If you could remove or add to the constitution what would it be?

I would restore the Enumerated Powers.........They would be clarified.......to the point there is no misunderstanding.......

The Senators would be again appointed by the States........as a voice of the State Governments as intended.

The 14th would be amended to clarify there is no civil war anymore to deny the loopholes of anchor babies.

Voters will be required to have an I.d. to vote......and must be verified to be a U.S. citizen........working here would require citizenship to be proven.........not e-verify that is proven to not work worth a damn.

No form of gov't can survive unethical people............we are run by unethical people and as long as these turkeys run the show we are screwed no matter what is on paper.
Make voting mandatory. Make tampering with the vote a crime equal to treason.
So you want to force us to vote?
Force? What would you force Americans to do if you could rewire American democracy? All I am asking is that Americans participate in their government. It's a small burden that would result in a much better run country. Voting would have to be something like a national holiday where every effort would be made to make voting easy and quick.
I don't think I would go as far as making voting mandatory but I wouldn't mind giving any person time off to vote if they wanted it. I would want voter ID also. Unless you are worried that minorities are too stupid to obtain one or continue to hold onto.
It's certainly doable to make voting mandatory. The American people would have to confront the fact that they are citizens of a nation every couple of years. Making it work is just a matter of organization, technology and a commitment to making America truly great. We deserve a voting system that befits our stature in world, not this special interest corporate crapfest we endure every two years.
So what is your idea? Round everyone up at gunpoint force them into trucks and run them down to the polls?
Maybe if they don't show up to vote don't allow them to have a job?
Or maybe remove them from the country?

You do realize that people tend to be come hard headed when forced to do things they don't want to do? They not only have a bad habit of doing a sloppy job but at times they tend to push back.
Details. Most of the reason people do not vote is that it's often a pain in the ass. If voting was quick and easy and didn't involve a sacrifice in time or money or standing out in the cold there would be no excuse not to vote. Voting could be made to be an opt-out practice where there is no penalty at all for not voting but opting out would be every bit as difficult as voting.
I vote every year, I don’t find it hard,, does anyone else?
Voting is getting easier with the growth of early voting and mail-in ballots. Still there are very long lines in some places where people must stand out in the November cold for hours just to vote. That's bullshit and it's deliberate voter suppression.
Make voting mandatory. Make tampering with the vote a crime equal to treason.
So you want to force us to vote?
Force? What would you force Americans to do if you could rewire American democracy? All I am asking is that Americans participate in their government. It's a small burden that would result in a much better run country. Voting would have to be something like a national holiday where every effort would be made to make voting easy and quick.
I don't think I would go as far as making voting mandatory but I wouldn't mind giving any person time off to vote if they wanted it. I would want voter ID also. Unless you are worried that minorities are too stupid to obtain one or continue to hold onto.
It's certainly doable to make voting mandatory. The American people would have to confront the fact that they are citizens of a nation every couple of years. Making it work is just a matter of organization, technology and a commitment to making America truly great. We deserve a voting system that befits our stature in world, not this special interest corporate crapfest we endure every two years.
So what is your idea? Round everyone up at gunpoint force them into trucks and run them down to the polls?
Maybe if they don't show up to vote don't allow them to have a job?
Or maybe remove them from the country?

You do realize that people tend to be come hard headed when forced to do things they don't want to do? They not only have a bad habit of doing a sloppy job but at times they tend to push back.
Details. Most of the reason people do not vote is that it's often a pain in the ass. If voting was quick and easy and didn't involve a sacrifice in time or money or standing out in the cold there would be no excuse not to vote. Voting could be made to be an opt-out practice where there is no penalty at all for not voting but opting out would be every bit as difficult as voting.
I vote every year, I don’t find it hard,, does anyone else?
Voting is getting easier with the growth of early voting and mail-in ballots. Still there are very long lines in some places where people must stand out in the November cold for hours just to vote. That's bullshit and it's deliberate voter suppression.
Create more places to vote then........too lazy to go out and vote......then oh well............Your side has a HARD ON FOR MAIL IN VOTES.............wonder why......LOL
Interesting to see what you all
Would do if you had the votes
Eliminate the Second Amendment.
It doesn't mean no one can have guns, but it would allow reasonable control of guns. Just like freedom of speech, we've taken that amendment way too far.
You can’t infringe on the bill of rights, but you do make a case for the 19th amendment to be diminished lol
Make voting mandatory. Make tampering with the vote a crime equal to treason.
So you want to force us to vote?
Force? What would you force Americans to do if you could rewire American democracy? All I am asking is that Americans participate in their government. It's a small burden that would result in a much better run country. Voting would have to be something like a national holiday where every effort would be made to make voting easy and quick.
I don't think I would go as far as making voting mandatory but I wouldn't mind giving any person time off to vote if they wanted it. I would want voter ID also. Unless you are worried that minorities are too stupid to obtain one or continue to hold onto.
It's certainly doable to make voting mandatory. The American people would have to confront the fact that they are citizens of a nation every couple of years. Making it work is just a matter of organization, technology and a commitment to making America truly great. We deserve a voting system that befits our stature in world, not this special interest corporate crapfest we endure every two years.
So what is your idea? Round everyone up at gunpoint force them into trucks and run them down to the polls?
Maybe if they don't show up to vote don't allow them to have a job?
Or maybe remove them from the country?

You do realize that people tend to be come hard headed when forced to do things they don't want to do? They not only have a bad habit of doing a sloppy job but at times they tend to push back.
Details. Most of the reason people do not vote is that it's often a pain in the ass. If voting was quick and easy and didn't involve a sacrifice in time or money or standing out in the cold there would be no excuse not to vote. Voting could be made to be an opt-out practice where there is no penalty at all for not voting but opting out would be every bit as difficult as voting.
I vote every year, I don’t find it hard,, does anyone else?
Voting is getting easier with the growth of early voting and mail-in ballots. Still there are very long lines in some places where people must stand out in the November cold for hours just to vote. That's bullshit and it's deliberate voter suppression.
not everybody can do mail in ballots thank god because Democrats are ballot harvesting. But like I said who’s having a hard time voting? What’s stoping them
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The proposed 28th amendment should be made a part of the US Constitution.


1) Congress can pass no law that does not apply to them, nor can they pass any law that applies only to them.

2) Congressional pay increases (including any monetary perks) must be passed by a popular vote. They can't vote on their own raises.

3) Balance the budget. Unless we are in a declared war, the budget must be balanced every year. And in wartime, any budgetary overages would apply strictly to wartime needs.

4) Term limits for every national level elected official.

5) Enact the Fair Tax Act.

6) Corporations are not people.

7) Lobbying will be treated as bribery.
I have a question for you on number three.
What do we cut to balance the budget?
Do we cut all welfare? Do we cut social security and Medicare?
Do we shut down all military bases out of the country thereby creating widespread unemployment here and abroad?

Our military budget is bloated. We could cut it by 1/3 and still be spending far more than any other nation.
And where would you make those cuts?

I would let the military decide. I would not cut the pay, benefits, or retirement of members of the military or veterans. But the spending must be reigned in.

Do a quick bit of research on the number of super carriers in the world.
Why not have the same benefits as a soldiers did the revolutionary war?

During the revolutionary war, many soldiers were not even paid.

Most soldiers were farmers. That is not the case now. Why do you defend the military's bloated budget, but want the actual soldiers & sailors to have their pay and benefits cut?
We also dont need the 14th amendment that allows any non US citizen to drop an Anchor in the US for that Anchor to be a US citizen as we no longer have any forced slave to live in the US.
That birth right citizenship thing can go, but I've heard a lot of people say the 14th is where we get our right to travel freely and live where we will. So maybe reword it instead?
The proposed 28th amendment should be made a part of the US Constitution.


1) Congress can pass no law that does not apply to them, nor can they pass any law that applies only to them.

2) Congressional pay increases (including any monetary perks) must be passed by a popular vote. They can't vote on their own raises.

3) Balance the budget. Unless we are in a declared war, the budget must be balanced every year. And in wartime, any budgetary overages would apply strictly to wartime needs.

4) Term limits for every national level elected official.

5) Enact the Fair Tax Act.

6) Corporations are not people.

7) Lobbying will be treated as bribery.
I have a question for you on number three.
What do we cut to balance the budget?
Do we cut all welfare? Do we cut social security and Medicare?
Do we shut down all military bases out of the country thereby creating widespread unemployment here and abroad?

Our military budget is bloated. We could cut it by 1/3 and still be spending far more than any other nation.
And where would you make those cuts?

I would let the military decide. I would not cut the pay, benefits, or retirement of members of the military or veterans. But the spending must be reigned in.

Do a quick bit of research on the number of super carriers in the world.
Why not have the same benefits as a soldiers did the revolutionary war?

During the revolutionary war, many soldiers were not even paid.

Most soldiers were farmers. That is not the case now. Why do you defend the military's bloated budget, but want the actual soldiers & sailors to have their pay and benefits cut?
Fallacies,, name a solider not paid...

Yes the benefit is pride, I used to work with a Latino that said fuck the USA I only fought to get benefits.. shit pay for my education..

That shit needs to end along time ago. These Latino roaches sucking on my American tit.

the benefit is experience in job training... the colleges should give free rides. Politicians use benefits for votes you know this. Stop the crap.. look at Golfing Gator he maid a living off of the military welfare system.

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