If you could remove or add to the constitution what would it be?

You can’t infringe on the bill of rights,
Where does it say that?
in the bill of rights,,,my god youre an idiot,,,
Quote it, please. What I found in the Constitution is this:
Article V.


The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of it's equal Suffrage in the Senate.
you poor sad child,,,
The proposed 28th amendment should be made a part of the US Constitution.


1) Congress can pass no law that does not apply to them, nor can they pass any law that applies only to them.

2) Congressional pay increases (including any monetary perks) must be passed by a popular vote. They can't vote on their own raises.

3) Balance the budget. Unless we are in a declared war, the budget must be balanced every year. And in wartime, any budgetary overages would apply strictly to wartime needs.

4) Term limits for every national level elected official.

5) Enact the Fair Tax Act.

6) Corporations are not people.

7) Lobbying will be treated as bribery.
I have a question for you on number three.
What do we cut to balance the budget?
Do we cut all welfare? Do we cut social security and Medicare?
Do we shut down all military bases out of the country thereby creating widespread unemployment here and abroad?

Our military budget is bloated. We could cut it by 1/3 and still be spending far more than any other nation.
And where would you make those cuts?

I would let the military decide. I would not cut the pay, benefits, or retirement of members of the military or veterans. But the spending must be reigned in.

Do a quick bit of research on the number of super carriers in the world.
Why not have the same benefits as a soldiers did the revolutionary war?

During the revolutionary war, many soldiers were not even paid.

Most soldiers were farmers. That is not the case now. Why do you defend the military's bloated budget, but want the actual soldiers & sailors to have their pay and benefits cut?
Fallacies,, name a solider not paid...

Yes the benefit is pride, I used to work with a Latino that said fuck the USA I only fought to get benefits.. shit pay for my education..

That shit needs to end along time ago. These Latino roaches sucking on my American tit.

the benefit is experience in job training... the colleges should give free rides. Politicians use benefits for votes you know this. Stop the crap.. look at Golfing Gator he maid a living off of the military welfare system.

They are already trying to live on substandard wages. Whether they joined to get the benefits or out of a sense of patriotism does not matter. They joined and they served.

Our military forces are increasingly high tech. You want to attract brighter soldiers, leave the pay and benefits alone, at least.
No I won’t,, don’t serve die off . Idk ppl that think like you need to be confronted .. anti Americans

What is more anti-American than wanting to cut pay and benefits for our soldiers?
The proposed 28th amendment should be made a part of the US Constitution.


1) Congress can pass no law that does not apply to them, nor can they pass any law that applies only to them.

2) Congressional pay increases (including any monetary perks) must be passed by a popular vote. They can't vote on their own raises.

3) Balance the budget. Unless we are in a declared war, the budget must be balanced every year. And in wartime, any budgetary overages would apply strictly to wartime needs.

4) Term limits for every national level elected official.

5) Enact the Fair Tax Act.

6) Corporations are not people.

7) Lobbying will be treated as bribery.
I have a question for you on number three.
What do we cut to balance the budget?
Do we cut all welfare? Do we cut social security and Medicare?
Do we shut down all military bases out of the country thereby creating widespread unemployment here and abroad?
What do we cut to balance the budget?

Isnt' that what we hired those assholes in DC to do?
The proposed 28th amendment should be made a part of the US Constitution.


1) Congress can pass no law that does not apply to them, nor can they pass any law that applies only to them.

2) Congressional pay increases (including any monetary perks) must be passed by a popular vote. They can't vote on their own raises.

3) Balance the budget. Unless we are in a declared war, the budget must be balanced every year. And in wartime, any budgetary overages would apply strictly to wartime needs.

4) Term limits for every national level elected official.

5) Enact the Fair Tax Act.

6) Corporations are not people.

7) Lobbying will be treated as bribery.
I have a question for you on number three.
What do we cut to balance the budget?
Do we cut all welfare? Do we cut social security and Medicare?
Do we shut down all military bases out of the country thereby creating widespread unemployment here and abroad?

Our military budget is bloated. We could cut it by 1/3 and still be spending far more than any other nation.
And where would you make those cuts?

I would let the military decide. I would not cut the pay, benefits, or retirement of members of the military or veterans. But the spending must be reigned in.

Do a quick bit of research on the number of super carriers in the world.
Why not have the same benefits as a soldiers did the revolutionary war?

During the revolutionary war, many soldiers were not even paid.

Most soldiers were farmers. That is not the case now. Why do you defend the military's bloated budget, but want the actual soldiers & sailors to have their pay and benefits cut?
Fallacies,, name a solider not paid...

Yes the benefit is pride, I used to work with a Latino that said fuck the USA I only fought to get benefits.. shit pay for my education..

That shit needs to end along time ago. These Latino roaches sucking on my American tit.

the benefit is experience in job training... the colleges should give free rides. Politicians use benefits for votes you know this. Stop the crap.. look at Golfing Gator he maid a living off of the military welfare system.

They are already trying to live on substandard wages. Whether they joined to get the benefits or out of a sense of patriotism does not matter. They joined and they served.

Our military forces are increasingly high tech. You want to attract brighter soldiers, leave the pay and benefits alone, at least.
No I won’t,, don’t serve die off . Idk ppl that think like you need to be confronted .. anti Americans

What is more anti-American than wanting to cut pay and benefits for our soldiers?
Joining the military to use us for benefits, sicko
You can’t infringe on the bill of rights,
Where does it say that?
in the bill of rights,,,my god youre an idiot,,,
Quote it, please. What I found in the Constitution is this:
Article V.


The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of it's equal Suffrage in the Senate.
Made it very hard to change it.........why it takes a time of PURE CHAOS to change it.........LIKE FDR and the New Deal................FOREVER CHANGING THE INTENT of our Federal Gov't.............

Wasn't meant to be.............but under the duress of the Great Depression..........desperate people do STUPID THINGS.......like GIVE GOV'T TOO MUCH POWER..........which was a massive mistake.......which led us to the stupidity of today.

FISA courts were created out of CHAOS............911.............and the gov't given power abused the living hell out of it............

Now.........Covid nonsense.........they try the same thing.............1st stimulus to SAVE US ALL.........LOL.....was to give them a raise when none of them ever lost a job.

TYPICAL.........of the corrupt gov't we now have.
The Senators would be again appointed by the States........as a voice of the State Governments as intended.
The Senate was to be voice of the States.........to be ambassadors of the State gov'ts.........for the purpose of informed officials in the State Gov't to have their say on Federal Laws.....the average joe isn't as up to date and informed as those in State Legislatures.

It was the INTENT of the original Constitution.......the people's voice to be in the House.........NOT THE SENATE.

The Federalist papers clearly state this..........Was amended in a time of temporary crisis as some states battled for Senate seats with a divided State.......
Was amended in a time of temporary crisis as some states battled for Senate seats with a divided State.......
Yes, an ongoing partisan stalemate. Which is EXACTLY what would happen if the state legislatures again sent their reps to Congress. Which ever party had control of the legislature would send a rep of that party to D.C. I live in a purple state chock full of Independents. We have a right to choose our national representation regardless of party.
The Senators would be again appointed by the States........as a voice of the State Governments as intended.
The Senate was to be voice of the States.........to be ambassadors of the State gov'ts.........for the purpose of informed officials in the State Gov't to have their say on Federal Laws.....the average joe isn't as up to date and informed as those in State Legislatures.

It was the INTENT of the original Constitution.......the people's voice to be in the House.........NOT THE SENATE.

The Federalist papers clearly state this..........Was amended in a time of temporary crisis as some states battled for Senate seats with a divided State.......
Was amended in a time of temporary crisis as some states battled for Senate seats with a divided State.......
Yes, an ongoing partisan stalemate. Which is EXACTLY what would happen if the state legislatures again sent their reps to Congress. Which ever party had control of the legislature would send a rep of that party to D.C. I live in a purple state chock full of Independents. We have a right to choose our national representation regardless of party.
And?????????? You get to vote for those running for State Gov't.........has that been lost in your State?????

If you don't trust your local representing you then why do you elect them............As I said.........was CLEAR the intent of the Founders there.

Voice of the State Gov'ts................that has been lost.........
Make voting mandatory. Make tampering with the vote a crime equal to treason.
So you want to force us to vote?
Force? What would you force Americans to do if you could rewire American democracy? All I am asking is that Americans participate in their government. It's a small burden that would result in a much better run country. Voting would have to be something like a national holiday where every effort would be made to make voting easy and quick.
I don't think I would go as far as making voting mandatory but I wouldn't mind giving any person time off to vote if they wanted it. I would want voter ID also. Unless you are worried that minorities are too stupid to obtain one or continue to hold onto.
It's certainly doable to make voting mandatory. The American people would have to confront the fact that they are citizens of a nation every couple of years. Making it work is just a matter of organization, technology and a commitment to making America truly great. We deserve a voting system that befits our stature in world, not this special interest corporate crapfest we endure every two years.
So what is your idea? Round everyone up at gunpoint force them into trucks and run them down to the polls?
Maybe if they don't show up to vote don't allow them to have a job?
Or maybe remove them from the country?

You do realize that people tend to be come hard headed when forced to do things they don't want to do? They not only have a bad habit of doing a sloppy job but at times they tend to push back.
Details. Most of the reason people do not vote is that it's often a pain in the ass. If voting was quick and easy and didn't involve a sacrifice in time or money or standing out in the cold there would be no excuse not to vote. Voting could be made to be an opt-out practice where there is no penalty at all for not voting but opting out would be every bit as difficult as voting.
I vote every year, I don’t find it hard,, does anyone else?
Voting is getting easier with the growth of early voting and mail-in ballots. Still there are very long lines in some places where people must stand out in the November cold for hours just to vote. That's bullshit and it's deliberate voter suppression.
Still there are very long lines in some places where people must stand out in the November cold for hours just to vote. That's bullshit and it's deliberate voter suppression.

Good reason to move election day to late September, or early October.
You can’t infringe on the bill of rights,
Where does it say that?
in the bill of rights,,,my god youre an idiot,,,
Quote it, please. What I found in the Constitution is this:
Article V.


The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of it's equal Suffrage in the Senate.
Made it very hard to change it.........why it takes a time of PURE CHAOS to change it.........LIKE FDR and the New Deal................FOREVER CHANGING THE INTENT of our Federal Gov't.............

Wasn't meant to be.............but under the duress of the Great Depression..........desperate people do STUPID THINGS.......like GIVE GOV'T TOO MUCH POWER..........which was a massive mistake.......which led us to the stupidity of today.

FISA courts were created out of CHAOS............911.............and the gov't given power abused the living hell out of it............

Now.........Covid nonsense.........they try the same thing.............1st stimulus to SAVE US ALL.........LOL.....was to give them a raise when none of them ever lost a job.

TYPICAL.........of the corrupt gov't we now have.
I don't disagree with your points; I was just trying to school Jitts. Despite it being difficult (which, yes, was intentional) it has been accomplished 27 times. As to your points, I wonder if a Constitutional Amendment could be written with a Sunset Clause if it is written to overcome a temporary crisis? I don't see any reason why it couldn't be.
The Senators would be again appointed by the States........as a voice of the State Governments as intended.
The Senate was to be voice of the States.........to be ambassadors of the State gov'ts.........for the purpose of informed officials in the State Gov't to have their say on Federal Laws.....the average joe isn't as up to date and informed as those in State Legislatures.

It was the INTENT of the original Constitution.......the people's voice to be in the House.........NOT THE SENATE.

The Federalist papers clearly state this..........Was amended in a time of temporary crisis as some states battled for Senate seats with a divided State.......
Was amended in a time of temporary crisis as some states battled for Senate seats with a divided State.......
Yes, an ongoing partisan stalemate. Which is EXACTLY what would happen if the state legislatures again sent their reps to Congress. Which ever party had control of the legislature would send a rep of that party to D.C. I live in a purple state chock full of Independents. We have a right to choose our national representation regardless of party.
And?????????? You get to vote for those running for State Gov't.........has that been lost in your State?????

If you don't trust your local representing you then why do you elect them............As I said.........was CLEAR the intent of the Founders there.

Voice of the State Gov'ts................that has been lost.........
I dunno, Eagle. Seems the states' voices are loud and clear right now. To Trump's displeasure.
Interesting to see what you all
Would do if you had the votes

I would create regional governments that would have supremacy and the federal government would just be a confederacy of regional governments for the purposes of defense.
Been there, done that. It didn't work. See "Articles of Confederation."

It didn't work 250 years ago. We don't live 250 years ago. See European Union.

The proposed 28th amendment should be made a part of the US Constitution.


1) Congress can pass no law that does not apply to them, nor can they pass any law that applies only to them.

2) Congressional pay increases (including any monetary perks) must be passed by a popular vote. They can't vote on their own raises.

3) Balance the budget. Unless we are in a declared war, the budget must be balanced every year. And in wartime, any budgetary overages would apply strictly to wartime needs.

4) Term limits for every national level elected official.

5) Enact the Fair Tax Act.

6) Corporations are not people.

7) Lobbying will be treated as bribery.
I have a question for you on number three.
What do we cut to balance the budget?
Do we cut all welfare? Do we cut social security and Medicare?
Do we shut down all military bases out of the country thereby creating widespread unemployment here and abroad?

Our military budget is bloated. We could cut it by 1/3 and still be spending far more than any other nation.
And where would you make those cuts?

I would let the military decide. I would not cut the pay, benefits, or retirement of members of the military or veterans. But the spending must be reigned in.

Do a quick bit of research on the number of super carriers in the world.
Why not have the same benefits as a soldiers did the revolutionary war?

During the revolutionary war, many soldiers were not even paid.

Most soldiers were farmers. That is not the case now. Why do you defend the military's bloated budget, but want the actual soldiers & sailors to have their pay and benefits cut?
Fallacies,, name a solider not paid...

Yes the benefit is pride, I used to work with a Latino that said fuck the USA I only fought to get benefits.. shit pay for my education..

That shit needs to end along time ago. These Latino roaches sucking on my American tit.

the benefit is experience in job training... the colleges should give free rides. Politicians use benefits for votes you know this. Stop the crap.. look at Golfing Gator he maid a living off of the military welfare system.

They are already trying to live on substandard wages. Whether they joined to get the benefits or out of a sense of patriotism does not matter. They joined and they served.

Our military forces are increasingly high tech. You want to attract brighter soldiers, leave the pay and benefits alone, at least.
No I won’t,, don’t serve die off . Idk ppl that think like you need to be confronted .. anti Americans

What is more anti-American than wanting to cut pay and benefits for our soldiers?
Joining the military to use us for benefits, sicko

People have been joining the military because of the benefits for decades. It is how the military recruits new soldiers.

And regardless of WHY they join, they are still signing a check for up to and including their lives.
The Senators would be again appointed by the States........as a voice of the State Governments as intended.
The Senate was to be voice of the States.........to be ambassadors of the State gov'ts.........for the purpose of informed officials in the State Gov't to have their say on Federal Laws.....the average joe isn't as up to date and informed as those in State Legislatures.

It was the INTENT of the original Constitution.......the people's voice to be in the House.........NOT THE SENATE.

The Federalist papers clearly state this..........Was amended in a time of temporary crisis as some states battled for Senate seats with a divided State.......
Was amended in a time of temporary crisis as some states battled for Senate seats with a divided State.......
Yes, an ongoing partisan stalemate. Which is EXACTLY what would happen if the state legislatures again sent their reps to Congress. Which ever party had control of the legislature would send a rep of that party to D.C. I live in a purple state chock full of Independents. We have a right to choose our national representation regardless of party.
And?????????? You get to vote for those running for State Gov't.........has that been lost in your State?????

If you don't trust your local representing you then why do you elect them............As I said.........was CLEAR the intent of the Founders there.

Voice of the State Gov'ts................that has been lost.........
I dunno, Eagle. Seems the states' voices are loud and clear right now. To Trump's displeasure.
Has nothing to do with the intent of the founding fathers............their intent and purpose was CLEAR.................

the 17th was done in a time of Chaos........and nothing more.....now we have the best political whores money can buy.............so the scene from 300..............and WHY they become career politicians............who become corrupt to hell and back...........and are nearly impossible to get rid of anymore.
You can’t infringe on the bill of rights,
Where does it say that?
in the bill of rights,,,my god youre an idiot,,,
Quote it, please. What I found in the Constitution is this:
Article V.


The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of it's equal Suffrage in the Senate.
Made it very hard to change it.........why it takes a time of PURE CHAOS to change it.........LIKE FDR and the New Deal................FOREVER CHANGING THE INTENT of our Federal Gov't.............

Wasn't meant to be.............but under the duress of the Great Depression..........desperate people do STUPID THINGS.......like GIVE GOV'T TOO MUCH POWER..........which was a massive mistake.......which led us to the stupidity of today.

FISA courts were created out of CHAOS............911.............and the gov't given power abused the living hell out of it............

Now.........Covid nonsense.........they try the same thing.............1st stimulus to SAVE US ALL.........LOL.....was to give them a raise when none of them ever lost a job.

TYPICAL.........of the corrupt gov't we now have.
I don't disagree with your points; I was just trying to school Jitts. Despite it being difficult (which, yes, was intentional) it has been accomplished 27 times. As to your points, I wonder if a Constitutional Amendment could be written with a Sunset Clause if it is written to overcome a temporary crisis? I don't see any reason why it couldn't be.
So emotional
The proposed 28th amendment should be made a part of the US Constitution.


1) Congress can pass no law that does not apply to them, nor can they pass any law that applies only to them.

2) Congressional pay increases (including any monetary perks) must be passed by a popular vote. They can't vote on their own raises.

3) Balance the budget. Unless we are in a declared war, the budget must be balanced every year. And in wartime, any budgetary overages would apply strictly to wartime needs.

4) Term limits for every national level elected official.

5) Enact the Fair Tax Act.

6) Corporations are not people.

7) Lobbying will be treated as bribery.
I have a question for you on number three.
What do we cut to balance the budget?
Do we cut all welfare? Do we cut social security and Medicare?
Do we shut down all military bases out of the country thereby creating widespread unemployment here and abroad?

Our military budget is bloated. We could cut it by 1/3 and still be spending far more than any other nation.
And where would you make those cuts?

I would let the military decide. I would not cut the pay, benefits, or retirement of members of the military or veterans. But the spending must be reigned in.

Do a quick bit of research on the number of super carriers in the world.
Why not have the same benefits as a soldiers did the revolutionary war?

During the revolutionary war, many soldiers were not even paid.

Most soldiers were farmers. That is not the case now. Why do you defend the military's bloated budget, but want the actual soldiers & sailors to have their pay and benefits cut?
Fallacies,, name a solider not paid...

Yes the benefit is pride, I used to work with a Latino that said fuck the USA I only fought to get benefits.. shit pay for my education..

That shit needs to end along time ago. These Latino roaches sucking on my American tit.

the benefit is experience in job training... the colleges should give free rides. Politicians use benefits for votes you know this. Stop the crap.. look at Golfing Gator he maid a living off of the military welfare system.

They are already trying to live on substandard wages. Whether they joined to get the benefits or out of a sense of patriotism does not matter. They joined and they served.

Our military forces are increasingly high tech. You want to attract brighter soldiers, leave the pay and benefits alone, at least.
No I won’t,, don’t serve die off . Idk ppl that think like you need to be confronted .. anti Americans

What is more anti-American than wanting to cut pay and benefits for our soldiers?
Joining the military to use us for benefits, sicko

People have been joining the military because of the benefits for decades. It is how the military recruits new soldiers.

And regardless of WHY they join, they are still signing a check for up to and including their lives.
You think that a good thing? Ppl join for benefits? I’d rather die then pay to see people wearing the uniform with there pants hanging down disrespeting our country, then I have to pay for them to go to school ?
The proposed 28th amendment should be made a part of the US Constitution.


1) Congress can pass no law that does not apply to them, nor can they pass any law that applies only to them.

2) Congressional pay increases (including any monetary perks) must be passed by a popular vote. They can't vote on their own raises.

3) Balance the budget. Unless we are in a declared war, the budget must be balanced every year. And in wartime, any budgetary overages would apply strictly to wartime needs.

4) Term limits for every national level elected official.

5) Enact the Fair Tax Act.

6) Corporations are not people.

7) Lobbying will be treated as bribery.
I have a question for you on number three.
What do we cut to balance the budget?
Do we cut all welfare? Do we cut social security and Medicare?
Do we shut down all military bases out of the country thereby creating widespread unemployment here and abroad?

Our military budget is bloated. We could cut it by 1/3 and still be spending far more than any other nation.
But what exactly do you want to cut? Bases overseas? Bases here at home? Jets, tanks? Military payroll? Maintenance on nuclear weapons?

Even if we cut the military by a third that will still only drop our defe it not balance the budget.
Made it very hard to change it.........why it takes a time of PURE CHAOS to change it.........LIKE FDR and the New Deal................FOREVER CHANGING THE INTENT of our Federal Gov't.............
?? The only Amendments passed during the Depression era were the 20th and 21st:

20thChanges the date on which the terms of the president and vice president and of members of Congress end and begin (to January 20 and January 3 respectively). States that if the president-elect becomes vacant, the vice president-elect is inaugurated as president in their place.
21stRepeals the 18th Amendment and makes it a federal offense to transport or import intoxicating liquors into U.S. states and territories where such transport or importation is prohibited by the laws of those states and territories
Never let a good crisis go to waste...........1913.......Woody the woodpecker Wilson........

crisis of 1907.....OMG......creates the Federal Reserve.....and then gets the 17th passed in a time of crisis.........AND WAR.....

Imagine that........

Woody handed the keys to our currency over to the private bankers........took them a couple of decades to screw the country............with their manipulation.....sound familiar.

The Panic of 1907 convinced many Americans of the need to establish a central banking system, which the country had lacked since the Bank War of the 1830s. After Democrats won unified control of Congress and the presidency in the 1912 elections, President Wilson, Congressman Carter Glass, and Senator Robert Latham Owen crafted a central banking bill that occupied a middle ground between the Aldrich Plan, which called for private control of the central banking system, and progressives like William Jennings Bryan, who favored government control over the central banking system. Wilson made the bill one of top priorities of his New Freedom domestic agenda, and he helped ensure that it passed both houses of Congress without major amendments.
You can’t infringe on the bill of rights,
Where does it say that?
in the bill of rights,,,my god youre an idiot,,,
Quote it, please. What I found in the Constitution is this:
Article V.


The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of it's equal Suffrage in the Senate.
Made it very hard to change it.........why it takes a time of PURE CHAOS to change it.........LIKE FDR and the New Deal................FOREVER CHANGING THE INTENT of our Federal Gov't.............

Wasn't meant to be.............but under the duress of the Great Depression..........desperate people do STUPID THINGS.......like GIVE GOV'T TOO MUCH POWER..........which was a massive mistake.......which led us to the stupidity of today.

FISA courts were created out of CHAOS............911.............and the gov't given power abused the living hell out of it............

Now.........Covid nonsense.........they try the same thing.............1st stimulus to SAVE US ALL.........LOL.....was to give them a raise when none of them ever lost a job.

TYPICAL.........of the corrupt gov't we now have.
I don't disagree with your points; I was just trying to school Jitts. Despite it being difficult (which, yes, was intentional) it has been accomplished 27 times. As to your points, I wonder if a Constitutional Amendment could be written with a Sunset Clause if it is written to overcome a temporary crisis? I don't see any reason why it couldn't be.
So emotional
Yeah, that's really worked up.
YOU CAN CHANGE THE BILL OF RIGHTS. Quiz tomorrow. Remember it.

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