployment here and abroad?

Our military budget is bloated. We could cut it by 1/3 and still be spending far more than any other nation.
But what exactly do you want to cut? Bases overseas? Bases here at home? Jets, tanks? Military payroll? Maintenance on nuclear weapons?

Even if we cut the military by a third that will still only drop our defe it not balance the budget.

Cut the bloat. The military can do that. But only if they are forced. Perhaps cut Halliburton's mess halls, forced laundry, ect ect.
So you really have no idea how you want to cut it you are just parroting things. Got it. If you cut outside contractors then you have to hire for those positions or due without. Are you suggesting that the military does without a mess or laundry or that we hire cooks servers and procurement officers? That we hire laundry help? I don't think that it would save the money you think it would since private companies are usually much more cost effective then government.

Are you suggesting that the military does without a mess or laundry or that we hire cooks servers and procurement officers? That we hire laundry help?

I retired from the service, and during my time military personnel took care of those chores.

No reason they can't now.
Thank you for your service!
I’d make the national vote majority
What age?

The same age as the requirement to register for selective service.

The main change there is I would require everyone, regardless of gender, to register.
What if they refuse

Then the punishment that exists now will suffice. If you do not register you are not eligible for federal student aid, job training, or a federal job. You can also be fine $250,000 and sent jail for up to 5 years.
Why bother? It clearly means nothing today.
It mean something to me I love the constitution!
Okay, but it is a dead letter. Our corrupt government through it away long ago.
Well I’m holding them accountable! Join the revolution! Do you have a fire arm?

Why would someone need a firearm to join the revolution?

Jitsie, why won't you answer this question?
I’d make the national vote majority
What age?

The same age as the requirement to register for selective service.

The main change there is I would require everyone, regardless of gender, to register.
What if they refuse

Then the punishment that exists now will suffice. If you do not register you are not eligible for federal student aid, job training, or a federal job. You can also be fine $250,000 and sent jail for up to 5 years.
Hahahah hahahah how many people have been fined $250,000 for not registering to vote and then put in jail for five years?? Hahaha
I’d make the national vote majority
What age?

The same age as the requirement to register for selective service.

The main change there is I would require everyone, regardless of gender, to register.
What if they refuse

Then the punishment that exists now will suffice. If you do not register you are not eligible for federal student aid, job training, or a federal job. You can also be fine $250,000 and sent jail for up to 5 years.
Hahahah hahahah how many people have been fined $250,000 for not registering to vote and then put in jail for five years?? Hahaha

Not many. The overwhelming majority register for selective service.

And I was talking about registering for selective service. If someone chooses not to register to vote, why would they be punished at all?
Why bother? It clearly means nothing today.
It mean something to me I love the constitution!
Okay, but it is a dead letter. Our corrupt government through it away long ago.
Well I’m holding them accountable! Join the revolution! Do you have a fire arm?

Why would someone need a firearm to join the revolution?

Jitsie, why won't you answer this question?

And you are still avoiding the question I asked.
I’d make the national vote majority
What age?

The same age as the requirement to register for selective service.

The main change there is I would require everyone, regardless of gender, to register.
What if they refuse

Then the punishment that exists now will suffice. If you do not register you are not eligible for federal student aid, job training, or a federal job. You can also be fine $250,000 and sent jail for up to 5 years.
Hahahah hahahah how many people have been fined $250,000 for not registering to vote and then put in jail for five years?? Hahaha

Not many. The overwhelming majority register for selective service.

And I was talking about registering for selective service. If someone chooses not to register to vote, why would they be punished at all?
That’s what I asked you lol
Why bother? It clearly means nothing today.
It mean something to me I love the constitution!
Okay, but it is a dead letter. Our corrupt government through it away long ago.
Well I’m holding them accountable! Join the revolution! Do you have a fire arm?

Why would someone need a firearm to join the revolution?

Jitsie, why won't you answer this question?

And you are still avoiding the question I asked.
To maintain peace
I’d make the national vote majority
What age?

The same age as the requirement to register for selective service.

The main change there is I would require everyone, regardless of gender, to register.
What if they refuse

Then the punishment that exists now will suffice. If you do not register you are not eligible for federal student aid, job training, or a federal job. You can also be fine $250,000 and sent jail for up to 5 years.
Hahahah hahahah how many people have been fined $250,000 for not registering to vote and then put in jail for five years?? Hahaha

Not many. The overwhelming majority register for selective service.

And I was talking about registering for selective service. If someone chooses not to register to vote, why would they be punished at all?
That’s what I asked you lol

You used the word "refuse". Since registering to vote is not, and never has been, mandatory, I thought you meant the selective service.

Refusing to register implies they are required to do so.
Why bother? It clearly means nothing today.
It mean something to me I love the constitution!
Okay, but it is a dead letter. Our corrupt government through it away long ago.
Well I’m holding them accountable! Join the revolution! Do you have a fire arm?

Why would someone need a firearm to join the revolution?

Jitsie, why won't you answer this question?

And you are still avoiding the question I asked.
To maintain peace

Who would not be peaceful in the face of the majority?
I’d make the national vote majority
What age?

The same age as the requirement to register for selective service.

The main change there is I would require everyone, regardless of gender, to register.
What if they refuse

Then the punishment that exists now will suffice. If you do not register you are not eligible for federal student aid, job training, or a federal job. You can also be fine $250,000 and sent jail for up to 5 years.
Hahahah hahahah how many people have been fined $250,000 for not registering to vote and then put in jail for five years?? Hahaha

Not many. The overwhelming majority register for selective service.

And I was talking about registering for selective service. If someone chooses not to register to vote, why would they be punished at all?
That’s what I asked you lol

You used the word "refuse". Since registering to vote is not, and never has been, mandatory, I thought you meant the selective service.

Refusing to register implies they are required to do so.
We were talking about voting not Registering for the military learn how to read
I’d make the national vote majority
What age?

The same age as the requirement to register for selective service.

The main change there is I would require everyone, regardless of gender, to register.
What if they refuse

Then the punishment that exists now will suffice. If you do not register you are not eligible for federal student aid, job training, or a federal job. You can also be fine $250,000 and sent jail for up to 5 years.
Hahahah hahahah how many people have been fined $250,000 for not registering to vote and then put in jail for five years?? Hahaha

Not many. The overwhelming majority register for selective service.

And I was talking about registering for selective service. If someone chooses not to register to vote, why would they be punished at all?
That’s what I asked you lol

You used the word "refuse". Since registering to vote is not, and never has been, mandatory, I thought you meant the selective service.

Refusing to register implies they are required to do so.
We were talking about voting not Registering for the military learn how to read

I read quite well. I even read your butchered English.

You asked about the age of those allowed to vote. I answered by saying it should be the same as the selective service. And then added that the selective service should be expanded to include everyone regardless of gender. That was what I thought you were referring to.

It was a misunderstanding. Move along.
The Bill of Rights was great when it was written but the Founding Fathers never saw how much the Left will do to erode personal Liberty.

The Bill of Rights needs to be stronger to protect personal Liberty.

For instance, the government should never be allowed to take the money you earn and give it to somebody else. No welfare, grants, entitlements, bailouts or subsidies.

There should be significant penalties of someone tried to take away your Constitutional rights like freedom of speech, religion and the right to keep and bear arms. Like public hangings.

The government should never be allowed to go into debt.

Nobody should be allowed to vote for a tax increase unless they are paying the taxes. No welfare queens should ever be allowed to vote.

There are many things we need to improve to restore basic human Liberty.
I’d make the national vote majority
What age?

The same age as the requirement to register for selective service.

The main change there is I would require everyone, regardless of gender, to register.
What if they refuse

Then the punishment that exists now will suffice. If you do not register you are not eligible for federal student aid, job training, or a federal job. You can also be fine $250,000 and sent jail for up to 5 years.
Hahahah hahahah how many people have been fined $250,000 for not registering to vote and then put in jail for five years?? Hahaha

Not many. The overwhelming majority register for selective service.

And I was talking about registering for selective service. If someone chooses not to register to vote, why would they be punished at all?
That’s what I asked you lol

You used the word "refuse". Since registering to vote is not, and never has been, mandatory, I thought you meant the selective service.

Refusing to register implies they are required to do so.
We were talking about voting not Registering for the military learn how to read

I read quite well. I even read your butchered English.

You asked about the age of those allowed to vote. I answered by saying it should be the same as the selective service. And then added that the selective service should be expanded to include everyone regardless of gender. That was what I thought you were referring to.

It was a misunderstanding. Move along.
Apology noted, next I make you beg

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